How the Other Half Lives
Professor McKitten

Summary: Sequel to NLB--Harry and Draco learn about domestic bliss from their friends. MPREG

Charter 1: Visitation


Draco rolled away from Harry with a groan. “Someone's at the door,” he muttered, nudging Harry with his elbow.


Harry grunted and raised his head. “What?” he said sleepily.

“Someone's at the door,” Draco repeated.

Harry lay his head back down. “So go see who it is,” he grumbled.

The banging had ceased, and now the two men, who had been resting peacefully in their bed, could hear quite a ruckus on their front porch. They couldn't make out what was being said, but there was definitely a loud, screeching female involved.

“I don't have any clothes on,” Draco grumbled back, shoving at Harry with his feet.

“Blimey,” Harry cursed, flinging the covers off and sitting up right. “Neither do I. Where are my pants?” he asked as he shoved his glasses on.

Draco reached around on his side of the bed and finally found them. “Right where I left them,” he said as he handed them over to his mate. Harry tugged them on and went down the stairs to the front door.

“Get your bloody hands OFF of me! I'm family, you idiot!” the loud female voice shrieked.

“Ma'am, if you'll just please come down to the guesthouse, we'll be happy to inform Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy of your arrival in the morning-OHHH!” a male voice howled.

Harry groaned as he opened the door. “Hello Ginny,” he said wearily.

Ginny Weasley was standing on their front porch, looming over the doubled over front gate guard that Harry and Draco employed to keep people off their property. It was the middle of November, but despite the cold, she was wearing a shockingly short and low cut black dress, shot through with sparkling silver. Her hair was curly and wild and she wore heavy black eye makeup, which was quite smeared around her heavily lidded eyes. She turned and staggered towards Harry at the sound of his voice. She was obviously very drunk.

“Big brother,” she cooed seductively as she threw herself in his arms. She had never really gotten over her crush on Harry, she had just lost patience and moved on. As a boy, she had thought he was the most adorable, vulnerable looking thing she had ever seen. As a man, however, he was far from vulnerable, and utterly gorgeous. His body was rock hard and super defined from his training as a professional Quidditch player, and his unruly black hair was just as sexy as ever. His power and easy confidence was just the icing on the cake, as far as she was concerned.

Harry caught her deftly and looked over her shoulder at the guard. “I'm sorry, mate. Didn't hurt you too bad, did she?”

The man shook his head no. “You all right with her?” he asked his employer.

Harry staggered back a bit against Ginny's dead weight in his arms. “Yeah, fine. See you tomorrow,” he answered.

The guard waved and, cupping his testicles gingerly, Apparated back to his post.

“Ginny, what on earth is the matter?” Harry asked.

Ginny looked up at his big green eyes and sighed. She threw her arms around his neck and pressed herself against his bare chest. “You so don't look like one of my geeky brothers,” she breathed. Harry's face screwed up at the smell of alcohol that assaulted him. “Give your little sister a kiss,” she said, and planted her lips firmly on Harry's.

“Just because you're a drunken mess doesn't mean that I won't hex your eyebrows off, Virginia Weasley. Unhand my husband,” Draco said from the stairs.

Ginny pulled away from a horribly blushing Harry and glared at Draco. “You always were so fucking selfish, Draco Malfoy. You should share,” she said, dragging a long black fingernail down Harry's chest. He sputtered and moved her out in front of him, then marched her into the living room, Draco following close behind.

“Do they not have clocks in London love?” Draco asked. “Because that would explain why you've come knocking on our door at three in the morning, completely pissed out of your mind. Where's your better half?”

Harry dumped Ginny unceremoniously on the couch and went into the kitchen to make coffee for the drunken girl.

“Blaise?” Ginny asked in a high-pitched voice that sounded dangerously close to the edge of hysterical. “I imagine he's still at the club with some blonde's tits in his face. At least that's where I left him. Mind if I smoke?” she asked, lighting a cigarette.

“Yes,” Harry and Draco said in unison as Draco took the stick from her and extinguished it and Harry forced a cup of strong black coffee in her hands. He had put a shot of Sleeping Potion in it for good measure.

“Another day in paradise?” Draco asked sarcastically. Harry shot him a look and he innocently looked back.

Ginny and Blaise had been engaged for over two years now, as was evident by the obscenely huge ring she wore on her left finger. Using Blaise's trust money and Ginny's brain, they had opened a very popular S & M themed dance club on Knockturn Alley. It was legendary throughout the wizarding underground in London as the place to be seen and party the night away. Harry and Draco had been a couple of times themselves, as a show of support. Since their engagement, Blaise and Ginny had broken up dozens of times. This was the first time she had shown up at Harry and Draco's door, however.

“Shut up, Malfoy. At least we're not holed away in the countryside like two old fogies, tending our gardens and buying up boring Muggle corporations,” she snapped at him. It was true, Harry and Draco rarely left Montrose except for away games for Harry or the occasional unavoidable business meeting for Draco. He was something of a wunderkind when it came to business affairs, and had his hand in several companies, both wizard and Muggle. He usually sent Mr. Vanmere, his attorney, as his representative, but sometimes his presence was required.

“I mean, honestly, you're not even twenty-two yet Draco, and you'd think that the world stopped in bloody Montrose. How the two of you keep from dying of boredom, I'll never know,” she said, pouting.

Harry smiled at her. “I've had quite enough excitement for one lifetime, thank you. And I don't consider these constant dramatics of yours exciting. I think it this would be rather boring, really,” he said.

Ginny's eyes were growing heavy. “Harry, did you drug me?” she slurred. The last thing she saw before she fell asleep was Harry smiling over her.

“Harry!” Draco said, shocked. “You did drug her!”

Harry picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, tugging at her dress that refused to quite cover her arse. “Did you want to stay up all night and listen to her bitch about Blaise?”

Draco smiled at him indulgently. “You are a mystery, Harry Potter. I must say, you never fail to amaze me,” he said as he followed Harry up the stairs.


After Harry had put Ginny to bed in the guest bedroom, he joined Draco in theirs. Draco pulled the covers up for him to climb in next to him, then quickly snuggled up, sticking his feet on the backs of Harry's legs underneath his pajama pants.

“Draco, your feet are freezing!” Harry gasped.

“I know, that's why I'm putting them on you. You're always so warm,” he purred as he rubbed his face against Harry's back. Harry just harrumphed.

A half an hour past and Draco was unable to go to sleep. He didn't hear Harry's usual light snoring next to him, which meant that he must be lying awake as well. He tried to catch some of Harry's thoughts, only to find that Harry had his mind closed to him.

“Potter, what's the matter? You're keeping me up,” he said. He began to run his hand over Harry's taut stomach, thinking he could provide a sleep aid if necessary.

Harry turned on his back and looked at Draco. “Are you bored?” he asked.

Draco smiled down at him, highly amused. “Ah. The young Ms. Weasley has set that doubting mind of yours to work, I see. No, love, I am not bored. Are you?”

Harry shook his head. “No, I meant what I said. I've had enough bloody excitement for a while. If you and I fought like they do all the time, I'd go mental. I don't see how they stand it. Still, she is right. We are really young, and we are really settled in our ways. It doesn't…bother you?”

Draco smiled at the uncertainty in Harry's eyes. He had saved the entire wizarding world from evil, he had led his Quidditch team to win the European World Cup the last four years running and was poised to do so again this year, had women and more than a few men throwing themselves at his feet everywhere he went-if anyone was worshipped, it was Harry. Yet he was still the same insecure boy Draco had known at Hogwarts.

“You really are from a different planet, my love,” Draco said as he kissed Harry deeply. They had been together almost six years, and every time they kissed this way, Draco felt his stomach flutter and his limbs weaken. Bored, indeed. He ran his hands up and down Harry's body, eliciting small moans of pleasure from his black haired mate. “Nothing about us bothers me,” he whispered.

“Are you sure? I mean…..gah…” Harry said as Draco lightly grasped his growing arousal and cut him off with another kiss.

“I'm sure, love,” the blonde said as he divested Harry of his pajama pants.


Ginny woke the next morning with her head spinning and her stomach rolling with nausea. “Shit,” she whined as she stood from the bed. She doubled over as her stomach lurched unpleasantly. When she was fairly certain that she wasn't going to puke, she made her way downstairs.

She found Harry and Draco in the kitchen, Harry frying eggs and Draco standing behind him with his arms around his waist. They were obviously communicating telepathically as they would occasionally burst out in boyish laughter and tug and pinch at each other playfully despite the fact that they weren't speaking. Ginny watched them enviously for a moment from the doorway, until the smell of the eggs overtook her. With a hand clasped over her mouth, she ran towards the nearest bathroom.

Both young men looked over their shoulders and just saw her vivid red hair as she disappeared around the corner.

“Ginny?” Harry called, concerned.

Draco patted him on the stomach. “I'll go. You cook, woman,” he ordered.

Harry smacked him firmly on his arse as he walked away. “Be nice,” Harry intoned.

“Ow, brute,” Draco said off handedly as he rubbed the spot Harry had just hit with a playful pout on his lips. “When am I not nice?” he called back. Behind him, he heard Harry snort at this comment. He made his way to the bathroom, where he could clearly hear Ginny retching. Gods but I hate when people puke, he thought to himself as he pushed the door open.

Ginny was kneeling before the toilet, clutching the sides for all it was worth. Draco's nose scrunched up as he wetted a cloth for her, willing himself not to be sick as well.

“Ginny, you never could handle your liquor. Perhaps you should find another form of debauchery to indulge in,” he said as he pulled her hair up off her neck and wiped the cool cloth across the nape. She shivered involuntarily.

“Shut it, Draco. I'm not sick from the alcohol. I'm pregnant,” she said as she leaned back against the wall and ran the cloth over her face.

Draco looked at her in shocked silence for a moment before finally speaking. “Oh, Ginny. Does Blaise know?” he said with more tenderness than she would have ever imagined he could muster. She shook her head no.

Draco had been firmly at Hermione's side for her first pregnancy as it had come just as Ron had been moved up to the main team and was working double time at practices. She had been terrified, so the two of them, being the bookish sorts they were (though Draco would never admit to being bookish) had done what seemed natural to them and read every piece of literature they could find regarding pregnancy. Draco probably knew more about the process than most midwives.

“You really shouldn't be drinking, Ginny, particularly at this early stage. Or smoking for that matter. The developing fetus is at a very delicate point-“

Ginny's bitter laughter cut him off. “I'm not keeping it Draco. Can you imagine what kind of parents we'd be?”

Draco slid down the wall next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Shocked again by his gentleness, Ginny leaned her head against his arm.

“Why did you come here?” he asked her.

Again, Ginny laughed bitterly. “Any one of my brothers would kill Blaise, even though I am more than a willing victim. My mother would die if she knew I weren't going to have it. Harry's family-I had no where else to go.”

“No, Ginny, I mean, why didn't you just take care of it if you're sure you don't want it. You don't need our permission,” Draco continued. He was trying to make a point, but the girl wasn't getting it.

“I don't expect you to understand, Draco. You're not a woman, no matter how many times Harry fucks you,” she spat. Draco let it slide with only the raise of an eyebrow. “I'm sorry,” she said wearily. “I just need time to come to terms with it. I only just found out.”

Draco gave her a quick squeeze and stood. “You're welcome to stay as long as you like. But you have to tell Harry. It's only fair. This is his house, too, so I guess he has a right to know.”

Ginny nodded weakly and held out her hand. Draco took it and pulled her to her feet.

Charter 2: Matters of the Heart

Draco and Ginny walked back in the kitchen, where Harry was setting the table. He looked at Ginny quizzically.

“You okay? You look like death,” he said with great affection.

She sat down at the table. Harry attempted to put some sausage on her plate and she held one hand up to stop him and one hand on her stomach. “No, no, just toast, please.”

Harry gave her a disapproving look and a piece of toast. “Want jam? Butter?”

“No, thanks, just dry. I'm pregnant,” she said as she took a bite of toast. She did not look up at him.

Harry dropped the pan he was holding and sausages scattered on the floor. He looked at Ginny sitting at the table in one of his Magpies t-shirts and a pair of Draco's old pajama bottoms. She was a petite woman and the clothes hung off of her, making appear closer to twelve than twenty-one. Harry just continued to stare at her as Draco swept the sausages off the floor.

“Stop staring at me like that, please. It happens. Every woman can do it. Especially Weasley women-we're fertile Myrtles. Just take mum, for example-“

“Shut it, Ginny,” Harry said and took a seat next to her. “Where the fuck is Blaise?” he asked, anger clear in his voice.

Ginny munched her toast gingerly and did not meet Harry's eyes. “He doesn't know. And if I have my way, he never will. I'm not keeping it.”

Harry looked to Draco for help. He only shrugged, unsure what to do. Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny and pulled her into his chest. After a moment, she began to cry.

“Shh, Gin, shh. We'll take care of things, whatever you decide,” Harry soothed. Ginny just cried on.


Draco went into town and bought Ginny some clothes, as she had nothing with her but the skimpy black dress she had been wearing when she arrived. She and Harry were sitting on the couch together in front of a roaring fire when returned an hour or so later. They had not said anything to one another since Draco left, instead just waiting in comfortable silence.

Draco sat down next to Harry, dropping the bags at Ginny's feet. She had taken a shower and was now devoid of all make-up and crazy hair and was still wearing Draco and Harry's oversized clothes. Sipping a cup of tea, she looked more vulnerable than ever.

Reach any conclusions? Draco thought to Harry.

Nah, she didn't say anything. Just been sitting there, staring at the fire, Harry thought back.

Draco nodded and cleared his throat. “So, Gin, want to go get dressed? I didn't get you any toiletries or anything. Had no idea what you might need. You might feel better…” he trailed off uncomfortably. Ginny made no indication that she'd heard him.

Harry took her hand. “Why don't you tell us what happened?”

Ginny took a deep breath and put her tea on the side table. “Yeah, all right,” she mumbled.

Woodenly Ginny told them about how she had gone to the Medi-wizard that afternoon to find out if she was pregnant, as she suspected. When her fear was confirmed, she cried for a moment, then Apparated back to the club she and Blaise owned, called the Voyeur. Blaise was not there, so she sat at the bar and went about getting very drunk. When Blaise did arrive, the two had argued and he had stormed off to his office. Ginny had waited a while, how long she was unsure, to go after him. When she got there, one of the new dancers they had just hired was giving him his own private lap dance. While she had only been topless and Blaise was not touching her in the least, Ginny had gone berserk. Having nowhere else to go, she had shown up at Harry and Draco's door.

Harry and Draco looked at each other. “Err, don't you guys have a kind of look but don't touch relationship?” Harry asked.

Ginny sighed, dying for a cigarette. “Yes, we do, and I am just as guilty of doing it as he is. Under normal circumstances, I would have probably enjoyed watching him get off on it. But it was different. I'm pregnant with his child,” she pouted.

“But he doesn't know,” Harry said.

Ginny glared at him. “That's not the point, Harry. It made me realize that he was in no way capable of being a parent.”

“But you said you didn't want the baby,” Harry said, growing more confused by the second.

“I don't know what I want, okay?” Ginny yelled. “That's why I'm here, to try and figure it out.”

Harry sighed and stood. “Well, like I said, whatever you need.” He turned and looked to Draco. “I'm going into town for a bit. There's something I want to get. Wanna come?”

Draco scrunched up his face and shook his head no. Harry never went to the wizarding section of Montrose, as he tended to get mobbed. Draco had gone with him a couple of times to the Muggle part of town, but he did not like it. Even after six years of trying, Harry had been unable to shake him of his deep-seated mistrust of non-wizards.

“Gin, you want to go?” he asked, giving Draco a very pouty look. Draco was unmoved.

“Yeah, might be fun,” she answered. Grabbing the clothes Draco had bought her, she made her way upstairs to change.


It was early evening when Harry and Ginny returned. Ginny seemed highly amused by something, and Harry, who was carrying a plain brown bag, seemed rather nervous. He had gone straight to his and Draco's bedroom while Ginny went to the kitchen looking for Draco.

Draco was sitting at the kitchen table reading the Daily Prophet. The kitchen was a huge mess and the smell of burnt food was everywhere.

“Er, Draco?” she began. “What happened?”

Draco's face flushed a bit. “Nothing. I'll clean up in a bit.”

Harry walked into the kitchen, very much his domain, and his face fell. “What happened in here?” he gasped. It had been spotless when he and Ginny had left that morning. He looked at Draco, who was hiding behind his paper. A sweet smile broke out over his face. He walked over, took the paper from Draco and pulled his face into his stomach. “Did you try to cook again?” he asked gently.

Draco shook his head yes. “I was going to surprise you. I used one of your stupid cookbooks and everything. I'm good at Potions and stuff, I cannot figure out why I can't cook like Muggles do!”

Ginny got a lump in her throat watching the scene. They were so familiar with each other and so very obviously in love. She had thought that this would be a good place to hang out and get her head on straight because of the sheer boredom she would experience. She could not possibly imagine Harry and Draco having anything but a horribly mundane life. But she had never seen two people so happy. Maybe they knew something she didn't.

Harry bent and kissed Draco. “It's all right. Thank you for trying. You and Ginny go for a walk or something and I'll make dinner.”

Draco stood and they hugged. “I should at least help you clean,” he said.

Harry looked at Ginny over Draco's shoulder and mouthed “Help!”. Draco was quite as bad at cleaning as he was at cooking.

“No, Draco, come show me around. I've been here a million times and I've still never seen your stables or the new Owlery you guys built.”

Draco relented and Harry watched them go with a smile. He turned back to his devastated kitchen. “I am so glad I'm a wizard right now. That man is frightening in his ability to destroy this room. Scourgify!” he cried. The kitchen began righting itself at once.


Draco and Ginny walked silently for a bit, just enjoying the lightly falling snow and the sinking sun.

Ginny kept stealing glances at Draco out of the corner of her eye. She had heard a lot of stories about him from Blaise. She knew that before he and Harry had hooked up, Draco had been on his way to becoming a seriously evil wizard. Some of the pranks that Draco and Blaise had played on people bordered on cruel. She also knew that in their fifth year, Draco had slept with Cho Chang. He knew that Harry had a huge crush on her, and had told Blaise that he was going to seduce her to hurt Harry, who had failed so miserably at doing so himself. After accomplishing his goal, Draco had changed his mind and told no one but Blaise about the encounter. Draco had said that it was because Harry didn't like Cho anymore so the point was moot, but Blaise now suspected that Draco had felt sorry for Harry. Or maybe for Cho. Ginny couldn't help but be curious.

“Did you ever tell Harry about Cho Chang?” she asked casually.

Draco stopped in his tracks. “Blaise has a big mouth, I see,” he drawled as he glared at her. “Yes, of course I told him. We have no secrets,” he replied snappishly. Well, there is that thing I did to the Muggles, he thought with an evil grin.

“Blaise does not have a big mouth. We don't keep secrets either,” she replied.

Draco snorted. “I'd say you have a rather big one right now.”

She glared at him. “You are such a shit. How can Harry not see this side of you?”

Draco only smiled. “He sees it. Loves me anyway,” he shrugged.

“So why didn't you torture Harry with the information that you had bagged his first crush?” Ginny smirked.

“I don't know, Ginny. I knew what was going on with the Death Eaters, and Harry seemed so preoccupied. I guess I thought he had enough problems in the end. And he didn't even like her anymore. Plus, Cho was a nice girl. I didn't really see the need to ruin her reputation. It just didn't seem worth the effort afterwards.”

Ginny's eyes glinted at him. “So, Harry did see something in you that the rest of us missed? You did have some modicum of decency lurking inside you all that time?”

“No, Ginny Weasley. I was a bastard, thank you. Now shut it. That is ancient history, that,” Draco said with a smile as they continued walking again.

They reached the stables and Draco showed Ginny the horses he and Harry had. She watched as he spoke to the stableman and lovingly stroked his horse. The ruthless Draco Malfoy of legend certainly was incongruous with the one that stood before her. While she had always been intrigued by stories of Draco's evilness, and had quite frankly found him the more interesting between he and Harry, she was beginning to have a deep appreciation for this Draco. She could understand why Hermione was such a staunch defender of him when her co-workers down at the Ministry expressed their wonder that Harry had been “taken” by Draco. He really was rather sweet. But for the life of her, she could not see how Draco had made the transition.

“Draco,” she began “Don't you get bored to death out here? I can see Harry being fine with it-he's always been happy with the smallest things. But you, you're just so much more, I don't know, complicated.”

Draco laughed at her. “Why, thank you, Ginny. Yeah, sometimes I do get bored. But I just go on a trip, or pick a fight with Harry, or buy something. Of course I get bored-I got married when I was sixteen, for Merlin's sake. But never with Harry. He drives me mad sometimes with his bloody steadiness. You could seriously set a clock by that man and his little habits and routines. But if I'm gone for more than a couple of days, I get terribly homesick. All I can do is think of getting back here and back to Harry's routine. Maybe it's because we're bonded, or because I came so close to losing him that time….” Draco trailed off, his voice growing thick. He cleared his throat and blinked several times, studying horse's mane intently. He finally turned back to Ginny. “I really think it's just because I love him so much though. Once you have that, nothing else really seems all that important in the face of it.”

Ginny moved next to him and began patting his stallion. She was smiling slightly to herself. She knew that Draco was going to be getting quite a surprise from Harry later tonight. “Weren't you afraid? To bond with him, I mean? I can't even imagine getting married!”

Draco laughed again. “The two weeks before the bonding, yeah, I was freaking out. Every day I was like `What am I thinking?'. I mean, it's for beyond forever, right? But I don't know, the thought of being without him scared me more. I knew it was the right decision the second I saw him again,” he shrugged. “There's no real way of knowing all this stuff, Ginny. You just have to ask your heart if it thinks there will ever be anything better for it. If it says no, then you've got your mate. Let's go back up. He's finished with dinner and is worried that it's going to get cold.” Draco kissed his horse on its nose and started off.

Ginny watched him from behind. She had never thought she'd spend an evening discussing matters of the heart with Draco Malfoy. “You guys are a bit creepy with that telepathy thing, you know.”

Draco stopped for her to catch up. “Why is everyone always so jealous of me?” he drawled as he put an arm around the redhead for warmth as they walked back to the house.

Charter 3: School Days

Harry had fixed the kitchen using magic, but he always cooked using Muggle means. He found that it relaxed him, much like his gardening. He smirked to himself. I'm an eighty year old man trapped in a twenty-two year old's body he thought. An owl fluttered in through the mail flap and dropped a letter on the table. Harry picked it up and smiled. It was for Ginny, from Blaise. About time, dick, Harry thought as he put it back down.

Draco, I did not cook all this food for it to sit on the table and get cold! Hurry up! he called to Draco in his mind.

Did you make bread pudding? Draco asked in response.

Harry laughed. In the oven, brat. Come back, please. Miss you.

Draco had turned to Ginny at that moment and the two left the stables.


Everyone had eaten huge amounts of food, even Draco for a change, and then had stayed up rather late talking about their school days. Ginny had started feeling sick, so Harry had helped her upstairs and then joined Draco in their room. The two had showered and were now settling in to bed.

Draco noticed that Harry was pacing in front of their television rather nervously. They had all sorts of Muggle appliances, and though Draco would never admit it, he rather enjoyed them. Harry had gotten him addicted to Muggle movies. He especially loved the bad monster movies and anything about vampires or werewolves would keep him in stitches for days. The Muggles always got it so horribly wrong. Except that one movie about the vampires in New Orleans. It had been a bit campy, but pretty true to vampire nature. That one had scared Draco a bit.

He sat up and looked at Harry, who was holding one of those little boxes the discs came in when he rented movies in the Muggle part of town. Draco could never remember what they were called. Muggles never named anything properly, they just attached initials to things. He thought it an incredibly stupid system.

“What are you doing, Harry? Are you coming to bed, or are we watching something?” he asked, curious about his mate's behavior.

Harry turned to him and blushed. “Um, both, I guess. Unless you're too tired?” he asked almost hopefully, Draco thought.

Draco raised his eyebrows at him. “No, I can stay awake for a bit. What did you get?”

Harry blushed more deeply. “Just, um, er, something I, er, thought you might, er, uh, um, like.” He fumbled the little disc into the machine. He grabbed the remote and crawled into bed next to Draco.

Within seconds, two young men appeared on the screen. They were wearing what looked like school uniforms and were studying alone in a library. Draco looked confused. He had never seen a Muggle movie like this. The quality of it was very low and the sets and costumes were obviously just that.

“Harry, this looks like it's crap. That's obviously not a real library, and those are not real uniforms. I mean, really.” Draco liked good films with very stylish sets and costumes. This sucked.

Harry fumbled with the blanket, but did not look at Draco. “Just hush and watch it,” he mumbled.

Draco shot him another look and turned back to the film. The two young men were spouting terrible dialogue about their sex education class to one another. Draco scrunched up his face-this was unbearable. Then one of the men said something that made his mouth drop.

“What if I don't want to know about the female reproductive system? What if I just want to suck your cock?” he said to the other boy.

At that, the other boy stood and took off his pants, releasing an unbelievably huge erection. “Then why don't you?” he said.

“Harry!” Draco gasped. “You've brought us a blue movie!” In front of him on the wide screen, the first man took the second in his mouth with a lusty groan. Draco watched, trying to tell himself that he was disgusted.

“Thought it might give us ideas,” Harry mumbled again.

Draco couldn't seem to close his mouth. “Harry, I can't believe….” Draco stopped as the action on the screen became more intense. Despite what his mind was thinking, his body had started to react. He noticed with amusement that his pajamas were tenting up. He almost jumped when Harry reached out and took his hand.

The two watched the first bit silently. As it came to an end and faded out, Draco looked at Harry and said “Well, we've certainly done that before.”

“There's more,” Harry replied, no longer blushing though his face was still a bit flushed.

This scene was a bit more graphic than before. There were three men involved in various activities. Draco, still telling himself that he found all this rather boring and a bit common despite his persistent erection, watched expressionlessly until one of the men buried his face in between the arse cheeks of one of the others.

“Well, we've never done that before,” he said breathlessly.

“I tried once,” Harry said as he moved closer to the blonde “but you freaked out.” He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Draco's neck. Draco hissed between his teeth and his eyelids fluttered, but he never took his eyes off the screen in front of him.

“Well, I mean, it seems kind of…dirty?” he whispered. Both of the men in the film seemed to be enjoying it immensely, dirty or not.

Harry was still kissing and nibbling away at Draco's neck. He unclasped their hands and began rubbing his over Draco's erection. Draco put his hand over Harry's to increase the pressure and moaned into his hair.

Harry moved up and starting tonguing Draco's ear. “We showered. Want to try again?”

Draco, breathing hard now, only shook his head yes. Harry smiled and kissed him.


Ginny had finally battled her nausea into submission and was sitting on the bed, re-reading Blaise's letter. Not that there was that much to read. He had never been a big letter writer.


What's your problem? I fired that girl, okay? Please, stop throwing a fit and come home. I miss you.


She looked at it again and again. No `dear', no `love', just `Gin' and `Blaise'. She sighed. It didn't really matter. She knew Blaise loved her. He gave in to her every wish, no matter what it was. He had been pressuring her since the day she accepted his proposal to set a date for the two of them to marry, and it had been her that had put it off. She was scared to death of commitment, even though she loved him too. It had always been her that had broken off their engagement the many times in the past, although she always went back to him. And he always took her. While they did have a very `look but don't touch' relationship, as Harry had called it, neither of them had ever actually cheated on the other.

She folded the letter and put it on the nightstand with a sigh. From down the hall, she could hear Draco, moaning rather loudly. She grinned despite herself. She had caught Harry coming out of the Muggle sex shop and had forced him to show her what he had gotten. Apparently, the movie had provided a little impetus for action.

A new thought suddenly occurred to Ginny. Maybe she hadn't come to Harry and Draco's to figure out what she wanted at all. Maybe she had come because she wanted to see two people who were hopelessly in love and happy. Being around Ron and Hermione wore her out a little. While the two definitely loved one another, they were working on their fifth child in six years, and had little time in between feedings, work and Quidditch to express it much.

Maybe Ginny had wanted proof that true love never really dies, even when there are no distractions.

She found this new thought a little disturbing. Why did she want proof of that? Was she actually considering keeping the baby and marrying Blaise? From down the hall, the quiet night was torn by a loud cry of “Oh, Harry!”. Ginny blushed, feeling very much a schoolgirl again, and pulled a pillow over her head. Trying hard not to imagine what Harry had just done to Draco to warrant such a cry, she turned out the lights and tried to get to sleep.

Charter 4: The Voyeur

The next morning, Harry and Draco seemed more giddy and attached than ever. Ginny had come into the kitchen only to find Harry with his back to the refrigerator and one leg wrapped around Draco's backside. The two were kissing madly and softly rubbing their hips together. Soft hums of pleasure were coming from both of them.

She had indulged herself and watched the two of them for a moment before finally clearing her throat to get their attention. She had to do so twice before they realized she was there. They broke apart, puffy lipped and rumpled, and said good morning sheepishly. She watched out of the corner of her eye as they both adjusted their pajama bottoms in what they clearly thought was an inconspicuous manner.

“Good morning then?” she said to Draco with a quick glance at his crotch.

He surprised her by sticking out his tongue at her. He walked past Harry to get some glasses, and she smiled as he couldn't resist running his fingers along a bare patch of skin just above Harry's waistband. She smiled again when Harry quietly hissed at the touch. Had they really been together six years?

Another owl fluttered in and dropped several letters on the table. Most of them were for Harry and Draco, of course, since it was their house and she had told no one where she was. One was from Ron and Hermione, who were taking this break in the Quidditch season to holiday in France. One was from her mother, she saw guiltily. The last one was from Blaise. Somehow, he always knew where to find her when she ran off. She opened it and read it hungrily.


All right, love. This is getting old. Everyone's asking after you. Come home, please. I miss you.



She looked at the `Love' with wonder. She was beginning to think the man was psychic.

“Hey, you two,” she said to Harry and Draco. The two had been looking at each other hungrily and had seemed to forgotten, yet again, that she was anywhere around. “Stop talking dirty to each other in your heads and listen to me for a sec. I'm going out for a walk. I'll be back in about an hour. Have at it,” she smirked.

Harry waved to her to acknowledge that he'd heard her, but his eyes never left Draco's.

She stood and cast another glance in their direction. Harry was pulling Draco to him by the waistband of his pajama bottoms.

“Don't walk on the lake,” Draco growled at her, voice full of desire as he met Harry's intense gaze. “It looks frozen, but it's quite thin,” he finished, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and gripping his butt.

Harry had him in his grasp and was stroking his hair and kissing each side of his neck. Ginny was watching raptly. The two of them had always turned her on with their very public displays of affection. “She's not a child, Draco,” he grumbled into Draco's neck.

“Bye, Ginny,” he said pointedly without looking up.

“Yes, bye,” she said. She went to the foyer and bundled up, but she was already formulating a plan.


Ginny walked down the stairs as if she were going for a stroll. Once she reached the ground, however, she doubled back around the house, wasting time. After about fifteen minutes, she silently crept back up the front stairs. Moving slowly, she pushed open the front door.

She heard them moaning immediately and smiled wickedly. Wasted no time, I see she thought to herself. It sounded like they were in the living room, so she started that way.

Ginny Weasley! a voice very much like her mother's yelled in her mind. You turn right around! You are a guest in their home! Shame!

Ginny's wicked smile only grew more so. Sod off, you, she said to the voice in her head. It had been a long time since she had spied on her two favorite lovers.

On tiptoe, Ginny finally reached the arched entryway to the living room. She almost gasped out loud at what she saw.

Draco was sitting on his heels on the rug in front of the fire. Harry, who was flat on his back, had his legs wrapped around Draco's waist. Draco was holding Harry's hips, which were slightly elevated onto Draco's lap, and making love to him slowly and thoroughly.

Harry opened his eyes slightly and smiled teasingly at Draco. “That is lovely, dear, but I'd like if you'd leave off the teasing now and fuck me properly,” he said in a gravelly voice.

Draco stopped all together and smirked at him. “Why, my love, do you start things you know you cannot finish?” he asked an in equally throaty voice.

Draco grabbed Harry behind his knees and pulled his hips further up in his lap and thrust into him forcefully, easily doubling his stroke and intensity. Harry gasped. Ginny felt her pulse quicken as he reached over his head and grabbed two handfuls of the soft rug and wrenched it violently in his fists, the whole while thrashing and bucking against Draco.

She couldn't decide which one of them was more fun to watch. Harry was gorgeous, arching his back and tossing his head from side to side. Occasionally, he would bite down into his own arm and groan lustily.

Draco was just as gorgeous. He never took his eyes off Harry, looking at him with a tantalizing combination of love, lust and hunger. He would sometimes change positions slightly to gauge which was best for Harry and would respond to each of his lover's moans and whimpers. He had to throw his hair out of his eyes every few minutes, and several of the gossamer strands were now sticking to his sweaty face and throat. His usually icy pale skin was glowing a light pink from his exertion.

Things were becoming more heated by the second. Draco and Harry were now staring raptly into each other's eyes, and Ginny suspected they were communicating telepathically again. She was certain of it when, moving as one, they flipped so that Harry was now on top.

She nearly cried out as she watched Harry sit up and press his hands flat against Draco's stomach, slowly and deliberately grinding himself into the blonde. His head was thrown back and his mouth worked out silent moans of pleasure. After a moment, he leaned over closer to Draco's face, and Draco wrapped his hands around Harry's neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

Harry's movements were no longer slow, but hard and insistent. Draco seemed overcome, arching into Harry again and again, his head thrown back and mouth gaping open, fingers raking down Harry's chest. Small, almost bark-like sounds were escaping from deep in his throat. Harry grabbed his wrists and pinned the blonde beneath him, his own breathing becoming quite ragged. A low, long moan made its way to Draco's lips, and his hips continued bucking upwards into Harry.

Their voices intermingled and soft sounds of `yes' and `oh god' and `I love you' were filling the room. Draco tensed and broke free of Harry's grasp, only to sink his fingers into Harry's hips and hold him still. He whispered his name over and over again as he came.

The sight was obviously too much for Harry, who leaned over and lightly bit Draco's moving lips, also reaching orgasm. He fell flat against his pale lover, who rained kisses down on his face and hair, hands running the full length of his tanned back. Ginny could hear them panting as she stood still in the archway.

Afraid to move in the quiet, Ginny continued to watch. Harry moved off of Draco and slid next to him on the carpet and lay his head on Draco's chest. She almost laughed as Draco held up his wand and mumbled “Accio towel”. A dish towel from the kitchen flew into his hand. She watched as they wiped each other clean then went back to their sweet and familiar touching and cuddling.

Harry sighed heavily and sat up next to Draco, running his hand along his pale, hairless chest. “We'd better go get a shower and get dressed. It won't be long before Ginny gets back. It's freezing, there's no way she'll stay gone an hour.”

Draco took Harry's hands in his own and pulled him down for another kiss. After, they stood and pulled on their pajama bottoms and t-shirts. Draco's was a thin, long sleeved cashmere top, while Harry wore a slightly too small, holey Gryffindor shirt that had to be at least six years old. The two embraced again and turned towards the door.


Ginny had retreated to the privacy of the coat closet in the foyer at the mention of her name. She knew that they'd both be angry if they caught her and was suddenly very guilty. They were being unbelievably kind to her, and here she was taking advantage.

An image of Harry riding Draco came vividly to her mind, and she put her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. She had wanted to see that for a long, long time, ever since that Christmas so many years ago at Grimmauld Place. Actually, she thought now, she had wanted to see that ever since Draco and Harry had shared their first public grope that night in the Great Hall. She smiled evilly and let her hand drift down the front of her body with a contented sigh. She and Blaise had not named their club the Voyeur for nothing.


Ginny waited until she was sure that her hosts were in the shower before she exited the closet. She took off the coat of Draco's that she had been wearing and his scarf and headed into the kitchen for a cup of tea. She couldn't help but smile as she looked into the living room. They had forgotten to put their towel in the hamper. She thought that might be fun to tease them about later.

As she was letting her tea steep, another letter from Blaise arrived. She opened it eagerly.


That's it. Really, you could at least answer my post. Do I have to come and get you?



Still smiling, she tested her tea.


Draco was washing Harry's back in the shower as the two still basked in their post-sex glow. In between scrubbing each other, they kissed lightly and sighed.

“Did you have fun last night?” Harry asked Draco with a playful tug at his nipple.

Draco blushed. He'd had a little too much fun. “You know I did,” he said, clearly embarrassed.

Harry couldn't help but find him adorable. Very little ever embarrassed Draco. He took him in his arms. “I could do it again, if you like.”

Draco buried his face in Harry's chest, but Harry had a pretty good idea that he was blushing even more fervently. “Fine, but do we have to talk about it? Honestly,” he muttered.

Harry kissed his forehead and turned off the water. They both got out, Draco returning to his normal hue.

“I guess not. I'm going to London today,” Harry said, changing the subject. “You want to come?” he asked Draco.

Draco was roughly towel drying his hair. Harry scowled and took the towel away from him. “You know it knots up when you do that,” he scolded. He moved behind him and began to gently dry Draco's long hair.

Draco smiled, happy yet again to have gotten exactly what he wanted. Harry was even easier to manipulate now that they knew each other so well, if that were possible. Draco had supposed on many occasions that he could just simply ask Harry for these little things he wanted, but it was so much more fun this way.

“Why you going to London?” he mumbled sleepily. He needed a nap.

“I'm going to see Blaise.” At this, Draco turned and shot him a look, all thoughts of a nap dispelled. Harry turned him back around and continued drying his hair. “I'm not going to tell him anything, except that he should drag his sorry arse out here if he wants to make up with Ginny. Otherwise, I think it's going to be a long time before she leaves. And I miss being able to have you anywhere, anytime,” he said with a playful bump against Draco's backside.

Draco smiled. “Yeah, I'll go with. We haven't been there in an age. Can we go to Diagon Alley? And that Muggle toy shop that I like? My dragon's getting kind of worn out,” he said. Going on unexpected trips always made him feel like a little boy.

Harry watched Draco in the mirror. He wrapped the towel and his arms around Draco's shoulders and pulled him back into him. He kissed him over and over on his head. This was another side of Draco that he didn't see very often, and one of his favorites. “Maybe,” Harry began, “if you didn't still sleep with it all the time, it would last a bit longer.”

Draco looked at him haughtily. “I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Potter. He's old and probably wasn't that well made to begin with,” he said as he pulled himself out of Harry's arms. He turned and placed a sweet kiss on Harry's lips. “Besides,” he said, “he keeps me from having nightmares when we're apart.” With that, he turned and went into the bedroom, Harry padding along behind him.

Charter 5: Big Brother

Harry and Draco donned their best Muggle attire since they would be spending part of the day in Muggle London. The wizards didn't look at you weird if you were dressed like a Muggle, but the Muggles nearly fainted if you were dressed like a wizard.

The two went downstairs and told Ginny they were going to out to do Christmas shopping. She wanted to come, but Draco had told her that he required maximum secrecy for his shopping, and though she protested, he was finally able to convince her to stay home. He and Harry stepped outside and joined hands.

“Apparate us to Knockturn Alley, my evil love,” Harry teased.

“Please, you know where it is as well. Don't play innocent with me. I know you far too well to fall for it,” Draco said, then leaned over and licked Harry's ear before Apparating them away.


They appeared in front of what looked like an empty warehouse, only it had been painted black from top to bottom. Like all stylish nightclubs, there was no sign or indication of an entrance anywhere in sight. Harry tried the front door, which he remembered from their last visit, only to find it locked. Scary looking witches and wizards passed them, whispering amongst themselves. They caught bits of “That's Harry Potter”, and “worthless blood traitor”, but they hardly even noticed. They met similar reactions everywhere they went, although the remarks about Draco were quite a bit kinder over in Diagon Alley.

“Guess we'll have to go round back,” Harry mumbled. They walked down an alley that was dark and dank, even at midday. Stray cats and several large rats mewled and ran from them as they made their way to the back door of the Voyeur.

Harry reached out and pressed the bell. A loud buzzer sounded and the door was opened by a wizard easily as big as Hagrid was. He smiled immediately at the two men.

“Well, well. Slumming, boys? Long time, no see. Come to see Blaise?” he asked as he shook their hands.

“Yeah Martin, we have. Is he here?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, come on in. Let me call and let him know you're coming. This wouldn't be about Miss Ginny, would it?” the large man asked as he pulled out a tiny Muggle telephone. Muggle accessories were all the rage amongst young wizards and gangsters. Blaise fancied himself the latter. They were, however, strictly for show and operated by magic, not cellular technology. Instead of dialing a number, you simply said the person's name you were trying to reach, and if they had a phone, it rang. It was wired up very much like the floo system.

Harry just smiled at the big man and waited.

