SHSpec 001 6105C07 E meter Talk and Demo

6105C07 SHSpec-1 E-meter Talk and Demo

SOP Goals running: Assess for all the goals the PC ever had. When all are out
and no longer give a fall on the meter, the list is complete. When the list
is complete, the meter no longer registers. Reassess the list until only one
goal continues to read. Now list all the terminals for the goal -- all the
terminals which would represent that goal -- until the meter goes flat. Null
the list until only one terminal reads (falls) on the meter.

SOP Goals is the entirety of data needed to clear all cases. This is
unlike the situation earlier when LRH would develop a regimen to handle one
PC's case, then develop the theory which matched it. Sometimes this was
picked up by others and a whole school of therapy was based on it, For
instance, the dianetic tech used to handle one individual -- Altman -- later
became Gestalt Therapy.

The E-meter is a tension machine: the more tense the individual, the more
off-beat is the read. Clearing is taking the tension off the meter. At the
lowest level of tension, there's no point in doing anything about anything;
you've got a dead thetan, totally incapable of influencing the machine. He
reads as a clear, but this kind of case can still be detected because the
needle is tense; it doesn't react favorably at all; the person cannot answer
to his satisfaction or yours any questions about help. The needle also shows
no reaction to anything, even a kick. The sensitivity has to be way up to get
a third of a dial drop on can squeeze. The guy can be machine-motivated,
feels he had "bad luck", doesn't believe anything can be done, so he can get
no help, etc. He's a very obvious "can't do" case. Doingness is the common
denominator of the prehav scale. Someone who can't do isn't even on the
scale. The best case detector is the sensitivity knob, not the TA or needle.
The worst case is where a person is super tense but doesn't know it. This guy
would be a long job to sec check.

A rock slam is a stronger indication than a fall. It shows that you are
on the chain of the first time the person ever decided to be another valence.
The theta bop is diagnostic; it has to do with leaving and death, the thetan
moving in and out like a yo-yo. It can be dial wide or small. It can be
repetitive or even, at an extreme, one cycle (this is not very useful).
"Returning" will also give you a theta bop. The rise means the PC isn't
confronting. We used to be concerned about what stopped the rise, which was
what was producing it, or rather the PC's non-confront of that thing caused
it. Stage four needle is an indicator of a total no-effect case. It can be
very tiny. It always has a stick at the top of the rise, unlike the theta
bop. The bottom of it is very relaxed. It just means lousy case shape.
Sometimes, you see the needle vibrate. This means that the PC has an
alternating current ridge. 4.5 means a crowd; if he's stuck there, he's
afraid of people or stuck with people. Stuck at 2.5 means a robot, a
machine. There's a seven on the TA dial that can't be read on the meter. As
a person develops responsibility (say he's a dead thetan at 2.0), he'll go
down to 1.5, then "go out the bottom" through 7 to 6.5, 5, 4, etc., to in

A PC can have a consistent pattern; he can even repeat the same fall. In
this case, a change of characteristic is diagnostic. When the PC has a
charged question in his level of reality, you get a change of pattern.

The meter that would be used above clear would be an oscilloscope meter,
an O-meter or theta meter, which registers flows. This is not comfortable to
audit with. The meter has to be very sensitive. Someone could be clear and
still have "bugs" -- because he's still using a body. The E-meter measures
the games condition called the physical universe. You need something which
shades the tiniest things from 20.0 up.

We have theoretically transcended MEST weapons. As someone goes theta
clear, his tolerance of motion is so great that he wouldn't be hurt by a
bullet. He probably couldn't even be hit by it.


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