Język angielski Management Styles

Management Styles

There are several different management styles. These are concerned to be the most reliable:

Management by Coaching and Development (MBCD):
Managers see themselves primarily as employee trainers.

Management by Competitive Edge (MBCE):
Individuals and groups within the organisation compete against one another to see who can achieve the best results.

Management by Consensus (MBC):
Managers construct systems to allow for the individual input of employees.

Management by Decision Models (MBDM):
Decisions are based on projections generated by artificially constructed situations.

Management by Exception (MBE):
Managers delegate as much responsibility and activity as possible to those below them, stepping in only when absolutely necessary.

Management by Information Systems (MBIS):
Managers depend on data generated within the company to help them increase efficiency and inter-relatedness.

Management by Intercourse (MBI):
Emphasises communication and balance of male/female energy as well as integration of all human aspects (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), creating an empowered, high-energy, high-productive workforce. According to Webster's Dictionary, "intercourse" means "1. Connection or dealings between persons or groups, 2. Exchange, especially of thoughts and feelings" (management style developed by the authors)

Management by Matrices (MBM):
Managers study charted variables to discern their inter­relatedness, probable cause and effect, and available options.

Management by Objectives (MBO):
The organisation sets overall objectives, then managers set objectives for each employee.

Management by Organisational Development (MBOD):
Managers constantly seek to improve employee relations and communications.

Management by Performance (MBP):
Managers seek quality levels of performance through motivation and employee relations.
Management by Styles (MBS):
Managers adjust their approaches to meet situational needs.

Management by Walking Around (MBWA):
Managers walk around the company, getting a 'feel' for people and operations; stopping to talk and to listen.

Management by Work Simplification (MBWS):
Managers constantly seek ways to simplify processes and reduce expenses.


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