“Yeah, Blaise. Guess who has come to visit ya? No. No. No. Shut it, you prat, and I'll tell you. Harry and Draco, that's who.”

On the other side of the line, Blaise Zabini blanched. He was a gaunt man with spiky, dyed black hair with white blonde tips and a rather sinister looking moustache and goatee. He had multiple piercings in his ears, one in his nose, and was covered in tattoos. To look at him, you would not think much intimidated him, and you'd mostly be right. None of Ginny's overprotective brothers frightened him in the least, with the possible exception of the dragon handler. You had to be pretty tough to do that job, Blaise reckoned. But Harry and Draco were another matter all together. Harry was the most powerful wizard in the world, for Merlin's sake, and since he had been a professional athlete, he had acquired a strong, muscular build. Blaise knew that if Harry didn't hex him to death, he could just as easily snap his neck like a chicken bone. And, to top it off, the fucker could read minds.

Then there was Draco. While he didn't fear Draco directly, since they were lifelong friends, he knew that if anything seemed even to be remotely threatening to Harry, Draco would seriously hurt the person posing the perceived threat. And Draco knew some seriously evil magic.

“Oh, shit,” he said into the phone. He leaned back in his chair and started stroking his goatee. “Did they say what they wanted? No? Shit,” he said. He had a pretty good idea what the visit was about since Ginny was hiding out at their place. He leaned forward and put his elbows on the desk. “Did they come in the front door? So no one knows they're here? Okay, call the Daily Prophet and let them know so they can get a picture of them leaving,” Blaise hated to do it, he knew they hated publicity, but it would look good for the club. They were famous, after all. “Send them up, Martin,” he said and flipped his phone shut. “Fuck,” he said to himself.

Moments later, there was a knock at his door. He smoothed his cloak and stood, affixing what he hoped was a relaxed and genuine smile on his face as he opened the door and stood back to let them in. “Guys!” he cried.

Harry almost laughed. Blaise was an endless source of amusement for him. He was wearing a very tight fitting black crushed velvet cloak with heavy silver clasps from the throat to the waist over a pair of tight, red velvet pants. His hair was sticking up at all angles, and other than the blonde tips, reminded Harry a bit of his own. It never ceased to amaze him that people actually spent time and effort getting their hair to do what he had spent half his life trying to get his not to do. He made his way past as Draco and Blaise hugged and planted himself in one of the chairs in front of Blaise's desk without being invited to do so.

Behind him, Draco and Blaise were embracing like the old friends they were. Blaise leaned into Draco's ear. “Am I in trouble here?” he whispered.

“Just don't be a dick, and I think it'll be fine,” Draco whispered back. Blaise's stomach fell; he did not like the sound of that. His temper often got the best of him, whether it was the wise thing to do or not. He moved around to his side of the desk and looked at Harry, who was looking past him out the two-way window that over looked the club.

“What's that?” Harry asked, pointing to a stage with some bondage equipment strewn across it.

“Oh, that's our new stage. We have a couple new acts now. I'll show it to you on the way out. I suspect you didn't come here to talk to me about the club, though,” he said. Draco rolled his eyes, but Blaise felt it was better to not beat around the bush.

Harry smiled at him, but it was not friendly. “No, I didn't. You know Ginny's at our house, right?”

“Yeah, that's why I've been sending her post there. She won't answer me,” Blaise said indignantly. Draco cast a warning look his way.

“Yeah, well, she's a bit angry at the moment. But I think she wants you to come down there. And I'm also thinking that you should,” Harry said.

“Harry, no offense, but this is just how it goes with her. I mean, yes, normally she would be back by now, but I can't see any real reason to go after her. This is her little game-she's a bitch, she throws a fit, she runs away, she gets over it, she comes back. No need for me to get in a snit about it, really.”

Beside him, Draco felt the small shift in energy that let him know Harry was becoming angry. He took his hand and looked at him. His eyes were beginning to glow. Calm down, love. He doesn't know she's pregnant, remember? Draco thought to him.

I don't care if he knows or not, Harry thought back. He doesn't have to talk about her like that. I mean, his fiancée has left him, and there's no reason to get in a snit?!

Well, they don't exactly have a normal relationship, Harry. Calm down. You're getting scary again, Draco shot back.

Blaise watched the two of them. He opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it. He figured Draco probably knew how to better deal with Harry.

Harry looked from Draco to Blaise and took a deep breath. “Okay, Blaise, I will concede that I don't understand your relationship with Ginny. However,” Blaise could tell Harry was trying very hard to keep his voice even. He gulped. The Gryffindor's temper was legendary. “I believe that if you would just come and talk to her, you might find that things are a bit different this time around. In this instance, I think I know what Ginny wants more than you might. So, basically, what I'm trying to say is,” Harry's eyes grew hard and he leaned forward a bit, “if you still care enough to try and make up with her, I suggest you bring yourself to Montrose and talk to her. If not, I assure you, I will do everything in my power to make sure you never see her again.”

Draco elbowed Harry in the ribs, but he only continued to stare at Blaise.

Behind the desk, Blaise's eyes had taken on a rather hard expression as well. “Are you threatening me, Potter? Because if you'll kindly remember, Ginny is the one who walked out on me,” he said in a low voice.

Draco inwardly groaned and tightened his grip on Harry's hand.

Harry smiled coldly. “I'm not threatening, Blaise. Had I been threatening, you would have known. I'm simply telling you what will happen if you haven't shown up by tomorrow night. If I heard Ginny's story correctly, she `walked out on you' because there was a naked woman all over you. I think that with a little help from four siblings, a mother, father, and a best friend, I might be able to convince Ginny that you really are the prick I've been trying to tell her you are all along.”

Blaise stood and glowered at Harry. “You do what you think is best Potter. I'm not chasing after her like some needy fucking puppy dog. I'm not Ginny's bitch. If she wants to come home, she knows where to find me.” He turned and looked at Draco. “It's good to see you again, Draco. Come back when you're not on such a short leash.”

The papers on Blaise's desk started to shift as if blown by an unfelt breeze. Draco hissed and drew his hand from Harry's as a small shock traveled up his arm. Harry was furious.

“Blaise, I am no more on a short leash than you are,” Draco said. Blaise sat back down, still staring at Harry, and snorted at that comment. “I agree with Harry, by the way. You don't know everything, you great prick. If you don't come out there, I don't think Ginny will be back. And she won't be the only thing you lose if that happens.”

Blaise was struck by the last comment. What did Draco mean? He didn't know why he was so angry at their intrusion. He was miserable without Ginny and been planning to come out there the day after tomorrow anyway. He just hated to be told what to do, especially by an uppity fucking Gryffindor. It being Harry Potter was even worse; he was practically their poster boy. The man had been out of school for seven years, and Blaise knew from his youngest brother that he was still their crowning glory at Hogwarts. He picked up his cell phone again and called for Martin.

“Yeah, well, we'll see,” he said to Draco, then spoke into his phone. “Yeah, Martin? Could you come up and see Draco and Mr. Potter out? We're done here,” he said with a pointed look at Harry and flipped his phone shut. “If you don't mind, I think I'll let Martin show you through the club. I have some work to do,” Blaise said and turned to Draco. “As I said, good to see you again, even if you've allowed yourself to become a bit pussy whipped.”

It had been the wrong thing to say. Harry fixed his eyes on Blaise and muttered something under his breath.

Blaise grabbed his throat and began making choking sounds. His tongue immediately began to protrude from between his lips and was becoming engorged at an alarming rate. Within minutes, it was at least a foot long. Blaise's face was turning red and he was gasping for air, eyes bulging at Harry.

“Learned that from Fred and George, though they require a piece of candy to make the spell work” Harry said to him in a menacing voice. “Just though that maybe if your tongue were a bit bigger, you'd have better control over it.” Harry turned to leave.

“Harry!” Draco said, alarmed. “You can't leave him like this! He can't breath!” Draco was patting Blaise on his back and trying to get him to sit down.

Harry turned in the doorway and looked back. “He can breath through his nose like the rest of advanced civilization, though I've no doubt he's more accustomed to mouth-breathing, the bloody cretin. I'm leaving, so if you want to join me, now would be the time to say your good-byes.”

“Harry!” Draco said again. He stared at Harry standing in the doorway and felt a familiar warmth shoot through his stomach. Harry was kind of sexy when he was mad. Beside him, Blaise choked again. “Fix him, dammit!”

Harry sighed. He didn't want this to turn into a fight between he and Draco, so he mumbled the counter curse and waited until Blaise was back to normal before holding his hand out to Draco.

Draco, still patting Blaise on his back, sighed with relief. “You're fine now. I told you not to be dick. You and that fucking Italian temper of yours,” Draco sneered. “And if you ever call me pussy whipped again, I'll hex you. And you won't get off with just a big tongue, I promise. See you tomorrow then,” Draco said. He turned, took Harry's hand and they were off.

In the hallway, Draco shot Harry an exasperated look. “Well, that went well,” he snapped at him.

“I thought so,” Harry snapped back. After a moment, he snickered softly. “Pussy whipped,” he teased and wrapped his arm around Draco's waist.

“Well, I guess that just makes you a big pussy,” Draco retorted with a smile, wrapping his arm around Harry's waist.

Harry smiled evilly and smacked Draco's arse. “Only for you,” he said. Draco pulled a face at him and smacked him back.

Martin met them at the elevator and escorted them to the front door, where they were greeted by several photographers.

“Bloody Blaise,” Draco sneered as they made their way through the crowd of frenzied paparazzi. “Hold my hand, Harry,” he said. Harry did. Draco Apparated them to the entrance of the Leaky Cauldron, leaving the paparazzi behind to snap photos of thin air. After a few quick hellos to some patrons, they stepped out into Muggle London.

Charter 6: Visitation II

Ginny was lying on the couch reading a book and enjoying the fire when she heard a car outside. This was most unusual, as she could not imagine who would not just Apparate to the house in Montrose. Deciding to hide in case it was unwanted Muggle visitors (she knew that Harry sometimes hired them to do work around the house) she hunkered down on the couch, prepared to ignore the doorbell.

What she heard next changed her mind completely.

“Ron! Did you get the baby's bag? I can't carry everything you know!”

“Yes, Hermione, I've got it. Just go along! Zak, Michael, get over here, NOW! Do not even look at that lake!”

Ginny sat bolt upright on the couch when the doorbell sounded. What on earth were Ron, Hermione and their kids doing here? She got up, pushed the crusty towel she was so going to torture Harry and Draco about under a chair and ran to the door.

Hermione was standing there, hugely pregnant, holding the smallest Weasley, a girl named Maggie, in her arms. Ron was coming up behind her, lugging all the necessary apparatus for the children and yelling at the twins. The twins, Zak and Michael, were running madly through the yard, completely ignoring Ron. The other small boy of the group, Walter, seemed to be missing.

Hermione unceremoniously plunked Maggie in Ginny's arms and turned towards the downstairs bathroom. “Hold her a sec, love. My bladder's being squashed,” she mused. Ron followed Hermione inside, dropped everything on the floor, kissed Ginny's cheek, went back outside and began to attempt to gather the twins.

Ginny stood holding Maggie and feeling a bit like a tornado had just washed over her. “So much for some quiet time to think,” she said to the sleeping toddler in her arms as she walked back into the living room. She smiled down at the little girl as she snuggled closer to her.

All of Hermione and Ron's kids had inherited the famous Weasley red hair. Maggie and Walter had also gotten the bushiness of their mother's hair and her brown eyes. Only the twins were smooth haired and pale eyed like their father. And they definitely took after the original twins, George and Fred, in demeanor. “Dammit boys! Get in there!” she heard Ron bellow from outside.

Hermione waddled into the living room and sat next to her on the couch. “I could kill Ron. He would not rest until we came to see Harry. You would think they'd get enough of one another at work, but no. It's like they never left bloody school,” she mused.

“Where's Walter?” Ginny asked.

“He's at your mum's. He's got a bit of the croup, which is why we came home from France early. She took him off my hands so the others wouldn't get sick, and to give me a break, I think. She's better at healing anyway. And Zak and Mike have just been terrors since they finally figured out that I have not just swallowed a balloon, but am having another baby. They're none too happy about it,” she said with a chuckle.

Ginny looked at Hermione's swollen stomach, imagining that bulb on her. She gulped. “Do the two of you plan on stopping at any point?”

Hermione laughed. “Yeah, this is the last one. Five is enough! I don't know how your mum managed six, five of them boys.” She looked around. “Where are Harry and Draco? And what on earth are you doing here? Don't tell me that you and Blaise broke up again,” she said trying not to look hopeful. Hermione had never liked or trusted Blaise. Every time he and Ginny broke up, she found herself wishing it was permanent, despite herself.

“Yes, we have for the moment. Maybe for good this time.” Ginny waved her hand. “I don't want to talk about him right now, Hermione. How was France?”

Ron came in the room, red faced and out of breath, one three year old boy under each arm. “Bloody beasts,” he muttered as he put them down. They immediately began tearing through the house, screaming for Uncle Harry and Uncle Draco at the top of their lungs. Ron plopped down next to Hermione and leaned his head on her stomach. “Promise you'll be a girl?” he said to the baby inside her. The two of them laughed again. Ginny could only smile weakly. She didn't need all these very living reminders of her present dilemma. She was brought out of her reverie as Hermione began talking about France. Ginny missed a lot of what she was saying, as the twins were rather loud.


Draco hated Muggle London with all his heart and soul, but he adored the toyshop just down from Diagon Alley. Feeling insecure, he reached out and took Harry's hand. Harry yanked it away.

“Not here, Draco. I told you before, people think it's weird here,” he hissed.

Draco grabbed his hand again and held it more firmly. “I don't care what they think. Now stop lecturing me. I am an adult, married male and I see no reason to be ashamed of holding my husband's hand. Fuck them, stupid Muggles,” he said. He stared unflinchingly at an old man who shot him and Harry a dirty look as he passed them by. “Problem, you old codger?” he spat. Harry glared at Draco as the old man mumbled something about `bloody poofters' and moved on. Fortunately, the toyshop was only a few blocks away and they arrived there quickly. Draco, still adamantly holding Harry's hand, pulled him into the toyshop behind him.

Harry couldn't help but smile at Draco, despite the current high tension in the air. Draco went insane in this store. He adored Muggle toys, because, unlike magical toys, they did absolutely nothing. Harry thought that appealed to his aristocratic senses somewhat, as Draco seemed to like just about anything that was visually appealing but had no purpose. The more expensive it was, the better. He smiled contentedly as he followed Draco around, watching as he grabbed armloads of stuffed animals, games, dolls and books for their many nieces and nephews. Besides Ron and Hermione, Bill and Fleur had a child now too, though they seemed content at stopping with one. Fleur had been most unhappy with her pregnant body and had vowed to never be that `fat' again. Harry waited patiently as Draco bought half the store, found himself a new dragon that was suitable (it was green with silver wings-Slytherin colors, Harry noticed) and the two left, completely bogged down with packages. At least, Harry thought, he wouldn't have to worry about Draco pitching a fit again because they now couldn't hold hands.

They arrived back at the Leaky Cauldron. Harry looked at Draco. “I don't think there's any real point in going to Diagon Alley. We couldn't carry anything else if we tried. Why don't we just go home, and we can come back tomorrow?”

Draco starting pouting right away. “We haven't been here in forever!” he whined.

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. “I know, love, but I swear, we'll come back tomorrow. I promise. I'm not in the best mood right now after all that with Blaise and I don't feel like being bothered, which you know we will be as soon as we go through the wall. Please? Can we go?” Harry assaulted Draco with his best begging face.

For all his skills at manipulation, Draco was remarkably bad at recognizing when it was happening to him. All he knew was that when Harry whipped out his boo-boo face, he could not resist.

“Fine, we'll come back tomorrow. And I'll bring some house elves from the Manor to carry stuff. We need to go by there anyway. It's been an age. I hope they haven't let the place go,” he said. Harry grunted. They still disagreed over the house elf issue.

“Thank you, my sweet and wonderful love,” Harry said. Draco stuck his tongue out at him. Harry kissed him on his cheek after battling through several bags. “See you at home, then,” he said and disappeared with a crack. Draco followed right behind.

They appeared in their front yard, just beside a burgundy Volvo station wagon.

“Oh no,” Draco groaned. “The bloody monsters are here,” he said.

Harry smiled at him. He knew that despite his acting annoyed, Draco loved the twins to death. He had too much fun teaching them trick spells to play on Ron not to. “Let's go put this stuff in the guest house, or they'll tear us apart.”

Draco dropped everything and Apparated. In seconds, he was back with one of the guards. “Could you please take these things down to the guest house?” he said to the man.

“Hi, Ian,” Harry said and shot an embarrassed look at Draco. “I'll help you.”

“Nah, it's all right. Jack's up front, and it's been pretty quiet today. Not too many crazy fans so far. You go on in. You're brother's here,” the guard said as he began taking Harry's packages away from him.

“Are you sure?” Harry asked. The man nodded. “Thanks, mate. We'll see you later.”

They waved as Harry caught up with Draco, who was already on the front porch, having not even waited to hear the man's reply. “They're our guards, you know, not personal assistants,” Harry reminded the blonde in a frosty tone.

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and kissed him lightly. He'd had enough of grumpy Harry today, and this never failed to distract him. Draco smiled as his sparkling green eyes closed at the contact. “He's help, Harry. As long as I pay him, I don't feel bad asking for the occasional hand with something. Besides, I asked nicely.” He brushed his lips across Harry's again for good measure and turned towards the door.

“Thanks for getting me horny before I go play with the kids,” Harry smirked at him.

“You're welcome, love,” Draco replied. “Ready?” he asked. Harry nodded. Draco opened the front door and went in.

“UNCLE DRACO!” Zak and Mike cried in unison as they dropped the remains of the chocolate frogs they had been eating and pounded towards the blonde. When Harry appeared behind him, they squealed with delight. “UNCLE HARRY!”

Harry grinned and squatted down, arms out. Draco was backing up slowly. Both boys were covered in melted chocolate.

“Why don't you just hug your Uncle Harry until we get your hands clean?” he asked.

But it was too late, as Zak had wrapped himself around Draco's leg. “Pick me up, Uncle Draco! Now!” He held up his little arms to his uncle.

Mike was already in Harry's arms. Harry was tickling him mercilessly and he was screeching at the top of his lungs. Draco looked down at Zak with distaste, but did finally pick him up. “Hermione, are you going to do my laundry now? I am absolutely covered in chocolate and spit. You look like a beached whale,” Draco said in one breath as they entered the living room. He leaned over and kissed Hermione on the cheek.

“Malfoy!” Ron yelled and patted Hermione's stomach. “She's gorgeous, you arse-jerk, I mean, jerk.”

“Arsehole!” Mike yelled in between breaths.

“Arsehole!” Zak cried.

“Well, it's good to see you're teaching the boys their words,” Draco drawled at Ron. He put Zak down, and he ran straight to Harry. When Harry put Mike down, thinking they would want to play together, they ended up attacking him. Being a good uncle, he fell to the floor and let them crawl all over him.

Everyone watched the scene for a few minutes, smiles on their faces. Ron turned to Ginny. “See Gin? You have no idea what you're missing by not settling down and having a few of your own.”

Ginny's smile fell from her face. Her eyes filled with tears and she sprang from the couch and ran to her room.

Even the twins, who had Harry in a modified headlock, grew quiet at once.

“What'd I do now?” Ron groaned.

Charter 7: The Next Generation

Hermione held her hand out to Draco. “Help me up, please,” she said. Draco did. Ron rose to follow her, but she shook her head no at him. “I think this had better be girls only for a bit, Ron. You stay here.” Hermione put her hand to the small of her back and headed upstairs.

She found Ginny in her room, curled up in a ball and sobbing into her pillow. She waddled over to the bed and sat down. She began stroking Ginny's hair and back.

“How pregnant are you, love?” she asked.

Ginny's head shot up and she looked mortified. “How did you know?” she gasped.

Hermione smiled. “I suspected it as soon as I saw you. I can just tell after so many myself. When Ron said that, your reaction was all the affirmation I needed. Does Blaise know?”

Ginny shook her head no and starting wailing again.


Downstairs, Ron was sitting on the couch feeling helpless. “What did I do?” he asked Harry as he joined the redhead on the couch.

Harry and Draco exchanged a look. “I'm getting a scotch. Anyone else want anything?” Draco asked.

“Bring us beers, will you?” Harry responded. Draco went to the kitchen. The twins were now playing quietly in the floor with Maggie, who had woken up when Ginny ran from the room.

“Ron, I don't want you to freak out, but that was probably the worst thing you could have said to her right now,” Harry said gently.

“What? What did I say?” Ron asked.

Draco came back and deposited beers in their hands. He sat down across from them and looked at Harry. “You're not going to tell him, are you?” he asked.

“Tell me what?!” Ron cried.

It might be better if I did. That way he can freak out on me instead of Ginny. I'll let him go up when he's calmed down a bit, Harry thought to Draco.

Draco just shook his head and looked down in his glass. “Gryffindor's are really brave,” he muttered.

“Tell me what?!!” Ron asked, becoming more and more agitated.

Harry put one hand on Ron's knee. “Ron, please promise you will try and stay calm,” he said.

“I'm going to punch you if you don't spill it,” Ron growled. “What's wrong with my sister?”

Harry took a deep breath. “She's pregnant,” he said.

Ron jumped up. “I will kill that dirty Slytherin bastard!” he cried.

Harry stood and forced him back down on the couch. “Ron, they've been dating for five years. Surely you knew they were having sex. Now, stop. You are not going to be any help to Ginny if you let your bloody temper get the best of you,” he yelled at his friend. Ron tried to stand again, and once again, Harry pushed him down. They stared at each other, and after a moment, Ron tried again. Harry was not having it. After several minutes, Harry finally sat down next to his friend again.

“When she first got here, she said she wasn't keeping it. Then, she said she didn't know. Now, she's not talking about it anymore. I think she's really confused and she needs our support. You have to be there for her, Ron. You can't freak out on Blaise. If she keeps it, no matter what happens, Blaise will always be part of your life. So don't do or say anything rash,” Harry warned.

Ron ran his hands through his hair. “She can't not have it. Hermione and I will take it if it comes to that. Why isn't Blaise here?” he asked.

Harry felt bad for Ron. He could tell he was struggling to remain in control of his emotions. Ginny was his baby sister, after all. He put his arm around Ron's shoulders. “She hasn't told him yet. We talked to him today, but we still didn't tell him. I just mentioned that it might be a good idea to come and try to make up with her. It was….interesting,” he finished lamely.

Ron stood again, and this time, Harry let him. “I'm going to talk to her,” he announced.

Harry nodded and let him go.


“Gin?” Ron said as he gently pushed open her bedroom door. She looked up at him and her face immediately crumbled with fresh sobs. “Oh, Gin, don't cry. It's okay. We're going to take care of this,” he said as he took her in his arms.

As Ginny cried onto his chest, he looked desperately at Hermione. She could only shrug at him. After several minutes, he gently pushed her away. “You okay?” he asked, wiping her tears away.

She shook her head no. “I don't know what I want, Ron. I think I want to keep it, but I'm scared. And I don't know what Blaise is going to say. This is such a mess,” she wailed.

Hermione stroked her back. “Ginny, if you want to keep the baby, then do. Even if Blaise doesn't want to be a parent, that is his problem. We are here to help you. You know that, right?”

Ron piped in. “Yeah, I mean, think about it. You'll never want for anything. Fred and George are bloody loaded now, I'm doing quite well, and Bill and Fleur are always willing to lend a hand. We can get you a place, a doctor, everything. Merlin Ginny, Harry has enough money to buy an entire hospital if you want. We'll help Ginny, we will,” he teased her.

Ginny laughed and hugged her brother tightly. “You are the best, even though you're a bit of a prat,” she sniffed. “I don't know. I need to talk to Blaise.”

Ron was about to protest when the doorbell rang.


“Who is that?” Draco asked as he rose.

Harry was in the floor playing with the children again. “Bet I know,” he said under his breath as Draco walked away.

Draco opened the door to find Blaise standing there. He was dressed a bit more conservatively than earlier, he was happy to see. “You have the worst timing of anyone on earth,” Draco said to him as he moved aside to allow him entry.

Blaise just looked at him. “Ginny here?” he asked.

“Well, duh Blaise. Yes. And so is her brother Ron. So you get two dressing downs today,” Draco mused. “She's upstairs. Second bedroom on the left. We'll be in the living room waiting for whatever is left of you,” he said to his friend as he climbed the stairs. He turned back towards the living room. If he had been bored before Ginny's arrival, he wasn't now.

“Guess who?” he asked Harry. Maggie toddled over and raised her arms for him to pick her up. “These children are spoiled,” he said as he picked her up and kissed her cheek.

Harry, who was once again being mauled by the twins, answered with an amused “Mr. Zabini?”

Draco nodded.

Harry laughed. “Let the show begin! Oh fuck,” he said as Michael accidentally kicked him in the balls.

Draco laughed wickedly. “Be careful with those, Harry!” he cried as Harry rolled into a ball. The twins ran around him in circles yelling “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” over and over as he groaned.


Upstairs, Blaise felt very much like he had just been kicked in the balls. “What?” he asked Ginny again.

“I said, I am pregnant. Are you deaf?” she said.

Blaise sat down in a chair by the bed. He could only stare at her, mouth agape.

Hermione began struggling to get up. “Come on, Ron. Let's leave them be for a bit,”

Ron glared hatefully at Blaise. “Forget the spell, did you?” he snarled.

Ginny gave him a reproachful look. “Ron, stop. This is as much my fault as his. Please, just let us talk for a bit.”

Ron stood and helped Hermione up. With another evil backward glance at Blaise, he and Hermione left the room.

“How long have you known this?” Blaise asked quietly.

“I found out the day I left,” she answered.

“And you were planning on telling me when?” he asked.

Ginny looked down at her hands. “I wasn't sure if I was going to tell you at all. I wasn't sure I was going to keep it. We don't strike me as model parents, you know.”

“You were going to abort my baby and not even tell me? Nice, Ginny. Very bloody nice.” Blaise stood and began pacing back and forth.

“Don't give me that shit Blaise. I didn't do it. Besides, what would you have said? `Let's get married and live happily ever after Ginny!'?”

He turned on her. “Yeah, that's exactly what I would have said. You're the one who keeps putting off getting married. I've wanted to since we got out of school! And I love kids. I don't want you to get rid of it! Even if you don't want it, I'd like to raise it. I want it.”

Ginny looked shocked. “What?” she whispered.

Blaise sat down next to her. “Ginny, I love you. I want to get married. I want to have kids. I am so jealous of your brothers I can't see straight.”

“But you never said that. I mean, we own an S&M club. We do drugs. We drink. How can we be parents?”

“Gin, we can stop doing all those things if it bothers you so much. We can close or sell the club. I don't want to be this way forever anyway. I want to settle down. I want to be like Harry and Draco, living out in the country and leading boring lives. That sounds good to me,” he said as he took her hand.

Ginny looked at his piercings, tattoos and dyed, spiky hair. She could not imagine the two of them living out in the country for the life of her. “Blaise, I want what they have too, but not the living out in the country part. I want it to be us, happy. I think I'm just scared it won't last.”

Blaise held her to him. “It won't if we don't ever let it start. I can't promise you anything Ginny, except that I will always do the best I can by you. That's all I can give.”

Ginny felt her heart swell. “Do you mean that?” she whispered.

“Yeah, I do,” he answered.

She grabbed him and kissed him hard on the mouth.


“They've been up there a long time,” Ron snarled.

“Well, they have a bit to talk about, Ronald,” Hermione said sharply.

They were in the kitchen with Harry, who was making an enormous dinner for everyone. “Don't you two start. What am I saying? When do you two ever stop?”

Harry stopped what he was doing for a moment and looked out in the yard. The twins and Maggie were pounding Draco with snowballs. Seeming to sense that Harry was watching, Draco looked up at him and grinned. Harry's breath caught. There was snow clinging to Draco's now messy white hair and his cheeks were ruddy from the cold. Even at a distance, Harry could see the silver glisten of his eyes. You are so beautiful, he thought to him. Draco managed to blow him a kiss before Zak plastered him with a snowball.

“Hi everyone,” a small voice said behind him. He, Ron and Hermione all turned together.

Ginny and Blaise were standing arm in arm, huge smiles on their faces.

“We're going to have a baby,” Blaise said.

Ron groaned and Hermione smacked him.

Harry smiled back at them. “Finally! Was that so hard, you two? Let's celebrate! I mean, after all, we need more Weasleys running about, don't we?” he said sarcastically.

“You mean Zabinis,” Blaise corrected. Ginny kissed him firmly. Ron groaned again.

Harry laughed out loud and turned back to the window. Draco! Come in, love. They've decided to have it at last! Harry thought out to Draco. Outside, Draco raised his hands and began clapping. Michael ran full speed into his knees, knocking him to the ground face first. He came up spitting and sputtering.

Harry laughed again. So much for Malfoy elegance, he thought.

Fuck you, Potter, Draco shot back at him as he brushed the snow off his clothes and headed for the house, holding Maggie's hand and trailing the twins. Harry watched him longingly and suddenly wished that their guests were not there at all. He had never seen anything so perfect as his mate in his life. He cleared his throat and turned. “Let me get some champagne then, I guess,” he said to everyone. He made for the wine cellar, head swimming with thoughts of Draco.

Charter 8: Leaf From a Different Book

Ron and Hermione had left just after dinner with their children, but Ginny, Blaise, Harry and Draco had stayed up rather late talking and arguing about which house the new baby would be sorted into. Ginny and Blaise had retired to the room Ginny had been sleeping in for the past few nights, and Harry and Draco were getting ready for bed in theirs.

Draco was changing into his pajamas when Harry came out of the bathroom, naked, just having brushed his teeth. He stopped and watched as Draco pulled his sleep shirt over his lithe, hard frame. Draco turned to find Harry staring at him.

“What?” he asked innocently.

Harry growled at him and pounced. As long as Harry could remember, Draco in those clingy nightclothes he insisted on wearing had been an issue. It did not help that he had been thinking utterly filthy things about his mate ever since watching him romp in the snow this afternoon.

Harry now had Draco pinned beneath him on their overly large bed. He held Draco's arms in one hand and lifted them over his head. He leaned over and began chewing on Draco's neck in a very rough, primitive manner. Draco gasped and threw his head back to give Harry better access. He heard Harry mutter something and was vaguely aware that thick cords were winding themselves around his wrists, which Harry still had pinned above his head.

“Harry,” he breathed, “Did you just tie my hands together?”

“Uh-huh,” Harry replied through a mouthful of Draco's neck. He moved down quickly and bit Draco's nipple-hard.

Draco hissed through his teeth. “What has gotten into you? We haven't fucked like this since we were seventeen,” Draco gasped thinking of the past few nights with his husband.

Harry climbed on top of Draco and straddled his hips. He bent over and lay on top of Draco's still dressed form, and began rubbing himself into Draco. “I just wanted to make sure you don't get bored with me. The visit to that club this morning gave me some ideas,” he whispered into Draco's ear. He planted a bruising kiss on the gasping blonde's mouth.

Draco wriggled beneath Harry. He somehow managed to pull his mouth away from Harry's. “Untie me,” he moaned, “I want to touch you.”

Harry just shook his head no. He sat back on Draco's stomach and ripped his shirt off. Draco bucked beneath him. “Harry, please,” he cried.

Harry began grinding his arse into Draco's erection. “You're right Draco, these silk pajama bottoms of yours are nice. Still, they have to go,” he said as he scraped his fingernails down Draco's highly sensitive stomach. He lifted himself up just enough to rip Draco's pants off.

Draco arched into him again. “Harry, untie me, please,” he begged.

Harry licked his lips at Draco. “Silencio,” he whispered, then lay back on top of his mate. Draco moaned and fought against his bindings.

“From this point on, Draco,” Harry whispered against Draco's ear while his hands roughly attended to his erection, “you are only allowed to say three things-`Harry, yes', `Harry, no' and `Harry, please'. I prefer `Harry, yes' and `Harry, please'. If you say anything other than these three phrases, you will be punished. Do you understand?” Harry bit down hard on Draco's collarbone for emphasis.

“Harry, please, all I ask is that you untie me so I- OW!”

Harry had turned Draco slightly on his side and landed a hard smack on his arse. A large, red handprint formed immediately.

“Harry! That hurt,” Draco whimpered. This was followed by another resounding smack.

Draco closed his eyes and gasped.

Harry watched Draco's reaction with delight. “I think you like it, my nasty little Slytherin. Do you like it?” Harry asked and smacked him again.

“Harry, yes,” Draco moaned loudly.

“It's a good thing I put that silencing spell on the room, isn't it, love?” Harry asked as he forcefully flipped Draco on his stomach.

“Harry, yes,” Draco replied breathlessly.

Harry sat back and looked at Draco. His face was turned towards Harry, his half opened eyes sparkling with desire. His hair was falling across his cheek, neck and shoulders, and his arms being raised above his head caused the definition of his back muscles to be even more pronounced. The curve of his naked backside was gorgeous. “You are so perfect, Draco,” he whispered. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

Knowing Harry was watching, Draco began to slowly rub his hips into the sheets. “Harry, yes,” he purred.

Harry's eyes sparkled. He landed another hard smack on Draco's backside. Draco cried out his name. “That was for being arrogant,” Harry said.

Harry once again straddled Draco's hips and began biting and scratching his back and shoulders. “I cannot tell you how much trouble you're in, Draco Malfoy.”

Draco just shuddered beneath him, hoping that he was in a great deal of trouble. Smirking over his shoulder at his smoldering mate he drawled “Remind me to thank Ginny for accusing you of being boring.”

Harry smacked his arse again. “That was for being cheeky,” he growled. Draco closed his eyes and smiled. “Love, she accused you of being boring, too. And, you said something other than what you have permission to say. Should I punish you now?” Harry purred. He moved down and brushed his lips over Draco's now very red and sensitive arse

“Harry, yes, please, please,” Draco begged. It was the last coherent thing he said for the next several hours.


Draco woke the next morning to find himself alone in his and Harry's bed. He groaned as he rolled over on his back. His entire body ached, but not in an entirely unpleasant way. He smiled slightly and winced. It seemed that even his lips were sore.

Harry? Are you making breakfast?, he thought.

He laid there waiting for a reply when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching their room.

It was Harry with a huge tray of food for him. He had even conjured a big, beautiful white lily for Draco. “Morning,” Harry said shyly.

Draco nearly melted. It was just like Harry to spend an evening having kinky sex with him then be embarrassed about it in the morning.

“Good morning, my love,” Draco replied. Harry put the tray on the night table and crawled in bed with him. He gasped and blushed bright red when Draco lifted up the covers for him.

Not only did Draco have several bruises and bite marks on his neck, but his torso was riddled with them as well. His wrists were red and chafed from where he had tried vainly for most of the evening to break free of his bonds. Harry blushed remembering it-he didn't even want to see Draco's other side.

“Are you okay, Draco? I didn't mean to hurt you,” Harry whispered as he traced a particularly nasty bite shaped bruise on Draco's rib cage.

“Yes, you did, you beast,” Draco said and kissed him lightly on his cheek. “You are a god, Harry. That was amazing. I admit, I'm a bit sore now, but I can't seem to remember it hurting last night.” Draco pulled Harry down and snuggled next to him. He buried his face in Harry's chest and inhaled deeply. He couldn't seem to get enough of his skin next to his. Still trying to somehow get closer, he laughed out loud at his own clingy behavior.

“What?” Harry smiled down at him and brushed his hair.

“I guess I'm just feeling a little vulnerable and attached to you since I was so totally and completely conquered last night. I've never seen you like that before,” Draco said, rubbing his hand fondly over Harry's stomach.

“Yeah, well, I can't recall ever seeing you like that before either. You were like, speaking another language at one point.”

Draco was happy to see that Harry was blushing again. “Well, don't think we can do that every night, Mr. Potter. You see what you've done to my delicate complexion. I won't be able to leave the house without a turtleneck on for weeks. I feel like an abused wife,” he snickered. His eyes grew wide and he looked up at Harry. “Are Blaise and Ginny still here?” he asked.

Harry snickered back. “No, they left this morning. But we're supposed to go over to the Burrow today. Ginny's telling everyone about the baby and stuff.” Harry tenderly stroked Draco's face and hair. “Are you up to it? I mean, you're really not hurt, right?”

Draco smiled again. “No, love, just sore. I haven't had a work out like that since Quidditch.” Draco stirred and sat up. “Feed me, will you? Then I'm going to need help bathing, I think,” he said as he sat back and gazed at Harry.

Harry smiled at Draco's bossiness and reached over for a bit of toast and held it out for Draco. “As you wish, Master Malfoy,” he said in his best servant's voice.

“Hmmm,” Draco said, looking at Harry thoughtfully. “Master Malfoy. That has potential,” he said as he motioned for some orange juice. He adjusted himself trying to get more comfortable and hissed. “But not until I can sit on my arse properly again. I bet they could lift fingerprints from the handprint you left on it!”

“I'm sorry, Master Malfoy. You seemed to enjoy it,” Harry said, pushing a fat strawberry into Draco's mouth.

“I love you, Harry,” Draco said.

Harry smiled and kissed him very gently on his swollen lips. “I love you, too. Still not bored?” he teased.

Draco leaned back and indicated that he would now like some coffee. “Never, Harry. Like I said the other day, you never cease to amaze me.”

Harry handed him his coffee cup and smiled. It was just another day in their mundane little life, after all.

Charter 9: Agreeing To Disagree

Draco was standing in the closet, trying to decide what to wear to the Weasley's that afternoon. He would definitely have to wear a turtleneck-he looked as if Harry had tried to eat him. “Harry!” he yelled, “Have you seen my grey turtleneck?”

Harry poked his head around the corner. “The really soft one?” he asked.

“Yeah, the cashmere one,” Draco replied.

A sheepish grin spread over Harry's face and he joined Draco in the closet. He was wearing the sweater in question.

“You mean this one?” he asked innocently.

Draco pursed his lips at him. “Why do you insist on wearing my clothes? They're too small for you anyway,” he said as he scanned his mate's body. The sweater was a bit tighter on Harry than it was on Draco, but it looked good. The two men were almost the same size, Harry was just a bit more muscular due to his Quidditch training.

Harry made to take the sweater off. “Never mind, never mind,” Draco muttered and pulled a black turtleneck from the shelf. “I'll wear this one. That one just makes my eyes look nicer,” he said.

Harry grabbed him in a bear hug. “You are so arrogant, yet so cute. I just don't get it,” he teased.

“Ow, Harry, ow. Gently, I am bruised and battered,” Harry relaxed his grip a bit. “Mmmm, better,” Draco said as he planted a lazy kiss on Harry's lips. Soon, Harry's hands found their way down the back of Draco's boxers. Draco gasped and pulled them away. “Sorry, love, but my arse is strictly off limits for a few days.” Harry groaned and kissed him again. Draco couldn't help but smile against his lips-it really was like they were seventeen again. They couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Not that their sex life had ever been anything but healthy, but they had slowed down to four or five times a week in the past few years. Draco didn't realize how much he had missed this urgency.

He pulled away from Harry slightly and kissed the tip of his nose. “I love you,” he said matter-of-factly.

Harry smiled and kissed Draco's nose. “I love you too. Come downstairs when you get dressed. There's something I want to talk to you about,” he said.

Draco looked concerned. “What?” he asked.

Harry kissed him again. “Nothing serious, just a chat. Hurry up, I'll throw us something little together, since I'm sure Mum Weasley is going to have tons of food. But I'm starving,” Harry said as he left Draco alone.

Draco watched him go. It was something serious, he knew. Harry had his mind cut off to him almost entirely for over a week and Draco could sense an underlying nervousness in him. He quickly pulled on a pair of grey flannel trousers, a long sleeve silk t-shirt and his black wool turtleneck. For shoes, he decided on his black Converse trainers Harry had bought for him, as it was a casual affair. Plus, they always made Harry smile. Still worried a bit, he followed Harry downstairs.

Harry was standing in front of one of the kitchen counters, blushing furiously, holding one of the kitchen towels and what looked like a note. When Draco entered the room, he thrust the items out to him.

Draco took them curiously, then immediately dropped the towel. It was stiff and crusty and he had a pretty good idea with what. Yuck, he thought and wiped his hands on his pants. He looked at the note in wonder.


Thanks so much for letting me crash at your place the past few days. I'm sorry if I was a pain in the arse. I love you both!

Oh, and I found this disgusting towel in front of the fireplace yesterday. You two really should be more careful-you never know who might run across the evidence of your little afternoon trysts. Or who might be watching.

See you this afternoon!



“Do you think she saw us, Draco?” Harry asked, sounding absolutely appalled.

Draco smirked at him, fully getting Ginny's implication. He could almost see her hovering outside the living room entry. “Oh, I'd be willing to bet a couple thousand galleons on it, yes,” he replied.

