Język angielski Prepositon


(break sth) by accident
according to
an advertisement for sth
afraid of (dogs)
at the age of (six)
agree with (you)
(to) apply for (a job)
(to) argue with sb about sth
(to) arrive at (the station)
(to) arrive in (England)
(to) ask for sth
(to be) aware of (a problem)
(to) believe in (God)
(to) belong to sb
(to be) bored with
(go) by bus,train
in the (19th) century
(Have you got) change for
(I'm) in charge
on the coast
(I) come from
compared with
(to) complain about
in (good) condition
(to) deal with
(She has a) degree in
(to) depend on
(to) develop into
(to) die of
(to be) different from/to sb
(your country is) different from/to
in the distance
(to) dream about sb/sth
(to be) fed up with sb/sth
(to) fight against sb/sth
(to) find out about sb
on a flight to
(to) forget about sb
(to be) full of
(to) get on (well) with sb
(to) go out with sb
(to be) good at sth
(to be) on holiday
(to be) at home
(but (to) go home)
(to be) impressed by sb/sth
(to be) interested in sb
(to) invite sb to (a party)
or for (dinner)
(to) laugh at sb
(to) listen to sb
(to) look after (sb)
(to) look at
(to) look for (sth)
(to) look forward to
(to be) in love with sb
(to be) married to sb
in the north/south
(to) operate on sb
(to) pay (500) for (a car)
(to) point (a gun) at sb/sth
(to) rely on sb/sth
(to) sell sth for (300)
(your shirt is) similar to (mine)
(to) speak to sb about sth
(to) spend money on
(to be) on strike for
(to) suffer from sth
(to) talk to sb about sth
on television
(to) think about
(to) think of
(to) throw (tomatoes) at sb
a ticket for (a concert)
(to be) tired of sb/sth
(to get) in touch with sb
(to) wait for sb/sth
on the way (to school)
(to) work as (a teacher)
(to) work for (an organization)
(to) worry about sb/sth
(to) write (a letter) to sb


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