language testa

12 Language Test Student A

Vocabulary (20 marks)

1 Rozszyfruj gatunki muzyczne.

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0 arp - rap____________

1 ousl - _______________

2 vhyea etalm - _______________

3 zajz - _______________

4 chteon - _______________

5 opp - _______________

6 pih-ohp - _______________

6 marks

2 Uzupełnij tabelkę odpowiednimi przymiotnikami lub przysłówkami.


0 carelessly

1 _______________



2 _______________

3 _______________



4 _______________

5 _______________



6 _______________

7 _______________



8 _______________

8 marks

3 Popraw błędy, podając właściwy przymiotnik lub przysłówek.

0 Don't ride your bike so careless. carelessly

1 I didn't do my homework yesterday and my mum is very angrily with me. _______________

2 You are speaking very quiet - I can't hear you! _______________

3 Don't walk fast! Please walk slow. _______________

4 My mum and dad are always very politely. _______________

5 John is very carefully. He never rides his bike too fast. _______________

6 I always walk quick to school. _______________

6 marks

Grammar (20 marks)

4 Na podstawie podanych podpowiedzi napisz pytania dotyczące planów na przyszłość oraz krótkie odpowiedzi.

0 you / cinema tonight ? - /

Are you going to the cinema tonight? - Yes, I___

am. / No I'm not.__________________________

1 Polly + Erin / pop concert next Saturday? -



2 we / watch a DVD tonight? -



3 you + Josh / go to the beach next summer? -



4 Leo / play football with us tomorrow? -



5 you / cook dinner tonight? -



10 marks

5 Uzupełnij zdania, używając odpowiednich zaimków dzierżawczych.

0 Is Claudia's dog black or brown? The brown one is hers.

1 A: Our hats are pink, Jane and Mary's hats are blue.

B: No, ours are blue and _______________ are pink!

2 Are these our CDs? Yes, they're _______________.

3 A: Are these Ben's socks?

B: Yes, they're _______________.

4 John: Is this your pen, Carol?

Carol: No, it isn't.

John: Is it _______________, Liz?

Liz: Yes, it is.

5 Paul: Is your bag the blue one or the red one, Chris?

Chris: The blue one is _______________.

5 marks

6 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

to / go / doesn't / wants / don't / us

0 I want to see the new Harry Potter film.

1 My mum __________ me to finish my homework.

2 I __________ want to go to the park. It's too cold!

3 Our teacher wants __________ to study hard for our exams. But we don't want to!

4 Do you want to __________ to the cinema tonight?

5 My sister __________ want to play football with us. She hates it!

5 marks

Communication (20 marks)

7 Zaznacz właściwą odpowiedź.

0 Where is the party?

a) It's at my house. b) At 6 o'clock. c) They're at my house.

1 I've got four exams tomorrow!

a) Let's start! b) No, thank you. c) Good luck!

2 What time does the film start?

a) It finishes at 10 o'clock. b) It's early. c) At 7 o'clock.

3 Would you like to come to my party?

a) When are you going? b) That sounds great! c) They can't come.

4 Can you help me with the washing up?

a) No problem! b) That's nice. c) When is it?

5 When is the school talent show?

a) It's next Saturday. b) It's last Saturday. c) It wasn't Saturday.

6 Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

a) Sorry, he doesn't want to.

b) Sorry, but I can't. c) I'm afraid she can't.

7 When are you going to phone your boyfriend?

a) Tomorrow evening. b) Last evening. c) At Sunday.

8 We came first in the pop and rock talent show!

a) All right. b) Oh dear. c) That's fantastic!

9 What about you, Erin?

a) I'm sorry, I can't. b) No, she isn't. c) She can't come.

10 Whose bag is this?

a) They're Polly's. b) Is it Polly? c) It's Polly's.

10 marks

8 Napisz pytania do dialogu.

Leo: 0 Would you like to come to a basketball match?

Erin: 1 ________________________________________

Leo: It's at the sports centre.

Erin: 2 ________________________________________

Leo: Next Saturday.

Erin: 3 ________________________________________

Leo: At 2 o'clock, I think.

Erin: Sounds good. 4 ______________________________

Polly: I'd like to, but I can't.

Erin: 5 ________________________________________

Polly: Because I'm going to go shopping with my mum next Saturday.

Leo and Erin: Lucky you!

10 marks



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