Harry groaned and buried his head in Draco's neck. Draco chuckled and kissed Harry's head, rubbing his face in his messy black hair. “You are too bloody adorable,” he said to him, once again struck by how new their relationship seemed all of a sudden. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

Harry pulled away from him. “Go wait in the living room. I'll be there in a sec. Are you hungry?” he asked, tugging the refrigerator door open.

“No, Harry, I don't eat like a common field hand. I have a bit more control of my bodily urges than you.” Harry snorted snidely at this remark. Draco sneered at him. “Hurry up. I'm dying of curiosity.” Draco went to the living room and sat gingerly on the couch. He scrunched up his face at the smudged, chocolate handprints on the rug in front of the fireplace. Then he smirked, thinking of Ginny's note. I guess chocolate's not the only stain on that rug. Ugh, we have to get that cleaned.

Harry plopped down next to him, munching on an apple. “You know how you said yesterday that we hadn't been to Malfoy Manor in an age?” he asked. He draped an arm around Draco and pulled him to him.

Draco looked at him suspiciously. “Yes, I remember. I also remember we were supposed to go to Diagon Alley today. You promised.” Draco went from suspicious to pouty at warp speed.

“I'm sorry,” Harry said, taken aback. “You still want to go?”

Draco smiled at him. “No, love. I don't think I feel like walking around all day today. Speaking of, you have to keep those kids off me. I'm too sore to have Mike and Zak banging on me today.” He took Harry's hand and kissed his palm. “Now, what about the Manor?”

“Want to live there for a while?”

Draco looked up at him. “Why would we do that? Your job is here. You love it here. What about your gardens?”

Harry grinned at him. “I'm thinking about retiring from Quidditch. All the travel and crazy fans and practice and games….it's getting old. It's not fun anymore, really. Besides, the Manor has gardens, big ones.”

Draco was shocked. “Winning the bloody European World Cup every year isn't fun? Being the best player in the league every year isn't fun?”

Harry shook his head. “I'm bored with it, Draco. Aren't you? I mean, Ginny was right. This is all we've ever done. I think I want to try something different.” Harry looked away from Draco's face as he spoke the last.

Something in Harry's tone and demeanor caught Draco's attention. Warning bells started going off in his head.

“And what would that be, Harry James Potter?” Draco said as he slowly pulled away from Harry.

Harry wasn't having it, however, and pulled Draco back. “Well, you know, I've always wanted to be an Auror, and the Ministry has always said that if I ever-“

“No.” Draco said, cutting Harry off.

Harry sighed. He had known this would happen.

“Love, it's a cool job. It's not like there are Death Eaters, or Lord Voldemort anymore. I think it'd be quite safe, really, and I-“

“I said no, Harry. I won't allow it,” Draco said. He looked at Harry, and recognized the hard gleam of determination glowing in those green eyes. Unfortunately, Draco had a very similar glint in his. Harry sighed and looked away, but Draco did not flinch. This was going to be a battle royale.

“Fine, Draco. Let's go to the Burrow, and we'll talk about it later when you've had a chance to calm down a bit and actually think about it.”

Draco flared. “Do not speak to me as if I am some hysterical woman, you tremendously arrogant prick. I don't need to think about it, nor do I need to calm down. I almost lost you once, Harry. I still have nightmares about it when we're apart. I open that fucking door over and over again and see you lying there, covered in your own blood, being pulled through that archway by two long, white hands. I don't think I will ever stop having that dream when you're away from me. And now you want me to live my day to day life, worried sick about what you're doing in the course of your job? I don't think so. I've given the Ministry enough of my life, I will not give them you.”

Harry glared at him. “When did this become about you? What about what I want to do? I wanted to be an Auror before you and I were even a thought. You are always so dramatic about things, Draco. It's not like there are that many bad guys anymore. I'd mostly be doing research and training. They already told me that after I finished the program they'd like me to train the new recruits. I'm sure that I could just do that if I asked, and that way I'd never be out in the field-“

Draco's face flushed. “You've already been talking to them about this?” he yelled. “That's why you've had your thoughts cut off to me so much lately! You arsehole! You've just been making all these plans behind my back?” Draco stood up, a bit too quickly and groaned at the ache in his body. His temper flared again and he rounded on Harry. “Did you really think that you could fuck me a couple of times and get your way?!”

Harry stood and tried to put his arms around Draco, who really was bordering on hysterical now. Draco pushed him away. “Don't you touch me,” he hissed.

Harry looked at him, hurt and defeat written all over his face. He sat back down on the couch and hung his head. “I've only written them once, and that was before Ginny even got here. I didn't pursue it because I knew you'd act this way. What's been going on between us the past few days has nothing to do with my trying to get my way, as you so nicely put it. I can't believe you really think that.”

Draco grew angrier still, but not at Harry. It was at his inability to stay angry with him that was so frustrating. He sat down next to him. “I don't really think that, Harry, I was just trying to hurt you. I'm sorry now that it worked so well, if it matters. I still have a bit of the old Malfoy charm, it seems,” he said as he stroked Harry's hair. “But I cannot let you do this. I can't Harry. I'm sorry.”

Harry took Draco's hand and kissed his palm. It was the ultimate sign of affection between the two of the, kissing each other's bonding scars. Harry always forgave easily. “I'm sorry, love, but for now, we'll just have to agree to disagree and talk more about it later. I really want to do this. I wouldn't ask if I thought it would put us in danger. It's sweet that you haven't even mentioned it, but why would I do something that I thought would get me killed when that would only kill you too? You know I'd never hurt you.”

Draco was stymied for a second and more than a bit shocked. He had not even thought about what consequences Harry's being in danger held for him. He felt his heart swell. For once in his life, he had not thought of himself at all. “All right, we'll talk about it later, when I've had a bit of time to adjust to the idea,” he said.

Harry smiled. “Isn't that what I said to begin with?” he joked.

Draco only looked at him, and Harry turned away from the sadness and worry he saw in his eyes.

“You ready to go to the Burrow?” he asked.

Draco was clutching his hand in a death grip, but Harry said nothing. He met Draco's eyes and it was the blonde who looked away this time. “Yeah, I guess,” he said. His voice was just as sad as his eyes had been.

Harry pulled him in his arms and kissed his face over and over. “Why don't we go and visit the Ministry and you can talk to Kingsley. He's lead Auror now and you can ask him all the questions you want. Maybe it would make you feel better. After you've asked everything you can think of, after you've really thought about it, if you still feel this strongly about me not doing it, I won't. But please, Draco, I really, really want to do this. Will you at least give it a chance?”

Draco clung to Harry and tried to swallow the lump that was forming in his throat. He could hear the want in Harry's voice and it killed him. He could never deny Harry anything. But the thought of him being in harm's way all the bloody time terrified him. He knew on a logical level that nothing known to wizarding kind could hurt Harry, but his heart didn't seem to understand that at all. Completely unbidden, the image of a fluttering veil and an old, crumbling archway formed in his mind. It was the most terrifying thing Draco knew.

He tightened his grip on Harry and looked up at him. “Okay, Harry. I'll go with you. But I'm sorry, I don't think anything Kingsley Shackleford can say to me is going to make me feel okay about this,” he said as he ran his fingertips over Harry's cheek.

Harry kissed them. “Thank you for at least trying,” Harry whispered. The two embraced for a very long time before leaving for the Burrow, their future still very much undecided.

Charter 10: Mouse Of Traitors

Harry and Draco were the last to arrive at the Burrow, and everyone noticed right away that something was wrong. The two of them usually never left each other's sides, but upon arrival, Draco separated himself off in a corner with Blaise and Ginny. The two still spent most of their time sending furtive glances at one another, trying hard not to get caught by the other one doing so.

After Ginny made the big announcement, she was engulfed by a sea of redheads and Blaise and Draco were somewhat forgotten for the moment. The Weasleys had never liked Blaise, despite the fact that he and Ginny had been together nearly five years, so no one really paid much attention to the two only non-Gryffindors at the party, who were now sitting alone together in the corner.

“So, Draco, who would have ever guessed that you and I would end up with the likes of these people? I mean, look at them. Look at this place,” Blaise mused.

Draco looked around. The Burrow was vastly improved since the first time he had visited there. Between Ron, Fred, George and Harry, it had been remodeled, updated and enlarged to the point that it would be almost unrecognizable were it not for the sign still stuck in the ground in the front yard that labeled it. Mrs. Weasley had refused all offers for a new home, stating that this was the place she had given birth to and raised all her children, so they had all pitched in and done the next best thing. There was even a new, four bedroom guesthouse in the backyard to accommodate everyone during holiday visits.

“What do you mean, Blaise? The Weasleys are lovely, and the house is quite a bit better than it used to be. It's not the Manor, granted, but not everyone is fabulously wealthy like us, you know,” Draco drawled back.

“The Weasleys are lovely? They're trash, Draco. They've got chickens in their front yard, for Merlin's sake. I love Ginny, but I could do without her family. I honestly cannot see how they produced her, quite frankly. She should have been in Slytherin, with us. I mean, they're blood traitors, Draco. They've no pride whatsoever.”

Draco was so shocked that for a moment he couldn't speak. He couldn't believe that Blaise was having this conversation with him here in the living room of his future in-laws. It had been a long time since Draco had heard anyone speak in this vein, and while he still held on to a bit of the pureblood snobbery he had been raised with himself, he had long ago stopped looking at fellow wizards as anything but fellow wizards. It surprised him how utterly hateful it sounded to his ears to hear this prattle again. Muggles he still had a rather large problem with, and he would not blink at talking badly about them, but the Weasleys were as much his family now as they were Harry's.

“Blaise, I don't believe you. There are a lot of people who think I'm a blood traitor now, you know. It's ridiculous. It's an ancient idea. You can't really feel that way about Ginny's family and still intend to marry her?” he said.

“I don't have a problem marrying her. People have married outside their class for ages. Besides, she pregnant with the first of the next generation of Zabinis. She's a pureblood at least. Otherwise, I'd just let her get rid of it. And I do love her,” he added as an afterthought.

Draco let out a bark like laugh. “Yes, I can certainly tell. I suppose you think it's a crime that I'm with Harry then? His mother was a Mudblood, gods forbid.”

Blaise shifted uncomfortably. “Honestly Draco? Yeah, I sort of do. But I let it slide as he is the most powerful wizard alive at the moment, and he is technically a pureblood since both of his parents were magical. I never did understand how you could bond with him, though. I didn't hold it against you when you guys were just fucking, but I couldn't believe it when you announced your engagement. I mean, Mudbloods are fine for casual affairs, but marriage? Tensions about that kind of thing were so high at the time though, I didn't think it was smart to say anything. I'm just glad you can't have kids, that's all. At least your bloodline will die out still pure.”

Draco stood and glared threateningly at Blaise. If they weren't celebrating at the moment, he probably would have hexed him with the foulest combination of hexes he could muster. “It wasn't so smart to say anything now, Blaise. Harry and I were never just fucking. I happen to be in love with him, very in love with him, Mudblood mother or not. I could care less. Oh, I also love the Weasleys, chickens and all.” Draco moved closer to Blaise. “What has gotten into you? Have you gone absolutely mad?”

Blaise stood and glared back at Draco. Their faces were only inches apart. “Let's just say that things are changing, Draco. Not everyone is pleased with the way things have gone since your boyfriend killed Lord Voldemort. All this mixing and such between wizards and Mudbloods, pureblood's and traitors. A lot of the old families are sick of it.”

Draco's blood ran cold in his veins. He was all too familiar with this philosophy. “I don't think I want to speak to you anymore,” he hissed at Blaise, angrier than he'd been in ages. “If you ever pull your head out of your arse, let me know.” Draco gave Blaise a last icy look and turned to go, but Blaise held him back with a firm hand on his shoulder.

“Draco, look, all I'm saying is, you know what has been happening is not right. Granger and Weasley, reproducing like a virus, is a perfect example of all that is wrong in our world. My brother at Hogwarts tells me that there is so much inner house dating now that you can't keep up with who is and who isn't pureblood anymore. There was a time when that mattered, Draco. When your last name meant something. Don't you miss it?”

Draco thought of his childhood, or lack thereof; of his father twisting his mind his whole life; of the agonizing summer of his arrest; of his mother's death at the hand of her own husband; of Harry lying on the floor of his Aunt Bellatrix's summerhouse, covered in blood. He thought of the mistrust he still saw in people's eyes when they heard his last name, the way the house elves still cringed every time he got too close to them, the whispers about who and what he had been everywhere he and Harry went. All because of his last name. All because he was a pureblood.

“No, Blaise. I don't miss it at all,” he said in a frosty tone. He turned on his heel and went looking for Harry.


“Harry, are you and Draco fighting?” Mrs. Weasley asked him as he was helping her set the table.

“No, Mum. I just told him today that I want to be an Auror. You know how overprotective he is. He's just pouting a bit,” he told her.

She patted his back and smiled. “I don't want you to be an Auror, either. Haven't you had enough for one lifetime? Isn't that what you always say?”

Harry smirked at her. “I know what I say, but I guess I lied. I miss doing something meaningful. Besides, there's nothing really going on now that is all that dangerous. I can handle some run of the mill criminals, I think. Don't tell him you're on his side though,” he teased her. “He really will be unbearable.” Harry kissed her forehead and headed out to the living room.

He and Draco bumped into each other as Harry was exiting the kitchen and Draco was trying to enter.

“I was looking for you,” they said in unison. Harry smiled, but it was immediately apparent to him that something was wrong.

“What is it, Draco?”

“I'll tell you later,” he said and gave Harry a hug. Why did he have to pick now of all times to start his Auror crap, Draco wondered. “Where's Ginny?”

Harry looked at Draco with worry. The blonde's eyes were a hard grey and his mouth was turned down in a frown. There was something very wrong with him. “Draco, I'm not telling you anything until you tell me what is wrong.”

Draco sighed at Harry impatiently. “Look, this is not the time or place. I will tell you later, I promise. But right now, I have to talk to Ginny.”

Mrs. Weasley came through the door. “Oh, Draco, hello. You've been here for nearly an hour and haven't bothered to speak to me,” she chastised him, but kissed him anyway.

He kissed her back and hugged her lightly as to not to bump any of his bruises. “I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley. I've got a lot on my mind. Forgiven?” Draco pulled out his most charming smile. Mrs. Weasley patted his cheek.

“Of course, love. I'll talk to you later. I need to get everyone in here to eat!” she said as she moved into the living room.

Draco looked at Harry. “I'll be back in a minute,” he said. Before Harry could protest, Draco walked away.


Apparently, while Draco and Harry had been talking just inside the kitchen, Blaise had made some excuse to Ginny and left the party. No one but her was sad to see him go.

Draco watched her throughout the meal, while Harry watched him and tried in vain to hear what he was thinking. He hated being kept in the dark about things, especially anything that upset Draco this much. He couldn't imagine what could be wrong. This new problem seemed to have eclipsed the Auror question in Draco's mind for the moment.

After dinner, Harry was helping to clear the table when he noticed Draco subtly maneuvering Ginny out the back door, despite the freezing temperature. He wiped his hands on a towel and excused himself, wishing very much that he had his Invisibility Cloak. He'd never been any good at the spell for it. He decided to just butt right in instead.

“What are you two talking about?” he asked casually as he approached them.

Draco turned and shot him an annoyed look that hurt Harry's feelings a little bit. “You're just not going to let it rest, are you?” he asked Harry.

Harry just looked at him. Draco sighed. “Fine, I was going to tell you later anyway.” He reached out and put his arm around Harry's waist and pulled him next to him, mending any breach that had been committed. Quietly, he began to recount the conversation he had had with Blaise.

When Draco had finished, Ginny giggled softly. “That's what has got you so upset?” she asked him.

“Well, yes, Ginny. He made it sound as if the Death Eaters were reforming, or something very similar. Not to mention that he was talking about your family as if they were subhuman,” Draco pointed out.

Ginny rolled her eyes. “Draco, Blaise has always hated my family. And all his pureblood crap is just the way he was raised. It's stupid, but it's just how he is. There's nothing to worry about.”

Draco's gaze hardened. “Really? You do remember that you're pregnant right?” She nodded her head crossly. “Do you also remember what a complete prick I was as a boy?” She nodded again. “Good, because that is what you'll be having for a child. A Draco Malfoy for the new millennium. Because I can tell you from experience, Ginny, that pureblood crap, as you call it, has a way of making sense to little ears that love the voice speaking it. And if you have a boy, it will be twice as bad,” Draco stood and waved his hand at her impatiently. “I'm going in. It's freezing out here. You do what you want. If it were me, however, I'd run screaming in the opposite direction.” Draco kissed Harry quickly on his cheek. “Coming with?” he asked.

Harry, who had remained silent throughout the exchange, only smiled at him. Just a minute, love. I want to talk to her a bit more, he thought. Draco squeezed his hand and went inside.

Ginny made to follow him and Harry grabbed her arm. “Wait, Gin. He may be a little paranoid about the whole Death Eater thing, but he has a very valid point about the rest of it. Is that the kind of guy you really want helping you raise your kids?” he asked her.

Ginny was now looking put out. “I think I will have a say in their upbringing as well, Harry. I won't let my children turn into bigots. You both underestimate me. Blaise is all right. He was just running his mouth to Draco because he thought he'd find a sympathetic ear. I'm done with this now. I'm going inside, it's freezing out here.”

Harry stood for a moment, watching the snow come down. With a small shake of his head, he too, went back to the party.

Charter 11: Dream Come True

“Ow, ow, no Michael, please. Not tonight, love.”

This was the first thing Harry heard upon re-entering the Burrow. A slow grin spread across his face. Apparently, the sugar from dessert had started to fuel the twins, who had been amazingly satisfied with not bothering the adults today. Until now, anyway.

“Uncle Draco! Play with me!” one of the twins cried. From his vantage point, Harry could not tell which one.

Draco was moving away from the little boy cautiously, hands raised in a defensive position.

“Some other time, mate,” he said as he gingerly sat on the couch.

Mrs. Weasley, always the mother, sprang from her chair. “Draco, what is wrong sweetie? Are you hurt?”

Harry's smile broadened into a grin as he sat next to Draco on the couch. Mrs. Weasley felt his forehead for fever, then moved to his neck to check for lumps. Draco was trying vainly to swat her hands away. When she pressed into the side of his neck, he hissed loudly.

“Are your glands swollen? They don't feel swollen. Is this sore?” she said as she pressed again.

“YES!” Draco hissed and flinched. She made to lower his turtleneck and he grabbed her hand firmly. “I had a, er, riding accident. I'm just a bit banged up. I'll be fine,” he said quickly, hoping to avoid any embarrassment he might feel if she were to see the rather large bite shaped bruise on his throat.

“A riding accident? Draco, I've told you a thousand times that animal of yours is too wild! You really should get him gelded!”

Next to Draco, Harry coughed loudly to mask his laughter. “No, Mum. His animal is usually quite nice. He just had an uncharacteristic, rather violent moment the other evening during one of Draco's long rides,” he managed to squeak out before erupting in thinly veiled laughter again.

Draco looked at Harry, absolutely scandalized. “Yes, perhaps you're right, Mrs. Weasley. Gelding may be just the very thing,” Draco drawled at his snickering mate.

“Well, up you get, Draco. I've some Bruise-Be-Gone and Ache-Away upstairs that I use on the little ones. It should fix you right up,” Mrs. Weasley said authoritatively.

Draco blanched. “No, it's okay. They're almost gone now.”

Harry laughed again. “He's a bit shy, Mum.” Ginny coughed loudly at this comment, obviously hiding her own laughter. Both Harry and Draco shot her a look. “Where is the stuff at? I'll put it on him.” Harry held out his hand to Draco as he stood from the couch.

Mrs. Weasley looked vaguely hurt. “I have been fixing bruises my whole life, you know, Draco. I had five boys of my own. You've nothing I haven't seen before,” she said.

Draco blushed crimson. His own real mother had never seen him in any sort of state of undress since he was about six. The thought of Mrs. Weasley tending his injuries, especially considering their nature, was too much.

Harry's face screwed up in an effort not to burst out laughing again. “Really, Mum. I've got it.”

“All right, it's in the second floor bathroom. Medicine cabinet. If you need any help, just yell,” she called after them as they climbed the stairs.

Draco smacked Harry on the arse as punishment for his wicked snickering. It only served to make Harry snicker more. “A riding accident? Oh dear God, I thought I would die. Please, don't ever do that to me again,” he laughed.

“What about you? All that `no his animal is usually quite nice' crap. That was so, so, so….me.” Draco grinned at him.

They had reached the bathroom and Harry closed the door and flipped on the light. “All right, love, strip,” he demanded as he rummaged through the medicine cabinet. He was happy to see Draco being himself for the first time since that morning.

He found what he was looking for and turned to Draco, who was standing naked, no longer laughing and deep in thought.

“Are you still worried about Blaise?” Harry asked as he pushed Draco's hair to the side to uncover the bruise on the side of his neck.

“Hmmm?” Draco responded. “Oh, yeah, sort of. I mean, I don't think you guys really understand how serious this could be. Ouch,” he hissed as Harry dabbed a bit of the Bruise-Be-Gone on his neck with a bit of cotton. Harry watched, fascinated, as the bruise slowly faded then disappeared all together.

“Does that hurt?” Harry asked as he lightened his touch. Draco smiled. Harry was being as gentle now as he had been rough the night before. The thought of the previous evening sent a bolt of warmth through Draco's groin.

“Stings a bit,” he replied as Harry moved on to the next spot. Draco leaned back against the sink and let himself be taken care of. He watched Harry closely as he dabbed the potion on his wounds. His eyes were dark with concentration and his tongue was sticking out just the slightest bit. Once again, Draco found himself marveling at how much he wanted to pounce on him. He rationalized it to himself by thinking that standing around naked and being administered to in such a loving way would turn anyone on.

“I have one here,” Draco said in a husky voice, pointing to a mark just below his hipbone, even though Harry had only just made it to his ribcage.

Harry looked up into a pair of dark, grey smoky eyes. He felt his stomach flutter a bit.

“Draco, behave. The woman who is practically my mother is only one floor down,” Harry warned. He looked away quickly and went back to work on a new mark on Draco's bicep.

Draco began to run his hand through Harry's hair, being sure to spend extra time at the nape of his neck.

Harry reached up lighting fast and grabbed Draco's hand. “Draco,” he intoned.

“What?” Draco said innocently.

Harry lowered his eyes at him and went back to work. He was bending slightly to administer to the wounds on Draco's chest, and was alarmed to see that Draco was getting an erection. He continued to dab potion on the bruise by Draco's nipple, ignoring the growing problem as best he could. This became a bit more difficult when Draco began to touch himself.

“Draco, stop it,” Harry whispered a bit breathlessly. He felt his face grow hot and noticed that his hands had started to shake.

Draco took one of Harry's hands and placed it where his own had just been. He moaned quietly. Harry stood up quickly, trying not to look at Draco's face. “Draco….” he started.

But Draco cut him off by whispering in his ear “Touch me, Harry. Please.”

It completely undid Harry. He carefully put the potion down on the counter and did as he was asked.


The two came bounding down the stairs some time later, laughing and tugging at each other's clothes. Ginny recognized their flirtatious behavior at once and smiled slightly.

“Feel better, love?” Mrs. Weasley asked Draco.

“You have no idea,” he replied.

“I'm sure,” Ginny mumbled from behind him.

Harry turned and glared at her. Pervert, he mouthed at her with a grim look. She stuck her tongue out at him.

“Weren't there two little maniacs who wanted to play with me earlier?” Draco asked.

“Who were they?”

The twins started jumping around Draco's legs, grabbing at his hands and arms. “Us, Uncle Draco, us!” they cried.

Draco crossed his arms and raised one hand to his chin, considering the two hyperactive boys. He sighed dramatically and fell onto the couch. “All right. Have your wicked way with me,” he said as he threw his arms wide and assumed a prone position.

Harry took the opportunity to sit down on top of Draco's legs, pinning him to the couch. Draco struggled mightily as Harry ripped off his shoes. “Boys! Come here and tickle your Uncle Draco's feet! He hates it! I'll hold him for you!”

The two boys yelled merrily and ran forward.

Draco was thrashing wildly in an attempt to escape. He threw his head back and howled as the boys began tickling him mercilessly.

“You will die for this Potter!” he yelled, trying vainly to dislodge Harry from his legs. He was crying and begging for mercy before it was over.


It was very late when Harry and Draco Apparated back to their home in Montrose. It had been a long day and they were both exhausted.

Harry waited patiently for Draco to get ready for bed. It took him no time at all as he only brushed his teeth and undressed. Draco had an entire routine that included brushing his hair out, washing his face, brushing his teeth and checking his nails. After what seemed like an eternity to Harry, he finally emerged from the bathroom in his pajamas. Harry scooted back over to his side of the bed and lifted the covers for his mate.

Draco crawled into the warm spot Harry had made for him and wrapped himself around him. They kissed sleepily and settled into one another's arms. Draco was nearly asleep when Harry woke him up with a most unwelcome question.

“So, can we maybe go to the Ministry tomorrow? For you to talk to Kingsley?”

Draco grunted. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

“Well, if I'm going to retire from Quidditch, I need to give them notice. And I want to mention what Blaise said to you, since it's got you so worried. Plus, we need to do some Christmas shopping. Diagon Alley is right there,” Harry replied.

Draco heard the eagerness in Harry's voice again, and once again felt bad for how much he hated it. “Fine, Harry. But I told you, I am only promising to speak with him. I still think it's a stupid idea. Why can't you just quit if you want to? We have more money than we'll ever spend, it's not like you need to work. We could just spend some time together, travel, laze around, whatever. You could garden to your heart's content,” he said.

Harry raised up on one elbow and looked down at Draco, who still had his eyes closed and was mumbling into his chest. “I garden to relax. If I didn't have anything to do, I wouldn't need to relax. I want to work, Draco. I need to feel like I'm doing something useful. Dumbledore, Lupin and the rest of them spent a lot of time and effort training me, I sort of feel like I've let them down by not applying my skills as a wizard.”

Draco opened his eyes. “You only saved the world, after all,” he drawled.

Harry rolled his eyes. “I almost died, Draco. If you hadn't come when you did, I probably would have. So you can stop with that, if you please.”

Draco raised up on his elbow so that their faces were even. “What is wrong with you? Why do you still think you have some kind of responsibility to all these people? You did what you were meant to do. Now leave it alone. Besides, Quidditch is useful. Being my husband is useful.”

“Quidditch is fun, yes, but it's not useful,” Harry interjected. He conveniently chose to ignore Draco's last point.

“Oh? Tell everyone here in Montrose that it's not useful when you announce you're quitting. I think you'll find they disagree,” Draco replied.

Harry started playing with Draco's long fingers. “I know, but I like the idea of being an Auror. I've wanted to be one since I was fourteen years old. I used to dream of throwing your arse in jail,” he said with a smile.

Draco did not return it. “Yes, well I like the idea of having a spouse who reaches the age of thirty and isn't intent on getting himself killed,” he snapped.

Harry pulled Draco to him. “I won't get killed. I promise. There's no one left-“

“Shut it, Harry. I said I would talk to Shacklebolt. That's all I'm willing to concede at the moment,” Draco said and turned his back to Harry.

Harry sighed and spooned against him. “Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I just really want this, Draco. I wish I could make you understand.” Harry waited for a reply, but none was forthcoming. He leaned forward and kissed Draco's back. “I love you,” he said.

Draco took the hand that had snaked around his waist. “I love you, too, Harry. Now go to sleep,” he said. He was afraid that at any moment he was going to break down in tears. He listened as Harry's breathing became deeper and his felt his body go limp as he fell asleep. He turned and studied his peaceful face.

Draco knew he would not be able to tell Harry no. He never could. I may not be able to tell him no, but I can put conditions on it, Draco thought as he watched Harry sleep. He reached out and stroked his face. Harry smiled. I won't let them get you killed, no matter what he promised himself as he snuggled down next to Harry. He began to formulate a plan as he lay there in the dark. Even after he had things sorted out in his mind, it was a very long time before he got to sleep.

Chapter 12: Compromise

“Wake up, love.”

Harry snuggled down in the bed and smiled. Draco kissed him on the cheek and shook him lightly.

“Wake up, sweet,” Draco said again, sitting down on the edge of the bed and running his hand through Harry's hair.

Harry rolled over on his back and his eyes fluttered open.

“Morning,” Draco said as he smiled down at him and kissed him sweetly. “Get up, love. We have an appointment with your man Kingsley in two hours. I made breakfast,” he added as he rose from the bed.

Harry sat upright, a look of horror on his face. “You, er, you cooked?”

Draco turned and laughed out loud. “I just cut up some fruit and made toast. Don't worry, your kitchen is safe.”

Harry noted that Draco was already dressed and ready for the day. He put his glasses on and got up and threw on his sweat pants and t-shirt. “What time is it?” he asked as he followed Draco downstairs.

“It's nine,” he replied.

“Why are you up so bloody early? And how do we have an appointment with Kingsley?” Harry grumbled. No matter how gently Draco woke him, he was not a morning person. He was relieved to see that his kitchen was indeed in tact, however, as he padded into the room behind Draco.

“I'm up early because I always get up early. And it is lucky for you that I do, as that is how we have an appointment with Kingsley-I Apparated over this morning and set it with his secretary. He wasn't in yet, despite the fact that it was past eight. Probably in Gryffindor, like you. Lazy sods,” Draco said as he put Harry's breakfast in front of him. “Eat up, we have a lot to do today.”

Draco watched in disgust as Harry hurriedly shovelled his food into his mouth. “Bloody supposed to be on holiday from work,” he grumbled in between bites.

Draco smiled at him indulgently. “This was your idea,” he reminded him. “And please, remind me to teach you some table manners one of these years.”

“He's got afternoon appointments doesn't he?” Harry shot back, ignoring Draco's last comment.

Draco took Harry's hand and kissed his palm. “Just hurry up. I want to get there, tell you no, and get on with our shopping and what not,” he teased.

Harry finished quickly and rose from the table while Draco started reading his daily paper. Twenty minutes later, Harry was showered, dressed, awake finally, and ready to go.


They arrived outside the Ministry with fifteen minutes to spare. After taking the phone booth down and leaving their wands with the guard, they made their way to the Aurors floor and Kingsley Shacklebolt's office. They were stopped numerous times on the way by various Ministry employees taking their chance to meet the famous Harry Potter. Draco fell back as he always did in these situations. While he was certainly well known in his own right, his fame was nothing next to Harry's. And here at the Ministry, the name of Malfoy still met with a certain level of distrust. Harry always took the time to introduce Draco to whomever it was he was speaking to, but in most instances, Draco was very cold and reserved. Even after being the mate of the Boy Who Lived for the past six years, he found that he still could not stomach the many bright eyed do gooders at the Ministry of Magic.

Once they reached his office, they didn't have to wait at all for Kingsley Shacklebolt to appear. The big man greeted them immediately with his arms spread wide.

“Harry! So good to see you after all these years! I hope you don't mind, but I have a few things that I need to get signed for my boy. Huge Magpies fan. You're his favorite,” he said as he took Harry in a warm embrace. The two smiled at one another as they separated and Kingsley turned to Draco and shook his hand. Draco took it with a pleasant smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

“And Mr. Malfoy! What a pleasant surprise! I was hoping that if Harry ever decided to talk with us that you would join him. Come on in,” he said, motioning the two men into his office. “Just sit there in front of the desk.”

It was a nice office, Draco noticed, with new furniture for the relatively new Lead Auror. This desk was fairly large, but Kingsley still managed to look too big for it. He sat across from them and studied them carefully before he began. Harry was trying hard not to fidget in his excitement, while Draco was sitting deathly still, hands folded in his lap, hard silver eyes fixed on Kingsley.

“So, I understand that Harry here wants to talk to us about becoming an Auror,” he began.

Harry leaned forward in his chair. “I had all that training at Hogwarts. I just feel like I'm wasting my skills. It seems like I've been playing Quidditch forever now-a lot longer than I intended to, really. I'm ready for a change,” he said.

Kingsley smiled at his eagerness. “Well, that would be great by us, Harry. We'd love to have you. Things have changed a bit, of course, since you took care of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but there's still too much going on that we'd like to stop. The position I had more in mind for you, though, is as a tester and trainer. We want to overhaul the whole training program and I can't think of anyone better to structure the new one than you. We've had a huge surge in the number of applicants in the past five years, so we'd like to get a new program in place right away. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?”

Harry smiled widely and looked at Draco, who sat in his same position, still unmoved. “It sounds good to me,” Harry said.

Draco finally stirred. “What about fighting? Going on raids and all that? Would he still be required to do that?” he asked.

Kingsley raised an eyebrow to Draco and chuckled. “I thought I noticed a bit of discontent from you, Mr. Malfoy. No, Harry would not be required to work in the field at all, unless he wanted to. Normally, field work is a requirement for all new Aurors, but we feel that Harry's practical experience more than makes up for it. And quite frankly, Harry's a bit too high profile to really be an effective enforcer. I mean, everyone knows who he is. It's not like he's ever going to surprise anyone, now is it? We still may consult him on some tactical issues, but we would never ask him to participate in any actual law enforcement.”

Draco could feel Harry glaring at him. He did not meet his gaze, but continued to look at Kingsley. “Would that be expressed in writing in his contract then?” Draco asked.

“If you'd like, that could be added, yes.”

“See Draco, you'd get your way. I'd be an Auror in title only,” Harry drawled. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, giving Draco a look that was both smug and snide. Draco returned the look with one of his own. He was going to get his way, or Harry would not be an Auror.

“No, Harry, you'd be a fully qualified Auror. We'd have to send you through training again, since it's been a while for you, but after that, you'd have all the necessary credentials. We consider you almost a re-hire, as you were fully qualified already when you left Hogwarts. You would not be required to participate in the law enforcement end of things, but if something occurred that you wanted to help with, no one would stop you,” Kingsley said.

“You'd be wrong there,” Draco interjected, never taking his eyes off his mate.

“Well, be that as it may, I would be glad to have Harry in any capacity we can get him,” Kingsley said . “And Mr. Malfoy, I have a proposition for you, as well. Considering that you don't seem to be too keen on letting Harry out of your sight, it might be of interest to you.”

Draco looked at Harry curiously, but Harry only shrugged. “What's that, Mr. Shacklebolt?” he asked.

“Well, as I've mentioned, we're getting a lot more recruits than we once did, so we've been expanding the department as we've become more staffed. One of the branches that has benefited most from this is profiling and intelligence. We take cases that are active and try to draw conclusions about the perpetrators of the crimes in order to catch them. One of the areas we're having the most problems with is that of hate groups. Now, I don't mean anything by this Mr. Malfoy, but with your background I thought you'd be in a very interesting position to evaluate the motives and means of some of the new groups that are forming.”

Draco smirked at him. “You mean the fact that I came within months of getting the Dark Mark?”

“Exactly. Most of the groups that are springing up are offshoots of the Death Eaters, naturally. It'd be a position much like Harry's-no actual fighting, just research, maybe a bit of training and tactical consulting. We'd give you your own office to work out of, as well as an assistant. We work with magical governments and intelligences all over the world. I think it's going to grow into a very challenging and rewarding position.”

Draco was floored. He looked to Harry, who was grinning broadly though also obviously surprised. “Was I your first choice?” Draco asked.

Kingsley Shacklebolt chuckled. “Yes, actually, you were. I wanted to hire you even before Harry contacted us about being an Auror. Oh, I never thought you'd actually come and work for us, but I was at least going to ask you to come in as a consultant and help us get the whole thing up and running. Your marks at Hogwarts were always in the top three of the school in every subject, I've witnessed first hand your astonishing will power and tenacity,” Draco's face darkened at the thought of his first meeting with Kingsley Shacklebolt the night of his arrest so long ago, “and as I've said, your background gives you intimate knowledge of how these groups work. And if Harry comes to work for us, you'd be able to keep a close eye on him yourself. Make sure he doesn't get into any trouble,” the large man smiled.

Draco was still reeling. He'd never been offered a job before. He'd never actually had one either. Again, he gave Harry a questioning look.

Harry smiled at his spouse's shock. “Kingsley, can we have a second alone?” he asked.

Shacklebolt rose from his chair. “Absolutely. I'll just be outside when you're ready,” he said and left them alone.

“Well, love, what are you thinking?” Harry asked Draco.

“I don't really know, Harry. I mean, it never occurred to me to work. It does sound really interesting though. I haven't had anything really challenging to do in a while. I just show up to business meetings, make some demands, and it's done. This would be…fun I think.” Draco replied.

Harry leaned over and took Draco's hands. “Let's do it. We could live at Malfoy Manor and work together. We'd be together all the time, no more travelling or business meetings. Neither of us would have to do law enforcement, so we'd be safe, but we'd get a total change of scenery and pace. And we could still visit Montrose on the weekends if we wanted to, though I don't think we're going to be welcome there for a bit after I announce my retirement. If you hate it, you can quit-it's not as if you need to work. Come on Draco, it'll be fun. It'll be sort of like being in school again, adventures, late night planning sessions, covert activities…” Harry said with a gleam in his eyes.

Draco did not like that gleam. “Harry, you have to promise me that you will never, ever, no matter what, go out on any raids or arrests. No matter what they say, you're still a target in this world,” Draco said.

Harry placed his hand over his heart solemnly. “I promise. I don't really want to fight anyone anyway. But I'll still get to do all the fun planning and stuff. Come on, love, say yes. Please?” Harry pleaded. When Draco didn't respond right away, Harry actually batted his eyelashes at him.

Draco burst out in laughter and kissed his lips. “All right. Honestly, and you call me a brat.”

“Yea!” Harry cried as he jumped from his chair and grabbed Draco in a crushing bear hug.

Kingsley, who was anxiously watching the activity through the office window, smiled and opened the door. “Well?” he asked.

Harry let go of Draco and beamed at the lead Auror. “We're all yours!” he cried.

Chapter 13: One Big Happy

Draco was sitting in his and Harry's office at the Ministry, trying in vain to look over a file that he was working on with WITCH (Wizard's International Tactical Coordinating Headquarters) in America. They were having huge problems with teenage wizards forming groups that sounded vaguely like the houses at Hogwarts-they all had special names and colors, secret hand signals and passwords. The difference was in their violent actions. Where the rivalry at Hogwarts had occasionally erupted in a nasty hex or two between houses, these witches and wizards killed and tortured one another over `turf'. Draco, who had garnered the reputation as one of the most effective Wizarding Profilers in the world since completing his Auror training two years ago, had been contacted just after assisting the German Wizarding Council in raiding and arresting a group there that had similar characteristics, only they targeted Muggles instead of rival wizarding gangs.

He was having such a difficult time getting into his work because of Harry. When Harry had signed on as a Trainer for the Ministry, the recruitment rate had doubled. Students at Hogwarts practically stood in line during career advice week to talk to him about becoming an Auror. It broke his heart every year when he had to turn away more than half the applicants to his program. Under his tutelage, the Ministry of Magic's Auror Force was the most feared in the world. Harry, like Draco, was loaned out to other countries who were trying to beef up their forces, but none of them could compare with the Brits-Harry was that good. Draco often watched the training classes-seeing Harry boss people around and display his amazing power had always been a huge turn on for the blonde. He even felt guilty for not letting Harry fight for the Ministry on occasion as he knew that Harry was undefeatable by any wizard alive. Due to his capacity as trainer and consultant, Harry's powers had not diminished in the slightest over the years, but were still as sharp as razors.

He had been on edge for the past three days though, cutting Draco off from his thoughts and roaming around distracted and grumpy. His mood was affecting Draco rather badly as well. The blonde had a persistent headache and had been fighting wave after wave of nausea throughout the past days. His sense of smell seemed to be in overdrive-when Hermione had popped in and said hello this morning, he had retched in his trashcan from the overwhelming smell of her perfume. Remembering it, he doubled over and grabbed the bin again, fighting forcefully to keep the contents of his last snack down.

“Draco, are you alright?” Harry asked as he came through the door at that exact moment. He rushed to his husband's side and began rubbing his back.

Draco shook his head yes and sat up, thankful that Harry's presence seemed to have calmed his stomach for the moment. He hated throwing up almost more than anything and was relieved to not be doing so again that day. “Better now. What is wrong with you?” he asked pointedly. “And don't tell me nothing again. You're making me sick, Harry. What are you worried about?”

Feeling incredibly guilty, Harry gave Draco a big hug. “I don't know exactly. Something just feels off. Like all hell is about to break loose or something. Is there any word on Blaise's organization?”

Draco held up his wand. “Accio DE file,” he said. Two thick files bound together by a simple rubberband flew from his cabinet to his desk. He pushed it towards Harry. “No, nothing for a month or so. That is worrisome, but what could they be up to?”

