In Cd which you received, this find three files:
MaxSea 7.3
handbook of use for MaxSea
1. Installation of Maxsea
Go in Planisphere, then Disk1, and launch setup.exe. Choose OK on all the options
Then open or your language under « autres langues »
Launch setup.exe, Choose OK on all the options
Once the machine is restarted, launch Maxsea from your start menu.
Enter license number : 8E52545Z40B8B082
Close Maxsea
2. Installation of CM93.- On Cd find a file named cm93.exe This is the file containing the chart cm93 (in the Cmap format). For space reasons, this file is a Winrar file. This one will require a path for installation of the files; this path must be of root of the disc C: / or D: / (according to the name of the disc)
The decompression will take a while.
The program will extract the charts in directory C:/Cm93
The contents are :
20709 files
910 folders
Space used on disk is 955Mb.
It is interesting to check these data (click right on the file then on property.) If this one are correct then the cm93 are installed on your disc.
4. Cracking the Cm93 charts:
For Windows 95 / 98 / Me :
- Rename the file c:\windows\system\Cmengdriver.dll en Cmengdriver.old
- Copy the file Cmengdriver.dll from the CD into c:\windows\system
. For Windows NT / 2000 / XP :
- Rename c:\windows\system32\Cmengdriver.dll to Cmengdriver.old
- Copy the file Cmengdriver.dll from the CD, into c:\windows\system32
If the stages were indeed followed you can now launch MaxSea and open the Cmap charts.
Some causes of known problems:
- If it is impossible to have a scale lower than millionth, then the unsealing of the charts is not correctly made.- If you want to see CD MapTech. Then it is first of all necessary to close charts CMAP, via small file To close, then to open a chart by small file open a chart. Operation reverses to return has chart CMAP.
- Finally if you do not have position GPS has the screen, outward journey in the SeaDriver program, from the menu ' Utilities Maxsea' (the configuration of Sea driver is essential to use a GPS
Bonne navigation