014 (35)

Chapter 14



V. Kertikov

University of Mining and Geology

Sofia, Bulgaria


In the paper the results from measurement of air flow temperature and relative humidity in downcast shafts and level workings in metal mines are presented and commented.

The results from alternative calculations for predicting air flow temperature along a downcast shaft, level working and upcast shaft are included. The main input data for alternative calculations are equal. There is a difference only in a change (increase or decrease) of relative humidity rate along the working (Δϕ).

Calculation results are discussed. They illustrate a high influence of the change of relative humidity (Δϕ) on the values of the predicted air temperature.

The main conclusion is drawn that exactness of predicting calculations of air temperature depends mainly on accuracy of supposed value of relative humidity changes (Δϕ).


Relative humidity, moisture content, thermal conductivity and specific heat of rock, virgin temperature of rock (VRT), increase or decrease in relative humidity by m', downcast shaft, upcast shaft


It's well known that as a result of complex heat and humidity exchanges and other thermodynamical occurrences, air flow temperature and humidity in deep mines along the mine workings, as much as in time, have significant variations.

Those variations are directly influenced by several factors, as:

Scientific investigations on this issue are conducted by many researchers and institutions (Ukraine, Russia, Poland, South African Republic, USA, England and others). These countries have rich theoretical and practical background which was used for development of methodologies and computer software for design of ventilation and air-conditioning in deep mines.

Knowledge of factors with most significant impact on microclimatic conditions is of crucial importance in selection of means and equipment for air-conditioning.

The investigation of distinct factors impact on the microclimatic conditions could be realized through the modeling and numerical prediction approach (numerical analysis).

The numerical approach is most convenient and applicable and in this paper will be discussed in details. This approach is based on execution of prognosis variation calculations for air temperature determination with variation of investigated parameter values for different variations.

As example, if impact of airflow ratio is investigated the practically possible values for airflow ratio (Q) are given and for every value of Q, prognosis of air temperature is calculated.

The paper presents investigation only of relative humidity impact on air temperature variations. This impact, as will be shown, is very significant and for this the investigations presented are completely justified.

Numerical investigations are conducted by use of TempFlow software for airflow temperature prognosis. It should be mention that humidity variation are given

through the variation (increase or decrese) of relative humidity of air by 1 m' of mine workings [Δϕ, %/m] (Kertikov 1992,1994).

Calculations and analysis will be presented separately for vertical downcast shaft, horizontal mine workings and upcast ventilation shaft. Basic thermal parameters of rock massif for all kind of workings are: krock =
3 w/m°C, Crock= 800 J/kg°C, ρrock= 2700 kg/m3.


Results from measurements of airflow temperature and humidity in the downcast shaft

Results from measurements in two Bulgarian shafts are presented in figures 1 and 2. The measurements are conducted in different weather seasons (Kertikov, 1994). In the time of measurements the shafts have been in use as ventilation shafts for more than 5 years. The VRT0 and VRTH are primary rock temperatures at the heading (entry) and at the depth H from the heading of the shaft, consequently.

Characteristic of variations of temperature t and relative humidity ϕ are similar in several other shafts where smaller number of measurements are taken.

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Figure 1. Temperature and humidity curves, obtained from the number 1st shaft at VRT0 = 15°C
and VRT
H = 31°C

Results from the measurements in all shafts show the following trends:

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Figure 2. Temperature and humidity curves, obtained from the number 2nd shaft at VRT0 = 14°C and VRTH = 34°C

The analysis of the results from the measurements with approximate values of Δϕ are given in the Table 1.

Table 1. Medium values of Δϕ in function of values of ϕ0

Expected breach of values of ϕ0, %

Recommended values of Δϕ, %/m

40 - 60


60 - 70


70 - 80


80 - 90


90 - 100


Values of Δϕ from the Table 1 can be oriental used as an input data for prognosis of airflow temperature in the shaft for distinct atmospheric, geothermal and hydrological conditions.