“That's your job,” Harry said with a smile and a shrug. Draco glared at him and Harry diffused the situation by kissing him on the lips. Draco, who had been unbelievably horny the past two weeks, took the opportunity to run his tongue along Harry's bottom lip.

“Draco,” Harry chided with a smile. “We're at work,” he whispered, pulling the blonde to him and silently shutting the door with his mind.

“As if we've never shagged on my desk before,” Draco replied, voice lowered as he engaged Harry in a spirited open mouthed kiss. Behind them, Harry was pushing the Death Eater and WITCH files aside, clearing the top of Draco's workspace.

“That was rather fun, wasn't it?” he growled at the blonde, whom he was maneuvering onto the desktop.

“Well, the write up wasn't so great, nor was the two week suspension. Luckily, we don't need the money,” Draco gasped back as he threw his legs around Harry's waist and Harry ripped open his robes. Behind them, the blinds on their office window clattered shut, though neither of them had lifted a wand or said a word. Draco smiled at Harry. “Being married to the most powerful wizard alive does have its advantages,” he whispered before kissing Harry again.

A sharp rap at the door interrupted them. “What?” Harry cried grumpily.

“Open the door, you two fiends!” Hermione yelled.

Harry and Draco groaned, but Harry opened the door. Hermione gave them a seething glare. “Are you two trying to get fired?” she snapped.

Draco straightened his robes and repaired several small tears with a `reparo' spell before answering her. “They won't fire us. Well, not Harry anyway. They might try to fire me again, but they'd only ask me back, just like before.” Draco had been fired a total of three times, all for insubordination. He had never had a job before, and found that taking orders and living by someone else's rules did not always suit him. Being a Malfoy, he did as he pleased, taking days off without asking, showing up late when it pleased him, and working on projects that were not officially assigned to him if he was interested in them. While he was a bit of a troublemaker, he was also one of the most respected employees at the Ministry. People outside his department sought his advice all the time, knowing his reputation for analytical thinking. Hence, he had always been re-employed, with the longest separation lasting only a week. Smirking, he stood from the desk and winced, hand flying to his lower back.

“What's wrong?” Harry asked him.

Draco rubbed the small of his back with one hand. “I don't know. My back's been aching. Maybe I have a kidney infection, or I'm getting the flu or something. I've been really tired too,” he whined.

Harry turned him around and began massaging his back.

Hermione eyed them curiously. “Do you want me to not send the kids over this weekend?” she asked, still looking at Draco. He seemed different in some way that she could not place.

“No, I'm fine. Maybe I'll skive off and go to the doctor this afternoon. What am I saying? I should have jumped at the chance for a peaceful weekend,” he groaned. The attempt to sound aggravated fell short, as Harry's backrub was relaxing him greatly.

“That might be a good idea, Draco,” Harry said sweetly and kissed his cheek. “If you do have the flu, it would never do to pass it on to the kids,” he finished.

It had become a ritual since moving to Malfoy Manor to take at least some of Ron and Hermione's kids off their hands every other weekend. Ron was still Keeper for the Magpies, and Hermione was busier than ever as one of the top officials at the Ministry, so Harry and Draco had volunteered to assist them. They had been officially declared godparents to the twins and Maggie, and those were the children they usually watched. Harry adored the twins, while Draco doted on Maggie endlessly. Though the blonde always pretended having the children was a hardship, he had ordered the house elves to arrange and decorate rooms for them so that they would always feel at home when they visited.

Draco sat down in his chair, once again feeling a bit off color. “You're right. I'll go tell Kingsley that I'm leaving early,” he said, wrapping his arms around his middle. His stomach had gone queasy again. He at least tried to inform his boss when he was taking off unexpectedly these days.

“I'll tell him, you just go,” Harry said, worry evident in his eyes. Hermione said goodbye and Draco began straightening his desk in preparation to leave, when a loud siren sounded throughout the Ministry.


Draco and Harry settled back and listened, while the other Aurors sprang into action around them. Harry had kept his promise to Draco to not partake in any raids since he had started at his new job, but he always assisted with any tactical advice if he could. He listened closely, trying to mete out any details he could from the announcement. Draco waited as well, in case his help was needed.

The woman's voice was naming off nearly every prisoner that had been captured the night Harry had defeated Voldemort. Draco began to grow worried when the name he feared hearing most was actually said.


Next to him, Harry bolted out of his chair and headed for the door.

“Harry, what are you doing?” Draco yelled after him.

Harry turned and looked back at his mate, eyes full of fury and apology. “I'm sorry, love. I have to go to this one,” he said quietly.

It was Draco's turn to become enraged. “Harry Potter, if you Apparate out of this building, I will never speak to you again. Do you understand? You promised me!”

Harry just looked at him sadly and exited the room.


Draco found him in front of the cabinet that housed the Aurors battle robes, pulling one over his muscular frame.

“Harry, I am not fucking around. Take that off. Now.” Draco said through clenched teeth.

The room had gone silent the moment Harry had entered and started to outfit himself for the fight. Now, if it were possible, it grew even more quiet.

“Draco, try to understand. I can't let her get away. Not again,” he said forcefully. His hair was pulsing back and forth and his battle robe was swishing around his ankles. Draco gulped. Harry was angrier than he'd been in an age.

Before Draco could answer, Kingsley Shacklebolt entered the room to prep the troops. “We are preparing to Apparate to Azkaban. The situation there is dire. A rebel group led by Blaise Zabini and Vincent Crabbe infiltrated the prison approximately 10 minutes ago and killed several of our guards. You heard the list of prisoners who were released-the speed in which they were able to do this leads us to believe there was inside assistance. From the first reports, the fighting is brutal and bloody. Prepare to use deadly force if necessary.” Kingsley spotted Harry pulling the hood of his robe over his head and the very livid Draco at his side, not dressed for battle. “Potter, we can handle this without you,” he said sharply. He had no desire to go head to head with Malfoy if Harry went into this fight.

“No way,” Harry said firmly. “I'm going,” he spat. It was no longer just the fact that Bellatrix Lestrange had escaped, but now Blaise was involved. Ginny was family. He turned and looked desperately at Draco as the others started to Apparate. “I'm sorry, love. I have to,” he whispered before Apparating himself.

Draco stood and stared in shock at the empty space where Harry had just stood.

“I'll take care of him, Malfoy,” Shacklebolt said from across the room, then disappeared with a loud pop.

“Like hell you will,” Draco grumbled. He was so concerned with Harry's safety that he forgot to dress himself in a battle robe before he Apparated to the battlefield.


The Magical Law Enforcement Squad had already captured many of the escaped convicts, but losses had been swift and heavy. The air was filled with smoke, as the prison seemed to be on fire. Spells were firing through the air over one another and unintelligible shouts abounded. Draco landed with a bump next to someone else. Looking up, he was relieved to see that it was the person he intended, Harry.

He had removed his hood and was standing with his arm extended, rebounding each spell that hit him while casting several of his own. Draco watched in awe as a well placed “Stupefy” from the tip of Harry's wand struck first one Death Eater then ricocheted off him and struck four others in rapid succession. Thick ropes wrapped around their waists and wrists, stringing them together on the ground, without Harry having to say a word. Energy radiated off him so forcefully that Draco's own hair was now being blown about.

“Malfoy, what the fuck are you doing here?” Harry roared without even turning around to check that it was Draco.

“Protecting you, arsehole!” he shrieked back. “How dare you do this to me?”

Harry turned to face him. His eyes were not even human looking anymore, but blazed a liquid green that looked toxic. “You're not wearing a battle robe! Go back! If you get hit, it will go right through you!” he shouted in alarm.

This realization struck Draco as he deftly ducked a searing Avada Kedavra thrown by an approaching figure. Harry quickly stopped the spell midair by lifting his wand to it. The spell exploded behind them in a shower of green sparks.

“I'm not leaving without you!” Draco yelled, glaring hatefully at his mate.

“My Draco, how you've grown,” a female voice cooed from beside them. The figure who had cast the Avada Kedavra curse at Draco had arrived. Bellatrix Lestrange stood before he and Harry, drawn and thin from her second stay at Azkaban. Insanity danced in her eyes. “I almost got you, but you're quick, just like Lucius always said,” she lifted her wand as both Harry and Draco stared at her in shock and fired a Slashing Spell directly at Draco's chest before either man could move.

“No!” Harry cried, and hit the spell with a push of pure magical energy from his wand, but it was too late to prevent it from hitting Draco completely. Instead of his chest, the spell changed course and nearly took off the blonde's right arm, cutting through his beautiful custom made velvet robe.

Harry watched in horror as Draco fell to the ground, screaming and clutching his dangling arm. The spell had severed straight through the bone.

“AVADA KEDAVRA!” Harry roared, eyes blazing at Bellatrix. Everyone on the battlefield stopped and turned at the sound-Harry's voice held so much power that it had amplified above the battle din. Within seconds, Bellatrix Lestrage dissolved into a million pieces. She had been laughing madly up to the very end.

Harry dropped to the ground next to Draco. “No, no, no, no,” he said over and over. He had subconsciously cast a `Protego' charm around them so strong that it was visible as a dome of iridescent light. Several Aurors trained in triage medicine advanced, but found they could not penetrate the bubble around their fallen comrades. They watched as Harry gathered Draco from the ground and gently lifted him over his shoulder. Then he disappeared into thin air.

“Fallen Auror!” Harry cried as he Apparated into the emergency room of St. Mungo's. The nurse at the desk recognized him at once-she had worked as a floor nurse and had helped care for Draco when he had been hospitalized with the burn from the Ministry device all those years ago. She remembered how Harry had refused to leave his side, and felt her stomach drop when she recognized the limp blonde form now slung over the hero of the wizarding world's shoulder. Without adieu, she sounded the alarm.

Much as had happened at the Ministry, sirens began to sound and a voice rang out through the hospital. “FALLEN AUROR! EMERGENCY ROOM, FIRST FLOOR! CALLING ALL HEALERS! CALLING ALL HEALERS!” the voice cried.

Soon, Harry and Draco were surrounded by Healers, who placed Draco very gently on a floating gurney and began to attend his arm with their wands and various potions. When they started to move towards the lifts to take him into surgery, Harry followed. A Healer that Harry had never seen before held his hand up to him. “I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to wait here,” he said.

Harry's energy rose so violently that the lights in the hospital flickered. The nurse at the desk rose at once. “You'd better let him go! They're bonded! And he's Harry Potter!” she yelled.

The Healer looked up at the lights, then back at Harry. The alien glow in the Auror's eyes did not escape the young Healer. “Um, yes, I'm sorry. Follow me,” he said meekly. But Harry had already pushed past him and joined Draco in the lift.


Draco woke up with a gasp. At once, several faces appeared in his field of vision, the closest among them, his beloved Harry.

“He's in pain!” Harry yelled to someone over his shoulder.

Draco shook his head no. He was in no pain at all, but felt very, very sick. He clapped a hand over his mouth and closed his eyes.

“I think he's sick,” a gentle voice cut in. He felt someone place a small bin in his lap and gratefully leaned over and vomited violently.

“Why is he sick?” Harry yelled again. The black haired man had not slept or eaten for three days and was on the verge of exhaustion, but no one had been able to persuade him to leave Draco's side for a second.

“I'm not sure, Mr. Potter, but please, stop yelling. It's not helping matters,” the nurse said to him in her same gentle tone.

Harry ran a hand through his still battle grimed hair and looked down at Draco. “How are you? Do you hurt?” he asked, voice breaking with concern.

Draco smiled up at him. “No, nothing hurts. My head is just spinning. Am I drugged?” he mumbled.

Harry kissed him gently, then broke down in tears. Draco tried to raise his hand to comfort him, only to find it wrapped and pinned to his side. “Déjà vu,” he said, trying hard not to giggle. A sob from Harry brought him back around to reality.

Molly Weasley dared move to Harry's side. The man was filthy, and he reeked. She had been worried about him for days, but had been unable to approach him for the last two as they had had an extremely heated row when she had tried to force Harry to drink a Sleeping Draught. Harry did not shrink from her now, though, as she comforted him.

“Harry, don't cry,” Draco said loopily. “I'm alright. Really. Can't feel a thing.” He finally realized his other hand was fine and used it to pat Harry's face. Harry jumped up and kissed him repeatedly. Draco just grinned.

“I'm sorry, Draco. This is all my fault. I should have listened to you. You always end up getting the worst of it,” the black haired man said through his tears. Even as he stood, the relief washed through him at the sight of his spouse, and as it did, he felt his exhaustion from the battle and the past three days at Draco's side rush through him. “Oh shit,” he whispered weakly as his knees buckled and he fell, unconscious, to the floor.

Mrs. Weasley shrieked and the nurses moved to gather Harry up.

“Where'd he go?” Draco asked sleepily.

The nurses levitated Harry to the bed next to Draco's and checked his vital signs. “He's fine, just out from exhaustion,” they smiled to Mrs. Weasley. “Is he always so stubborn?” one nurse asked.

Draco let out a bark like laugh. “You've no bloody idea!” he cried.

A nurse came over and adjusted the drip that was sending drugs into his good arm. “I think you need more rest,” she said as she watched Draco drift off to sleep from the increase in pain potion.

A Healer entered the room at that moment. “Remove that from Mr. Malfoy's arm immediately,” he said brusquely.

“What?” Mrs. Weasley yelled. “He'll be in pain if you take that out!”

The Healer turned to her. “Yes, he will. But he can't have it. That or any drugs,” he turned to the nurse who was staring at him blankly. “Take it out!” he said, sounding urgent. He turned his attention to Harry. “Finally conked out, eh?”

Mrs. Weasley turned the Healer around. “Would you care to explain to me what you are doing this to him for?” she hissed.

The Healer smiled at her. “Draco has a condition that requires he not be medicated in any way. I can't explain more until I talk to the two of them. As soon as Mr. Potter is able, we will wake him and Mr. Malfoy up. I have a feeling the news I have for them will eclipse the pain in Mr. Malfoy's arm. Why don't you go and get Mr. Potter some clean clothes,” he suggested brightly. “Oh, and you might want to gather your family and any close friends. I think you'll all want to be here,” he teased as he swept out of the room.


Harry woke after only a few hours to find Draco moaning in pain.

“Love, what's wrong?” he said.

Draco's nose scrunched at the approach of his mate. Harry stunk and his sense of smell was still seemingly intensified.

“Oh, fuck, Harry, go away. You smell horrible. My fucking arm is killing me. What time is it?” Draco babbled.

Harry noticed that the drip had been removed from Draco's arm and stormed towards the door. “Hey!” he yelled down the hall.

The Healer from that morning appeared, Mrs. Weasley at his side. “Hello, Mr. Potter. Glad you're awake. Feeling better?” the man asked. Mrs. Weasley winced reflexively. She could tell by the look on Harry's face that he was ready to explode.

“I'm fine, you prick! Where's his pain medication?” Harry yelled at the man.

The Healer entered the room, continuing to smile. “I'm afraid Mr. Malfoy cannot have any medications Mr. Potter, unless it is life or death. I have someone coming in from Germany who may be able to brew some potions for him that he can take, but for now he's just going to have to bite the bullet, I'm afraid. Is the pain too bad, Mr. Malfoy?” the Healer asked.

Harry stepped in between Draco and the Healer. “Who the fuck are you? I will have your license for this!” he hissed.

“Harry, you stink,” Draco whined from behind him. His face was pale and drawn.

The Healer fixed Harry with an indulgent smile. “I'm Dr. Hiram. I know the situation is confusing, Mr. Potter, but you have to trust me. Dr. Kaglemacher should be here anytime, and she will be able to help,” Harry looked at the man in utter confusion. “Please, take a shower and get cleaned up and I'll tell you both everything,” he said gently.

Mrs. Weasley guided Harry to the bathroom and closed the door. “This had better be good, or he's going to rip you apart,” she said to the Healer. The two had been talking and the questions he had asked her made her very suspicious about just what was wrong with Draco. She looked at the Healer questioningly, but his only answer was an enigmatic smile as he said some comforting spells over Draco's arm.


Harry emerged less than five minutes later, clean and feeling a bit better, though he'd never admit to it. He was still furious at the Healer for taking Draco off his pain medication and still confused as to why it was necessary.

On the bed, Draco and the Healer were chatting amicably and Draco seemed more aware and alert. Mrs. Weasley had disappeared.

Harry rushed to Draco's side. “Are you okay?” he asked and took the blonde's hand.

“I'm better. My arm still hurts, but Dr. Hiram says there's something wrong with me that I can't have any medicine,” he replied. Harry could hear the fear in his voice.

At the foot of the bed, the Healer chuckled. “There's nothing wrong with you, Mr. Malfoy. You just have a very unusual condition,” he said with a smile. Harry sat down on the bed next to Draco and stared at the man hatefully. “Molly tells me she has six children,” he said conversationally.

“She had seven, but they disowned one,” Harry shot back. “What's that got to do with anything?”

“She might be a great help to Mr. Malfoy in the coming months. And you have a friend who has five children?” he asked. Both men nodded, still looking at the Healer strangely. “Do you spend much time with them?” he asked. They nodded again. “Have either of you had any strong urge lately to have children of your own?”

Draco looked down at his hands. “I guess I've thought about it. I mean, Maggie is an angel,” he said as he looked up to Harry's shocked face.

“You always said you were glad we couldn't have kids. I thought you were just letting us keep them to make me happy! You know I love the twins! I've always wanted a family,” he finished quietly.

The Healer grinned at them. “Well, that certainly helps explain some things. The fact that you're bonded helps too,” he grinned.

Both Harry and Draco growled. “If you don't tell us what you're driving at, I'm going to kill you,” Harry said.

The Healer grinned bigger than ever. “I'm not sure how to say this, so I'll just get to the point,” he said.

“Finally,” Draco murmured.

“Mr. Malfoy, you're going to have a baby. Congratulations!” the Healer said.

Harry and Draco looked at one another, mouths agape and eyes wide. Dr. Hiram started laughing at their expressions and found that he could not stop.

Chapter 14: New Addition

Harry looked like he had been frozen in the most hilarious imitation of a fish imaginable-his eyes were popping out of his head and his mouth was agape. Draco, on the other hand, looked as if he'd just heard the world's worst joke and was the first of the two to recover.

“That's very funny. You might get Harry here to believe that, but I am a pureblood wizard and have lived my entire life in this world, and happen to know that men cannot get pregnant. Really, we're wizards, not bloody seahorses,” he commented with a snort.

Dr. Hiram gave him yet another indulgent smile. “I'm afraid you are mistaken, Mr. Malfoy. It has been some sixty years since the last male pregnancy in Britain, if I heard Dr. Kagelmacher correctly, but it is a possibility. Granted, it is extremely rare, but not unheard of,” he said pleasantly.

Harry was still staring at the doctor in disbelief, expression unchanged, but Draco was becoming angry.

“Is this some sort of joke that you all decided to play on me? I nearly had my arm cut off, I don't think it's really time for tricks!” he yelled. He turned to Harry. “Is this someone's idea of fun?”

Harry blinked and looked at his mate, seeming to have understood nothing of what was just said to him. Draco flapped his good hand at him.

“Oh, really. You're worthless,” he mumbled and turned back to the doctor. “Alright, fine. I'll play along for a bit. How did you find out that this miracle had occurred?” he drawled sarcastically.

“Through your blood tests of course. We always test blood from Aurors who have been attacked by Dark Spells to ensure that no internal poisoning has taken place. Yours came back negative for everything except pregnancy,” he said conversationally.

“Ah ha!” Draco cried. “Why on earth would you be testing a male for pregnancy?” He gave the doctor a superior look, certain that he had just beaten the man at his own game.

“We have one standard blood test that we use for everyone, Mr. Malfoy. It tests for all conditions that are identifiable by blood. When it originally came back that you were pregnant, we ran it again with a fresh sample. And again when it came back positive a second time. After the fourth time, we realized that it must be true and called Dr. Kagelmacher. She's an expert on the phenomena and is very excited to be working with you,” the doctor explained.

Draco reflexively took Harry's hand, though his mate was little more than a mummy at the moment. “So, you're saying this is for real?” Draco whispered in dawning realization. He moved he and Harry's hands flat over his abdomen without even realizing it.

“Yes, Mr. Malfoy, it's quite real. I'm not sure how far along you are, we'll have to wait for Dr. Kagelmacher for that, but I'm sure you are, in fact, pregnant. Oh, dear,” he finished as he watched Harry's eyes roll back in his head and he fell unconscious to the ground, pulling Draco slightly sideways by the hand he was still holding. “It seems your husband has fainted again,” he said.

Draco looked over at his fallen mate, then back to the doctor, then back at Harry. For one of the very few times in his life, he had absolutely nothing to say.

Dr. Hiram moved to the side of the bed and began to revive Harry. When he had come to, the doctor placed an Ennervate Charm on him in hopes of preventing another fainting spell. He found it rather humorous that Harry, being the hero that he was, couldn't process a bit of news like a pregnancy. He was chuckling to himself when the door opened and a short, stout woman with curly brown hair entered.

“Hello, I am Dr. Kagelmacher,” she said through a thick German accent. Her air was very curt and business like. “Which one of you is the mother to be?” she enquired.

Draco's face screwed up in distaste. “Father to be, you mean. That would be me,” he grumbled. Harry sat down silently next to him and just stared at the woman.

“Yes, well, I am your doctor. You have a very unique situation on your hands, but not to worry. I will tell you everything you need to know to have a healthy baby. First, tests,” she said decisively.

“What sort of-“ Draco began, only to be cut off with a stern glare from the Healer.

“Do not interrupt me, young man. I have many things to do and I will tell what exactly I am doing each step of the way. When we are finished, if you have any further questions you may ask them then. Now, pull up your shirt,” she said with great authority.

Once again, Draco was left speechless, mouth hanging open, staring at the woman. No one had ever spoken to him in such a manner before. He was still suffering from the shock of it when Harry reached over and lifted his hospital gown.

The woman moved over and waved her wand over his stomach, uttering spells in German. Slowly, a pale green aura shaped like a kidney bean started to glow just beneath the skin on Draco's lower abdomen.

“You are about eight weeks along and doing just fine, judging by the color of the light,” she said, indicating the glow in Draco's belly. “I was worried that there would be a disruption because of your injury, but you seem to have held up well. You see, when a man gets pregnant, it is magic of the highest degree, created by pure desire on the part of the man who conceives. A disturbance can sometimes create a rather bad unbalance of the magical energies.”

Harry looked at Draco in wonder-it had always been he who had expressed an interest in having a family, not Draco. The doctor continued to speak as she ran her hands over Draco's stomach.

“As your body does not have any place to nurture the embryo, it creates a magical environment, much like a small sack, where the fetus can grow. As with a woman, the fetus is connected by an umbilical cord to this sack, which absorbs nutrients from your body to provide for the fetus. Since you do not have a uterus, the sack is not attached to anything, but free floating in the lower part of your abdomen, surrounded by the muscles there for protection. You must be very, very careful not to do anything that may cause the sack to tear or puncture, such as heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, or any forces to the area. Right now, the sack is tiny, only the size of a large bean, but will grow to accommodate the fetus. Your child will not be as big as one carried by a woman-the biggest male delivered baby I've ever heard of weighed seven pounds and was twelve inches long. The average size is about five pounds and 9 inches long,”

Draco looked worried at this and started to speak, but was not given the chance as the Healer continued unabated, “Not to worry-your child is magical and will gain weight and size rapidly after birth and will be as normal as any other wizarding child. You will not get as big as a woman would during gestation, and should only gain about fifteen to twenty pounds at the most,” she looked Draco up and down critically. “You are too skinny, so I don't think you have to worry about weight gain, anyway.”

“Hold out your hand,” she said and Draco did. With a small jab of a metal instrument from her bag, she drew blood from the blonde. He scowled at her, but did not complain. “You of course will not be giving birth to the baby, but will undergo a surgical procedure to remove it at the end of the gestation period, which can be anywhere from eight to ten months, putting delivery somewhere between late August and early October. Also, you will not breast feed as you have no mammary glands. You'll have to bottle feed or hire a wet nurse,” the woman finished and stood back from Draco.

“Thank Merlin for that,” Draco sighed. The Healer gave him a stern look and shook the vial she had just filled with his blood. The two men and Dr. Hiram watched in fascination as the blood turned various colors, Dr. Kagelmacher jotting notes on a clipboard the entire time. When the blood had gone back to its original color, she smiled happily.

“Everything is good, the baby is not carrying any diseases or showing any signs of stress. Now, you,” she said, turning to Harry. “Have you noticed any symptoms on behalf of your partner? Nausea? Moodiness? Weight gain?”

Harry, who was a bit more responsive since the charm, glanced nervously at Draco and seemed rather reluctant to answer. “Um, well, yes, he has been getting sick for a bit now. And he has awful headaches,” he answered cautiously, under Draco's gaze the entire time.

“Anything else? Moodiness? Bloating? Nipple sensitivity?” she pressed, still taking notes.

Harry looked to Draco apprehensively. “I haven't really noticed any moodiness-he's, um, well, he's really moody normally,” he said quickly, as Draco fixed him with a scathing glare, “and his nipples have always been really sensitive,” he added with a furious blush. The Healer raised an eyebrow at him. “And, yes, I did notice that he seemed to gain a little weight, though I figured it was inevitable since he's twenty-five now and doesn't really exercise much anymore,” he said quietly and reflexively hunched over, waiting for the eruption from his mate.

“You what?” Draco yelled, never one to disappoint. “I have not gained any weight, thank you very much Harry Potter! And I do not need to exercise as I have been blessed with a very, very fast metabolism and I don't eat like a commoner as you do! How dare you! I have never been so insulted in my life!” he finished with a dramatic turn of his head away from a very distressed Harry.

The Healers both smirked at him. “Yes. Very moody indeed,” Dr. Kagelmacher intoned, still taking notes. She turned to Harry again, who gave her a very pleading look and hoped for no more questions. “This is why we ask the spouse. Sometimes the mother is not wanting to admit the changes that are happening with their body,” she said apologetically.

“I am not a mother!” Draco yelled again. “I have a penis, which you can see clearly through my knickers, which are on display for all and sundry at the moment!” he raged. Harry quickly pulled his hospital gown back in place. “Thank you, love,” he said with an angry pout.

Dr. Kagelmacher rolled her eyes at him. “You must be unbearable if your poor spouse thought that this was normal behavior. Anyway, do you have any questions?”

“Yes. How did this happen? What should I do and not do? What if I have a miscarriage, of all horrible things? How long can we have sex?” Draco rattled off. Harry was so embarrassed by the last question that he buried his face in his hands.

“This happened because you desired it very much. You sperm met with your husband's in your body and created a magical reaction that formed an embryo. So it happened the same as it does with anybody-from having sex. The night of conception was probably one that was particularly intense and emotional between the two of you. Read up on pregnancy and take the normal precautions that women take and you should be fine. Try not to take any medicines other than basic aspirin, and that only sparingly.”

“There is very little chance that you will miscarry-if you were going to you would have when you were injured. The baby's environment is actually far more secure than if you were a woman, since there is no ready opening for the fetus to exit through. You can have sex for as long as both of you are comfortable with it. Anything else?”

Both men shook their heads and Draco took Harry's hand once again and gave it a comforting squeeze, as the black haired man was still blushing furiously.

“Ok, then I will leave these potions for you and get back to my office,” Dr. Kagelmacher said and began pulling several small bottles from her bag. “These are prenatal vitamins that will help the baby develop properly, both physically and magically,” she said, indicating five bottles of various colors and shapes. “They each come with an explanation as to what they are for right here on the bottle. These,” she said, removing three more bottles, “should help with your sickness and pain in your arm. Making sure that you remain stress free and happy is very important, so take these pain medications as often as needed. They will not hurt the baby. And make sure that your arm does not become infected. That would be most unfortunate,” she finished and began packing her notebooks and clipboards back into the magically enhanced bag.

“Male pregnancies are very unpredictable. You may have experiences well outside the norm of female pregnancies, but with just the most minimal of cautions, you should be just fine. I will need to see you once a week, and I will come to you since you do not live in Germany. Oh, and do not Apparate. Strange things have been known to occur when pregnant people Apparate,” she said with a smile. “Well, then, good day. I will see you next Wednesday, either here or at your home. Dr. Hiram will give you my card and you can set the appointment by Floo.” The Healer gave a quick wave and was gone with a small, pleasant sounding ring.

“That was a very nice Apparating noise, wasn't it?” said Dr. Hiram happily. “Does your arm hurt Mr. Malfoy? Would you like some of the potion Dr. Kagelmacher left for you?”

Harry and Draco were staring at each other, huge grins covering both their faces. Draco turned at the doctor's words. “Um, yes, that would be lovely. It does ache a bit. Then, I'd like to be alone with Harry, please. We have several things we need to discuss,” he said, turning back to his mate again.

Dr. Hiram measured out Draco's dosage and handed it over. “I'm sure you do. But just so you know, Molly has gathered all of your friends and family here. They're waiting down in the lobby. I thought you might want to share your news as soon as possible,” he said with a smile. “I'll leave you alone now.”

As soon as the door closed behind the Healer, Harry and Draco met in a profound kiss that lasted several moments. Finally, the two pulled away and smiled dreamily at one another.

“I can't believe you,” Harry said. “You always bitched about having the kids over, except for Maggie, of course. I can't believe you wanted this so much,” he whispered.

Draco smiled. “You know me, Harry, I just like to bitch. It had to be New Year's Eve, don't you think? That night was particularly intense and emotional, like the lady said,” he teased.

Harry smiled, recalling the New Year's that he and Draco had shared. They had everyone over to Malfoy Manor, even Blaise, though he was under suspicion at the Ministry. There had been a huge fireworks display over the lake at the back of the property and a decadent feast. He and Draco had spent much of the evening sitting together in the courtyard where they had been bonded so many years before, talking about how much everyone had changed and grown. Draco had asked Harry if he ever regretted that they would not be able to have a family of their own, and Harry had said no, but Draco had known better. Harry adored all of their nieces and nephews, and Draco had seen the longing in his eyes each time one of the children had been born. It was the one thing Harry had never had-his own real family.

“You did this for me?” Harry asked quietly.

Draco shrugged. “I didn't really know I was doing it, Harry. I just remember that night, I wanted more than anything else that you should have a child of your own. Little did I know…” he said with a chuckle and patted his stomach.

Harry tilted Draco's chin up and kissed him softly. “I will never be able to thank you for this,” he said, voice choked with emotion.

Draco smiled sweetly at him, feeling a bit choked himself. He thought of Harry selflessly standing between he and his father, absorbing the spell that would have killed Draco. He thought of how Harry was there for him every second of every day, and how different his life would have been if not for Harry's loving him.

“You've already thanked me, Harry. It's I that owed you,” he whispered back. “I owe you everything,” he said earnestly.

They met again in a kiss, more hungry and full of need than before. Harry slid his body next to Draco's and pulled him in a cautious embrace. They both flushed and moaned softly, twining their legs together and slowly rocking into one another.

“Be careful of my arm,” Draco breathed in Harry's ear.

“I will, love, I will,” he answered before relieving Draco of his rather ugly hospital gown.


Harry appeared in the waiting room with a suppressed smile. “Hey,” he said to everyone.

All of the Weasleys, Dumbledore and Lupin were there, some napping, some talking amongst themselves. Harry grinned broadly when Mike and Zak ran to him and threw their arms around his waist.

“Is Uncle Draco ok?” Zak asked, deep concern etched on his young face.

“Yes, he's great. The doctor just looked at his arm and said it is healing nicely. They put a new dressing on it and he's got to start physical therapy tomorrow. He should be coming home next week. But there's something else we have to tell you all,” he added, raising his eyes to take in everyone else. “Come on, let's go upstairs.”

Mrs. Weasley looked at him with worry. “Should we all go? I mean, Draco probably needs his rest,” she said.

Harry's grin was becoming harder and harder to keep down. Lupin and Dumbledore exchanged a curious look-they had never seen Harry look so happy. The man was practically glowing.

“No, he's fine. He knows you're all coming,” he answered. Ginny rushed forward and embraced Harry in a bone crushing hug and a small sob escaped into his chest. She pulled away and looked up at him, and Harry was shocked by her appearance. She had black half moons under her eyes and they were swollen from crying.

“Gin, I'm sorry about Blaise,” he said, holding her close again. Her son, Antonio, raised his arms to his grandmother, who picked him up at once.

Ginny shook her head into Harry's chest. “I'm sorry. I should have listened to the two of you, and maybe Draco wouldn't be up there now, injured and sick. I'm so, so sorry,” she said, a fresh wave of sobs breaking out.

Harry gently pushed her away. “In a way, his being in the hospital has been a blessing in disguise. Just follow me and you'll see,” Harry said, beaming his best smile at her. Still confused and upset, she took his hand and they all followed him to Draco's room.


As soon as they entered the room, Hermione, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny all rushed to Draco's side. He looked great-his freshly washed hair was pulled back in a ponytail and Harry had brought his pajamas from the Manor so he'd be more comfortable. The dressing on his arm had been reduced from a cumbersome mass to a more average wrap, and he was smiling broadly. Still, the three women fussed over him as if he were on death's door.

“Are you alright?” Mrs. Weasley intoned, pressing her fingers into his neck to check his glands.

“You look too thin,” Hermione chastised, “Have you lost weight?” she asked, poking at his ribs.

Ginny could not peel her eyes away from his injured arm. “Oh Draco, your poor arm,” was all she managed to utter.

All the Weasley men, Harry, Lupin and Dumbledore all laughed as the women tucked in Draco's blankets, smoothed his pajamas over his chest and checked his body repeatedly for any injuries the highly trained staff of St. Mungo's may have missed in the four days the blonde man had been in their care. Mrs. Weasley and Hermione were just coming to an agreement on how badly they were going to punish the Healer for under feeding Draco when Harry raised his arms over his head and clapped loudly.

“Oy! Leave him a bit, he's fine, I assure you!” he yelled, but not without a laugh. Mrs. Weasely shot him a dangerous look, but she did move away when Harry approached the bed and sat down next to Draco.

Everyone watched as the two exchanged loving looks and a couple of tender kisses, causing the twins to make loud retching noises. Only Dumbledore noticed that there was a different quality to the looks the two were exchanging now, and a slow, knowing grin spread across his face.

“Mrs. Weasley, really, I've never been better. Ginny, stop your bawling, you sound like a sick cat. And you two,” Draco said, addressing the twins, “just wait until you get your first dates. I will personally be there to make horrible noises when you have your first kisses!” he declared and everyone laughed heartily. Draco's first day in the hospital had been frightening for everyone as test after test was done to ensure that he had only been hit with a Slashing Spell by Bellatrix and nothing more sinister. They were all relieved to see him so well.

“Now,” Draco continued, with another quick glance at Harry, “we have some news to share with all of you. Some rather important and unexpected news. Do you want to tell them Harry?” he said, taking his mate's hands.

Harry smiled. “You seem to be doing fine,” he answered, placing a kiss on Draco's temple. Once again, the twins gagged and sputtered.

“Alright then. Everyone, Harry and I are going to have a baby,” Draco said in an almost casual tone.

The room fell silent. Several members of the Weasley clan exchanged confused looks, but it was Hermione who spoke first.

“You two are adopting? When did you decide this?” she asked cautiously.

Harry and Draco both laughed. “No, Hermione. Really, I thought you were a bit quicker than that,” Draco drawled at the woman. “We're having a baby. I'm pregnant, of all horrible things,” he said. Harry shot him a wounded look, which Draco answered with a beatific smile.

Just joking, love he said to his mate in his mind. Harry just kissed him yet again.

Everyone remained silent for several more seconds. Then, the sound of a suppressed snigger erupted from the vicinity of one Ron Weasley.

“What is so funny, Weasel?” Draco shot at the redhead.

“It's just, oh dear,” he said, unable to stop his laughter from breaking through. Hermione shot him a nasty look, but he only shrugged helplessly. “If it were Harry, I wouldn't laugh, honestly. But being pregnant is hard, and you're so prissy,” he said, guffawing again. Furtive smiles had broken out on the faces of many of the other visitors as well who had thought the same thing, but had not had the nerve to say it. “Oh, Merlin,” Ron began again, turning his attention to Harry, “Mate, I feel for you, honestly I do. If you ever need to get away from him, the door's always open,” he said with another healthy snigger.

Hermione stamped on Ron's foot hard enough to bring the giggles to an abrupt halt and moved to Draco's side. “This is unbelievable! I didn't know men could get pregnant!” she cried, obviously delighted. It had been a long time since she had learned about a new phenomenon in the wizarding world. “I will get books for us Draco, and I'll help you along, just like you did with me. Oh! How exciting!” she said, taking the blonde's hand.

Mrs. Weasley was leaning weakly against her husband. “I'm going to be a grand-mum again,” she whispered deliriously. “Oh, Harry! Draco!” she shouted, finally loosing all composure and throwing herself at the two men. “When are you due?”

Draco wriggled uncomfortably and looked at Harry. She's squishing my arm! he thought to his mate in alarm, very glad for the pain potion the German doctor had left him.

Harry gently moved Mrs. Weasley aside. “The doctor said anywhere from late August to early October. The growth period is a little different than with women,” he explained.

Ron snorted loudly again and everyone turned a disapproving eye to him. “Sorry, sorry. Just going to step outside,” he said under very thinly veiled laughter.

Everyone seemed to come out of their trances at this and began to congratulate and embrace each man in turn, wishing congratulations and offering help and advice. When the twins reached the bedside, Mike gave Draco a quick hug and looked at him oddly.

“What is it, mate?” Draco asked.

“Does this mean we have to call you Auntie Draco now?” the little boy asked seriously.

Draco's eyes lowered into slits and more than one person burst out laughing.

“No, love, it doesn't. He's still Uncle Draco. I know it's a bit confusing, but I'm sure mummy will explain it to you,” Harry said gently, trying hard himself not to laugh. Draco was always being ribbed at being the more feminine of the two of them and he despised it. If anyone other than an innocent child had made that remark, he would have blasted them into next year.

After a half hour or so, Harry could feel tiredness coming off Draco in waves.

“Hey, everybody, thanks for coming and all, but Draco needs to rest. His arm is still not well, not to mention his new condition,” Harry added, beaming with happiness. “I think it's time we let him sleep a bit,” he added softly.

“I'm fine,” Draco protested weakly, but everyone quickly started to say their good-byes and trickle out. When it came to Draco, it was best not to argue with Harry too much. After ushering a newly weeping Mrs. Weasley out, Harry settled himself next to his already dozing mate.

“Thought you were fine,” he teased and feathered kisses along Draco's cheek. Draco smiled and nuzzled closer.

“Am now,” he muttered. They sat silently for a bit, and Harry was starting to doze himself when Draco spoke.

“That went well, except for pratty Ron,” he said sleepily.

Harry smiled. “Well, yeah. At least he wasn't in the room when Mike made the Auntie comment,” he pointed out. Draco snorted.

“Which do you want?” the blonde asked and looked up at Harry.

“I don't care as long as its healthy. I wouldn't mind it looking like you though. Pretty people always have it easier,” he teased.

Draco scowled at him. “I don't know if I should be angrier that you're taking the mickey or that you are insulting yourself. You're gorgeous, you dolt. I want a girl,” he finished and curled around Harry again.

Harry was surprised at this revelation. He knew that Draco had a soft spot for Maggie, but he would have figured Draco would want a boy for his own.

“Well, we'll see. Training a little one for Quidditch will be fun,” he added thoughtfully, thinking of the times he had given pointers to Mike and Zak.

“Yes, so will teaching wicked spells to,” Draco added and yawned. “Our child stands a pretty big chance of being amazing,” he said smugly.

Harry just smiled on and stroked Draco's now loose hair. “Yes, it certainly does."

Chapter 15: Going Home

“Draco, you have to take these,” Harry intoned as the nurse waited patiently. He had been trying to get Draco to take his daily dose of prenatal vitamins and pain potion for fifteen minutes so that he could go to his physical therapy.

“They taste horrible. That evil Healer made them especially foul I bet,” he pouted, arms crossed over his chest.

Harry sighed, trying desperately to keep his patience. “Love, if you don't take them, then you'll start feeling sick again, your arm will hurt, and our child will have six legs and two heads and be a Squib. I'm sure the Healer did not make them taste foul just for your benefit. Now, please, open up,” he begged.

Draco pulled a very nasty face at him and snatched the little cup from Harry's hand. He took it in one gulp, as one would a shot of whiskey, and gagged dramatically. He did this five more times until all of his medications were taken.

“There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?” Harry cooed.

“Fuck off, Potter. What would you know about it? All you have to do is sit there and measure them out for me!” he yelled, still making ugly faces at the taste. He turned to the nurse. “Let's get this over with!” he yelled again. Harry gave the young woman an apologetic smile as she followed Draco out of the room.

