Create a simple SAPscript Standard Text using the new text editor. (transaction SO10 or Tools -> SAPScript -> Standard Text).
Text name: ZTEXTxx where XX is your user number
Text ID: ST (standard text)
Language: EN
Create the Standard Text, using the following block of text:
Before Release 4.6, the texts were saved as standard texts. This store is obsolete. As of Release 4.6, the graphics are saved on a document server. *.BMP files can now be imported as well as *.TIF files.
Using the text editor, convert the SAPscript text you just created into an HTML file. Save the file on your local hard drive, and the display it using your Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Display the layout of the form RVDELNOTE using the graphical form painter. How many different windows are on the page FIRST? What are they?
SAP R/3 ABAP 4.6 Delta Training Questions
SAPScript and Userexits
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 1 August 2000
Global Training Centre