9 1e lessons 9 10

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Lesson 10

Overview Lesson Objective

Learn how to carry out a peer assessment

Differentiated Learning Outcomes

ALL students WILL carry out a written assessment of another students game

MOST students WILL make sure to use key words they have learnt throughout the course on games design when providing written feedback

SOME students WILL provide a well written, critical yet supportive peer assessment, supporting it references to the game they have reviewed


Write Learning Objective onto Self-Assessment page of workbooks.




(It is very difficult to predict where your students will actually be up to on their 10th lesson! Difference in skills, ability, lessons off due to interaction days, PPR etc can all lead to a situation where you could quite easily be behind, on target or ahead of schedule by this point in my plan.

The ideal is that this lesson is used to finish off their games, first 20 mins only, with final touches and then they get to reflect on them as their peers play and asses their game.

If you feel another lesson is needed then feel free to over flow into it. The intention is not to start the Cambridge Mock Assignment “Making a Video Game for a Given Purpose” until the start of term 3 anyway).


Students assess their achievement this lesson by drawing or or on the Self-Assessment page of their workbooks. They also discuss, in pairs (turning to partner) their level of success this lesson, making sure to use key terms from the lesson in their discussion (Literacy Link).



Archway Kodu Structured Workshop (Teacher Guide).docx

Self Assessment Sheet.doc

Lesson10 Peer Assessment Sheet.doc

Module 9.1 - Kodu Games Lab Workshop

Lesson 9

Overview Lesson Objective

Learn more on scoring and the basics of communication

Differentiated Learning Outcomes

ALL students WILL be able to describe how scoring can be used in a computer game to provide a “win” situation.

MOST students WILL explain how scoring can be used to cause characters to change behaviours thus making a game dynamic and challenging

SOME students WILL be able to apply this knowledge independently in order to add extra depth and complexity to their Kodu game


Write Learning Objective onto Self-Assessment page of workbooks.


For a detailed step by step teacher guide on how to deliver this lesson, supported with Kodu screenshots and classroom activities please refer to the “Archway Kodu Structured Workshop (Teacher Guide).docx”.

Mini Game Creation Project

Have the students continue to develop their game worlds for their mini project. As they carry on developing them, encourage them to think about scoring and how it might work in their world to change the behaviour of characters. To aid in this give students “Student Sheet Activity 9 - Scoring and Behaviour.docx” to work through and consider while developing their game.


Students assess their achievement this lesson by drawing or or on the Self-Assessment page of their workbooks. They also discuss, in pairs (turning to partner) their level of success this lesson, making sure to use key terms from the lesson in their discussion (Literacy Link).

Hand out Homework 5.doc to students and explain it is due for handing in next week.



Self Assessment Sheet.doc

Archway Kodu Structured Workshop (Teacher Guide).docx

Lesson 9 - Scoring V1.kodu

Lesson 9 - Scoring V2.kodu

Lesson 9 - Bonk-Out.kodu

Archway ICT Department

Y9 Scheme of Work

Archway ICT Department - KS3 Strategy Module 9.1


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