The officers could either choose to fulfil this checklist or make an entry in log book “handover completed as per checklist …”
(Handover should be postponed when the ship is, or is about to be, engaged in a collision avoidance maneuver or a navigational alteration of course.)
The relieving officer of the watch has red the directives, as follows:
standing orders ...............................................................................…......... *
supplementary Master's instructions .......................................................
navigational warnings ...............................................................................
All members of the relieving watch are capable of carrying out their duties
The relieving officer of the watch has been acquainted with the following information:
position, course, speed and draught of ship ........................................
course plotted on chart .............................................................................
prevailing/predicted tides, currents, weather and visibility ...............
operational condition of all navigational & safety equipment on the bridge
gyro/magnetic compass errors ...............................................................
movement of vessels in vicinity/effect on own ship ...........................
identification of shore lights, buoys, etc. ...............................................
conditions/hazards likely to be encountered on watch .......................
possible effect of any heel, trim. “squat”, etc. on under keel clearance
The vision of the relieving officer is adjusted to the prevailing conditions
Signed upon completion by:
................................................................ time _____________ date _____________
The Officer of the Watch
* Yes: X ; No: Blank
Note: To be completed from port to port and filed in ship's file.
To retain for 1 year.
Issue date: 03.11.2003/Rev. 00 I-DD15-F01 Page: 1/1
QSMS I-DD15-F01 Rev. No.00