language testa

10 Language Test Student A

Vocabulary (20 marks)

1 Przyjrzyj się obrazkom i wpisz nazwy środków transportu w odpowiednie miejsca.

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0 scooter______________ 3 ____________________

1 ____________________ 4 ____________________

2 ____________________ 5 ____________________

Uzupełnij brakujące litery w nazwach pięciu innych środków transportu.

6 m __ __ __ __ b __ __ __ 9 p __ __ __ e

7 b __ __ 10 t __ __ m

8 c __ __ __ h

10 marks

2 Zaznacz słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych.

0 climb / shop / valley / sightsee

1 bike / sunbathe / scooter bus

2 skiing / island / windsurfing / climbing

3 boat / forest / mountain / lake

4 lorry / taxi / waterfall / motorbike

5 hill / rock / coast / mountain biking

5 marks

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Grammar (20 marks)

4 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w czasie past simple.

go / see / take / buy / be / run

0 I went to France with my cousins last summer.

1 Lola __________ a new MP3 player yesterday.

2 We __________ 10 kilometres last Sunday.

3 Josh and Erin __________ bored last weekend.

4 I __________ your brother at the supermarket this morning.

5 They __________ drinks and crisps to the cinema.

5 marks

5 Napisz pytania, korzystając z podpowiedzi.

0 you / find your keys ?

Did you find your keys?____________________

1 they / have pizza for lunch ?


2 Leo / go to a museum?


3 we / have an exam yesterday?


4 she / buy a new hat?


5 you / see John last night?


10 marks

6 Przeczytaj podane informacje i napisz zdania na temat Elli, używając czasu past simple i wyrazu ago.

Today is Sunday, 10th April 2009. It is 5 o'clock in the evening.

0 Friday, 8th April 2009 - have English exam

Ella had an English exam two days ago._______

1 10th April, 2008 - go on the London Eye



2 10 a.m, 10th April 2009 - play tennis with best friend



3 10th January 2009 - visit her cousins



4 Sunday, 3rd April 2009 - go swimming with sister



5 Wednesday, 6th April 2009 - go shopping after school



5 marks

Communication (20 marks)

7 Zaznacz właściwą odpowiedź.

0 How was your holiday?

a) In a hotel. / b) It was great, thanks.

c) A year ago.

1 What was the weather like?

a) We went sightseeing. / b) It was very hot.

c) It was good fun.

2 What was the campsite like?

a) It was delicious! / b) We went by train.

c) It was awful.

3 Where did you go?

a) We went to Paris. / b) By car.

c) We stayed in a hostel.

4 How did you get there?

a) By foot. / b) It was brilliant. / c) By boat.

5 What did you do?

a) We went skiing. / b) It was cold. / c) By train.

10 marks

8 Napisz pytania do dialogu.

Angela: Hi, David! 0 How was your holiday?

David: It was good fun!

Angela: 1 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

David: I went to Portugal with my parents and my cousin.

Angela: 2 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

David: We stayed on a big campsite.

Angela: 3 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

David: It was fantastic, really hot and sunny.

Angela: 4 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

David: OK. We made sandwiches for lunch and went for dinner in the evenings.

Angela: 5 ________________________________________

________________________________________ ?

David: We went windsurfing and swimming every day.

10 marks



/ 20


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/ 60

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2009 Pearson Longman ELT



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