“All I have to do is put up with your arse for the next eight to ten months,” Harry growled after his mate had left the room. Curiously, he picked up the bottled marked “Magical Reinforcement”, which supposedly helped the baby's magical powers develop, and sniffed. His nose crinkled in distaste and he felt a bit more sympathetic towards Draco. Anything that smelled that badly could not taste good.

He was straightening the room a bit and thinking of ordering more flowers for Draco (the room was already full to bursting) when the door opened and Kingsley Shacklebolt walked in.

“Kingsley! How good to see you!” Harry cried as he embraced the man.

He was carrying a large bouquet of flowers and a brightly wrapped package. “Sorry I haven't been buy sooner, things have been incredibly busy since that last attack,” he said as he handed over the gifts to Harry. “Where is Draco?” he asked.

“He's down in physical therapy. It's funny really, all they do is say spells over his arm then make him take a bunch of muscle rebuilding potions. I don't know why they call it physical therapy,” Harry muttered.

“Well, muscle rebuilding takes a lot out of you, doesn't it? It's probably better he's not here for the moment anyway,” Kingsley replied.

“Something wrong?” Harry asked.

Kingsley sat in a chair by the door. “Well, yes. It seems that Blaise Zabini witnessed Lestrange's attack on Draco, and your subsequent attack on her. He's raising quite a stink, saying that you could have easily captured LeStrange instead of killing her and is demanding a Ministry inquiry,” he said, watching Harry closely.

The flowers beside Harry started to shake and blow about. “That bastard…it isn't enough he's ruined Ginny's life, now he's got to go after ours,” he fumed. After several deep breaths, the energy around him dissipated and the flowers became still. “Fine, let them investigate. What's the worst that can happen?” he asked his boss.

“Well, if you're found guilty of using excessive force, the least punishment is having your title of Auror stripped. The worst is time in prison,” he answered.

Harry gaped. A sick feeling sank into his stomach. That would be just his luck-he finally gets the thing he's always wanted and gets put in jail just as his child is being born.

Seeming to sense what Harry was thinking, Kingsley smiled affectionately. “Don't worry about it too much, Harry. You've got a lot more credibility than Zabini and no one is really sorry to see Lestrange gone. However, you are suspended until the affair is taken care of,” he continued. He had given Harry the worst possible situation first so that he would be less upset about being suspended, but he was shocked when a large grin broke out over Harry's face.

“Great! I can stay home with Draco now!” Harry said enthusiastically as the blonde entered the room, grumbling loudly.

Draco flopped himself down on the bed. “I'm starving! Would it be so much to ask that just once when I return from these torture sessions there might be some food waiting for me? Physical therapy is draining, you know! And, I'm only the first man in a hundred years to be pregnant! You'd think that counted for something!” he yelled at Harry, who always had food waiting for him when he returned.

“Love, you're back early today or you know I'd have something for you. Give me a second, ok?” he said gently. Draco just harrumphed.

“I'll be back in a second, Kingsley. Try not to let him bite you,” Harry warned as he left the room.

Draco regarded the Auror as if he'd only just realized he was there. “Why are you here, anyway?” he asked nastily. He and Kingsley had a mutual respect for one another's work, but they didn't like each other very much. Draco had been insubordinate too many times.

“I came to congratulate you and Harry on your news,” he said pleasantly. “I even brought you a gift,” he added, pointing to the box next to the bed.

Draco looked at him warily and yanked the box into his lap. He opened it quickly and found a beautiful, silk covered baby book inside. His features softened at once.

“Oh Kingsley, this is lovely. Thank you,” he said sincerely before turning snotty again. “Tell your wife she did a very nice job picking it out.”

Harry returned with a Healer and a tray of food. “Here you go love,” he said sweetly as he moved by the bed.

Draco glared at the Healer. “Why is he here? I don't need any further attention today, thank you. That bitch in therapy did quite enough,” he spat. He had grown tired of being poked and prodded days before.

Harry looked at both men apologetically. “He's in a bit of a mood,” he whispered.

Draco's face darkened dangerously. “I am not in a bit of a mood! I'm hungry, and I'm very tired, and whatever you have on this tray for me to eat had better be good!” he yelled at Harry.

Harry looked sheepish at that comment. The Healer lifted the lid off the tray and Draco nearly howled.

“A salad and a piece of fish?” he shouted. “A salad and a piece of bloody fish? I want a cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate milkshake from, oh what's that place Harry?” he said distractedly.

“Burger King,” Harry answered.

“Yes, that'll be it, Burger King. I will not eat this swill,” he finished with a defiant look at the Healer.

“Love, you can't eat that again tonight,” Harry said as if he were talking to a two year old.

“Oh, well, pardon me. I didn't realize it would be such a bother for you to Apparate over there and get me what I want. By all means, I shall sit here and starve,” Draco sniffed at Harry. “Fine father you'll make.”

The Healer moved between Harry and Draco. “Mr. Malfoy, you must eat in a more nutritious fashion for the health and development of your child. Now, according to Harry, you've had burgers every night this week. Not only will you miss out on a well balanced diet, but you'll pack on the weight that way,” he said firmly.

Draco squared his jaw at the man. “I will not pack on weight,” he hissed. Harry gave him an openly plaintive look. Draco turned to glare at him. He hated when Harry did that-he had never been able to resist when Harry gave him puppy dog eyes.

“Fine! Fine! I will eat this! Now bloody leave me alone!” he yelled as he dug into his meal. The Healer stood for a moment and watched him, as if to ensure he would indeed eat it, before saying good day and leaving the room.

Kingsley rose with a look of bemused shock on his face. “Well, then Harry, if it's ok, I'll leave you two to it,” he said.

“Draco, I'll be right back. I'm going to walk Kingsley down. Do you want anything while I'm gone?” Harry asked the blonde.

“A cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate shake,” he persisted. “And you tell him now that you're taking time off to take care of me. I can't do this alone!”

Harry looked quizzically at Kingsley. “You didn't tell him then?” Kingsley shook his head.

“Tell me what?” Draco demanded.

“I'll tell you when I get back. You just eat,” Harry said, grabbed Kingsley's arm and virtually fled the room. He was in need of a break.

“He better be glad I love him so much or I'd kill him. He's been unbearable the past two days,” Harry said heavily.

Kingsley laughed heartily. “I have to say, Harry, I don't envy you in the slightest. He's high maintenance on his best days,” he teased and Harry nodded wearily. “I thought I'd let you tell him. Didn't want to upset him. Hermione said these male pregnancies can be a bit delicate.”

Harry shrugged. “Not really delicate, he's just not supposed to get stressed out. But honestly, he probably won't care if I do get fired because then I'll just be around to wait on him hand and foot during this whole time,” Harry added with a snort.

They had reached the bottom floor of the hospital and Harry was ready to say good-bye when Kingsley turned to him with a very serious look that Harry knew well. He had more bad news.

“I just wanted to warn you, Harry, so you can prepare her for the shock. The Ministry is bringing in Ginny Zabini for questioning tomorrow. They found some extremely incriminating evidence in their home and are not convinced that she didn't know about the attack on Azkaban,” he told him.

Harry's energy rose once again. “Ginny had nothing to do with that! If she had known anything at all, she would have turned him in immediately. Draco and I both will vouch for her!” he said heatedly.

“It'll be quick and painless, Harry, don't worry. I'm going to supervise the interrogation myself. She'll be given three drops of Veritaserum and no more. I promise,” he said to his colleague.

“If I hear of one instance of ill treatment, the Ministry will have me personally to deal with. Understand?” Harry shot back.

Kingsley nodded solemnly. “I understand. Trust me, ok? Now get back upstairs to Draco before he pitches a fit,” he said and gave Harry a quick hug.

Harry took a quick detour to the hospital Owlery before returning to Draco's room.


Harry could tell by the rumpled look on his face and the way he jumped that Draco had been dozing lightly when he came in.

“Where have you been?” he whined as Harry entered.

“I had to send a message to Ginny. The Ministry is bringing her in for questioning tomorrow,” he said, trying not to sound worried.

Draco tensed visibly. “Why? She didn't have anything to do with Blaise's organization,” he said angrily.

Harry slid in the bed next to him. “I know, but they found a bunch of stuff at their house and they're convinced she knew something. Kingsley says he'll supervise the questioning personally so nothing bad happens to her,” he told Draco.

“Thank Merlin Moody's dead or they'd probably torture her on the rack or something,” Draco mumbled as he snuggled close to Harry.

“Are you in a better mood now?” Harry asked cautiously.

“I don't know what you mean. I was just hungry,” Draco said innocently. “What did you have to tell me?”

“Oh, I've been suspended from work. There's going to be an inquiry as to whether I used excessive force on your auntie. So looks like I'm going to be home with you,” Harry said happily.

Draco snorted. “That's good anyway, but really, what a joke. She was trying to kill me!”

The two lay together in comfortable silence for a moment. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco and pulled him tighter, thinking that he would fall back to sleep.

“Do I look fat?” the blonde blurted out.

Harry gave him an amused look. “No, you look fine,” he answered.

“I've gained six pounds already! That woman said I should only gain fifteen or so. What if I turn into a whale?” he cried.

Harry kissed him. “You won't turn into a whale. You'd be hexing the fat off your body before you allowed that to happen,” he said. “Besides, has there ever been a fat Malfoy in the history of the world?”

Draco relaxed against him. “No, you're right, of course. My genes just won't allow me to get fat, will they?” he said without a trace of arrogance.

Harry just laughed at him. It always amused him how conceited Draco could be.

“Oh, I get to go home tomorrow. That's good, isn't it?” he told Harry.

“Is your arm all better?” Harry asked him.

Draco pulled the shoulder of his shirt down and showed Harry the scar left by his wound. It was raised and white and ran the circumference of his arm. “It's ugly, but it's better. Too bad it wasn't on the other arm so I could have all my scars in one place,” he joked.

Harry leaned over and kissed his bare shoulder. “You are in a better mood,” he said in a low voice.

Draco pulled away from him and covered his arm and shoulder quickly. “Yes, but I'm really tired. I'm going to sleep,” he said and rolled away from his mate.

Harry looked dejected for a second, but figured Draco needed his rest. “I'll go to the Manor and get some clothes for you to wear tomorrow. And I'll get the place ready for your return,” he added and kissed Draco's face as he stood.

“You do that,” Draco mumbled sleepily.

Harry smiled down at him and smoothed his long hair. With a powerful crack, he Apparated to their home.

Chapter 16: More Beautiful Than Ever

“Where is that woman? I'm ready to go,” Draco whined from the bed.

“She's only just gotten off work, Draco. Give her a few minutes. Driving without magic can take a bit longer than what you're used to. Do you need anything?” Harry asked, pulling the covers up over Draco a bit.

“Some maternity clothes that don't look like crap,” Draco answered, scowling at the pair of sweat pants Harry had brought for him to wear home. They were the ugliest things he'd ever seen. When he looked back up, a dark look had affixed itself to Harry's face. “And a hug,” Draco added quickly, holding his arms out to Harry and hoping he looked adorable.

It must have worked. Harry's face melted into a smile before he leaned over and hugged his mate tightly. His temper had been just below the surface all day long and he was feeling a bit exhausted. Draco's moods shifted so dramatically and so quickly that he felt as if he had been put through the wringer. He hoped that the blonde would even out a bit once they returned home.

“Better?” he asked.

Draco smiled in reply. “We are going to the Manor, right? How long will it take us, do you think?”

“A couple of hours,” Harry said distractedly. He was wondering about Ginny's interrogation.

“A couple of hours? Is this car of Hermione's comfortable? When will this torture end? I just want to get home and relax-“

Something inside Harry finally snapped.

“Draco, if you don't stop bitching for at least one moment, I am going to kill you. Knock it off. We're spoiling you rotten. A ride in the car without bloody magic is not the end of the world,” Harry said, voice raised only slightly. He found himself wishing that Draco could just Apparate and get it over with, but the Healer had been very clear-no magical transportation while Draco was carrying.

Draco looked stricken and tears started to well in his eyes. “Oh. Sorry,” he said in a small voice and turned away from Harry.

Guilt and regret tore through Harry's body immediately. “Oh, love. I'm sorry,” Harry said sincerely. He sat on the edge of Draco's bed and stroked his back. “Please, I'm just tired. I'll be glad to get back home too. Please, sweetie, I didn't mean it,” he pleaded.

A small sob, obviously dramatized for Harry's benefit, escaped from Draco. Even though Draco was doing a bit of play acting, Harry still wanted to crawl under a rock from shame. Instead he crawled in the bed and spooned behind his mate.

“Draco, I love you, I didn't mean to be a prick. You know how my temper is. I've been worried about Ginny all day and running back and forth to the Manor since yesterday has just worn me out. I know you don't mean to complain. I know you're just frustrated with being here, but we'll be home soon. Okay? We'll stop on the way and get you a chocolate shake,” Harry added. He pulled Draco's hair to one side and kissed the back of his neck.

Harry's pulse quickened at the contact. Draco smelled heavenly, as always, and the soft skin on his neck was inviting. Part of his bad temper was that he was very sexually frustrated. He and Draco had not been intimate since the day they found out Draco was pregnant.

“You smell good,” he whispered to the blonde. Very lightly, he nibbled at Draco's earlobe and let his hand wander down his torso with a small moan.

Draco sat up and scooted away from Harry. “Hermione should be here any second,” he said, wiping non-existent tears from his face.

Harry flopped on his back with a sigh. I should have known he was going to punish me for snapping at him, he thought.

“Yes, I suppose you're right. Come lay on me until she gets here,” he said, patting his chest.

“No, I'm fine here,” Draco said, looking away from Harry again.

Harry propped up on one elbow and looked at Draco carefully. The blonde seemed uncomfortable; he was examining his nails with a bit too much interest.

“I need a manicure,” he said quietly. Harry could tell Draco knew he was watching him.

“Have I done something wrong that I should know about?” Harry asked cautiously. “Other than being an arse just a second ago?”

Draco shifted next to him and looked out the window. “Um, no.”

“Then why do you pull away from me every time I try to touch you?” Harry asked. He was working hard not to raise his voice again. God, I am exhausted, he thought to himself.

Draco didn't answer him for a minute.

“Draco?” Harry said, nudging one of the blonde's legs.

“Oh, you guys, I'm sorry I'm late,” Hermione said as she busted into the room. “Traffic was horrible. It's funny how used to magic I've gotten! But don't worry, I unjinxed the car. It's just a regular old Volvo now,” she added, quickly leaning over and giving Harry a kiss on the cheek. She did the same to Draco and stood back. “Something wrong?” she asked.

Draco stood and pulled on a jacket that Harry had brought him to wear. “No. Just ready to leave,” he said with a bright, fake smile.

Harry stood next to him, still watching him closely. “Yes, me too. Let's get out of here,” he said.

Hermione watched as the two exited the room, uncharacteristically distant from one another.


Once they got out of traffic and were moving smoothly, Draco curled up and fell asleep in the front seat.

“Harry, is there something wrong with you two? You're not fighting are you? Because Draco needs to stay calm. Pregnant males are much more affected by stress than females,” she warned.

Harry, who had been staring out the window, turned to her. He checked Draco's thoughts to make sure the blonde was really sleeping before he answered Hermione. Leaning forward so Hermione could hear him if he whispered, he began.

“He won't let me touch him,” he said in her ear.

“That's nonsense, Harry. You two touch all the time,” she answered. Harry gave her a stern look in the rear view mirror and her mouth opened in an O of surprise. “Oh, you mean like that?”

“Yes, like that! We haven't had sex for over a week!” he hissed.

“Well, did you ask him about it?” she said.

“Yes, but he didn't answer. Any ideas?”

“No. I always wanted to have sex even more when I was pregnant. Except when I was puking, of course,” she answered.

Harry sat back in the seat and went back to looking out the window. “How did Ginny's questioning go?” he asked quietly.

“It went fine. She didn't know anything, of course. They sent her home with an apology. She had her law wizard drop off divorce papers yesterday. Apparently Blaise is totally freaking out about it, but she won't even see him. She sort of blames herself for what happened to Draco, I think,” Hermione said.

“I'll talk to her. What is Blaise thinking? Of course she's going to divorce him. Idiot,” Harry mumbled, totally distracted.

Hermione just watched him in the mirror for a second, but didn't try to continue the conversation. Harry didn't seem to mind. The three of them drove on in silence.


Draco jerked awake, feeling a bit dizzy. “Where are we?” he asked. It was dark outside and he didn't recognize anything.

“We're almost there,” Hermione said. “Harry's sleeping in the back. How are you?”

“I'm fine. I'm bloody tired all the time. Is that normal?” Draco asked as he rubbed his eyes.

“Yeah, you will be for a bit. Anything else bothering you?” she asked him.

Draco wrapped his jacket tighter around him and turned towards the window. His eyes had adjusted to the dark and he now recognized where they were; they were on the outer grounds of Malfoy Manor.

“No. I'm fine,” he answered.

“Are you sure?” she prodded.

Draco looked over the car seat at Harry. He did a quick mental scan to make sure his mate was really sleeping before he answered. He leaned over towards Hermione so she could hear him whispering.

“I'm afraid Harry will think I'm fat if he sees me naked. I've already gained six pounds!”

Hermione desperately choked back a laugh. “Draco, six pounds is hardly going to make you look fat. You are rail thin,” she responded.

Draco checked over the seat once again. He sat back and opened his jacket, then pulled up his sweater. Hermione watched him curiously. With a deep sigh, he pushed down the horrible sweatpants he was wearing. Hermione gave him a quizzical look, as his stomach looked perfectly flat to her.

“Can't you see that?” he asked, pointing to his belly. “You can already see it!”

“Oh, Draco, pull your shirt down and stop being so vain. There's nothing there yet,” she said with a giggle.

Draco covered himself, glaring at her all the while. “Just because you can't tell doesn't mean anything. I can tell. Harry will be able to too,” he said with a pout.

“Be able to what?” Harry mumbled from the back seat. Soon, his spiky head appeared.

“Nothing, love. Do you feel better?” Draco asked him.

Harry kissed his cheek. “Yeah, actually, I do. We're almost there, huh?”

As they turned the bend, the gates to the manor came into view. They rolled forth and were greeted by two guards who waved them through at once.

Draco held his hand out for Harry to take. Harry took it and kissed his palm.

“Happy to be home?” he asked Draco.

“Very,” was all he said in reply.


Hermione left Draco with two new books about his condition that she had uncovered at an antique bookshop on Diagon Alley. She and Harry quickly re-jinxed her car so that she could get home to Montrose without delay. As they hugged one another good-bye, Hermione leaned into Harry's ear.

“He thinks you're going to think he's fat,” she said.

Harry looked at her in disbelief. “I don't even want to think what he's going to be like when he actually starts showing!” he said, shaking his head. The two kissed, Harry sent his regards to Ron, and Hermione went on her way.

Harry ran back to he and Draco's room, only to find Draco angrily trying to button a pair of his jeans in front of their full length mirror.

“What are you doing, Draco?” Harry asked gently.

“Trying to find some clothes that fit that don't have elastic in the waist! Look at this!” he yelled, indicating the very small gap between the button and the hole in the waistband of his jeans. “I'm not even three months along yet and I already can't wear my clothes!” he cried.

Harry wrapped his arms around him and pulled him tight. Draco lowered his head into Harry's shoulder and relaxed against him.

“Draco, that pair of jeans was tight on you to begin with. You've had them since we went to Hogwarts, for heaven's sake. I'm sure some of your other things will fit just fine. Even so, you can always wear my stuff,” he said, soothing his hand over Draco's hair.

“I'm fat already, I don't need to add your ugly clothes to the mix,” Draco mumbled.

Harry looked down at him with a small smile. His clothes had not been ugly for a while. “Stop it. Come on, let's go take a bath. That always helps you relax,” he said.

Draco stiffened and pulled away from him. “No, you go ahead. I'll take one when you're done,” he said.

Harry firmly took his hand. “You'll take one now, with me. Shhh!” he said, putting his finger to Draco's lips as he started to protest. Draco's shoulders sagged in defeat as Harry pulled him into the bathroom.

“You sit there,” Harry said, pointing to the chaise lounge that sat in an alcove in their bathroom. Draco did as he was asked, but pouted the entire time.

Instead of starting the bath, Harry went to the linen closet and got out a large, fluffy towel and a bottle of jasmine scented massage oil. He pulled his wand out of his back pocket (he'd placed it there after helping Hermione with her car; it was a bad habit he had never outgrown) and walked back to Draco.

“Stand up,” he said.

“Harry, can I please just go to bed?” he whined as he stood.

“Nope,” Harry said as he spread the towel over the chaise lounge. He set the oil on the floor and turned to Draco. “Come here,” he said. When Draco didn't move, he reached out and pulled the sulking blonde to him.

Very slowly, he brushed his lips against Draco's. Draco stiffened slightly, but did not pull away. Harry ran one hand through his long hair, barely letting his fingers drift along Draco's cheek as he did so. Draco sighed and relaxed a little.

“Kiss me,” Harry whispered. He felt Draco's breath hitch a bit at the request, but still he hesitated. Harry leaned forward and brought their lips together.

They both sighed and moved into the familiar feel of their mouths against one another. Harry moaned softly and took both of Draco's hands in his. He pressed against his mate and moaned more hungrily. Draco pulled away at once.

“Harry, don't,” he whispered, looking at his feet. He pulled his hands out of Harry's and wrapped his arms around himself.

“Draco, if you don't let me touch you, I'm going to go crazy. It has been forever. Don't you want me to?” Harry whispered, lifting the blonde's chin in his fingers. Softly, he kissed him again.

“I don't want you to see me,” Draco said shyly when they stopped.

Darkness fell around them and all the candles blazed to light at once. Harry smiled at Draco. “Better?”

Draco couldn't help but grin at him. “You are such a show off,” he teased. Harry ran his hands down Draco's back, bringing them back up underneath his shirt.

Draco hissed at the touch. “Harry,” he whispered, trying to pull away. Harry was not having it and pulled him into another kiss. He smoothly worked his hands around to Draco's chest, eliciting a small groan from him. He toyed with his nipples for a moment, brushing the sensitive nubs lightly with his fingertips under Draco's shirt.

Draco leaned his head against Harry's shoulder and ran his hands along his mate's biceps. “How do you do this to me?” he whispered breathlessly.

Harry smiled sweetly at him and tugged his shirt over his head.

At once, Draco crossed his arms over his abdomen. Harry gently pried them away despite Draco's protests. He kissed the blonde again and slowly pushed the jeans he had been trying on down to the floor.

Harry stood back and drank in the sight of his naked husband. He immediately noticed what Hermione had not; there was a very slight, almost imperceptible outward curve to Draco's lower abdomen where none had been before.

A wondrous smile appeared on Harry's lips and he placed his hands flat on Draco's belly. He looked up at his mate, who was biting his lip nervously.

“You can tell, can't you?” Draco almost moaned.

“Of course. I know your body better than my own,” Harry said with reverence. He dropped to his knees and placed several sweet kisses on Draco's tummy. “You are more beautiful than anything on this earth,” he whispered before pressing his cheek against the tiny curve.

Draco's knees felt weak and his eyes filled with tears. He could never have imagined being so loved in his wildest dreams.

Harry stood again. “Go lay down,” he said, pointing to the chaise. “I'll give you a massage.”

Draco lay face down on the little sofa and stretched his arms over his head. He heard rustling next to him, then sighed contentedly as Harry sat down on the back of his thighs, now completely naked. He groaned outright when Harry's strong hands, slick and soft with oil, began working the muscles in his back.

As Harry's hands worked their way down, they were replaced by his mouth. Hot, open mouthed kisses covered the muscles Harry had just relaxed between Draco's shoulders while his hands worked smoothly on the ones in his lower back.

“Oh, Harry,” Draco groaned. His lower back had hurt for weeks. The kisses were heavenly, too. Though he'd never admit it, he had missed Harry's touch more than he realized.

Soon, Harry's mouth was running over the curve of his back while his strong hands kneaded his buttocks. Draco's groaning took on a whole new tone as Harry's fingers moved in and out of the cleft of his cheeks, coming closer and closer to his entry. He squirmed deliciously as Harry's tongue flickered over first one cheek, then the other. His thumb dipped down and moved gently but firmly over his perineum.

“Oh, fuck, Harry, that feels so good,” he gasped as Harry spread him and his tongue circled the sensitive, hidden flesh of his entry.

Harry worked slowly, alternating his tongue and his fingers until Draco was writhing and sweating beneath him. At long last, he slid up, resting his chest on Draco's back and nestling his lower body between Draco's legs.

“Are you ok? Comfortable?” he whispered in the blonde's ear, lightly sliding his erection back and forth between Draco's cheeks.

Draco gasped and his eyes fluttered open. Harry's face was filled with love as he looked down at him.

“Perfect,” he whispered, tangling his fingers around Harry's

Harry kissed his temple and reached down. Very carefully, he aligned himself and pushed slowly inside.

Both men gasped at the sensation. Draco bit down on his forearm to stifle his moan and Harry rested his forehead against Draco's cheek.

“I love you, Draco,” he whispered fervently.

“Love you too, Harry,” Draco whispered back.

Slowly, sweetly, and very thoroughly, Harry made love to him.


Later, they sat soaking in the tub, Draco leaning back against Harry's chest.

“Can we not go that long without that again? We've been shagging like bunnies for too many years to stop now,” he teased.

Draco splashed him. “I thought you wouldn't find me attractive,” he said.

“You're more gorgeous than ever,” Harry answered easily. Draco smiled because he knew that Harry was not lying to him.

“How was Ginny's interrogation?” he asked.

“Fine. They sent her home with an apology. Oh, she's divorcing Blaise,” Harry answered.

“Yes, well, that's to be expected. I doubt he'll go quietly, though.”

They sat in comfortable silence for several minutes, Draco resting peacefully in Harry's arms. Suddenly, Draco sloshed around to face Harry.

“Can we switch places?” he asked.

“Sure,” Harry answered amicably.

The two men jostled around until Draco's back was to the tub and Harry was facing him. Draco pushed his hips up into Harry's with relish. Harry ran his palm firmly over Draco's newly growing erection.

“What's this?” he growled at the blonde.

“Just making up for lost time,” Draco answered.

Harry smiled at him. “He's baacckk,” he teased.

Draco pushed their hips together again. “Yes, I am,” he answered before kissing Harry again.

Chapter 17: Love And Happiness

Harry woke up at his usual mid-morning time, but was shocked to find that he was not alone in bed. Draco always woke early, no matter what. Worried, Harry quickly flipped on his side and rose up to scan his mate.

Draco was lying next to him on his back, sleeping peacefully. Two small lumps were underneath Draco's shirt with two black wires streaming out. Harry could hear faint music coming from the area. Very gently, he lifted Draco's shirt.

He had to bite back a laugh. Two spongy Muggle earphones were affixed to Draco's belly, apparently with some sort of sticking charm.

“What are you giggling at, Potter?” Draco grumbled.

“Why do you have earphones stuck to your stomach? And why are you in bed so late? Are you alright?”

Draco stretched and curled into Harry's arms. “I've already been up, but I was so tired I had to come back to bed. As for the earphones, Hermione brought this by this morning and I thought I'd try it out,” he said, holding up a small device for Harry's inspection.

“What is it?” Harry said as he took it and turned it this way and that. It looked like some sort of portable CD player.

“It's some Muggle thing. Hermione says you can play music into it or whatever and when you put the earphones up to your stomach, the baby can hear it. There's a little thing we can talk into as well, so the baby can get familiar with our voices. I'm going to read her some Shakespeare later.”

Harry gave the device back to Draco with a smile. The blonde promptly hooked it to his waistband. “Hermione was here? What are you playing now? And don't call it a her; if it's a boy, it'll be all confused.”

Draco just smiled mysteriously. “Yes, Hermione was here. See what you miss when you sleep all day? I'm playing Bach for her at the moment. I think calling her “her” is better than “it”, even if it is a boy. Honestly.”

Harry pulled himself half on top of Draco, careful to avoid the little earphones. “What's with all the Muggle stuff? Bach, Shakespeare…”

Draco snorted and ran a hand through Harry's hair. “If you really think any of those people were Muggles, Harry, then you're more daft than I thought. If it makes you feel any better, I read some Potions theory to her earlier.”

Harry closed his eyes and lowered his head to Draco's chest, listening to the faint music that was drifting up from Draco's stomach. Without a thought, his hand found its way underneath Draco's shirt and he ran it flat across the blonde's tummy. Draco was practically glowing; how much Harry loved the fact that they were having a baby broke his heart, but in an incredibly lovely way.

“We should get up,” Draco said, voice full of regret. “That horrible woman is coming by for my checkup in less than an hour. I don't want to be lying about in bed when she gets here.”

Harry groaned and snuggled closer. “Just another second. I want to lie here just a moment and marvel over how strange and wonderful my life is. If you'd told me when I was eleven that I was a wizard and would one day be married to a man and having a baby with him, I would have thought you mad. But here it is.”

Draco's smile turned into a wry smirk. “Yes, well, I doubt I ever would have imagined at that age that I would one day be married to Harry Potter, Enemy of the Wizarding World, either. And being pregnant never, ever crossed my mind, in my wildest dreams. Can you imagine the look on Lucius' face?”

Harry barked out a laugh. “Before or after he AK'd us?” The black haired man rustled and sat up. “Remember how we used to hate one another?” he said tenderly, hand still pressed against Draco's belly.

Draco only smiled. “I never hated you. You just really pissed me off that day at Hogwarts. If you'd just admitted that you belonged to me right then, so much could have been avoided.”

Harry just raised an eyebrow. “Whatever, Malfoy. You hated me. Until you saw me in the Quidditch showers for the first time, that is. Admit that!” he said as he planted a firm kiss on Draco's lips. “I'm going to shower. Why don't you play the baby some Sex Pistols or something? Can't have him or her growing up to be a total knob.”

Draco just scowled at him as he left. But as soon as the shower started, complete with Harry screeching `God Save the Queen' at the top of his lungs, the smile that would not die re-affixed itself to his face. Moments later, despite the noise, he had dozed off once again.


Harry could not bring himself to disturb Draco once he'd finished showering. The blonde was curled up on is side sleeping deeply, music still wafting up from his stomach. Harry was worried a little at his lack of energy and decided he would have to ask Hermione about it later. After watching Draco a moment more, he padded down to the kitchen for some breakfast. The house elves made his favorites for him and he settled down at the table to read the paper and the mail.

The Daily Prophet was having a field day with the news of Harry's suspension from work and Draco's mysterious leave of absence. They guessed everything-Harry and Draco were divorcing because Harry killed Draco's last remaining relative; Draco was dying a slow and very, very painful death from a poison that Bellatrix LeStrange had given him; Draco was actually dead, and Harry wasn't really suspended, but pining away over his dead mate at Malfoy Manor. Harry chuckled. The truth was even stranger than anything they had managed to invent.

In the mail, he received his summons for the hearing about LeStrange's death. He glanced over it, noted the date, then threw it aside. The rest of the mail consisted of a bunch of adverts, but as they were for wizarding things, Harry found them interesting. Even after all these years, the talking and moving advertisements amused him.

The door elf came into the kitchen and smiled. The elves relationship with Harry was far more relaxed that the one between them and Draco; they still bowed to him and called him Master Malfoy. It seemed that no matter how polite Draco tried to be, they were still terrified of him. The blonde thought it was hilarious, of course.

“Mister Harry, sir, there is a woman at the door. She says she has an appointment with Master Malfoy.”

Harry jumped from his seat. He had forgotten all about Healer Kagelmacher's visit. “I'll go get her. Thank you, Kipling.”

Harry smiled broadly as he approached the Healer. He couldn't understand why Draco hated the woman so much as he absolutely adored her. Her short stout appearance and businesslike demeanor made Harry feel safe; she rather reminded him of Madame Pomfrey. Smiling to himself, he figured it probably had a lot to do with the fact that she refused to take any of Draco's sass.

“Good morning, Harry. Where is Draco?” she said, to the point as ever.

“He's upstairs. He's been really tired and sleepy all the time. Is that normal?” Harry asked as he led the Healer up the sprawling staircase.

“Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I will check it out today. How is he doing otherwise? Still moody?”

Harry shrugged. “It's hard to say. He seems happier since we've been back, but it's only been a day. He's gained weight, which he is unhappy about, but otherwise he seems fine. Those potions help, he isn't puking anymore.”

“Good, good,” she said as they entered the room. Draco was still fast asleep. The room was silent as the CD he was playing for the baby had finished some time ago.

“Yes, I will let you wake him up. You're the only person he seems to like,” she said. She plopped her bag down at the foot of the bed and began to remove her tools.

Harry leaned over and kissed Draco's cheek. “Love, wake up. The healer is here.” Harry shook Draco very gently. Soon the blonde's eyes fluttered open.

Draco squinted and stretched, blinking around the room. His eyes narrowed when he spotted the Healer at the end of the bed. Still glaring at her, he ran his hand over a large red crease on his cheek.

“Why didn't you get me up? I told you I didn't want to be in bed when she got here,” he snapped at Harry.

“You looked like you needed the rest.” Harry inwardly cringed, hoping this was not going to turn into another one of Draco's moods.

“Your husband tells me you've been very tired, Draco. Is this true?” the Healer asked, walking towards him with her scanning wand.

Draco lifted his shirt and removed the earphones. The doctor looked at them strangely but said nothing. “Yes, I have been really tired. I'm all achy and feel like I can't get enough sleep.”

The Healer swished her wand over Draco's stomach and after a few seconds, it began to grow warm and glow. Draco couldn't help but grin. He loved this part.

Instead of the usual pale green, the glow was a sick looking yellow. The Healer hmmed under her breath.

“What's wrong?” Draco snapped. His brow furrowed in worry and his voice was cut with tension. Harry took his hand and looked worriedly at the Healer.

“Nothing, Mr. Malfoy, you just calm down. Let me see something else.” She went back to her bag and pulled out a flat metal bar, which she placed flat against Draco's stomach. It turned the same shade of yellow and began to hum.

“What is it?” Draco said again.

“Do you use a lot of magic?” she asked the blonde.

“Well, as I'm a wizard, yes,” he drawled.

She raised an eyebrow. “I mean, are you so lazy that you use magic for every little task?”

Draco's eyes narrowed yet again. “I am not lazy, thank you. But yes, I use magic for almost everything. My mother taught me that it was common to run about doing things without it,” he said as if everyone knew that not using magic whenever one could was abhorrent behavior.

“Yes, well, it will have to stop. Your arm is still healing, which is draining you of some energy, and the baby's magical powers are developing right now, which is also draining you. That is why you are so tired all the time. The baby needs as much of your magical energy as you can spare at the moment to develop his or her own. So, for the next month or so, I'm afraid you'll just have to do without it.” She turned to Harry. “I suggest you take his wand away and get a helper so he doesn't drive you mad,” she said, eyes full of sympathy. Draco looked absolutely horrified at this news.

“I'm not working right now, I can help him with whatever he needs,” Harry said, giving Draco a fortifying look. “It won't be so bad, love.”

Draco shot her a smug smirk at Harry's remark.

“You are an incredible brat,” she noted, then went on with her examination. Draco stuck his tongue out at her while she wasn't looking. Harry pinched him lightly on the arm, but a small smile turned the corners of his mouth.

Several instruments later, the Healer rose from Draco's side and began to pack up her things.

“You've gained almost 7 pounds, which is good. Expect to gain about fifteen more. You were too thin to begin with, so your body is having to compensate by putting on some extra weight. No magic. Also, start taking daily walks, about half a mile, twice a day. You have ample grounds, so take advantage. It will help keep your energy up. Keep up the usual-no stress, proper nutrition. You're coming up on your second trimester in a couple of weeks, so I expect that your desire to have sex will increase. Just be careful, you may want to concentrate more on the oral and digital aspects rather than penetration. Unless you're the one doing the penetrating, Draco.”

Harry was blushing furiously. It never failed to embarrass him when the Healer discussed his and Draco's sex life.

“Other than that, no magic! I mean it! Let Harry take care of you. I will see you again in two weeks. Now, if that's all,” she finished. Draco gave her a dismissive nod as he rubbed his poked and prodded belly.

“I'll see you out,” Harry muttered, still red as a beet. Draco was trying not to laugh at his embarrassment.

“Your daddy is silly, do you know that?” he cooed to his stomach. As soon as Harry and the healer left the room, he re-affixed the earphones to his stomach with a Sticking Charm and started the music again.


Harry returned moments later with a Restorative Potion for emergencies to find Draco lying back against his pillows with his eyes closed, the little earphones affixed to his stomach once again. His shirt was pulled up and his hands rested protectively on either side of the listening devices.

“Are you playing that horrible music again?” he asked his mate as he plopped down next to him.

“You are a cretin,” Draco said, somehow managing to sound loving despite the insult. He opened his eyes and smiled at Harry. “The Sex Pistols indeed.”

Harry scooted down the bed so that his face was level with Draco's exposed belly.

“Well, take those things off. I want to talk to the baby.”

Draco grinned at him. “You have to use this little thing-what's it called?” he asked, holding up a small microphone that attached to the player on his waistband.

“It's called a mic, but I don't need that. Finite Incantatem,” Harry said, waving a hand over Draco's stomach. The earphones, which had been held in place by the Sticking Charm, fell away. Draco scowled; he hated that Harry could end his spells without a wand.

“And she told you no magic! I can see I'm going to have to take your wand away after all. I leave the room for less than five minutes and you re-Stick those things. You're horrible.”

Draco just smiled and brushed Harry's hair. Harry moved so that he was face to face with Draco's tummy and pressed his lips to the small curve that was there.

“Hello baby! This is your, um, other daddy. Don't be too mad at Daddy Draco for playing that awful stuff; your Daddy Harry will get you some proper music soon.”

Draco closed his eyes again, and was suddenly fighting back tears. The soft feel of Harry's lips against his stomach talking to the baby, their baby, was a bit overwhelming.

“Is that how we're going to work that then? You'll be Daddy Harry and I'll be Daddy Draco?” he mused.

Harry shrugged. “Whatever you want. “Do you like it in there?” Harry asked, addressing the baby again. “I bet it's very warm and cushy. Don't worry, we're trying to fatten up his scrawny bum so you'll be more comfortable,” Harry rambled. Draco smacked him lightly on the back.

Harry continued talking to his stomach, all the while running his palm flat against it. Intermittently, he would drop a sweet kiss as well.

Draco's eyes fluttered opened and he looked down at Harry intently. “I know this is probably going to seem perverted, but you're making me hard,” he whispered, surprised by the quiet tenderness of his own voice. He could never explain to Harry, but it wasn't the fact that his lips were so soft on Draco's lower abdomen that was getting him excited as much as it was how much Draco simply loved him at the moment.

Harry smiled sweetly and patted Draco's belly. “You should probably go to sleep or something for a bit,” he said to the baby. A lump formed in Draco's throat as Harry lowered his head and placed suckling kisses on his belly and hips. Draco tilted his head back slightly and ran his hands through Harry's hair as an overwhelming feeling of contentment ran through his body.

“Let me do all the work,” Harry whispered as he tugged at Draco's pajama bottoms, “I know you're tired.”

“Harry, wait,” Draco said, voice urgent.

Harry stopped at once. “What's wrong?”

“Can you just kiss me for a bit? Please?”

Harry scuttled up and sat next to Draco. He pulled the blonde to him, and after a very tender embrace, covered his mouth with his own.

Chapter 18: Nightmares

Despite following all the doctor's orders, Draco's symptoms worsened steadily over the next week. He was constantly tired and achy, and though he usually slept until midday, he would have to lie down for a nap late in the afternoons. Harry contacted Healer Kagelmacher against his mate's wishes, and she sent over a mild Restorative Draught that no effect at all. After a few days, Draco starting running a low fever and Harry stopped forcing him out for his daily walks, as they only seemed to exhaust him more. The blonde was too tired to even complain about not being able to use magic.

Filled with worry, Harry began to pour over the many books about male pregnancy that Hermione had left at the Manor, but so far had found nothing explaining Draco's symptoms. Each day it seemed that the blonde's fever increased a bit, then would go away late in the evening, only to resurface in the early morning hours more intense than before. Draco would sweat profusely and turn an alarming shade of pink, but after the fevers broke, he would insist that he felt better and forbid Harry to call the Healer. Even though he was horribly worried, Harry did as Draco asked.

As Draco seemed to sleep more and more, Harry found that he couldn't sleep at all. The two men had learned long ago to sever the tie between them caused by their bonding when one or the other was sick-it was no good having both of them ill at the same time. Harry felt fine, other than his worry, and spent most of his evenings up until the wee hours reading Hermione's books. It was a paragraph about miscarriages in a chapter called Warnings Signs and Omens in a thick, authoritative tome called “Male Pregnancy and All Its Stages: What to Expect When Your Man is Expecting” that finally roused Harry to react. It read:

While male miscarriages are far less frequent than female miscarriages, they are not unheard of. However, they are far more subtle. Women will have severe cramping and profuse bleeding when she is miscarrying, and will expel the baby in one episode. Men, however, can take up to two weeks to miscarry a child. They will become weak and tired, often feeling as if they are contracting the flu. The baby's aura will shine a pale, shimmery gray when produced by a qualified Healer. Weight loss will accompany the miscarriage as the fetus is dissolved into the body of the male. While not painful physically, it can be a terrible mental burden, causing extreme depression on the part of both parents.