Airflow temperature prognosis in downcast shafts (numerical analysis)

These calculations are executed with following input data: shaft diameter D = 6.5 m, shaft dept H = 1000 m, airflow ratio Q =150 m3/s, initial rock temperature at the shaft entry VRT0 = 15°C, geothermal degree σ = 0,033°C/m, time in use τ = 600 days, atmospheric pressure at the shaft entry Pat = 100000 Pa, temperature of income air t0 = 25°C.

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Figure 3. Temperature and humidity prognosis curves

at ϕ0 = 60%

The variation of airflow humidity is analyzed through the 6 following hypothesis:

1- without moisture evaporation (“dry” heat exchange)

2- Δϕ = - 0.010%/m

3- Δϕ = 0%/m

4- Δϕ = 0.01%/m

5- Δϕ = 0.03%/m

6- Δϕ = 0.05%/m.

The temperature curves shown at Figure 3 illustrated large influence of the Δϕ at airflow heating down the shaft. By experts conclusion it can be adopted that airflow humidity variation are most probably between Δϕ = 0.01%/m and Δϕ = 0.03%/m, (hypothesis 4 and 5). With this adoption airflow temperature increase will be between 0 and 3°C.

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Figure 4. Temperature and humidity prognosis curves

at ϕ0 = 80%

Two first hypothesis can be excluded as they have very little chance to occur in real terms. Last (6) hypothesis is possible in real terms, but only in shafts with wet walls.

The Figure 4 presents the results from airflow temperature prognosis with same input data, but with increased relative humidity of income air (ϕ0 = 80%).

Temperature curves from Figures 3 and 4 show that with same increase of relative humidity Δϕ the airflow temperature down the shaft shows following trends:

In order to obtain more detailed evaluation of relative humidity impact of income airflow on temperature increase of airflow moving down the shaft, the hypothesis are analyzed for following values of ϕ0 consequently 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%. The Figure 5 shows the results.

Temperature curves given at Figure 5, obtained at Δϕ = 0.05%/m, illustrated following trends:

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Figure 5. Temperature and humidity prognosis curves

at ϕ0 60 %, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%


Results from measurements

The results from measurement in two horizontal workings are given.

The first working (Figure 6) is about 2000 m long, cross section is 7 m2, VRT is 37oC (Rodope region) and it's ventilated for more than 2 years. Airflow average velocity is 1.5 m/s. The workings is directly connected to the downcast shaft and for this the airflow humidity at the beginning of the working is very high (over 95 %). The results shown are for measurements conducted in two different days.

 Second working (Figure 7) has the cross section of 7 m2. This working is build through the compact environment and has no lining (support). VRT at the beginning of working is 45oC and at the end of the working the VRT is 34oC. The walls of this working are visually evaluated as wetted. Average airflow velocity is 1.6 m/s. Measurements are conducted in two different days through the fall season by the doc.dr. Dimiter Kralev.

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Figure 6. Temperature and humidity curves for 1-st horizontal working, obtained from the measurements

The airflow temperature increase in this working is completely in accordance with the theory of heat exchange between the airflow and surrounding rocks. There is no principle in relative humidity variation along the workings. Still, moisture content increasing - for first working for about 12 g/kg, and for second working for about 6 g/kg.

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Figure 7. Temperature and humidity curves for 2-nd horizontal working obtained from the measurements

The measurements conducted in many different workings metal mines also confirmed the conclusions for non-principle character of relative humidity variation along the workings. In one and the same working measurements conducted in different days gave different trends of relative humidity variations. In general, there could be stated that relative humidity increase or decrease (Δϕ) is between -0.03 and +0.03 %/m.

In most cases when ϕ0 is over 90% the relative humidity decreases along the working or has the same value as ϕ0. Opposite to this, when ϕ0 is under 90% the relative humidity has the same value as ϕ0 or increase along the workings.

