10 ºldrige Self Assessment Sample Rev 1 1 03

Dear ISO-Online Customer,

Meeting the new ISO 9001:2000 requirements for continual improvement just got easier! Use our Baldrige Self-Assessment package to effectively and efficiently meet the new requirements.

Continual improvement is a requirement specified in various clauses of the new ISO standard: Clause 4.1 requires organizations to “continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.” Clause 5.1 states “Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to . . . continually improving the effectiveness” of the quality management system. Clause 5.4.1 requires quality objectives be established that are consistent with the quality policy, which per Clause 5.3 must include “a commitment to . . . continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS.” Clause 5.6.3 requires output from the management review process include “actions related to improvement of the effectiveness of the QMS.” Clause 8.1 requires organizations to “plan and implement . . . improvement processes to continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS.” Okay … you've got the picture! Continual improvement is a fundamental requirement of the new standard, and a significant change in emphasis from the 1994 standards.

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) provides a model for a “World Class” continually improving organization. Sponsored by NIST and the ASQ, the MBNQA is the most widely accepted business assessment model in the world. Use of the MBNQA criteria will help you establish a sound process for continual improvement of your quality management system (as required by ISO 9001:2000) … and will help you achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction … as well as enhancing satisfaction of other interested parties (such as shareholders, employee and society in general). Our “Baldrige Self Assessment Package” is a tool for conducting a `mini-MBNQA assessment' … that makes the process quick and easy!

The MBNQA model is comprised of 7 elements. Six of these elements are classified as approach/deployment: Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer and Market Focus, Information and Analysis, Human Resource Focus, Process Management. The seventh clause consists of Results. (For a complete, free copy of the Baldrige “Criteria for Performance Excellence” go to www.quality.nist.gov/Criteria.htm.)

Our Baldrige Self Assessment Package provides tables (20 in all) for each of the six approach/deployment elements, and some sub-elements. These tables allow you to quickly determine your performance for each (sub)element and just as quickly identify opportunities for improvement. Our package also includes an excel spreadsheet to record and tabulate the results of your assessment. The end result is a self-assessment and list of quality improvement objectives. Present these results during your management review meeting and possible adoption and action.

The following exercise will demonstrate how easy it is.

First, it is recommended that you print this packet so you can easily access the documents as we go through. Now, take a look at the Baldrige criterion for Senior Leadership Direction, sub-element 1.1.a, which we have included in this packet for your convenience. As you can see, the Baldrige criterion asks “How do leaders set and deploy organizational values, short and longer-term direction, and performance expectations. . .” and in 1.1.a.(2) requests “How do senior leaders create an environment for empowerment . . .” Now, take a look at our self-assessment table for this item, also included in this packet. Start with the entry at the bottom of the page, and ask yourself “Do we at least do this or have this in place?” If so, highlight it in yellow and move to the next entry. So, for example, you can see that the item The beginning of effective, systematic approaches to create an environment for empowerment, innovation, organizational agility, and employee learning is evident is highlighted on the table, which means that our hypothetical company has at least achieved this item. Work your way up the list until you find one that you do not meet. This can be identified as your continual improvement objective. For example, you can see that on the sample included, the entry “Organizational values, short and long-term directions, performance expectations widely communicated and well understood throughout much of the organization; the extent to which they have been adopted is evaluated occasionally” is not highlighted. It can therefore be identified as an objective for improvement, as shown on our Baldrige Self-Assessment record, also included in this packet. Next, let's assign a score to this element. Based on the items highlighted in yellow, all the items of the 20-40% range have been accomplished. One out of four, or of the 40-60% items have been accomplished. So we assign a score of 40% plus times 20 percent and assign a final value of 45% to this item. We then enter that value into the Baldrige Self assessment spreadsheet, which is included in our self assessment package.

That's all there is to it! Complete each of the other items, enter your scores into the self-assessment spreadsheet, and print out your results! The document entitled “Baldrige Self-Assessment” is a sample of the printout you'll get when you are through. Present your results at the Management Review Meeting, adopt some quality improvement objectives, and start your improvement process!

It's quick, it's easy. And it helps you meet the requirements of the ISO 9001:2000 standard while continually improving your quality management system.

You can purchase the complete Baldrige Self Assessment Package at the `introductory' price of only $49 (our web site store lists this item for $99).

To take advantage of this special offer, simply go to our web site store or click on the following link http://isoonline.bizland.com/store/page10.html, order the Level 9 Discount and enter the following authorization number into the ordering instructions or comments block: 949-Bald-MLD - and we will send you the Baldrige Self Assessment Package (via email) - immediately.

For more info, visit our web site at www.isoqual.net. Do not hesitate to contact us at isoqual@isoqual.net if we can answer any questions you may have or be of additional assistance.


Mark L. Dean, Ph.D.

President, IsoQual, Inc. dba ISO-ONLINE

Leadership (120 pts.)

The Leadership Category examines how your organization's senior leaders address values, directions, and performance expectations, as well as a focus on customers and other stakeholders, empowerment, innovation, and learning. Also examined is how your organization addresses its responsibilities to the public and supports its key communities.

1.1 Organizational Leadership (80 pts.) Deployment

Describe how senior leaders guide your organization, including how they review organizational performance.

Within your response, include answers to the following questions:

a. Senior Leadership Direction

(1) How do senior leaders set and deploy organizational values, short- and longer-term directions, and performance expectations, including a focus on creating and balancing value for customers and other stakeholders? Include how senior leaders communicate values, directions, and expectations through your leadership system and to all employees.