Harry threw the book aside, leapt from his chair and ran straight for his office. Once there, he grabbed Healer Kagelmacher's card and read it frantically. There was an emergency Floo connection listed on the front, which read “Healer Kagelmacher's Answering Floo”. Harry took off at a sprint to the Manor's Floo room.

The Floo room had an eight foot tall fireplace carved with dragons the length of one wall so that entire groups could floo in and out comfortably. There were thick plushy towels enchanted to remove all traces of floo powder next to it so that travelers could clean up before tracking dust throughout the manor. The powder itself was kept in two large urns on either side of the fireplace.

Still running, Harry grabbed a handful and skidded to a halt. He fell forward on his knees so hard that his pajama bottoms ripped and stuck his head into the fireplace.

“Healer Kagelmacher's Answering Floo!” he shouted, in a full panic.

After some swirling and whooshing, Harry came upon a fat nurse sleeping at a large desk.

“Hello!” he yelled. The nurse jumped awake. “I need to see the Healer! Now!”

The nurse straightened her robe and grabbed a quill. “Yes. It is four thirty in the morning, love. She won't be in for another four hours. I can take a message though. What seems to be the problem?” she said with a yawn.

In a flash, the whole Harry Potter was standing in front of her, bare-chested and streaked with soot, eyes blazing. He leaned over the desk and grabbed the front of the woman's robes.

“I don't bloody care what time it is! My husband is sick, very sick! I think he might be miscarrying. You tell her if she's not at Malfoy Manor in ten minutes, I will hunt her down myself and drag her there. I am Auror-I have the tools to do it!”

The woman looked utterly shocked, but Harry did not linger. He turned back to the fireplace from whence he came and tossed another handful of Floo powder in the air, this time shouting “The Burrow!”

Harry fell, quite dizzy by now, into the Weasley's kitchen.

“Mum Weasley!” he yelled into the darkness.

He immediately heard footsteps on the stairs above, then a voice said “Lumos” and the overhead lights flipped on in the kitchen. Molly Weasley rounded the corner in nothing but her night clothes, followed closely by Arthur Weasley. They both had their wands drawn, but at the sight of Harry in such a state, they lowered them at once.

“Harry! What is it?” Molly cried.

Harry flung himself in the woman's arms. “It's Draco! He's sick! I think the baby's dying!”

Molly pushed him out so she could she his face while a stern look crossed her own.

“Now Harry, why on earth do you think that? I thought the Healer said he'd be fine if he didn't use magic.”

Tears fell down Harry's cheeks, streaking through the soot.

“It's this book I was reading, one of those that Hermione left off. He's got all the symptoms-he's tired all the time, achy, running a fever. Please come and stay with me until the Healer arrives!” he begged.

Molly turned to Arthur. “Doesn't that sound just like when I was pregnant with Bill and the twins?” she asked.

Arthur nodded.

“Go get our dressing gowns, dear. You can go get Healer Watson and bring him to the Manor. I'm going to go with Harry,” she said. Arthur turned and rushed back up the stairs.

Molly pulled Harry to her again. “There there, dear, everything is going to be ok. I don't think he's miscarrying. I had problems with Bill, my first you know, because of my bonding with Arthur. My body wasn't strong enough to make the baby's aura on its own, so I had to take a potion made each day from Arthur's essence. I took it each time I was carrying, only I had to double it for the twins, so I got sick briefly again. It will be fine, I promise. You just calm down. Draco will be in a snit when he sees you like this.”

Harry pulled away from her and wiped his face with the ball of his hand just as Arthur was coming back down the stairs. Molly smiled, licked two of her fingers and helped Harry with his wiping. Instinctively, his face screwed in a knot. Molly laughed and gave him a quick squeeze.

“No matter how old you all get, you still look just like little children when you cry. Come on now, let's get you home. Arthur, see you in a minute?”

“Yes, love. It's going to be ok, Harry. You'd better get going,” Arthur replied.

Molly and Harry stepped into the fireplace and flooed back to the Manor.

Once they had returned, they dashed up to the bedroom where Draco was still sleeping peacefully. Molly moved to his side and placed a hand on his forehead, then quickly drew it back with a hiss.

“He's burning up! Go get me a damp cloth. We need to try and cool him off a bit,” she instructed Harry as she stripped the blankets off of Draco's body.

Immediately the blonde shifted and reached for the blankets.

“Harry, stop stealing, you pig! I'm freezing!” he whined without opening his eyes.

She was concerned that he didn't realize it wasn't Harry-the two men were usually so attuned they could tell when the other was around without having to even look-and by how weak his attempts to pull up the blankets were.

“It's not Harry, Draco love. It's me, Molly. You're running a terrible fever.” Molly pulled her wand out of her robe and said a spell, then touched it Draco's forehead.

As they sat, it finally sunk in what had been said and Draco's eyes flew open. He attempted to sit up and dislodge the wand pressed to his brow, but Molly forcefully pushed him back.

“You sit still, young man. I'll not stand for any of your misbehaving. You might be able to intimidate Harry with this snitty little act of yours, but it won't work with me. Got it?” She pulled the wand away. “Merlin Draco! You're burning up! That's dangerous while you're carrying!” she cried.

Draco was sweating slightly and his skin glowed a light, rosy pink from the heat. He screwed up his face in distaste at being spoken to in such a manner, but he had little energy to fight the red haired woman.

“Bugger off,” was all he could muster.

Harry came back into the room with a cloth and handed it to Molly. Draco turned to him and his eyes widened.

“Harry! What happened to you? You're filthy and your clothes are ripped!” Molly felt around Draco's glands and he winced. “Make her leave me alone! What is she doing here anyway?”

Harry crossed his arms over his chest. “I, um, asked her to come. You're sick! I was afraid it was serious.”

Draco looked murderous. “You dragged her over here in the middle of the night because I have a touch of fever!” Already, Draco's skin was flushing a deep crimson from his outburst. “You know I hate people over here poking and prodding me! If we keep having people in and out of here, particularly at this time of the night, the media will be stalking the grounds trying to figure out what's going on!!! That's all I need, a photo of me fat as a flobberworm all over the papers!” Draco made to stand and swooned before he even got all the way up. Harry moved to catch him, but Molly had already pushed him back to the bed.

“You are the most difficult and vain person I have ever met!” Molly yelled at him. “You have a baby to think about now Draco, and any illness can mean trouble! You're being horribly selfish. And you may as well shut it now, because two Healers and Arthur are on the way too!”

Draco glared hatefully at Molly.

“I wish I had my wand,” the blonde intoned weakly, what little energy he had now spent.

“You can wish to hex me all you like, Draco, but you know I'm right. Harry is worried sick about you, and rightfully so. You should have had someone over here at the first sign of trouble, or at least told me! I had troubles like this with Bill and the twins because of the bonding. While you've been lying around sleeping and worrying about getting fat, Harry's been reading all of those outdated books Hermione's brought over and now he thinks you're miscarrying.”

Draco's face contorted with fear. “Am I? What did the book say? Harry?!” he yelled.

Harry, who was sitting at the foot of the bed, turned his face away from Draco.

“What is going on? I'm not miscarrying! I'm fine! Just a little peaky!” the blonde yelled, absolutely frantic. Molly took his hand.

Harry turned to face him. “You are not. You sleep all the time and you are hot as a furnace. That book says…says that's not good.”

Draco's snapped shut and he closed his eyes. Tears began to flow down his cheeks.

Harry crawled up the bed and forced Draco to look at him by tilting his chin up. “Love, what is wrong?”

“I'm scared, that's what! I feel horrible, Harry. Okay? I admit it. I didn't say anything cause I didn't want to scare you! I've lost three pounds too.” The two men stared into one another's eyes fearfully. “What if, the baby, what if she's….” Draco broke off with a strangled sob.

Harry threw his arms around Draco and pulled him against him.

“There'll be none of that talk, now. Tell me what's going on here.”

Harry heaved a huge sigh of relief. It was Healer Kagelmacher. He turned and told her everything while Draco sat silently, eyes downcast and his hands wrapped over his tummy. Molly stroked his hair while they both listened to Harry. Somewhere during his discourse, Arthur arrived with a very old man, tall and wiry, at his side.

The look on Healer Kagelmacher's face by the time Harry finished was grim. Harry felt like he had swallowed an iceberg and it was now sitting in his stomach, heavy and spreading the cold throughout his body. He turned back to Draco.

“It's ok,” he said again, not knowing what else to do. Draco looked at him through wet, red eyes. Harry kissed his hair and ran the damp cloth over the back of his neck, waiting for the Healers to say something.

After a brief introduction, the two Healers stepped outside with Molly and Arthur.

“Harry, I'm so sorry. If I had known something serious was wrong, I would've gone to the Healer straight away. I think I was just scared,” Draco cried.

“Shhh. You'll wear yourself out. It's going to be fine, I promise. Either way, it will be fine. Okay?” Harry soothed.

Draco pressed his face to Harry's chest and held onto him for dear life. In a few short minutes, he fell asleep again.


“Oh dear, he's sleeping again,” Molly said quietly when they all came back into the room.

“He thinks the baby's dead. I shouldn't have said anything,” Harry croaked.

The two Healers exchanged glances.

“Mr. Potter, I'm Healer Watson. I am a specialist in bonding and helped Molly with all seven of her children. I've been talking to Healer Kagelmacher here, and we've come up with a few ideas. We need to do a few tests first to determine the baby's health, then if all is well, I think we have a plan. Can you lay Mr. Malfoy on his back for us? He doesn't need to be awake.”

Harry gently lowered Draco to the bed, but the blonde woke up at once.

“What's happening?” he muttered, still half asleep.

“We're going to do some tests, Mr. Malfoy. Is that all right?'

“Is our baby dead?” he mumbled.

“I don't think so,” Healer Kagelmacher said in her kindliest voice. “Could you pull up your shirt a bit so we can do our tests?”

Draco nodded, but it was Harry who lifted his shirt. It was Harry's old, ragged Gryffindor shirt. When the tiny bump in Draco's stomach was exposed, Harry had to swallow a loud sob.

Harry stepped aside and the Healers moved in and began.

As they poked Draco with a variety of instruments, Healer Watson asked Harry a variety of questions.

“Do the two of you have any unusual bonding characteristics?”

Harry sighed. “Yeah. We can read each others minds. If we want, we can sort of feel what the other is feeling if the sensation is particularly strong or disturbing, though we've pretty much learned to cut that off so when one of us gets sick. When we align our scars, we like, become one person or something. I can actually feel myself touching him, and him touching me…it's hard to explain,” Harry finished, voice choking with unshed tears.

“Any past life experiences when you align scars?” the Healer asked gently.

Harry moved to Molly's side and she wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

“Um, no, but we did have that when we bonded. When they first made our cuts,” Harry said.

“I see,” he said, then turned back to Draco.

The room grew silent as they continued their work. Harry clapped his hand over his mouth when the aura of the baby glowed a weak gray through Draco's stomach, but the Healers smiled slightly to one another. They did test after test in silence, while Harry and Draco stared fearfully at one another. When they were done, Healer Watson turned to Harry.

“Come over here a moment, please Mr. Potter.”

Harry moved forward.

“Have you ever had any experience with reopening your bonding scars?” the Healer asked.

“Yeah. When I almost died fighting Voldemort, Dumbledore did that. They said it's what kept us both from dying.”

The Healer smiled. “Good. We're going to do that again. I think we'll find that it helps Draco and the baby at once.”

Harry's eyes widened and he and Draco locked eyes again. “So the baby's alive?”

The Healer nodded solemnly. “Yes, but he or she is in a spot of trouble. Very weak. I think we got here just in time. Your hand please,” he said.

Harry turned his palm up at once. The healer examined his scar, running his finger over it very lightly. He dropped Harry's hand and stood from the bed.

“Do you have the dagger that was used at your bonding?” he asked.

Harry nodded vigorously. “Yeah. It's at the foot of the bed, in that trunk.”

“Excellent! Can we get that please?”

“I've got it!” Molly said and moved to the trunk. She smiled when she opened it and began to dig gingerly through its contents. It held all of their things from Hogwarts as well as their bonding robes and dagger.

Draco reached for Harry's other hand while they waited for Molly to find the knife.

“It's going to be ok, right?” he whispered to his mate. Harry smiled broadly and kissed his forehead.

“I've got it!” Molly yelled and handed over the jewel encrusted dagger to Healer Watson. She, Arthur and Healer Kagelmacher all stood back to watch, clearly fascinated.

The Healer smiled at Harry and Draco before taking both their hands. “In my opinion, your baby needs some of Harry's energy to develop properly. The fact that you're a man and that this is your first pregnancy only reinforces that belief. We're going to do a direct infusion between the two of you, then I am going to collect some of Harry's fluids to make a potion for Mr. Malfoy to take every day. It may take a few days for you to really feel back to normal, but I think everything will be just fine from here on out. How does that sound?”

Draco smiled. “It sounds wonderful. Anything to make sure she's okay,” he whispered, his free hand dropping immediately to his tummy.

“It's a girl, eh? Well, I think she's going to be fine. Give me both your hands, please.”

“He doesn't know that, he just wishes,” Harry said, teasing his mate to take his mind off the cutting. Draco hated anything that might cause him pain.

Both men turned their palms face up. After saying a quick incantation, the Healer quickly sliced open their scars, Harry first. Without being told, the two men clasped hands.

At first, Harry was overwhelmed by the drain of energy that took place as Draco's weak body drew out his blood. He felt nauseated and thought he would faint. He was vaguely aware that the someone was standing behind him, supporting his weight so he didn't tumbled off the bed. In a few minutes it began to improve, however, and he could feel that Draco was starting to feel better, which in turn meant that he felt better. They sat on the bed for a long time, holding hands while the Healer muttered spells under his breath.

All at once it seemed that the fever left Draco's body and the tiredness lifted as if it had never existed. At the same instant, he and Harry's eyes both flew open and they smiled at one another. Without moving their hands, Harry leaned over and kissed Draco with a soft sigh. The men pulled apart after a moment more and released each other's hands. The scars resealed themselves at once.

“Ok, I think that will do it for now,” Healer Watson said with a wide grin. “Harry, I know you're probably a bit tired after that, but I need you to give me some blood and semen. Do you feel up to that?”

Harry blushed to the roots of his hair. It was bad enough that there were Healers everywhere, but now he was expected to wank off with Molly and Arthur there as well.

“Um, I dunno, I mean, it's sort of weird. I can try…”

Draco laughed out loud. He looked much better-the circles had left his eyes and his skin was back to its usual pale self.

“Oh Harry, you are so modest! Can I go in there with him for a bit?” Draco asked the Healer.

“Er, um, I don't think so Mr. Malfoy. You shouldn't do anything to, er, energetic. You're still not out of the woods. That infusion will last longer if you conserve your strength.”

Draco sat up on the bed and raised his right hand. “I swear I won't touch him. I know another way. Come on, Harry. And stop blushing for Merlin's sake. This is for the baby!” he said irritably. Healer Watson handed him a beaker for collecting the sample with an amused look on his face.

The two men were only gone for about ten minutes before they returned. Draco handed over the beaker with a smirk and Harry sat down in a chair by the bed, completely unable to look at anyone.

“Well, that was quick,” Healer Kagelmacher commented before moving to Draco's side.

“Yes, well, I know him well enough by now. A few well chosen words is all it takes, really,” Draco said smugly.

“Christ,” Harry muttered, blushing all over again. Arthur patted his back in support.

Healer Watson laughed uncomfortably. “Yes, well, let me take your blood then, Mr. Potter.”

“Feel better, Mr. Malfoy?” Healer Kagelmacher asked the blonde.

“I feel amazing. Seriously. I don't think I'll sleep again for three days.”

“How about you Mr. Potter?”

“Fine. Great,” was Harry's sarcastic reply. The Healer was filling tube after tube of his blood. He was starting to feel drained indeed.

“Excellent! Let me check the baby then,” Healer Kagelmacher said. She waved her wand over Draco's tummy and at once, a strong, bright red aura appeared.

Molly clapped her hands and Arthur smacked Harry on the back yet again. Huge grins broke out on Harry and Draco's faces.

“Well done, gentlemen. The baby is healthier now than ever! I suspect you can use magic again, Draco, once you start taking your potion. Until then, stay in bed. If you start feeling weak again, call Healer Watson at once and he can do another infusion until your potions are ready. Is that it, Healer Watson?” Healer Kagelmacher asked.

The old man smiled. “Yes, I think so. I'd love to come and talk with the two of you sometime, after Mr. Malfoy has healed. It's unusual to meet two people with such a strong bond. Would that be alright?” He plugged the last tube of Harry's blood and tucked it in his bag.

“Sure,” Harry and Draco said together.

Everybody laughed and Harry stood to show them out amidst an avalanche of thank yous. In a few short minutes, everyone had gone, seeming to understand that the two men needed to be alone.

Harry shuffled back into the bedroom with a sheepish grin on his face.

“I can't believe you made me toss off with all those people,” he said as he slid into bed next to Draco.

“You're too easy Potter. Honestly.” Draco flipped on his side and Harry spooned behind him, one hand flat on Draco's tummy.

“That was bloody scary,” he said heavily. Draco squeezed his hand.

“Yes, but it's over now. Once again, Harry Potter saves the day.”

“Oh stop that. Do you feel better?” Harry asked.

Draco turned his head and kissed Harry's lips. “I've never been better.” Abruptly, Draco sat up. “I'm not tired though. Can you get me something to read?”

Harry smiled. “As long as it's not one of those stupid male pregnancy books. What do you want?”

Draco opened his nightstand and pulled out the little device Hermione had given him to talk to the baby. “Give me “The Little Prince”. The French one. I'll read it to her,” he answered, sticking the little headphones on his belly.

Harry smiled and summoned the book from the shelf. He helped Draco switch on the little microphone and watched as the blonde as read to his stomach. Now that Draco was okay, Harry's own exhaustion caught up with him, and amidst the soft rolls of Draco's voice speaking French, he fell fast asleep, head laying on Draco's leg, his face pressed tightly against the small bump in Draco's belly.

Chapter 19: Growing Up Fast

Harry woke late in the morning, alone as usual. He lay very still in bed for a moment, listening to the sounds around him. When he had determined that Draco was no where nearby, he rose and walked quietly to the bathroom for a shower.

Smiling to himself, he turned the water on to warm. It would be nice to have a bit of time alone, as the last month had been unbelievably hectic. Once the Healers started Draco on the potion made from Harry's essence, Draco's normal vigor had returned. A tailor now came each week to adjust Draco's clothing as the blonde was putting on weight at a shocking pace. Where a month before you couldn't tell anything was different about him, it was now quite obvious that he was pregnant, if you stopped to consider a man could get pregnant.

There was also the matter of the nursery. For two weeks, Draco had hired a variety of astrologers, Seers and energy readers to stroll through the rooms at Malfoy Manor and determine which one had the best “vibes” for a baby to live in. After none of them could agree, Draco pitched a huge fit, threw them all out and opted for a room just across the hall from his and Harry's bedroom. It was filled from early morning to dusk with magical artists painting a huge mural of a castle (which looked very much like Hogwarts) and a surrounding forest on the walls of the room. The forest was full of magical creatures, everything from hippogriffs to unicorns. Harry had watched with utter fascination as one of the artists was painting in a unicorn. The front half, already finished, was snorting impatiently and pawing at the soft earth of the forest floor while the artist painted in her hindquarters. When the painter had done, the unicorn galloped off into the distance.

All of the baby's furniture was being custom made in Paris, so that was yet another project that Draco had taken on. So far only the changing table had arrived, a huge table constructed of mahogany and hand carved with protective runes and ancient healing spells. Harry had teased Draco that he hoped the protection spells would protect the two of them from particularly nasty nappies, which had earned him a pert smack on the arse.

Draco's newfound verve was also the reason Harry was sneaking around in his own bathroom this morning. Just as Healer Kagelmacher had predicted, Draco's sex drive had increased. Considerably. Almost unbearably. For the first time ever in his life, Harry could honestly say that he'd had enough sex for a while.

He did not hum or sing as he usually did while he let the hot water run over his body. Instead, he leaned forward, his forehead and palms against the shower wall while he enjoyed the relaxing sensation of the water beating down on him.

“Care if I join you?” a lecherous voice drawled from the other side of the shower curtain.

In spite of his being overworked, Harry couldn't help but smile. He pushed himself away from the wall and grabbed the soap.

“No, but I'm almost done,” he said, hoping to put Draco off any ideas of shower sex.

He didn't even turn around as the blonde slid into the huge shower behind him, he just continued to scrub himself. Even as Draco's arms slid around his waist and his lips brushed over his neck.

“Morning,” Draco murmured against Harry's neck. “I was beginning to think you'd never get up.” His hands dropped from Harry's waist to points lower.

Harry sighed, but a smile appeared on his lips. He could feel Draco's tummy pressing into his back and Draco's fingers were brushing just above his pubic hair. Maybe being shagged to death wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

“Well, with they way you've been working me lately, I need the extra rest,” Harry teased.

Draco tensed. “Are you tired of me?” he asked, voice unable to mask a bit of hurt. Despite the turn in his health, his moods were still apt to change at the drop of a dime.

Harry's smile broadened. “Of course not,” he said as he turned. He gasped, and before thinking to stop himself, he continued “You're getting huge!”

It was true though. Overnight, Draco's stomach looked as if it had grown even more bulbous than the day before.

It was Harry's turn to tense as he awaited what he was sure would be a nuclear reaction from his husband, but to his surprise, Draco only laughed and flattened Harry's hands over his protruding belly.

“Yeah, I know. She's growing like crazy! I've never eaten so much in my life. The tailor is coming later today-my clothes from two weeks ago are already too small,” he said happily. As he smiled at Harry, his eyes turned stormy and he pushed Harry's hands down to his stiffening penis. “My tummy's not the only thing getting bigger,” he growled.

Still completely taken aback by Draco's reaction to his comment, Harry barely noticed what the blonde was doing.

“That doesn't bother you?” he asked.

Draco looked confused. “No, why should it? Unless you don't want to. You could just toss me off if you're not in the mood,” Draco answered, trying to sound casual, but his eyes were pleading.

Harry laughed and wrapped his hand more firmly around Draco. “I wasn't talking about this, you dolt. I was talking about your tummy getting bigger. It doesn't bother you anymore?”

Draco closed his eyes and tilted his head back. “No. As long as she's healthy and growing, I don't care if I get as big as a house. Mmmmm, that feels good. Will you kiss it?”

Before Harry could respond, there was a small pop and a house elf appeared with its long, string bean looking fingers clasped over its eyes.

“Pardon me, sirs, but there is a Miss Ginny here. I am telling her that you is busy, sirs, but she says she has news. From the Ministry, sirs.”

Both men grumbled and moved away from one another. Harry couldn't help but spot the irony of the situation-ten minutes ago, he would have welcomed this interruption, but now he was surprisingly in the mood for a good hard go.

“That bloody woman has a preternatural sense of when we're about to have sex,” Draco mumbled.

“Yes, it seems so,” Harry agreed as he turned off the shower and reached out for a towel. “Tell her we'll be right down,” he called to the little house elf as he dried Draco's back. Another small pop announced that the house elf had gone.

Draco pushed his hips back against Harry's and moved them suggestively.

“Do you think one quickie would hurt? If you're gentle?” he asked.

Harry's head swam. He hadn't been inside Draco in over a month, but he pulled away. “You know what the Healer said. Besides, I thought you said you just wanted me to kiss it,” he admonished.

Draco rubbed against him again. “I changed my mind, and all the Healer said was to be careful. You can be careful. Please Harry.”

“But she said-“

“Harry! Just do it! And be careful! It will be fine, I promise!” Draco said, getting a bit irritated.

Harry tried to think, but his head was swimming and all he could really concentrate on was Draco, bent at the waist with his hands on the shower wall, bum pressing against his crotch, and those stormy gray eyes that he loved so much staring a hole through him over a perfect, marble pale shoulder. He gently took Draco's hips and lined himself up.

“Alright, but just remember, this was your idea,” he panted. With one gentle push, he was inside, rocking slowly in time with Draco's moans.


“You two!” Ginny yelled when they finally came down to the sitting room, cheeks flushed and eyes sleepy and satisfied.

“What?” Draco countered. “You do always manage to come just as one of us is about to pound the other. You're just mad because you didn't get to sneak up and watch this time!”

“Draco! Enough!” Harry said, the usual blush that accompanied any discussion of his sex life creeping over his cheeks.

Draco laughed and kissed him. “Oh whatever. I had to get in this condition somehow didn't I?” he said, rubbing his belly. “I'm starved. Ginny, hungry?”

Ginny shook her head and sat on the couch. It was only then that Harry and Draco noticed that she was holding an official looking letter in her trembling hands and was obviously very agitated.

Harry rushed to her side. “Ginny, what's wrong? Has something happened?” Instinctively, Harry thought of Blaise, but said nothing. It was an unspoken rule in the family now-no one said Blaise's name to Ginny.

“Well, yes, something has happened. Something wonderful, really. And it involves you, Harry. You and Blaise.”

Harry and Draco exchanged dark looks as Draco made his way to the couch, all thoughts of a snack now gone from his mind. He sat on the other side of Ginny.

“Here,” she said, handing Harry the letter she had been holding. “This is yours.”

Harry took it and cast a suspicious look Ginny's way before opening. It was on official Ministry stationary. Kingsley Shacklebolt's, to be exact.

Dear Mr. Potter,

Due to recent testimony submitted by Mr. Blaise Pasquale Zabini, we are please to inform you that the investigation of your involvement in the death of Bellatrix Noire Black-Lestrange has been closed.

Please contact me at my office to discuss your returning to work. We look forward to having you back.


Kingsley Shacklebolt

Harry read the letter twice, transmitting its contents mentally to Draco as he did so. When he was done, they both looked at Ginny.

“What's this all about?” they said in unison.

Ginny flashed a nervous, false smile. “Well, as you know, I've been having to visit Blaise quite a bit because of the divorce. He was fighting it tooth and nail you know.” She laughed nervously before continuing. “Um, anyway, after I left yesterday, he apparently asked to see my dad and Kingsley. He, um, well, he um, he recanted his statement against you and gave them a new account of what he saw that was almost identical to what the two of you said.”

She looked at them hopefully, but neither man so much as blinked. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Harry shook his head impatiently.

“And?” Anger was starting to come off of him in waves.

“Well, I mean, isn't that great? Now you don't have to go to trial. And he gave a lot of other information about his group-people no one knew about and stuff. They arrested the lot of them this morning.”

Harry was practically thrumming. Draco stood and began to pace.


Ginny took a deep breath. “And they let him out this morning. In exchange for his testimony,” she said in one whoosh.

Harry stood, towering over her.


Ginny bowed her head and continued very quietly. “And we're not getting a divorce. He's moving back in with me and Tony.”

Harry exploded. “Ginny! How could you be so stupid?! Blaise is an arsehole!! Can't you see he's saying whatever is necessary to get out of jail without being punished? Christ!” Harry ran a hand through his hair and began to pace as Draco fell still.

“Harry, calm down. Ginny, are you sure? I mean, it does seem rather suspicious.”

Ginny's eyes were flaring at Harry-she had not been left out in the Weasley temper department.

“I suppose it does, but we've been spending a lot of time together. I think Blaise just realized what a horrible mistake he had made in choosing to take his life in the direction he did. He gave up a lot of people-very high up people, people no one even suspected. His information may lead to an end of the Death Eaters once and for all.”

Harry turned on his heel. “If you really believe that, fine. But I won't forget any time soon that Draco nearly died thanks to Blaise's little takeover attempt at Azkaban. I also won't forget that he aligned himself with the people who are responsible not only for the death of my godfather, but the deaths of hundreds of innocent people. You'll always be welcome here, Ginny, but don't ever, ever bring that fucker anywhere near me. Understand?”

Ginny rose and glared at Harry. “If my husband isn't welcome in your life, neither am I.”

Draco waddled over and stood between the two of them.

“Enough, you two. Harry, go upstairs,” Harry opened his mouth to protest, but Draco stopped him with a look. “Go on. You're angry and you can never think straight when your head is spinning like this. I'll just show Ginny out and I'll be there in a minute.”

Another deathly look passed between Harry and Ginny before he stormed off.

“You know, I can't help but agree with Harry,” Draco said. As Harry had done, she started to interject, but Draco continued, “but I understand where he is coming from a bit more than Harry does. I'm willing to wait and see if he proves our suspicions wrong. Now, you'd better go. Thanks for bringing that letter by.”

“Draco, I didn't mean to start trouble. I just wanted to be the one to tell you two. Try to understand-he's the father of my child. I have to give him a chance.”

Draco looked at her sadly. “I do understand, I guess. Go home, Gin. I'll talk to Harry, but I doubt it will do any good. Give us a kiss,” he said, turning his cheek to her.

They said their good-byes and Draco mounted the stairs after a few deep breaths.


“Harry?” he called.

He could hear what sounded like glass breaking down the hall in the office, so he headed that way. He was not surprised to find Harry sitting on top of the desk, breaking small objects then repairing them by just looking at them.

“Is she gone?” he asked.

Draco joined him on the desktop. “Yes. Are you ok?”

Harry's face flushed. “No! I can't believe her! People like him don't change! Death Eaters don't just become wonderful people over night!”

Draco gave him a wry look. “Oh, really?”

Harry was not deterred. “You don't count. You were never a real Death Eater.”

Draco laughed. “Are you mad? I was raised to be a Death Eater. If I hadn't been arrested and forced to face up to what becoming one actually meant, I would have been one. You know this.”

Harry grumbled. “He just wanted out of jail.”

Draco sighed. “You're probably right. But maybe he finally realized just exactly what he was losing. Maybe Ginny divorcing him and the prospect of never seeing his son again finally got through that thick skull of his.”

Harry glared at him. “So now you're on his side? I must say, it is a bit strange to hear you being so forgiving.”

Draco shrugged. “I guess I have more of an understanding of where he's coming from than you do. Either way, Harry, it's not up to us. It's up to Ginny. She could probably use our support.”

“Well, she won't get it from me. If you want to be Mr. All Loving and Forgiving, go ahead. But I mean it, I don't want to see his face darken my door.”

Draco sighed. “Fine. Fine. Let's go grab a bite to eat. You must be exhausted from breaking everything in here.”

Harry looked ashamed. “Sorry,” he muttered.

Draco took his hand and kissed it. “It's ok, love. I'm used to your little temper tantrums by now. At least you fixed everything.”

As they walked to the kitchen, Harry shook his head. “It just bugs me that he's getting out to start that same old crap over again. I hate that someone is going to hate our child because of her last name, or because she's not a bloody `pureblood'. It makes me feel like everything I've ever done has been in vain.”

Draco laughed. “Love, everyone would have hated her anyway. She's going to be a child of privilege, very likely gorgeous and talented. That's enough for most people. Now stop worrying so. You saved the world, is that not enough for you? By the way, what were you thinking we should do about her last name?”

They had reached the kitchens and Harry was rummaging through the cupboard. “I hadn't really thought about it. Want to make brownies?” he asked, holding up a package of the gooey treats.

Draco smiled. “That sounds good. Well, while you weren't worried about our daughter's future, I decided we should have her go by Potter. You're way more loved than I am. Most people still spit when they hear the name Malfoy, despite all the lovely things I've done for our world.”

Harry laughed as he mixed the brownies with his wand. “That's fine by me. And I have been thinking about his or her future, thank you. In fact, I was going to talk to you about it when that stupid letter came today. It's a sign, I guess.”

Draco crunched his brow. “What's a sign?”

Harry popped the brownies in the oven. “That they said I could come back to work. Cos I decided I don't want to go back to work. I want to stay home. With the baby.”

Draco was honestly shocked and his face showed it. “What? The great Harry Potter, Gryffindor's Golden Boy, The Savior of the Wizarding World Entire, wants to hang up his spurs and be a housewife?”

Harry smirked at him and rolled his eyes.

“Ha, ha. I don't want to miss anything. And what's it you always say? It's not like we need the money.”

“I do believe I'm going to faint. Kingley's going to shit. And I think you'll make a great stay at home mum. Don't glare at me like that with those vicious green eyes of yours, just hurry up with those brownies!”

Harry glared at him harder.

Draco burst out laughing. “You'd better get used to it, wifey. I expect dinner on the table each day, as well as my clothes laundered and press, my pyjamas laid out each night, my….mmmmmphhhh. S'hot!”

Harry had decided the best way to shut Draco up was with a newly baked, fresh out of the oven magical brownie.


Harry and Draco decided to turn in early that evening, as it had been a long and hectic day between Ginny's visit, the tailor and the artists. More of the baby's furniture had arrived, and after seeing the grand scale that it was all built on, Harry found himself wishing he'd taken a more active role in picking a design. The crib was so massive and plush he doubted he'd be able to find the child once he or she had been laid down in it.

Draco was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, one of the last steps of his nightly ritual, just after washing his face and just before spreading the potion on his belly that would prevent stretch marks from the baby. As he spit primly into the sink, a sharp pain shot through his tummy. He grimaced, thinking it was gas.

He pulled his pyjama bottoms just below his stomach and started applying the ointment when another pain shot through. Only this time he could see what appeared to be motion on the surface of his stretched belly just where the pain had been. It took a second, but it finally clicked. The baby was kicking.

“Harry! Hurry!” he shouted.

Harry was there in a flash. At the sight of Draco standing staring at his bare stomach, one hand pressed to it, his eyes widened in fear.

“Oh shit! I told you we shouldn't have done that this afternoon! What's wrong?” he cried.

“Nothing, nothing. Give me your hands, hurry up!” Draco said impatiently, holding his hands up, palms out.

Harry could tell by the light in Draco's eyes that he was extremely excited about something, so without hesitation, he clasped hands with his mate.

He always felt a little dizzy for the first few seconds after he and Draco aligned their scars. The melding of their two souls was still a little overwhelming even after all these years. Shortly, he adjusted and the two men stood silently in the bathroom.

What? Harry thought.

Just wait, Draco returned.

Harry was feeling impatient because he could feel the impatience running through Draco's body like an electrical current. They stood silently for several more minutes.

Then it happened again. The baby kicked.

Harry gasped at the sensation. The initial kick was followed by a few more blows and some general wiggling about before the baby grew still. They waited several minutes more before finally dropping hands.

The two men embraced tightly, then followed that up with a deep kiss.

“She's moving,” Draco whispered, face beaming with happiness as he rubbed his hands over his belly.

“That was incredible. He or she is strong! Too bad they don't have football in the wizarding world. We'd have a star player!”

Grinning like it was Christmas morning, the two men shared a laugh and several meaningful looks.

“I can't wait until she's here,” Draco said wistfully.

“Yeah, me neither,” Harry agreed.

They retired to the bed and sat for a long time with all four of their hands covering Draco's stomach, hoping for more action. But the baby didn't move again until they had both fallen asleep, Draco's head resting on Harry's shoulder, and Harry's resting on Draco's.

Chapter 20: The Milky Way is Still in Your Eyes

Harry was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of playing Quidditch with Draco (who looked rather funny on a broom in his extremely pregnant state) when a current of anger jolted through his body so strongly that it woke him up with a start. He sat upright, confused and furious, but after only seconds, the feeling left him all together.

With a heavy sigh he rose and stretched. Somewhere in the house, Draco had been taken by surprise and was now angry as a hornet. Scratching his stomach and feeling for his glasses, Harry thought that being telepathic with your mate could sometimes be a pain.

Draco had shut him out as soon as the feeling had started, so Harry had to make a guess as to where the blonde was. Figuring that he was still eating breakfast, Harry decided to Apparate into the conservatory.

He was right. Draco was sitting at a large cast iron table, a spread of pastries, juice and tea before him, muttering angrily at the morning edition of The Daily Prophet.

Harry smiled. It was a gorgeous day, clear and it looked warm, though the conservatory was a crisp 65 degrees-this was Draco's preferred temperature now that he was thoroughly pregnant. Harry felt goose bumps rise over his torso as his boxer shorts offered no protection against the chilly air. He hugged himself and ran his hands over his arms with a grin, still watching his mate. Whatever the problem was, Draco looked fit to spit. But none of this mattered to Harry at the moment-he just realized it was his 25th birthday.

He snuck up behind Draco and slid his arms around his middle. Draco let out a very girlish yelp and jumped back into Harry's arms.

“Don't you sneak up on me! What, are you trying to induce premature labor? What the hell are you doing up, anyway? It's barely nine in the morning!” he yelled.

Harry buried his face in Draco's long hair. The scent of vanilla and something a tad spicy greeted him at once. His smile broadened at the familiar combination. Soon Draco relaxed back against him and pointed to the front page of the paper. Harry had to try very hard not to laugh.

A photo, five by seven, of a very pregnant Draco cursing at the photographer was plastered right in the middle under a headline that screamed IS DRACO MALFOY PREGNANT WITH HARRY POTTER'S CHILD?.

“So that's what's got you so upset,” Harry said, trying to conceal his mirth.

The photo had been shot the night before as he and Draco were leaving a party in London that the Ministry had held for Harry. They had taken the news of his resignation rather badly and were trying desperately to change his mind about it. Thinking it might help, they had thrown him a very plush birthday bash in Diagon Alley. Despite Harry's quick reactions and threats to the photographers that had assaulted them as they left, one had obviously managed to capture Draco's rather apparent state on film.

And it couldn't have been a worse angle. Draco had gained twenty-five pounds during the first five months of his pregnancy, then stopped putting on weight all together, but the gain was concentrated in his stomach. If you looked at him directly from the front while he was wearing robes, you hardly noticed his bump. If you looked at him from behind, there was no evidence at all that any change had taken place to his body. But from the side, the huge protrusion that was his stomach could not be missed.

“Can you bloody believe that?” he asked Harry, pointing to the headline. “Whom else would I be pregnant by? Bloody morons. And do they have to scream it across the front page like that? And look-they have another whole article on male pregnancies, just to make it more obvious. No style or couth at all, these people. And on your birthday! How could they print such a terrible picture of us on your birthday?”

Harry silently agreed that neither of them looked their best in the picture. Harry was only in the corner of the picture, but his face was distorted in anger as he shouted at the wall of paparazzi, stalking towards them with his wand outstretched. Draco looked like someone had stuffed a beach ball under his robe and had a very sour expression on his face, as if he'd tasted something foul.

“We've looked better,” Harry said and pulled the paper from Draco's hands. “But who cares? Don't let it get to you. They had to find out sometime. I'm really surprised that we managed to keep it a secret this long.” He kissed the top of Draco's head. “Aren't you?”

“I guess,” Draco grumbled. “I'm sorry I woke you up. It was a bit shocking to open the paper and see myself there, looking for all the world like a beached whale. Why don't you go back to bed?”

Truth was, Draco needed Harry to go back to bed. He was throwing a surprise party for the former Gryffindor that afternoon, and everyone had agreed to Apparate, or Floo for those with kids, to Malfoy Manor at half eleven. Draco had figured this would give him plenty of time to sneak everyone in since Harry rarely rose before noon. But if Harry stayed awake, Draco would have to come up with some excuse to keep him out of the garden, which was being decorated by house elves as they spoke. During summer it was nearly impossible to keep Harry in the house.

In typical fashion, Harry did not cooperate, but sat down across from Draco instead. “I'm up now. Besides, I'd rather have breakfast with you for a change. You don't look like you slept well, though. Are you ok?”

Draco hadn't slept well. The baby had been kicking and doing somersaults in his stomach since very early this morning. Maybe he could lure Harry back to bed by using the baby.

Stretching dramatically, he sighed. “What if I go back to bed with you? I am tired. Your future Quidditch player kept me up half the night practicing maneuvers, it felt like. A nap might do me good now that she's quiet.”

Harry hooked his foot under Draco's chair and pulled the blonde towards him. “It is my birthday. You could give me an early present, if you like,” he purred before lowering his lips to Draco's neck.

Draco pushed him off. “Ugh, Harry, I don't feel like it. I feel like a big water balloon. My ankles are actually swollen, can you imagine? I'm sorry, love, maybe later. Right now I just want to sleep.”

Harry kissed Draco on the cheek. “Yeah, ok. I guess I wouldn't feel so good either. Come on then, I'll help you up,” he said as he stood and extended his hand to Draco, who was trying in vain to push himself up from the chair.

“I can do it!” he yelled. Harry waited patiently, and after four failed attempts, Draco finally gave up and took Harry's hand.