Airflow temperature prognosis in horizontal working

Input data for prognosis calculations are: equivalent diameter D = 4.5 m, length L = 1000 m, airflow quantity Q = 30 m3/s, VRT = 48°C, time in use τ = 300 days, relative humidity at the beginning of the working ϕ0 = 80%, atmospheric pressure Pat = 110000 Pa, temperature of income air t0 = 25°C.

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Figure 8. Temperature and humidity prognosis curves for horizontal working

The variation of relative humidity is analyzed through the 8 following hypothesis:

1- "dry" heat exchange

2- Δϕ = - 0.010%/m

3- Δϕ = - 0.005%/m

4- Δϕ = 0.0%/m

5- Δϕ = 0.005%/m

6- Δϕ = 0.01%/m

7- Δϕ = 0.025%/m

8- Δϕ = 0.05%/m

The results from calculations are shown in Figure 8.

In first 6 hypothesis airflow temperature increases along the working. In hypothesis 7 and 8 as a result of intensive evaporation of humidity, the airflow temperature decreases along the working until the point where condition of total saturation is reached. After this point the intensity of evaporation is smaller and airflow temperature has increased.

First hypothesis is unreal, and all other cases are practically possible. Values of temperature prognoses at the end of workings are between 24.34oC (hypothesis 8) and 28.51oC (hypothesis 2). The airflow temperature grade of increase is -0.66oC and 3.51oC, consequently.


Our practical experience gives solid confirmation of well known trends of airflow relative humidity increasing in downcast shafts. In almost all of the downcast shafts observed airflow has reached the condition of total saturation (ϕ = 100%).

With the results from calculations presented below the characteristics of airflow temperature and humidity variations in the upcast shafts are shown.

Calculations are executed as example at the upcast shaft with following input data: shaft diameter D = 6.5 m, shaft depth H = 1000 m, airflow quantity Q = 150 m3/s, time in use τ= 600 days, geothermal grade σ = 0,033°C/m, VRT0 at the shaft base 48oC, atmospheric pressure Pat = 110000 Pa, temperature of income air at the shaft base t0 = 30°C.

With the upcast movement of the air in general there is a trend of airflow temperature decreasing. This is a result of pressure and rock massive temperature decreasing. In this condition relative humidity rapidly increases and state of total saturation is reached.

The following 5 hypothesis are analyzed:

1- "dry" heat exchange and with upcast movement

of dry air (ϕ0 = 0%)

2- ϕ0 = 70%

3- ϕ0 = 80%

4- ϕ0 = 90%

5- ϕ0 = 100%

By interpretation of temperature and humidity curves (Figure 9) the following conclusions are stated:

  1. Airflow temperature is decreasing with same grade to the point of total saturation (curves for hypothesis 2,3 and 4)

  2. After the point where condition of total saturation is reached the airflow temperature decreasing but with smaller grade which is the same for all 4 hypothesis

  3. As the relative humidity at the shaft base increases temperature prognoses at the shaft exit also increase. This increasing of airflow temperature at the shaft exit is a result of airflow heating from the higher latent heat in more humid air.

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Figure 9. Temperature and humidity prognosis curves for upcast shaft


The results from the measurements of airflow temperature and humidity presented in this paper show the following trends:

Results from numerical calculations obtained for air movement through the downcast shafts and horizontal workings show:

General conclusions from calculation for upcast shafts are:

For airflow velocities higher then 2-3 m/s and long enough time in use of workings most important parameters which influence the airflow temperature variations are Δϕ and ϕ0. Precision of the prognosis calculations is most dependable on the precision in determination of Δϕ and ϕ0.


Kertikov V.P., 1992. Influence of Relative Humidity Change Along the Mine Opening on the Air Flow Temperature. Journal "Minno delo i geologie", Sofia, No 4, pp. 27-31

Kertikov V.P., 1994. Studying the Influence of Some Factors on the Ventilation Flow Temperature in Vertical Shafts. “Proceedings, 16th World Mining Congress, Sofia. Book 4, pp. 95-102









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