HR exam

Poniżej podaję w skrócie zagadnienia jakie Missala dzisiaj dała na > egzaminie z praw człowieka na international studies:


> 1. Porównać Europejską Konwencję Praw Człowieka z Europejską Kartą > Praw Podstawowych (prawo, instytucje, mechanizmy egzekwowania tego > prawa); > 2. Międzynarodowe Prawo Humanitarne (która część odnosi się do > non-international conflicts) > 3. Wysoki Komisarz do spraw mniejszości narodowych (zakres obowiązków, etc.) > 4. Kto jest więźniem wojennym > 5. Kto dochodzi swoich praw przed Europ. Trybunałem Praw Człowieka > 6. Prawa człowieka dot. stosunku pomiędzy państwem a obywatelem > 7. Do zaznaczenia, że w Azji nie ma spisanego systemu praw człowieka > 8. Do zaznaczenia, że prawa mniejszości narodowych są indywidualne > > W sumie było 12 pyt., pierwsze 3 powyższe pyt. były do opisania, > reszta to test wyboru. Tyle udało się mojemu znajomemu zapamiętać. Nie > biorę jednak odpowiedzialności, że u nas pojawi się to samo co oni > mieli. W załączeniu przesyłam też zagadnienia, które im podała jako > przykładowe z testu z tamtego roku.

HR exam mix of multiple choice, fill-in the blank, etc.

4.1.1 Members of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict and members of militias of such armed forces

4.1.2 Members of other militias and members of other volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance movements, provided that they fulfill all of the following conditions:

4.1.3 Members of regular armed forces who profess allegiance to a government or an authority not recognized by the Detaining Power.

4.1.4 Civilians who have non-combat support roles with the military and who carry a valid identity card issued by the military they support.

4.1.5 Merchant marine and the crews of civil aircraft of the Parties to the conflict, who do not benefit by more favorable treatment under any other provisions of international law.

4.1.6 Inhabitants of a non-occupied territory, who on the approach of the enemy spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed units, provided they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war.

Essay question: HR system in Africa / Americas / Asia / (Europe???)

(a general explanation/summary of what it is like…)

The situation of HR in Africa is generally reported to be poor, and it is seen as an area of grave concern according to the UN, governmental, and non-governmental observers.

Democratic governments seem to be spreading, though are not yet the majority (National Geographic claims 13 African nations can be considered truly democratic). As well, many nations have at least nominally recognized basic human rights for all citizens, though in practice these are not always recognized, and have created reasonably independent judiciaries.

Extensive human rights abuses still occur in several parts of Africa, often under the oversight of the state. Most of such violations occur for political reasons, often as a 'side-effect' of civil war.

Notable countries with reported major violations include, but are not limited to, the Sudan, and Côte d'Ivoire. Reported violations include extrajudicial execution, mutilation, and rape.

AU's purpose is to help secure Africa's democracy, human rights, and a sustainable economy, especially by bringing an end to intra-African conflict and creating an effective common market.


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