Harry fell back to sleep immediately, but as soon as Draco got somewhat comfortable, he started having strange shooting pains in his abdomen. He was used to a bit of weirdness here and there at this point, so decided not to get too worried and just keep an eye on the situation. Still, he didn't feel like doing much, so he just lay in the bed next to Harry as he slept. A wicked smirk crept across his face as he thought of how surprised Harry was going to be when everyone arrived.

And everyone was coming. All of the Weasleys (minus Ginny, to whom Harry was still not speaking), several fellow Aurors from the Ministry, Dobby and his new wife, Professor Lupin, Albus Dumbledore and Poppy Pomfrey, and of course all the children from the various marriages that had taken place over the years. Draco grinned widely. It was going to be a great party.


Just as planned, everyone started to arrive exactly at half eleven. Hermione, Ron and their brood arrived first. All the children snickered derisively at Draco's bulging belly and the twins entertained themselves by calling him Auntie Draco as he shooed them all into the courtyard behind the house. Hermione noticed at once that Draco wasn't his usual snappy self-he didn't hex the twins once for calling him Auntie- and pulled him aside while Ron welcomed the other guests who were arriving all around.

“Are you alright Draco? You seem a little peaky?”

Draco grin weakly. “I'm ok. Just feeling a little tired and having some pains. Probably just, you know….” he said, clearly embarrassed.

“Gas?” Hermione asked, completely unabashed.

Draco glared at her. “Yes, probably. Now leave off will you? I'm fine.”

But Hermione was not satisfied. “How long has it been going on? Are the pains frequent?”

Draco waved her away. “Since early this morning, but the pains are not that frequent. Just stop. I'm not going to ruin Harry's birthday by whining about my problems.”

“You're due in a month, though. Right?”

Draco shot her a supremely annoyed look. “Are you deaf, Granger? I said leave off. I have until October to have my daughter, thank you. Now stop pestering. Harry'll be down in a minute.”

Hermione watched with concern as Draco waddled off, one hand shoved firmly in the small of his back and the other rubbing over his stomach. She decided that she would be keeping a very close eye on him.


Once everyone arrived, Draco lumbered up to his and Harry's bedroom. To his surprise, the shower was running and Harry was belting out some horrible song that Draco didn't recognize.

“What on earth are you screeching in there?” he called.

Harry turned off the water and got out. “The Slits. Really Draco, you need to broaden your horizons. You still look tired, didn't you sleep?”

“Not really. Want to go for a walk with me? I thought we could go down to the lake and feed the swans. It's a really lovely day outside.”

Harry vigorously dried his hair with the towel, causing it to stand up crazily at all points. Draco laughed.

“What?” Harry asked.

Draco waddled over and kissed him firmly. “You're adorable, that's all. Come with me to the lake?”

Harry smiled and turned his cheek out for another kiss, which Draco promptly gave. “Yeah, alright then. Let me get dressed. When are we having cake and ice cream?”

Draco looked taken aback. “I didn't know you wanted cake and ice cream! I was just going to have the elves cook up some of your favorites. I don't really feel like going out again. Last night was enough. Can we just have a nice quiet day? I'll make it up to you next year, I promise.”

Harry smiled good naturedly, but Draco could see the disappointment in his eyes. “Sure, that's fine. As long as we're together. I might pop by Mum Weasley's later, if you don't mind. And maybe Ron and Hermione's.”

Draco just smiled. “Whatever you like, dear.”

Harry threw on a pair of baggy shorts that fell to his knees a ratty Ramones t-shirt and a pair of black rubber thongs. Draco scrunched up his nose.

“Why do you dress like a derelict? I thought you'd outgrow that nasty habit.”

Harry looked down. “I'm comfortable. We're just going for a walk.”

Draco rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine. Come on then.”

He held out his hand to Harry and they made their way downstairs.

As they moved into the courtyard, everyone was hidden as arranged. Draco stopped and said “Wait a second,” which was everyone's cue to reveal themselves.

The twins burst out of the hedgerow first, screeching “Happy Birthday Uncle Harry!!” at the top of their lungs. Everyone else followed at a more casual pace, laughing and yelling surprise.

Harry's grin could have lit a village. He looked at Draco in amazement.

”You sneaky little shit!” he yelled before kissing the blonde. Everyone clapped merrily. Ron came forward and hugged Harry tightly-the two had not seen each other in a while and broke off to chat as Draco greeted everyone else. Music soon filled the courtyard, all of Harry's favorites from the Sex Pistols to Iggy Pop, and the house elves brought out a huge buffet, including a massive cake and ice creams in every flavor that Fortescue's had to offer. Streamers in Gryffindor colors and huge banners reading “Happy Birthday Harry!” magically appeared at every turn. After making sure everyone was properly welcomed, Draco took a seat in the corner, content to just watch Harry enjoy himself.

It wasn't long before Hermione sidled up to him.

“Feeling ok?” she asked.

Maggie approached Draco and stood looking longingly at his lap. The blonde held out his arms to her, but Hermione grabbed the small girl first. She let out a piteous yell and reached for Draco.

“Hermione, give her to me. I told you, I'm fine!”

Hermione studied him darkly, but did finally hand the little girl over. “Ok, but I'm watching you.”

Draco stuck his tongue out at her, which Maggie found terribly amusing. They both giggled conspiratorially as Hermione walked away, rolling her eyes.


Night fell and the party raged on. Harry was a bit tipsy by now and Ron, Dean, Seamus and Neville were not far behind. All of their wives were glaring at them, but the boys just continued to drink and dance around like idiots. The twins had joined in, which seemed to suit everyone just fine. Lupin and Dumbledore were deep in conversation off to the side, while the women stood around discussing the impending birth of Harry and Draco's baby. Draco was still sitting alone, feeling more and more uncomfortable, squirming in his chair.

All at once a searing pain shot through his stomach, causing him to double over. Maggie had deserted him long ago to play with the other children, but Hermione had kept her word. At the first sign of distress, she excused herself from the women and rushed to his side.

“Draco?” she said gently, leaning over his side and trying to see his face.

Draco sat back in the chair with a whoosh of exhaled breath. “Holy fuck that hurt,” he panted. “Will you help me inside? I want to get the Healer. I've never felt anything like that before.”

“Wait just a sec, let me go get Harry-“

“NO!” Draco snapped. “Let him be. I'm sure it's nothing, I'm feeling much better. Just, help me inside, ok?”

Hermione could not miss the fear in his voice. “Yeah, ok, fine, come on.” She fixed her hands under his arm and helped him get up from the chair.

As they were walking back inside, Molly Weasley jogged up next to them.

“Is everything ok?” she asked.

“Fine, I just wanted to show Hermione something inside,” Draco lied.

“Whatever. He just had a huge pain in his tummy,” Hermione told Molly. “We're going to get the Healer.”

“No we're not,” Draco snapped. “I've changed my mind. I told you, I feel better. I just want to get out of the heat for a second and cool off. Stop trying to sound the alarm, Granger.”

Mrs. Weasley took up her place on his other side and took hold of his arm. “Maybe we should get the Healer, Draco. It's not that far off from your due date.”

“Oh stop it!” Draco shouted. But the words were no sooner out of his mouth than he was hit with another doubling pain. “Fuck,” he said weakly as he stopped walking and leaned over.

“It's been five minutes since the last one,” Hermione said to Molly, checking her watch. “You'd better get Harry. I'll get him inside and Floo to the Healer.”

“Right,” Molly said and was off at a jog again.

“Hermione, don't!” Draco whined as he tried to straighten again. She moved him gingerly forward.

“Shush, Draco. Just help me get you into the house.”

At that moment, Harry came running up at a sprint, Molly following a good ways behind.

“What's going on?” he yelled, leaning down in front of Draco. “I felt that you know. Are you ok?”

“He's having contractions, I think,” Hermione said.

“I am not!” Draco whined.

“Oh my God,” Harry said. Gently but firmly, he pushed Hermione aside. “Move, let me get him inside.”

Hermione stood back. All at once, Draco felt a lightness cover his body and then Harry had scooped him up in his arms and started jogging towards the house. The rest of the guests were all coming towards the house, curious as to what was happening.

“Hermione! Go get the Healer!” Harry yelled over his shoulder.

“Really, you're all overreacting. OW FUCK!!!” Draco yelled as another pain shot through his body.

Harry whimpered slightly, but kept moving. Once inside, he made straight for the bedroom and lay Draco on the bed.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked, helplessly. Draco was clutching his stomach and writhing around on the bed.

“Avada Kedavra me,” he gasped. “Oh fuck this hurts.”

Harry put his hands on Draco's head and started muttering the numbing spells he'd learned as an Auror. In a few seconds, Draco settled down a bit.

“Thank you,” he panted. “That's better. I'm not ready for this. I'm scared.”

“It'll be ok. I'm right here. I won't let anything bad happen,” Harry said as he patted Draco's hand.

Draco screwed up his face. “I'm about to be cut open! I've got horrible pains! Bad things are already happening! Why couldn't you have gotten pregnant? You know I hate pain! OH, those spells are wearing off. Do it again!!” he yelled.

Harry did as he was told. Soon, Healer Kagelmacher and Hermione appeared at the foot of the bed. The German doctor began moving at once.

“How long have you been having pains?” she said in her curt manner.

“Well hello to you, too” Draco snapped. “Since early this morning.”

Harry shot him an angry look.

“They weren't this bad!” Draco said in defense.

The Healer got out all of her equipment and began doing test after test over Draco's belly. A broad smile broke out over her face.

“Well, I hope you are ready, because it is time. You're a bit early, but everything seems fine and the baby is ready. I fear he or she won't wait much longer.”

“Oh Merlin,” Draco croaked. Harry held his hand tightly.

Healer Watson now appeared, Molly Weasley at his side.

“Did I miss anything?” he asked.

“No. I was just getting ready to remove the baby. Can you assist?”

“Sure,” the old man answered. “This will be fascinating! I've never witnessed a male birth before.”

“Well I'm glad everyone is so entertained!” Draco shouted through gritted teeth. Harry's numbing spells were wearing off and the pain was intense. “Merlin could you do something before I die!”

Healer Kagelmacher handed him a small vial of grass green, bubbly fluid. “Drink this and stop whining. Compared to what women go through, this will be easy. Drink up so we can get moving!” she ordered.

Draco glared at her, but did as he was told. He smiled faintly as the potion started to work. It was a numbing potion so that they could cut his stomach but he would remain awake. He felt pleasantly stoned.

“That tastes like apples,” he giggled. “What now?”

“Now we take out the baby. Draco, we need you awake, because right after she comes out she'll need to hear your voice. I will hand her to you before we clean her so she will feel secure, so don't you faint!”

Draco blanched. “Er, ok.”

Healer Watson and Harry helped him out of his clothes and they covered him with sterile cloths, leaving the bulge of his stomach exposed. Healer Watson swabbed the area with an antibacterial potion. From the foot of the bed, Healer Kagelmacher could be heard muttering spells over her tools. She turned and moved to Draco's side, a long, thin blade shining in her hand.

“You could spear a dragon with that!” he yelped and covered his stomach protectively.

“Draco, shhh,” Harry soothed him. “You won't feel anything.”

“I can still see it! Let them cut you open if you think it's so easy!”

Ignoring the two men completely, Healer Kagelmacher felt around on Draco's stomach for several minutes before taking her wand and drawing a line across the lower portion.

“This is where I will make the incision,” she said as she lifted her blade and said one more incantation. “Ready to meet your son or daughter?”

Draco sat motionless, eyes wide with anticipation and fear. “Yes. Daugther.”

“We'll see,” the Healer said before lowering the knife to Draco's stomach.

He hissed as she drew the blade across, even though he felt nothing. Healer Watson wiped the blood away with a cloth that seemed to suck it up and digest it as the cloth never stained or became full. Healer Kagelmacher very gently reached a hand inside Draco and pulled out what looked liked a small rubber sack, pink as bubblegum, and laid it on Draco's chest. Snaking out of his stomach was a small cord connecting him to the sack.

Nothing happened for a moment and everyone just stared at the little sack. Draco was about to speak when a tiny hand poked through, quickly followed by another. At that point, Healer Kagelmacher reached over and assisted the baby in tearing its way out. As the sack fell away, she grabbed the cord and cut it neatly with her knife, then took the infant by its feet and swung it into the air before Harry or Draco could make out any details. She smacked it firmly on the buttocks one time.

A loud cry filled the room as the baby took its first breaths. Draco's face broke out in a broad grin and next to him, Harry started to cry.

“Well, for once Draco, you were right. You have a little girl. Hold out your arms,” the Healer said as she turned to the men.

Draco held them out. Healer Kagelmacher deposited the tiny girl in his arms.

“Talk to her while I get my things together to clean her and test out her health. Healer Watson will take care of your stomach.”

Harry and Draco were barely aware that Healer Kagelmacher was speaking to them. Draco cooed to the baby while Harry ran his finger over her tiny fingers, nose and eyes. Now that the baby was in Draco's arms, she was quiet, regarding both men with her dusty blue eyes.

After a moment, they took away to clean her and Healer Watson moved forward and repaired Draco's belly.

“You'll be a bit bruised for a couple of days, but then you'll be good as new. I don't understand why women are the ones that give birth-this is a thousand times easier,” he commented.

“Thank you, Healer Watson. Are you finished yet?” he called to Healer Kagelmacher.

The old woman turned back to them, a small bundle wrapped in pink in her arms.

“Yes, your dada is a pain in the neck, but he certainly had a beautiful little girl,” she cooed. The baby was making fussy noises, so she finally handed her back to Draco.

“Thank you very much,” he said. Now they could get a really good look at their daughter. She had a shock of white hair and was very pale; her eyes were the same color blue of all newborns.

“She looks just like you,” Harry commented.

“No she doesn't. Look at that little round nose! And her lips are identical to yours. And who knows what color her eyes will be. She did get my hair color, but look how it sticks out. She's as much mine as yours, Potter. Do you want to hold her?”

Harry smiled almost bashfully and shook his head yes. Draco gingerly handed the baby over. Cupping her head with his hand just as he had learned from Hermione, Harry cradled the baby in his arms, tears spilling down his cheeks.

“She's so gorgeous,” he managed to whisper before his breaths started coming in little hitches.

“Love, what is wrong? Why are you crying?” Draco asked, smoothing his husband's hair. The two Healers politely let themselves out.

“I just, just,” sob, “I guess I didn't realize how much I wanted this until right now,” Draco continued stroking his hair as he sobbed some more and held the baby to his chest. “I mean, I know I have the Weasleys, but this is….real. We're a real family now. I actually have someone else who is related to me by blood.”

Draco smiled sweetly at him. “I have a name for her. If you like it.”

Harry sniffled and got himself under control. “Oh, yeah, I hadn't even thought about that yet. What'd you have in mind?”

“I was thinking we could call her Athena, after the Greek goddess. She is Zeus' daughter and sprang forth from his brow a full adult, dressed in her warrior armor. She was also the Goddess of the City, protecting art, wisdom and civilized life. She was also a fierce warrior for her people and the incarnation of purity, wisdom and reason. There's a bunch more, but I thought the fact that she had no mother and was so bloody bad arse was enough to name our daughter after her,” Draco said.

Harry grinned and looked down at his daughter. “How do you like that? Named after an arse kicking, really smart chick? Zeus' daughter, nonetheless?” He looked up at Draco. “I think she likes it.”

“Wonderful. Athena it is. Why don't we call everyone in here so we can show her off?”

Harry handed the baby back to Draco and stood. “That is a lovely idea. Do you feel ok?”

Draco couldn't stop staring at his child. “Yeah, fine. Hermione and Molly are going to be so jealous that this was so easy for me.”

Harry smirked at him. “So, want to try for another one?”

Draco looked horrified. “NO! Not unless you're the one who gets to be sick and fat and in pain. One is enough for me, thank you.”

Harry leaned over and kissed Draco's lips. “Me too. She looks a bit mischievous. Something tells me we've got our hands full.”

Draco rolled his eyes. “Oh, stop it. You can't tell anything about her yet. Besides, I'm sure she'll be a perfect little lady. Now really, go get everyone!”

Harry turned to go, then stopped and turned back. “I guess no more shagging on the kitchen table for a bit?”

Draco laughed. “You are so predictable. But no, I think not. Or the living room floor.”

“Or the conservatory,” Harry added.

“Or the garden.”

Harry sighed. “I guess we're stuck in the bedroom behind closed doors. Oh well. I'll get everyone.”



“Love you.”

Harry smiled again, and had to once more fight back tears as he regarded his husband and daughter.

“Love you too.”

Chapter 21: Epilogue

“Draco, crouch down a little! I can't see through that obnoxiously large head of yours!” Harry hissed in the darkness.

“Shhh, Potter, someone's going to hear you!”

“No they're not! No one ever comes up here. Be careful, though, if you pull the cloak off of us, they'll certainly see us! Come on, get closer.”

Draco leaned back against Harry and crouched a little so his mate could see over his shoulder.

“Can you see now?” he asked.

“Yeah, thanks. Look! There's Ron, and Lupin. He makes a very dignified Headmaster,” Harry whispered in Draco's ear. Draco nodded agreement as they scanned the crowd in the Great Hall.

“Look,” Draco whispered, pointing to the Gryffindor table “there are all of Ron and Hermione's kids. And Tony's over there at Slytherin.”

“Good, at least Athena will have company when they put her in Gryffindor. I bet she'll make the Quidditch team too,” Harry whispered again, unable to contain himself.

“Oh please, she's definitely a Slytherin, so she will have Tony to keep her company now that you and Ginny are finally talking again. Either way, she's far too smart to be in Gryffindor. And of course she'll make Quidditch, what with you drilling her all the time!”

Harry looked affronted. “I don't drill her all the time! She likes to play! And if you'll remember, Hermione was in Gryffindor, and she was one of the smartest witches ever at Hogwarts!” he whispered loudly. From down below, it seemed that Headmaster Lupin looked their way.

“See!” Draco hissed. “He heard you! Oh, look, Harry, here they come!! Can you see her? OH! There she is, look!!”

Harry's arms dropped around Draco's waist as he located his daughter in the line of first years. She was small and lithe, but appeared taller due to her excellent posture. She was hard to miss because of her long mane of white blonde hair that fell to her waist. Her skin was as pale as porcelain, which only made the black framed, cat-eyed glasses she wore even more noticeable.

“Of course I see her. That Malfoy hair is like a bloody beacon,” Harry said, a huge grin on his face. Below, the Assistant Headmistress, whose name Harry couldn't remember, brought out a small stool and the Sorting Hat, which was looking more haggard than ever.

“We really must try and talk her into some new glasses. Those are so matronly! I can't wait until she gets old enough to want contact lenses. It's a shame to hide her eyes-I only know one other person with eyes that green,” Draco replied. The two men smiled at one another and exchange a quick peck on the lips. “But then she would have every boy at school after her. Perhaps the glasses aren't so bad.”

“She's only eleven, Draco. I think you've got a few years before you need to worry about boys,” Harry teased.

“She looks nervous,” Draco pointed out. Their daughter was shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.

“Yes, well, maybe you shouldn't have told her that you'd disinherit her if she weren't sorted into Slytherin!”

“She knows I was kidding!”

The two men fell silent as the names were called and their daughter's turn drew near. Finally the Headmistress called “Portney, Dwayne”, and both men leaned forward in anticipation.

“Potter, Athena,” the woman called. A rustle went up in the Great Hall at the name.

The slight girl with the lightning hair moved forward and sat down on the stool. Harry and Draco gripped hands tightly in the small storeroom in the upper corner of the Great Hall. The hat dropped on her head, nearly covering her eyes. Harry and Draco held their breath.

Nothing happened for several minutes.

“What's going on?” Draco whispered.

“It must be having a hard time deciding. Remember I told you that happened with me,” Harry replied.

Finally, from down below, the Sorting Hat cried….


“Ravenclaw?!” Harry and Draco said in unison, jumping to their feet.

“This is your fault, you know, reading her all those books in French, making her listen to all that classical music! Then to top it off, you had to name her after the bloody goddess of wisdom!” Harry said to Draco.

“I had to make sure she wasn't in bloody Hufflepuff, now didn't I? Besides, she hates the music I like. It's that horrible crap you listen to that she enjoys. Oh well. I can live with Ravenclaw, I suppose. At least I don't have to hear you gloating about her being a Gryffindor.”

“And I don't have to listen to you gloat about her being a Slytherin,” Harry agreed.

“It's sort of nice being back at Hogwarts, even though we had to sneak,” Draco said, turning to face Harry. It was very warm and strangely intimate under the Invisibility Cloak.

Harry pulled him close. “Yeah, but sneaking around makes it seem even more like old times. I am going to have to talk to Lupin, though. It was far too easy to get in here. They need to block up all those passages-“

“Harry! How dare you! You can't ruin the life of all these Hogwarts students just because you're worried about Athena! The school is safe. If Voldemort didn't get you in all the time you were here, I don't think we have to worry. Really. Now give me a kiss.”

“Demanding, aren't you? You never change.”

“Well, used to be I didn't have to beg for a kiss. Back when we were students, I had to beg you to stop kissing me. I guess the honeymoon is over, as they say,” Draco teased.

“You know what I just thought of?” Harry asked as he pressed himself full against Draco's front.

“No,” Draco drawled, then dragged his lips across Harry's jawbone. “I do hope it's interesting though.”

“Remember when she was born? We said `no more shagging on the kitchen table', or something like that.”

Draco's eyes gleamed. “Yes. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”

Harry smirked. “I'm thinking that now that she's away at school, a good shagging on the kitchen table might be just the thing.”

The two shared a smoldering look before latching on and giving each other a hungry kiss.

Chapter 22: Mirrors Epilogue II


Harry grumbles and wiggles down further into the couch before his parental alarm goes off, causing him to sit straight up in a flash. Standing before him is his three-year-old daughter, holding both hands behind her back.

“Athena, you know you're not suppose to let Daddy fall asleep! What are you hiding?”

Athena looks at her feet, one of which is dragging back and forth on the carpet. Harry has to choke down a smile—it is one of the things she has watched her other daddy do when in trouble.

“What are you hiding, sweetie?”

From behind her back, the little girl with the lightning colored hair pulls out two heavy, jewel encrusted platinum mirrors. Harry gasps in surprise and delight.

“Athena! You've been in your Daddy's office! You know that's bad!” Harry says, voice slightly raised to let her know he's serious. He reaches out for the mirrors, and she hands them over with a pout.

Harry drops the one with the lion next to him and runs his finger over the glittering snake that coils across the top of the other mirror. It is blank, of course, since its owner is somewhere else. Harry had forgotten, not truly forgotten, but forgotten in a way, that he had given these to Draco. A gift for a sixteen-year-old boy that Harry was desperately, hopelessly in love with. A gift that made it possible for them to be together, even when they were apart. He picked up the other mirror, smiling wistfully at the lion perched along the top. Their bonding had made these mirrors obsolete, but Draco kept them in the cabinet in his office anyway, along with all the other magical knick knacks, some rather dangerous, to keep Athena from handling them.

“What are they Daddy?” Athena asks. “Are they magic?”

Harry dutifully wipes the smile off his face.

“How did you get these? They were locked in your daddy's cabinet. The cabinet with the bad things,” he says sternly. “And you're not supposed to even be in there when he's not home.”

Athena pouts again. “I used Alohomora,” she says quietly. “They were so pretty, I knew they couldn't be bad.”

Harry once again has to fight back a smile. Only three years old. Well, now maybe Draco would learn his lesson about teaching her spells that were too advanced for her age.

“That's a very good spell to know, Athena, but you can't use spells to break the rules.” Harry said, feeling every inch the hypocrite. “And just because something is pretty doesn't mean it's not bad. Just look at you.”

The tease makes her smile. “Are they magic?” the little girl asks again.

Harry leans back into the couch and grins. He holds out the lion's mirror to her. In a house full of valuable things, this mirror is one of the most valuable, for so many reasons, but Harry does not hesitate to hand it to his daughter.

“Go stand in the hall,” he tells her. “And Athena, be careful not to drop that, okay?”

“Can't you Repario it?” she asked.

“It's Reparo. And I'd rather not, okay?”

Even though Harry could fix them with just a wave of his wand, the thought of them broken broke his heart.

The little girl shrugs her tiny shoulders, once again in pantomime of her other daddy. It swells Harry's heart. Still looking down at the mirror, she walks into the hallway. Harry looks down into the snake's mirror and can already see her face, but it is another face framed by white blonde hair that is in his mind.

Athena gasps and a huge smile lights up her face like the morning sun.

“I see you!” she giggles.

“I see you, too,” Harry answers back, his smile matching her own. A finger reaches up to trace the outline of her face.

“Can I see you no matter where I go?”

“Yes you can, honey. But come back in here, please. Daddy wouldn't like us playing with his mirrors.”

Athena walks back into the room, still staring at her father in the mirror. Only when she touches his knee does he disappear.

Harry pats the couch next to her and, after handing the mirror over, she climbs up, using his leg as a stepladder. Her hard leather soles dig into his shin, but he doesn't mind. She curls underneath his right arm, as is her habit, and sticks her thumb into her mouth.

“Athena,” Harry says, giving a stern look to her thumb. Reluctantly, she pops it out of her mouth. “That will ruin your teeth.”

“You sound like Daddy Draco,” she says with a pretend frown. “Where'd you get those?” she asked, once again enthralled by the mirrors. Sitting next to Harry, they sparkle up at father and daughter like stars against a velvet sky.

“I bought them for Daddy when we were boys at school. We were in different houses and this way we could always be together somehow.”

He pulls the little girl into his lap. Her head naturally falls onto his chest.

“But you can hear each other,” she says, referring to their telepathy. “Just like I can hear Daddy.”

“Yes, but that didn't happen until after we got married,” Harry explains, stroking the hair so like her father's. Only he can't recall Draco ever having worn pigtails.

“How come I can't hear you?” she asked.

“I don't know, love. Maybe because I didn't carry you.”

They sit in comfortable silence for a long while, and the tiny body in Harry's lap starts to soften and grow heavy. Cradling her head as if she were still an infant, he lifts her and carries her to her room. Minutes later she is in her bed, a huge affair that Harry was sure would scare her with its dark posts and draping silk. But Draco had been right about that as well, she adored being able to play hide and seek beneath the canopy and layers of blankets with her imaginary friends, and sometimes real friends too. Harry pulls off her shoes, her now dirty white socks, testaments to her busy day, and covers her with a light blanket that is as soft as down. From the walls, all the animals of the forest gather round to watch as Harry tucks her in, and only when they see that she is safe and sound do they run back into the woods. With a tender kiss on her forehead, he leaves her alone with her dreams.


Draco is having a horrible day. It is one of those days that make him wonder why in the hell he agreed to be Minister of Magic.

“This job would be so much easier if I were a corrupt bastard,” he mutters to himself, pushing his way through proposal after proposal made by politicians with only their own interests at heart. At the very bottom of the stack was yet another request from the Auror office to please try and hire Harry back. Draco taps it lightly with his wand and it bursts into flames.

With a heavy sigh, he leans back in his chair and grinds the balls of his hands into his eyes. Stars explode against the black and it feels so good that he groans.

He nearly jumps out of his chair when Dobby appears next to him with a loud pop.

“Dobby! What are you doing here? Is something wrong?”

Draco's heart beats double time in his chest. Images of Athena, a limb broken, red staining her white hair, or Harry, lying face down on the ground, blood pouring from his forehead, rush through his mind.

“No, Master Malfoy.” The elf holds out his hand, which contains a small parcel. “Harry Potter wanted me to bring you this.”

“Tell Harry Potter that if he scares me like this ever again, I will skewer him and roast him for dinner.”

“Yes, Master Malfoy.” The elf disappears with a bow.

Draco unwraps the parcel quickly, wondering what is so important that Harry would interrupt his day at the office. At the first flashes of platinum and onyx, his heart resumes its racing.

Draco pulls the mirror from the paper and there was Harry, smiling impishly at him.

“Skewer me, eh?”

“You scared me witless. I thought for sure something had happened to one of you,” Draco said. “She is okay, isn't she?”

Harry's grin turned into a smirk.

“I don't know why you don't just retire. I can't understand how get any work done for worrying about her. It's not like she's here all alone, just running mad through the house.”

“Yes, well, I know you have a nasty habit of falling asleep during the day and she takes advantage of it and `runs like mad through the house', as you say. And there are a lot of dangerous things in that house.”

“We could get rid of them,” Harry offers, knowing Draco will refuse.

“Potter, for the last time, they're heirlooms.”

“Yes, some might call them heirlooms. Still others might call them Dark Artifacts.”

“Cheeky,” Draco muses.

“I want you to come home,” Harry asserts, changing the subject. “She's sleeping and I miss you.”

Draco feels something low in his belly stir.

“Do you now?” he asks, voice a low purr.


“What's in it for me if I come home?”

“We could pretend it's your sixteenth birthday again. Remember how we snuck out of your party?”

The something stirring in Draco's belly now becomes insistent.

“Oh, I remember. Give me five minutes to tell Ginny and put these things away. Then I'll be right there.”

“I'll be in bed,” Harry says simply, a dopey smile on his face.

“What made you think of these mirrors anyway?” Draco asks. “It's not like you ever go into my office.”

Harry's eyes divert, he looks off to the left.

“Oh, um. Athena was asking about them.”

“Harry….why was she in my office? That is where most of the `heirlooms' are, after all. That is why it is off limits.”

Harry just continues to look anywhere but in the mirror.

Draco smirks at him.

“So. You're feeling a bit randy after your afternoon nap?”

Now Harry does look into the mirror and his smirk reflects Draco's own.

“I'll be in bed. You have five minutes. Our child doesn't sleep forever, you know.”

“I'll be right there,” Draco says, thinking that it may very well be time to retire.

Chapter 23: Sweet Sixteen Epilogue III

At the knock on her door, Athena quickly crammed the latest edition of Witch Weekly under her pillow and sat up on the bed.

“Yes?” she yelled.

“It's me, sweetie. Are you ready for lunch?”

“Yes, Dad. Give me a sec to brush my teeth and I'll meet you downstairs. Is Dad coming, or is it just us?”

“No, he's working through lunch today, but he said he'd be home early. He's got our birthday off tomorrow though. Hurry up, I don't want to miss our reservations!”

She could hear her Daddy Harry walking away and a huge swell rushed her heart. She loved both her Dads the same, but in entirely different ways. Daddy Draco was powerful and smart, a bit intimidating to all who knew him, except Daddy Harry and maybe Auntie Hermione. She lived in awe of him, amazed by his natural grace and intellect. When she needed money for something, or sensible advice, it was Daddy Draco she went to. He spoiled her rotten and never let her forget that the regal Malfoy blood flowed through her veins.

Her Daddy Harry was more like a friend. He was the one who taught her to play Quidditch (though Daddy Draco had been there to keep things safe), been there for her when she started her period last year (the memory made her laugh now), and was who she turned to when she needed to spill her silliest dreams and desires. Where Daddy Draco would sometimes disapprove of her flights of fancy, Daddy Harry would always just laugh and shake his head.

At this thought, she pulled the magazine out from under her pillow again. The five members of the hottest new band on the planet, Lush, preened on the cover. But she only had eyes for one-a tall, lanky red head with long, shaggy hair that partially covered his bright blue eyes. As she watched, he winked up her. With a giggle, she kissed the photo before once again shoving it under the pillow and joining Daddy Harry downstairs. If anyone would understand about this, he would.


They took the Underground to London, then entered Diagon Alley through the Leaky Cauldron. Athena was almost as steeped in the Muggle world as she was in the wizarding one thanks to Harry. They strode through the streets together, hand in hand, Athena talking endlessly the whole while about Hogwarts, Quidditch and her plans for her sixth year. She was trying to find a good way to bring up her crush, but had been unable to do so as of yet.

Harry studied his daughter as they walked, letting her voice roll over him. She would be 16 tomorrow, their birthday, and she certainly was not a little girl any longer, no matter how much Draco tried to tell himself she was. In the last year her figure had filled out considerably, and while she still had the long, lanky limbs of an adolescent, she also had a taut belly, rounded hips and rather voluminous breasts. At first glance, it was only too obvious that she was a Malfoy, but upon closer inspection her Potter qualities took over. She had eyes every bit as green as Harry's, and while her hair was Draco's color, its thickness and texture was his. Her lips, too, were the same cupid's bow that Harry wore, and she had inherited much of his fierce yet loveable personality. She wasn't icy like Draco, but she definitely had the air of someone to be reckoned with. She was the top student at Hogwarts, but still got into a spot of trouble now and then, though nothing serious. All in all, Harry thought he and Draco had done a great job in raising her, especially considering who she was in the world.

“Dad? Daddy?” Athena was saying as she waved her hand in front of his eyes. “We're here. Where are you going?”

Harry had been so lost in thought that he had kept on walking right by the restaurant where they had lunch together every year the day before their birthday. He gave Athena an apologetic smile.

“Sorry. Just thinking,” he answered.

Athena rolled her eyes. “Really, Dad. You're only 41. Don't go Alzheimer's on me yet.”

Harry opened the door for her and stood aside. “I'm not 41 until tomorrow, thank you very much. And besides, I'm sure I'm not the only man to get a bit dizzy with you around.”

Athena blushed. “Dad! Stop it!”

Both laughing, they stepped inside.


“So, did you hear from Zak?” Athena asked as casually as possible.

Harry took a big bite of his pizza before answering. “Yeah. He sent an owl yesterday and said he and Mike would be there. They're off until the 2nd or something.”

Athena fidgeted in her seat. “Are they bringing guests?”

“No, they're coming alone. Why?”

A million memories flooded Athena's mind: Zak hexing the group of Slytherins who made fun of her the first night at Hogwarts for having two dads; Zak showing her the hollowed out oak tree just beyond the lake where they would go and smoke cigarettes and talk for hours; Zak dragging her through Hogsmeade for the first time.

“Just curious,” she answered. “Can I have an ale?” she asked to change the subject.

“No,” Harry answered with a disbelieving laugh. Athena made eyes at him and he finally pushed his forward. “Just a sip. And don't tell your dad. Are you still doing your makeover at Delphine's today?”

Delphine was a former model who now ran the swankiest salon in Diagon Alley. Athena had been experimenting lately with makeup and more grown up fashions, so Harry had made an appointment for her with Delphine herself. She bounced excitedly in her seat.

“Yes. I can't wait! Are you coming?”

Harry wrinkled his nose. “I think I'll go to Quality Quidditch if that's ok. Delphine's is not really for me.” The truth was that he and Draco had purchased a new broom for Athena, and Harry had to pick it up.

“I'm not that hopeless. I probably won't be in there that long,” she teased.

Harry just shrugged and got another slice of pizza.

Athena studied her father carefully. “Dad, how did you know you were in love with Dad?”

Harry smiled wistfully and Athena's heart swelled again. She couldn't believe that two people who had been together so long could still be so in love. She figured her parents must be experts on the subject.

“I don't know. You just know. We had so many obstacles to overcome…it was more like we were destined to be together, you know? I can still remember the first time I laid eyes on him, the little brat…”

“What do you think about Zak?”

Harry's brow knitted in suspicion. Over the past several days, Athena had talked non-stop about the now famous Weasley twin. “Why this fixation on Zak all of a sudden?”

Athena dropped her gaze, still trying to think of how could she tell her father that the fixation wasn't all of a sudden, that she had been fixated on Zak for as long as she could remember. She took in Harry's crinkled brow and wondered if he would understand, after all.

“No fixation. It's just, you know, everybody has a boyfriend or girlfriend now except for me and him. Just curious about your thoughts.”

“I imagine he has enough girlfriends, considering he's in that band. People must think you're very cool to have two rock stars for cousins,” Harry added.

“He is not,” Athena shot back.

“Not what?” Harry asked, taken aback a bit by her sudden snottiness.

“My cousin. I'm sorry, it's just, he's not, you know. Hermione and Ron aren't really my Auntie and Uncle. It just sort of annoys me because everyone says that, even at school. And we're not.”

Harry noticed the defensive look on Athena's face, regarded the way she had become so riled up at the mention of Zak being her cousin, and a queasy feeling shot through his stomach. Then, using every bit of parental denial he could muster, he forced himself to relax a bit. “Oh. Don't be so picky about it or everyone will think you're a snob like your Dad.”

Athena smiled as best she could and stood from the table. “Daddy's not a snob, he's just proud of who he is, which he should be. Anyway, I'm off to Delphine's. See you after?”

She leaned over and kissed Harry's cheek. He grinned happily, having pushed all disturbing suspicions about his daughter's odd questions and protestations out of his mind.

“Of course. And stay there when you're finished! Don't go wandering off.”

Athena rolled her eyes again and Harry almost laughed. He wondered if he had rolled his eyes as much when he was her age.

“I'm not a baby!”

“I know, but still stay there until I get there. And have fun! I love you!” Harry called as she walked away. She waved over her shoulder and was gone. Harry couldn't help but notice how many other men were watching her walk away as well.


At the Ministry, Harry was greeted warmly by old friends and new employees alike. He was still regarded with a level of awe in the wizarding world, but it was Draco who garnered most of the attention now. As he approached Draco's office, he turned the corner to find Ginny working busily at her desk.

“Hi Gin,” he said.

She stood and rushed towards him. “Harry! Draco said you'd be coming by today. Is that Athena's new broom?”

Harry handed it over and Ginny examined it appreciatively.

“Yup. It's the fastest one in the world, brand new model Firebolt. Sort of makes my old one seem worthless,” he said proudly.

“Leave it here and I'll get it wrapped so Draco can bring it home tonight. He's in there, if you want to go on in.”

“Thanks,” Harry said and kissed her lightly on the cheek. They had mended their feud some years ago when Draco had hired Ginny as his assistant when Tony had started at Hogwarts and she had been looking for something to do. Harry still didn't trust Blaise, despite the fact that he had become a perfectly legitimate businessman, but he was at least allowed to visit the Manor now.

Harry paused to admire the nameplate on Draco's door before entering. It was highly polished brass and read simply “Draco Malfoy, Minister of Magic”.

He had to laugh when he thought of how utterly disappointed Lucius Malfoy would be with how Draco had used his office. Draco had gone back to work when Athena was two and had been voted in as Minister a year later. When Draco was first elected, there was an outcry from the older wizarding community that still associated the name of Malfoy with shady dealings, Voldemort and Death Eaters. But Draco had quickly silenced them by passing laws that allowed half-breeds and non-humans the same rights as wizards (allowing Lupin to become Headmaster at Hogwarts a few years later and, much to Hermione's delight, freeing the house elves), as well as tough new laws that had almost eliminated Dark Activities in Britain. He had forged new ties with the Muggles, much as he had as a young businessman, that brought in increased revenue to the wizarding world as well as eased some of the tensions between the two groups. He was already being called the best Minister of Magic in history.

Harry finally pushed the door open only to find the living legend dozing in his chair, a stack of papers and files on his desk. A wicked smirk crossed Harry's lips as he snuck across the thick carpet. Just as he was about to land on kiss on his husband's lips, Draco's eyes flew open, silvery gray in the faux afternoon sun.

“Don't ever try to sneak up on me, Potter,” he growled.

Harry smiled wide and kissed his mouth.

“Why're you sleeping in here anyway? Don't you have a country to run?” he teased as he took a seat on the chair across from Draco.

“Yes, ha ha. I'm bloody exhausted, that's why. Did you get Athena's broom?”

“Yeah. It's gorgeous. I'm thinking of buying myself one. Are you still leaving early? You have to beat us home.”

“I'm leaving in twenty minutes, to be exact. Is she at Delphine's?”

“Yes, she is. I don't want you giving her any crap if she comes home with makeup on and her hair shorter. Understand? We're lucky, really. Most of her friends started wearing that crap a couple of years ago.”

Draco pursed his lips. “Yes, well, most of those ugly bints need the help. Athena is beautiful enough without it. Already she gets stared at everywhere we go.”

Harry smirked at him. “I guess those Malfoy good looks can be a problem after all.”

“Only for my daughter. You really shouldn't encourage her, you know. I'm sure she'll be bringing some pimply faced, horrible teenager from a family we've never heard of home soon enough.” Draco dropped his head into his hands. “And having sex, no doubt. If she hasn't already. Oh Merlin,” he groaned.

Harry rose and placed a comforting arm around Draco's back, and was suddenly thinking of Zak Weasley for some reason he refused to name.

“It has to happen sometime, love. Besides, we've talked and she assures me she'll come to me before anything….crazy happens. She'll be careful. You have to trust her.”

Draco looked up at him, eyes full of misery. “I trust her, it's the boys I don't trust! You may forget, but I remember vividly what it means to be a teenage boy.” He dropped his head into his hands and moaned “Merlin!” once again.


Zak knocked loudly on the door to his twin brother's hotel room, but didn't wait for an invitation before entering. He needed to talk to his brother and could not wait.