(2) How do senior leaders create an environment for empowerment, innovation, organizational agility, and organizational and employee learning?

b. Organizational Performance Review

(1) How do senior leaders review organizational performance and capabilities to assess organizational success, competitive performance, progress relative to short- and longer-term goals, and the ability to address changing organizational needs? Include the key performance measures regularly reviewed by your senior leaders. Also, include your key recent performance review findings.

(2) How are organizational performance review findings translated into priorities for improvement and opportunities for innovation? How are they deployed throughout your organization and, as appropriate, to your suppliers/partners to ensure organizational alignment?

(3) How do senior leaders use organizational performance review findings to improve both their own leadership effectiveness and your leadership system?


N1. Organizational directions (1.1a[1]) relate to strategic objectives and action plans described in Items 2.1 and 2.2.

N2. Senior leaders' organizational performance reviews (1.1b) should be informed by organizational performance analyses described in 4.1b and strategic objectives and action plans described in Items 2.1 and 2.2.

N3. Leadership effectiveness improvement (1.1b[3]) should be supported by formal and/or informal employee feedback/surveys.

N4. Your organizational performance results should be reported in Items 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4.

Item responses are assessed by considering the Criteria Item requirements and the maturity of your approaches, breadth of deployment, and strength of your improvement process and results relative to the Scoring System.

Refer to the Scoring System information on pages 47-48.

For definitions of the following key terms, see pages 29-33: alignment, approach, deployment, empowerment, goals, innovation, leadership system, measures, performance, senior leaders, stakeholders, and value.

For additional description of this Item, see page 34.

Note: Adapted from Baldrige National Quality Program. To download the complete “Criteria for Performance Excellence” visit NIST at www.quality.nist.gov/Criteria.htm

1. Leadership

1.1.a Senior Leadership Direction


Senior leaders use an effective and systematic approach to set and deploy organizational values, short and long-term directions; focus on creating and balancing value for customers and other stakeholders; they lead by example; significant time is devoted to continual improvement activities

Leaders use an effective, systematic approach for setting and deploying high performance expectations throughout the organization; roles, responsibilities, accountability clearly defined

Organizational values, short and long-term directions, performance expectations widely communicated and well understood throughout the organization; the extent to which they have been adopted is evaluated on an ongoing basis

Senior leaders use effective, systematic approaches to create an environment for empowerment, innovation, organizational agility, and employee learning.


Most senior leaders use an effective and systematic approach to set and deploy organizational values, short and long-term directions; focus on creating and balancing value for customers and other stakeholders; they lead by example; significant time is devoted to continual improvement activities

Most leaders use an effective, systematic approach for setting and deploying high performance expectations throughout most of the organization; roles, responsibilities, accountability clearly defined

Organizational values, short and long-term directions, performance expectations widely communicated and well understood throughout most of the organization; the extent to which they have been adopted is evaluated on a regular basis

Most senior leaders use effective, systematic approaches to create an environment for empowerment, innovation, organizational agility, and employee learning.


Many senior leaders use an effective and systematic approach to set and deploy organizational values, short and long-term directions; focus on creating and balancing value for customers and other stakeholders; they lead by example; substantial time is devoted to continual improvement activities

Many leaders use an effective, systematic approach for setting and deploying high performance expectations throughout much of organization; roles, responsibilities, accountability clearly defined

Organizational values, short and long-term directions, performance expectations widely communicated and well understood throughout much of the organization; the extent to which they have been adopted is evaluated occasionally

Many senior leaders use effective, systematic approaches to create an environment for empowerment, innovation, organizational agility, and employee learning.


Some senior leaders use an effective and systematic approach to set and deploy organizational values, short and long-term directions, and performance expectations; consideration of creating and balancing value for customers and other stakeholders; substantial time is devoted to continual improvement activities

Organizational values, short and long-term directions, performance expectations communicated and understood throughout some of the organization; the extent to which they have been adopted has been evaluated

Some leaders use effective, systematic approaches to create an environment for empowerment, innovation, organizational agility, and employee learning


The beginning of an effective and systematic approach to set and deploy organizational values, short and long-term directions, and performance expectations is evident; consideration of creating and balancing value for customers and other stakeholders; some time is devoted to continual improvement activities

The beginning of effective, systematic approaches to create an environment for empowerment, innovation, organizational agility, and employee learning is evident

Baldrige Self-Assessment

Scoring Summary

Points Awarded

(enter %)


Senior Leadership Direction




1. Leadership







Organizational Performance Review



1.1 Organizational Leadership




Public Responsibility and Citizenship



1.2 Public Responsibility and Leadership



Strategy Development




2. Strategic Planning






Strategy Deployment




2.1 Strategy Development





Customer and Market Knowledge



2.2 Strategy Deployment





Customer Relationships




3. Customer and Market Focus





Customer Satisfaction Determination



3.1 Customer and Market Knowledge




Performance Measurement




3.2 Customer Relationships and Satisfaction



Performance Analysis




4. Information and Analysis






Information Management




4.1 Measurement & Analysis of Org. Perf.



WS: HR Planning, Mgmt, and Improvement


4.2 Information Management




WS: Employee Involvement & Empowerment


5. Human Resource Focus






WS: Performance & Recognition



5.1 Work Systems





Employee Education, Training, & Development


5.2 Employee Education, Training, Devel.



Employee Well-Being and Satisfaction



5.3 Employee Well-Being and Satisfaction



Design Process





6. Process Management






Production/Delivery Process




6.1 Product and Service Processes




Business Processes




6.2 Business Processes





Support Processes




6.3 Support Processes




Total Points






Continual Improvement Objectives:

 1. Widely communicate organizational values, short and long-term directions, and performance expectations. Ensure that they are well-understood.









Date Assessment Conducted: __________________

Signed: ________________________

Clause Score ___45___ %


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