“Mike?” he called. Soft moans and giggles came from the bathroom, where he could hear the shower running. Zak headed that way and again knocked on the door. “Mike?”

“Zak! What is it? I'm a bit busy at the mo,” Mike called back. From inside, what sounded like two girls erupted in giggles.

“I need to talk to you! It's important!”

Zak heard murmurs and the sound of the water being turned off. After a few minutes, the door opened and two rather peeved looking girls came out, wearing not a stitch of clothing. Mike followed towel drying his hair. The two girls flopped on the bed and eyed the twins laciviously.

Zak was totally unfazed by the display. In the year that they had been touring to support Lush, scenes such as this had become commonplace. But no matter how many women offered themselves to him, and no matter how many offers he accepted, there was still one girl he could not forget.

“This better be good, bro,” Mike said, looking past him towards the two naked girls. Mike was having fun living the rock star life to the hilt as much as possible.

Zak took his brother by the arm and dragged him towards the door.

“Can we go to my room? I need your full attention,” he begged.

“Yeah, yeah. Girls, don't move. I'll be back in a mo,” he said. Zak rolled his eyes.

“What's with the whole `mo' thing?” he asked him brother as they entered his room, which was right next door. Even though they had grown up, they were still close as ever.

“Dunno. Just sounds cool to me,” Mike answered and plopped on the bed, his towel now wrapped around his waist. “Is this about `Thena?”

Zak sat down next to him. “Yeah. I'm a wreck about tomorrow.”

“Zak, you haven't even seen her in a year. You might see her and find out that you have no feelings for her anymore. Stop sweating it.”

Zak shook his head. “I can't. Even though I haven't seen her, we still write each other all the time. Nothing's really changed. I think about her all the time. What if I see her tomorrow and just lose it?”

Mike looked at his brother harshly. “Uncle Harry and Uncle Draco will hit you with a Castration Hex. You know how they are about her, especially Uncle Draco. Dude, come on. She's practically family, and she's only 16 to boot. You've got to get a grip.”

Zak sighed heavily. “She's never been like a cousin to me. We've been close since we were kids, Mike.” He ran a hand through his shaggy hair. “I'm such an arse. This can never work, but I can't get over it. I compare everyone to her and no one ever measures up.”

Mike lay back on the bed with a heavy sigh of his own. “Yeah, I've noticed you only sleep with the blonde birds. I don't know what to tell you, man. Except try to keep it under wraps. I really don't think her dads would be pleased.”

Zak looked positively miserable. “Fuck. What am I going to do?”

“I don't know, man. I don't know,” Mike answered.


Harry nearly had an early heart attack when Athena came out of Delphine's private office.

She was hardly recognizable as his 16 year old daughter. Delphine had cut her hair into layers that fell to her shoulder blades and framed her face beautifully. Her eyes were done in smoky gray and silver tones, causing their color to stand out even more than usual. Her mouth was a perfect pink, kissable pout. She looked remarkably like her grandmother, Narcissa Malfoy.

“Well, what do you think?” she asked Harry bashfully.

“I think Draco's going to have a conniption,” Harry answered truthfully.

Athena smiled widely and hugged her father tight. If he thought Draco was going to die, she must look good indeed.


Athena spent most of the morning of her birthday trying to replicate what Delphine had done to her the day before. Her hair came out nicely enough, but she couldn't quite get the makeup down properly. It didn't help that every time she went to show her fathers Draco snapped “You look like a tart! Go wash some of that off!”. Finally, she opted for simple black eyeliner and lipstick.

She still didn't make it past Draco's inspection. When she joined her fathers in the courtyard where they were waiting to greet guests, he let out another snort of disapproval at her outfit.

“You're certainly not wearing that!” he cried.

“What!?” Athena shouted, becoming more and more annoyed with him by the moment.

“Draco, she's fine. Leave her be. Sweetie, you look great. Come help me with this streamer please. I can't get it to stick,” Harry lied.

Athena looked down at herself. She was wearing a short skirt and a Montrose Magpies babydoll t-shirt that left about an inch of her abdomen exposed. It was the riskiest outfit she had-neither of her fathers allowed her to dress seductively. She shot Draco a hateful glare and joined Harry. She got the streamer up with one Sticking Charm.

“Very good,” Harry said and kissed her cheek. “Happy birthday, love. Don't be mad at him, he's still in shock from how you looked last night. I think he's just feeling a little possessive. You know how he is.”

“I know,” she muttered. She turned from Harry and walked towards Draco, who was purposely looking out over the grounds, his back to Harry and Athena. She threw her arms around him from behind and gave him a tight hug.

“I love you, Daddy,” she cooed.

Draco looked at her over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised. “Love you, too, brat. But do you really have to run around with your stomach exposed like that?”

Athena rolled her eyes and was about to speak when Hermione, Ron, Maggie, Walter, and Ron Jr. joined them in the courtyard, freshly covered with Floo powder. The party had officially begun.


Two hours passed and Athena was becoming more worried by the second. Zak and Mike were nowhere to be seen although all of the other invited guests had already arrived. Pouting slightly, she went inside to check her hair and makeup one more time, wondering if he was going to come at all.

Just as she entered the house, two loud pops announced the arrival of the twins. Mike had decided to leave his date behind so that he could give his brother his full support.

“You ok? I don't see her yet?” Mike whispered to Zak.

“Yeah, fine. Let's get this over with,” Zak muttered back.

“Boys!” Harry yelled as he made his way over. “I was starting to worry that you'd forgotten your old Uncle Harry's birthday!”

The three men embraced. Behind them there was a small crash as something broke. They all turned around at once.

Athena was standing there, mouth open in an `o', a broken bottle of butterbeer at her feet.

“Look who's here, Athena! Zak and Mike!” Harry announced. He was a bit tipsy and grinning madly.

“Hi,” she said weakly, eyes locked with Zak.

Zak had almost managed not to look surprised, but Mike had seen his eyes widen and his mouth drop when he had first laid eyes on Athena. He could understand why-she looked great and done quite a bit of growing up in the last year.

“Hi,” he and Zak said in unison. Mike was glad they still had the habit of talking at the same time as he was quite sure he had heard a distinctive squeak in Zak's voice.

“I'm going to get a drink. You two want to join me?” Harry said, oblivious to all.

“Sure. Come on, Zak, a drink might do you good,” Mike said, taking hold of Zak's arm and trying to pull him away.

Athena stared at Zak desperately. “But we should catch up! It's been over a year!” she said.

“You go ahead, Mike. I'll be there in a bit,” Zak said, never taking his eyes from Athena's.

“Zak, are you sure?” Mike asked, the warning clear in his voice.

“I'm sure.”

Hoping to distract Harry altogether, Mike took his arm and dragged him towards the bar. “We'll be back in five minutes,” he called back to Zak.

But Zak wasn't listening.


“So, `Thena, how have you been?” Zak asked, hoping he didn't sound as breathless as he felt.

“Good. You?” Athena answered. It was all she could manage with such a trembling voice.

The two stood in uncomfortable silence for several seconds.

“Um,” Zak started, then stopped, lost for words.

“Um,” Athena answered. “Want to walk with me to the lake?”

“Um, I don't know. I just got here, I should say hi to everyone,” Zak said, though he wanted nothing more than to be alone with Athena and talk like they used to at Hogwarts.

Athena looked devastated. “Oh, ok. I guess I'll talk to you later then,” she answered coldly.

Zak couldn't stand it. He reached out and took her hand. “No, no, it's your birthday. Let' s go to the lake if you want. We need to catch up, like you said.”

The two walked along, nervous and silent. Zak kept stealing glances at Athena from the corner of his eye-his long hair was very good for masking this activity. For her part, Athena stared straight ahead.

“Still playing Quidditch?” Zak asked.

“Yes. How's touring?” Athena answered.

“Pretty good. It's exhausting though. Being in a different place everyday. It's so crazy too, with all the fans going nuts all the time. You wouldn't believe half the stuff that's happened.”

Athena's face darkened. She had read several articles containing wild rumors about the boy's behavior on the road. Zak and Mike had started Lush when they left Hogwarts three years ago. After a year of playing in clubs with Blaise as their manager, they had been signed to a record label and recorded an album. Six months later they had started touring and had earned quite a wild reputation.

“Yeah, I bet,” Athena said, eyes still narrowed.

Realizing that Athena must have heard things about their exploits and obviously disapproved, Zak changed the subject.

“Anyway, we're almost done and we'll be back here to record the next album. You should come by the studio sometime.” Zak wanted to kick himself. The smart thing to do would be to try and distance himself from Athena as much as possible, not drag this whole thing into the future.

Athena didn't answer. They had reached the shore of the lake and now stood, Athena staring at the water while Zak stared at her.

“Athena, is there something wrong?” he asked quietly. They were slipping back into something close to comfortable now that they were alone. It was as if they suddenly remembered that they actually knew one another very well.

Athena dragged her toe in the dirt. “No. I just miss you. Hogwarts is no fun without you there. Maggie and I hung out a lot fourth year, but then she started dating Phillip. I guess I just don't make time for friends, what with Quidditch and studying and all.” She smiled up at him. “It just seems like I lost my best friend when you left.”

Zak reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear so he could see her face.

“I miss you too. Why do you think I write you all the time? Besides, I'm sure you get plenty of attention. You're gorgeous. I can't believe how much you've changed since I saw you last.”

Athena's breath caught at his touch and she ran her hand over the spot where his had just been.

“No one likes me there. Well, a couple of guys have asked me out, but they just don't….never mind,” she mumbled.

Zak grinned at her, though his heart had dropped what felt like several inches in his chest.
“See? I bet if you wanted, you could be the most popular girl there.”

“What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?”

Zak looked across the lake. What should he say? No, Athena, because none of them come close to you. No, Athena, because I can't seem to forget your face?

Without thinking, he answered.

“No, I don't have a girlfriend. I'm sort of hung up on someone and no matter what I do, I can't get over her.”

Athena put up a valiant effort, but her face crumpled nonetheless. She had expected something like this. She had read and re-read the words to every song that Zak had written for Lush and knew that he couldn't make up the kind of longing that was contained in his lyrics. She had imagined, dreamed and fantasized on many occasions that the love sick tunes had been written about her.

“Oh, well, good for you. Anyone I know?” she asked. She barely managed to keep her voice steady. Before Zak could answer, she started to walk away.

He followed, considering what to say. “Er, no, I don't think so,” was the best he could come up with.

Athena walked faster, tears clouding her eyes. She admonished herself for being such an idiot to believe that Zak would ever feel anything for her. He was four years older than her, a famous musician, and the two of them had been raised as family. Tears fell down her cheeks and she started to run.

“Well goody for her!” she yelled as she ran away. She wanted to get as far away from Zak as possible and cry over the loss of her dream of being with him.

“Athena!” Zak yelled. “Wait! Where are you going?”

When Athena didn't answer, he ran after her.


Athena was in great physical condition due to her rigorous Quidditch training and moved quickly. Zak, on the other hand, didn't exercise much and smoked to boot. He quickly realized that he wasn't going to catch her. So he did the next best thing and Apparated to a spot right in front of her.

She hit him full tilt and the both tumbled to the ground with simultaneous “Oofs”. Athena struggled to get back up, but Zak rolled over on top of her and held her down.

“What are you on about?!” he yelled.

“Just leave me alone! In fact, why don't you just leave all together! Go run back to your stupid, ugly, trashy, stupid girlfriend and stop bothering me!!!” she yelled.

Zak had seen this side of Athena on many occasions. He knew all too well that she was capable of being an immense brat. Her fathers had spoiled her beyond belief, and though she was usually very sweet, when she didn't get her way about something, her true Malfoy colors came to light. He just had to figure out what she was so upset about.

“Athena, I told you, I don't have a girlfriend!” Athena wiggled beneath him. Zak settled his weight more firmly on her. “Stop that and talk to me. Please!”

Athena grew still and stared up at him. Her eyes were ringed black with smeared mascara and her cheeks were bright pink from crying. Her swollen lips quivered with suppressed tears. Zak thought she was the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen.

“Please, Athena. I hate to see you like this,” he said gently.

Athena's breath hitched. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. Another hitch in her breath. Then, finally, she screwed up her face, turned her head away from Zak and wailed “I'm in love with you! I think about you night and day! I listen to your album over and over and over just to hear your voice! I sit by the owlery every morning praying for a letter from you! Are you happy now? Will you just go away now?”

Zak sat up on Athena's hips and let go of her arms. He was in shock. He was also happier than he could ever remember being.

“Are you shitting me?” he asked.

Athena balled up her fist and punched him in the arm. With one quick move, she sat up in front of him, unceremoniously dumping him on the ground.

Zak recovered quickly by wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his lap before she could stand.

“Athena, wait, listen to me. Stop crying,” he said.

Athena rested her head on his shoulder, crying as hard as ever. Zak stroked her hair, letting his hand linger at the small of her back before bringing them back up and running them over her neck. He tenderly cupped her face and tilted her chin up. She looked at him through watery eyes.

“Athena. Stop. Crying.” he whispered. He ran his thumbs under her eyes, wiping away tears and mascara. At his touch, Athena's eyes closed, so she was taken completely by surprise when his lips touched hers.

She had kissed four boys in her life, but this might as well have been the first. The boys at Hogwarts kissed as if they were trying to eat her-hard and hungry, with their tongues shoved stiffly in her mouth. She had never enjoyed kissing as she always ended up with half her face covered in her partner's slobber.

But this was entirely different. Zak moved his lips softly against hers, gently nipping at them until they opened against his. His tongue teased them, the tip barely making contact with both top and bottom, before sliding into her mouth, where it met hers in a sweet tangle.

She moaned softly and pulled herself more firmly into his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist. A burst of tingles shot through her body when he moaned into her mouth and pulled her even closer.

Very slowly, Zak pulled away.

“Athena, we can't do this here. If one of your dads found us, they'd kill me,” he panted.

“We could go inside, to my room,” Athena suggested. All conversations with Harry about being careful and planning and birth control were nowhere to be found in her mind. She just wanted to be with Zak.

Zak, on the other hand, was struggling. He very much wanted to go inside with Athena, but he knew exactly what would happen. He also knew that the grounds were full of people who would eventually be looking for the birthday girl. He further knew what would happen if she was found entangled in her sheets with her so called cousin Zak Weasley.

“Athena, wait. This is really not the time. I mean, they will come looking for you at some point, and-Oh shit.”

Athena had positioned herself so that when she pushed her hips forward, they rubbed right over Zak's most sensitive and very aroused member.

“Let them find me then,” she whispered in his ear.

Zak lost all sense of himself. He pushed forward with his legs and was at once on top of Athena, her legs still wrapped around his waist. They kissed madly, and both sets of hands found their way under shirts while both sets of hips ground into each other.


Back in the courtyard, Draco's maternal instincts were sounding like an airhorn.

“Where is Athena?” he asked Harry.

Harry looked around, bleary eyed from too much Firewhiskey and Coke.

“Dunno. Probably checking her hair or something,” he muttered.

Mike was looking wildly around for Zak as well. The fact that Draco had noticed that Athena was missing could only mean that he would soon notice Zak's disappearance as well.

“Where is Zak?” Draco asked Mike, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the crowd.

“Dunno. Going to get a drink,” Mike squeaked. His Uncle Draco scared the daylights out of him when he got angry.

The connection finally snapped in Harry's drunken head and he shook his head to clear it a bit.

“They've probably just gone somewhere to talk. I'll go find them,” Harry said.

Draco sniffed. “Please do. It's rather rude to leave your own party.”

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco and pulled them practically nose to nose. “Oh, you mean like we did during your sixteenth birthday party?”

It had been the wrong thing to say for both of them as it made them remember exactly why they had left the party. Draco's cheeks flushed ever so slightly before he could check himself.

“Why don't you just go find them, Harry?” he said, voice tight and clipped.

“Right,” Harry agreed. He took one last gulp of his rather strong drink and was off.

Harry's instincts were now in overdrive too, and he muttered sobering spells as he walked along. Guided solely by his gut and a lifetime of somehow just knowing things, Harry made his way toward the lake.

As he stepped through the last of the forest that lay between the garden and the large body of water, his Auror training came in handy. Not only was he able to size up the situation without notice due to his silent approach, but he was able to take in several details at once.

While Athena's skirt was most definitely hiked up around her waist, her knickers were still in place, and while Zak's hands seemed to be everywhere at once, they were most definitely on the outside of said knickers.

Using the element of surprise to his advantage, he took a step forward and shouted in his most scandalized voice “Athena Malfoy Potter!”

If he wasn't so unhinged by the scene of his daughter rolling around in a wanton embrace with Zak, he would have laughed out loud at their reactions. Zak let out a girlish scream before shooting up in a sitting position, partially shielding Athena. (Harry wasn't really sure how he felt about that-he was happy to see that Zak was protective of her, but he was a little irked that the young man felt he needed to protect her from him.) Athena just moaned loudly and fell backwards, banging her head on the ground.

Zak and Harry stared at one another for several seconds, Zak pale as a dove's feather and Harry trying to send every bit of paternal wrath he could muster in his gaze. When Athena finally sat up to address the situation, she took Zak's hand in hers. Harry was not unhappy to see that Zak was shaking like a leaf.

“Well?” Harry yelled.

Athena's face darkened in a startling likeness of Draco's that made Harry cringe. That darkening on either of them meant serious anger.

“Well what?” she exploded back at him. “I can't believe you snuck up on us like that! We weren't doing anything wrong!”

Zak whipped his head towards her, utterly horrified.

“Athena, I think it's best we don't make him angrier,” he muttered. Harry heard him, and again, despite his anger, had to swallow a laugh.

“Yes, Athena, you should listen to him. You may not be scared of me, young lady, but don't forget that I have to go back now and tell your father about this! And what if he had come looking for you instead of me?”

Both Athena and Zak paled at this thought.

Harry smirked at them. “Ah yes, now we get a reaction. You,” he said, pointing to Zak, “would probably be minus your minerals right now and you,” he pointed to Athena, “would probably be shut so tight you would even be able to pee! He is going to be furious!!”

One of Zak's hands gently cupped his crotch, while the other snaked around Athena's back. Very slowly and with a giant gulp, he stood to face Harry.

Zak was terrified. Athena might have put the knowledge of who her father was convieniently out of her mind, but Zak couldn't. He not only loved his “uncle” Harry, but he knew exactly what a powerful wizard he was. After he started at Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor, he heard legend upon legend about the man that now stood before him in a towering rage. Over that first summer home, he had spent almost two weeks with his mother at the Ministry looking through old testimony from the trials after the war which only proved that Harry's legend was only half of what he was truly capable of.

“Um, Uncle Harry,” he began.

“I hardly think you can still call me your uncle after that little display,” Harry spat back.

Zak stuffed his hands in his pockets while Athena glared at Harry.

“Well, then, Sir,” he started again.

Harry snorted loudly. “Harry will do, you prat,” he said.

Zak gave Athena a look of pure terror, but went on determinedly.

“Ok, Harry, then. I'm sorry you found us like that, I really am. But you know that we've always been close, even as kids, and we both just found out that, well, that we have similar feelings for one another-“

“We love each other,” Athena blurted.

The mood on the shore shifted at once. Harry's eyes softened a bit and his tense shoulders dropped ever so slightly. After a piercing stare between him and Athena, he turned his attentions back to Zak.

“Is that so? You two think you're in love?”

Zak took Athena's hands and lifted his chin.

“Yeah, we do. I have been stressing about coming here cause I didn't know how I would feel after not seeing her for a year. We've been writing ever since I left Hogwarts and I think I've probably been in love with her since, man, this is going to sound horrible, but since she was about thirteen. I just never said anything cause, you know…”

Harry crossed his arms over his chest and looked out over the lake.

“Because you thought we'd kill you,” he offered the red head, who just nodded weakly.

Several minutes passed in silence while Harry considered how to handle the situation. On the one hand, he was terribly excited for Athena that she was experiencing her first love. On the other, he was more than a little worried about it being Zak. He was nearly five years older than her and had been on his own since he was seventeen. Plus, he was a famous rock star with a bad reputation. Harry knew from his own Quidditch playing days what went on backstage before and after events-he knew all about the many women who threw themselves at the feet of famous men. And he also vividly remembered how many of those men took them up on their offers. As much as he loved Zak, he could only see heartache for Athena. Then he thought of him and Draco and how they too had been so young when they fell in love and how not even once had Harry so much as considered cheating on his spouse. With a heavy sigh, he turned towards the two scared youths.

“Athena, go back and get your dad. Tell him to meet us in the conservatory. Zak, you come with me. There are some things I want to say to you, and it will give me time to think of how to tell Draco about this.”

Zak and Athena exchanged another look.

“Er, Dad? Couldn't we just not tell him?” Athena asked.

Harry looked at her as if she were daft. “Quite frankly, Athena, it surprises me that he didn't feel something when I found you two, I was so shocked. There's no way I can keep this from him. Now go on.”

Athena gave Zak an apologetic look and skulked towards Harry.

“Don't you be mean to him,” she whispered fervently as she passed her father. Harry just gave her a pointed look that promised nothing.

When she had gone from sight, he turned back to Zak.

“Come on then,” he offered. Zak followed him with obvious reluctance. Once he caught up, Harry spoke.

“What are you thinking?” he asked quietly.

Zak just shook his head. “I love her. I never dreamed in a million years that she'd feel the same, but I do. I can't help it.”

“She's only just sixteen. You're twenty-one in a few months. You're in a band that travels for over a year at a time and all that entails. She still has a year of school left. I mean, I rather expected her to have a crush on someone by now, but this is dangerous I think.”

Zak didn't have an immediate answer, so they walked along, silent once more. As the manor came into view, Zak stopped.

“I don't know. I mean, this just happened, literally. She and I haven't even had a chance to talk about it. But we're done touring for a while this Christmas and I'll be home for at least a year. That would give us time to get to know one another….like this I mean.”

Harry's eyes darkened and his lips pursed.

“Or I guess we could wait until she's done with school. I haven't gotten over her yet in all this time. She's even more than I thought she'd be when I was freaking out about coming here today. No one could possibly come close to her. I mean, even if we were going back on tour,” Zak said very quickly.

Harry snorted. “Oh, right. So I suppose you've been celibate as a monk these past two years that you've been touring. You forget, I did the whole famous thing myself. I know what goes on. And I can only imagine it's a hundred time worse with you musicians.”

Zak blushed beet red. “Look, I'm not going to lie about it. I've totally slept around, but nothing like the other guys. And you can give me that look if you want to, but it's because of her. I don't know-I can't explain it. It's like we have always been meant to be together or something.”

Harry studied Zak: he was the picture of misery. His shoulders were slumped and he was nervously dragging a toe through the grass. Overcome with affection, Harry wrapped an arm around the boy and gave him a quick squeeze.

“Come on. Athena and Draco will be up there by now. Look, I don't really know what to think about this either. I imagine that Draco is going to throw a fit, and I will do what I can to defend you without going against him, but he can get nasty, I warn you.”

“He's not going to hex me or anything, is he?” Zak said fearfully. “I've got a show in two days. Landing myself in St. Mungo's would never do.”

Harry laughed and clapped him on the back. “If he tries, I'll take it. I haven't had to absorb a spell in a while, but I think I could still manage.”

With a final clap, Harry strode towards the house, leaving a perfectly terrified Zak behind him. It was several seconds before the youth was able to close his mouth and follow Harry to what was surely his doom.


“Hi Daddy!” Athena cooed sweetly.

Draco was standing alone near the edge of the garden, his eyes blazing and his lips narrow.

“Where have you been? And where is your father?” he snapped.

Athena smiled sweetly. “I was, uh, taking a walk. Daddy wants us to meet him up in the conservatory.”


“He needs, well, we need to talk to you,” she said, all meekness.

Draco's eyes widened to the point of bugging.

“Athena, what have you done?”


Draco and Athena entered the conservatory to find Zak seated on the glider, staring intently at his trainers, while Harry leaned against the dining table. The air was thick with tension and only got thicker when Athena joined Zak on the glider and took one of his hands in both of hers.

“What is going on?” Draco asked in a menacingly quiet voice.

Harry stood and walked towards his mate.

“Now, Draco, love, I don't want you to freak out. It was relatively innocent-“

“What was relatively innocent? And if it was so innocent, why did I feel you almost have a heart attack clear over in the garden?”

Harry took both of Draco's hands, both to soothe him and to prevent him from drawing his wand, and silently told him what he had walked up on. There was no point in lying or trying to hide anything, as their telepathy made it nearly impossible.

Draco gasped and tried to pull his hands away, all the while staring at Zak, his eyes ablaze.

“You shit! I will fix you so you never so much as have a sexual thought again! How dare you! Right under my nose! Harry let go of me!!” he shouted.

Zak groaned piteously and Harry held on tightly to his husband.

“It's not like he forced me, Dad!” Athena yelled.

“Athena, enough!” Harry shot back. Draco was struggling mightily against him. “Draco! Calm down!”

Draco's maternal instincts were not the only ones zooming off the radar that night-behind them, Hermione scuttled in, Ron trailing her very closely. Just slightly behind them was Mike.

“What is going on?” Hermione asked as she took in the scene.

“You'd better say good-bye to your son,” Draco growled. “Because when I'm done with him, you're going to have a daughter!”

Hermione shot Zak an alarmed look, her eyes darting from his and Athena's interlaced fingers and her son's face. Behind them Mike let our a horrified gasp.

“What did you do?” Hermione yelled.

“Mum! You have to let us explain! If we can! We haven't even had a second to talk about anything ourselves-“

Ron stepped forward. “Please tell me you were not daft enough to do what I think you did?”

“They only didn't because Harry found them just in time! I swear, he's been a terror since he was a child! Always following her around!”

“Daddy, stop it! I've always wanted him around!”

“Athena, enough!” Harry yelled again as Draco snarled. “Ok, look, why don't all of you just go home and let the three of us sort this out a bit?”

“He's not leaving until I'm done with him!” Draco yelled.

“You're not touching him!” Hermione countered.

The room erupted in a row so huge that it took Harry, Ron and Molly Weasley, who heard the noise as she was coming in to visit the loo, half an hour to calm down enough to get the Weasleys to the fireplace to Floo away. After they left, Draco stormed off to his and Harry's room and refused to come out. It had been up to Harry to break up the party and see everyone else off, while Athena also barricaded herself in her room. It took nearly another hour, but at last, the Potters were all alone.


“Nice birthday, this,” Harry said as he entered the bedroom.

Draco was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. Harry had expected a scene of mayhem in the room, but it appeared that Draco had actually used the time alone to calm down a bit.

“He's too old for her. And he's in that band. Merlin knows how many women he's slept with, while she's not even had a boyfriend. It's not good for her. I won't allow it.” He said this as casually as if he had been reading a grocery list. “Not to mention he's a Weasley.”

Harry sighed deeply and lay down next to him.

“I agree with you on all points, well, except the Weasley bit, but I'm not so sure we can allow or not allow it. Even if we forbid it now, she's seventeen next year and can move out, quit school and run off with him if she wants to. I'd like it if she stayed here and finished up at Hogwarts. Plus, unless we put some sort of tracking device on her, we can't very well know where she is twenty four hours a day.”

Draco crossed his arms over his chest and knitted his brows stubbornly. “I can get a device from work.”

Harry gave him a look of disbelief. “You will not do that, Draco Malfoy, understand? That is just wrong.”

Draco sat upright and threw his arms up in exasperation. “Well what are we supposed to do then? Just give her over? She's bloody sixteen, and just barely at that!! Besides, she'd never quit school.”

Harry sighed again. “We got married when we were sixteen. And I would have done much worse than quit school if anyone had tried to separate us then.”

Draco stood and started pace. “Oh ho! I was wondering when that was going to come up. We're different and you know it!”

Harry shook his head. “I don't know, love. They both said that they have been in love forever. They both said they felt like they were meant to be. I'm sort of jealous, really.”

Draco looked completely dumbfounded. “What on earth are you talking about now, Harry Potter?”

Harry shrugged. “Just the whole feeling of having to be with someone or else. I just sort of miss all that.”

“Oh, you don't feel that way anymore?” Draco said angrily.

“No, no, it's not that, I do, you know that. It's just different, you know? I mean, look at us. You work all the time, and I don't mind cause I know you love your job, but really Draco, we've not had sex for over a month. Remember how we used to not be able to keep our hands off one another?”

“It hasn't been that long, has it?” Draco asked in a quiet, shocked voice.

“Yeah, at least. It's no big deal. I mean, we're older, you're busy at work, I'm busy with Athena….”

Draco walked to where Harry was lying and sat down next to him. He stared deeply at his husband for a moment, then laid his hand flat on Harry's chest.

“You know I love you more than anything on this planet, don't you?” he asked.

Harry smiled and took his hand. “I know. Like I said, it's no big deal. We had to grow up sometime.”

Draco leaned forward and kissed him very softly. He pulled away ever so slightly, then ran his hands up to cup Harry's face and pulled him forward and kissed him deeply.

After a moment, Harry pushed him gently away.

“Draco, you don't have to do this just cause I said it'd been a while,” he whispered.

Draco crawled onto the bed and pushed Harry flat on his back, staring hungrily at him.

“I'm not doing it cause of what you said you daft sod. I'm doing it because if it's really been that long, then I am a fool.”

“What about Athena?” Harry breathed.

Draco smiled at his breathless husband, feeling a bit dizzy himself.

“We'll settle it tomorrow. I can't really think straight right now anyway,” he said and kissed Harry again.


“Mistress Athena,” the little elf whispered as she appeared in Athena's room.

Athena sat up in her bed and grabbed her wand. She muttered `Lumos' and looked at the elf.

It was an old elf named Nana that had helped Harry and Draco with Athena ever since she was a baby, and she and Athena had a very special bond. It was not often that she appeared in Athena's room anymore.

“What is it Nana?” Athena asked.

“Your cousin Zak is here to see you,” the little elf whispered. “In the Apparating Room. Hurry, he's scared of your Dads!!”

Athena jumped from the bed and grabbed a robe. “He's not my cousin!” she whispered furiously as she ran from her room.


Zak was pacing in a small circle. He was terrified that the little elf would go to Harry and Draco instead of Athena and was listening very closely for approaching footsteps. When Athena tapped him lightly on his shoulder, he let out a very girlish yelp.

“Shhh, it's me!” she whispered, then kissed him.

When they parted, Zak smiled at her. “Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yeah. They've been up in their room all night. I imagine Daddy Harry is trying to calm Daddy Draco down a bit.”

“You know, I don't want to come between you and your dads. Uncle Draco really sort of scared me this afternoon,” Zak said.

Athena took a step back. “What are you saying? You don't want to be with me now?”

Zak pulled her close again. “No, that's not what I'm saying. I want to be with you more than anything, but you are still in school and whatever. We would never be together…it would just be hard.”

Athena's eyes filled with tears. “I could come see you on weekends,” she squeaked.

“Yeah, if your dads let you. I wouldn't be surprised if Draco locks you in the manor from now on!”

“I'm going to be legal in a year and I can do what I want! Plus, once I'm in school there's no way they can watch me all the time. You can Apparate now, it wouldn't be hard for us to see one another. I know a ton of ways into Hogsmeade, we could so sneak. But if you've changed your mind, I guess I understand.”

Zak hugged her tightly again. “No, I haven't changed my mind. It's just going to be hard, either way, and harder if they don't agree to let us see one another. I just wanted to make sure you were sure.”

She hugged him back, reveling in the new feel of his body against hers. They had hugged a million times before, but it was quite different now.

“I am sure. Did your parents yell at you?”

Zak chuckled. “Yeah, Mum did. She said I should be neutered. But I think Dad is sort of into it, really. He likes the idea of us being together. I mean, really, I sometimes think it should have been him and Harry together they're so close. Anyway, getting yelled at is nothing new.”

“My dad really would kill you if he heard you say Daddy Harry and Uncle Ron should be together. If you think he's possessive of me, you have no idea how he is about Daddy Harry.”

Zak just laughed again. “Oh, I know. You forget, I knew them before you were even a glint in their eyes. I'd better go, speaking of them. It'd probably be not so good if they caught me here.”

Athena pouted mightily. “I don't want you to go,” she said, draping herself against him and nuzzling into his neck.

He kissed her on the mouth and things got very heated, very quickly.

“Come up to my room with me,” she whispered to him.

Zak groaned. “Athena, fuck, I want to, more than anything, you actually have no bloody idea how bad I want to. But this horrible image of your father wearing my balls on a necklace around his neck keeps popping into my head.”

Athena kissed him again. “Zak, their room is across the manor from mine and they are not coming out tonight. As long as you leave before Daddy Draco gets up for work in the morning, there is no way we'll get caught. Please stay,” she begged.

Zak looked down at her, thinking hard. “What the hell. If I'm going to die, I may as well die a happy man. Let's go.”

Athena kissed him one more time for good measure before the two of them snuck back to her room.


Draco sat for a long time the next morning watching Harry as he slept. He gave in to the urge to touch him on several occasions, stroking his face or running a hand over his hair.

Harry had always been athletic, so he was still very muscular and in shape. If not for the bit of gray that was steadily invading his hair, it would be easy to place him at least ten years younger than he was. But even if he had gotten flabby and looked a hundred years old, it would not have mattered. To Draco, he was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Draco leaned over and kissed him softly. Harry stirred and his eyes fluttered opened.

“Morning,” Draco said. Harry simply smiled up at him, snuggled closer and closed his eyes again.

Stroking the back of Harry's head, Draco said “I'm going to work for a few hours, but I'll be home by one. Could you make sure that Zak and Athena are here?”

Harry's head popped up. “You're coming home early? And you want Zak here? Should I be worried?”

Draco laughed. “No, no. I just want to talk to all of you at once. I'm not mad anymore.” He kissed Harry on the forehead. “You go back to sleep and I'll see you when I get back.”

Draco rose and headed for the bathroom to shower, Harry watching him the whole time. Draco had cut his hair years ago in a short style with longer fringe that fell into his eyes. He also had managed to stay in great shape from working as an Auror, then from being such an active Minister of Magic. It was not unheard of for Draco to show up and go through training procedures with a new group of recruits, just to check up on the program his husband had started. In Harry's opinion, he was more gorgeous now than he had ever been.

Harry rose and padded off to the bathroom as well, where Draco was testing the shower with his hand. He looked over his shoulder just as Harry was wrapping his arms around the blonde's slender waist.

“Why are you up?” he asked.

“The thought of you in here naked and wet wouldn't let me sleep,” Harry answered.

Draco kissed Harry's lips then leaned back into him, a comfortable, content smile radiating on his face.


In the Apparating room, Zak and Athena were having a difficult time saying good-bye between kisses.

“I wish I didn't have to leave,” Zak whispered for the hundreth time.

“Me too. But you have to! My Dad will be up any second.”

“Last night was amazing,” Zak whispered.

Athena blushed slightly. “You were amazing. I had no idea snogging could be like that.”

They both giggled like little kids.

“Yeah, well, no more snogging with other boys. Hear me? And as soon as we can work out some way to spend the whole night and next day together, we'll….well, you know.”

Athena blushed again. “I have to talk to my Daddy Harry first. I promised him I wouldn't do that without taking certain precautions. It'd probably help the whole situation anyway if he knew I still respected the promises I made to him.”

“I can't wait, Athena. I can't even imagine…”

“Me either. I love you Zak. Hey! And no more snogging, or anything else, with other girls! You promise?”

“I promise,” he answered, then sealed it with a kiss. “I'd better go. I love you, too. As soon as you talk to them today, come over and tell me what they said. My Dad is home, so they won't have to worry.”

“I will. Bye.”

Zak kissed her again and with a loud pop, was gone. Athena did a little happy dance and ran back to her room to curl up in the sheets that she hoped still smelled like Zak.


Harry stumbled into the kitchen just before eleven and found Athena already there, waiting for him with breakfast on the table.

“You get up at the same time everyday, sleepyhead,” she teased him.

Harry just smiled at her and sat down while she made a plate for him.

“Buttering me up?” he teased back. “You know I have very little control over your dad.”

Athena sat next to him and watched as he took his first few bites.

“You have more control than anyone. What happened last night?”

Harry shrugged. “Not much, really. We argued for a bit and that was about it. This morning, however, he said that he would be back here around one and wanted you and Zak present and accounted for. Wants to speak to all of us.”

Athena's stomach dropped and her head starting spinning as she wondered if somehow her fair haired father knew about Zak's visit the night before.

“About what?” she squeaked.

“Couldn't tell you. Like I said, the man is wholly unpredictable.”

Harry continued to eat heartily, but Athena was so worried that she was totally put off her own breakfast. She looked at the clock with mixed emotions. In two hours, she would be seeing Zak again, but she dreaded what might happen with Draco.

“I'm going to get ready,” she croaked.

Harry smirked wickedly as she left the table. He could tell her that Draco wasn't mad anymore, but he thought she needed to worry for a bit.


At exactly one Draco arrived home as promised. Harry was waiting for him in the Apparating room and after greeting one another with kisses, they headed off towards the drawing room.

“Zak is terrified you're going to kill him, I think,” Harry said.

“I might if I weren't so high profile. Sometimes being famous can be a detriment,” Draco lamented.

In the drawing room, Zak and Athena were sitting on the sofa whispering assurances to one another that there was no way either Harry or Draco could possibly know about the night before when the two men entered and sat opposite them. Draco smiled at his daughter before fixing Zak with a hard stare.

“You have been trouble since you were a boy, do you know that? I swear, you are your Uncles Fred and George incarnate.”

Zak just gulped in response.

“Harry and I talked about this whole situation quite a bit last night and reached several conclusions.”

We did? Harry asked Draco silently.

Just work with me, Potter, Draco answered.

“We both think that your age difference is a problem at the moment. Athena's not yet out of school, while you've been living on your own, traveling and being a bloody rock star for some time now. We further think that the whole band thing is dangerous. We are both quite aware of what goes on at these types of events and how easy it is to find yourself in a questionable situation with a strange person.”

Zak and Athena exchanged looks and Zak started to speak, but Draco held up his hand.

“Let me finish before you barrage me with lame excuses and professions of love, please. Despite the fact that we feel that this is a rather dangerous situation for Athena and our first instinct is always to protect her, we have gone rather against that notion and decided to let her see you.”

Neither Athena or Zak reacted for a moment their shock was so great. Then huge grins spread across their faces and they started tittering nervously.

Draco raised an eyebrow. “Don't get all giddy just yet. There are rules, of course. Athena will be home from any date by midnight, or I will make sure she doesn't see you again for a long, long time. While she is in school, she can see you each weekend, provided it does not interfere with her schoolwork or Quidditch schedule. Harry and I will approve all arrangements to meet during these weekends and will chaperone if necessary. Athena, you have an appointment tomorrow with a Healer to discuss….female issues. If things seem to go too far too fast, we may amend these rules as we see fit. Understood?”

Zak and Athena nodded in unison.

“Thanks, guys, really. I won't let you down. I'd never do anything to hurt her,” Zak said.

“Make sure you don't,” Draco said in a threatening tone. “Now, run along won't you? I need to talk to Harry for a bit.”

They both stood, holding hands and grinning and left.

“Draco Malfoy, you never fail to amaze me. I really thought for a second there that you were going to forbid them from ever seeing one another again.”

Draco just smiled at Harry. “Yes, well, if that surprised you then this next bit is going to be a revelation. I resigned today.”

Harry's mouth dropped open and he gasped. “You what?”

Draco was pleased as punch with his reaction. “As I said to those two, don't get all excited just yet. I have to finish out the year, but then I'm stepping down.”

“But Draco, why?” Harry asked.

“Because. I want to spend as much time with you as possible. Athena doesn't really need us so much anymore, and well, after last night, I realized I missed you. I was thinking we could move back to Montrose and just be together.”

Harry just stared at him in utter disbelief for several seconds before he pounced, pinning Draco on his back.

“I love you, Draco,” he growled before kissing the blonde.

“I love you, too, Harry. And I don't ever want you to feel like there is anything more important to me than you ever again,” Draco answered back.

Suddenly, they were teenagers all over again, ripping and tugging at one another's clothes, unable to get next to one another close enough. They were so caught up in each other that they didn't even notice the door open slightly, then close with a quick pull.

“Uh, I think if you just left a note that you were at my Mum and Dad's with me, that would be ok,” Zak whispered to Athena.

“Oh dear. They're not…you know, are they?”

“Nearly. Either way, I don't think they'd want to be interrupted.”

Athena clapped a hand over her mouth not to laugh out loud. “Oh well, I'll leave a note then. You know, they never gave me my birthday present yesterday. I wonder what it is?”

Zak gave her a playful, put out look. “Aren't I enough?”

Athena rolled her eyes. “You know, maybe they're right. You probably are more trouble than you'll ever be worth.”

“Not true, Miss Potter, not true. Now, come on. Those two should be left alone. Really, at their age.”

Walking hand and hand, they headed towards the Floo Room.


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