Creating a society (airplane crash)
Adam Paul Mazur
There was an airplane crash somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Among over two hundred people only half survived.
They quickly found out that nobody lived on the island to which they went on life-boats.
There were 36 children and teenagers , and 77 adults among the survivers.
After couple of days they knew that no rescue would come and they started to need food, water and shelter.
Fortunately, the island was not polluted and there were some wild animals and various kind of fruit.
Although the people made some grass-huts before, now better shelter are needed immediately because it often rains and nights are very cold
The little society decided to choose a leader who would be able to lead a large group of people, be responsible, well-educated, creative, capable and wish the best for the people more than for him or herself.
They had a democratic election and choose an 50 years old man called John Oakley .
The man has great experience, he had worked as a judge in the U.S. for over twenty years and later he became an MP.
The leader made a general meeting and presented to the society a plan of his leadership. Most of people liked his idea, so it was accepted.
He presented 11 most urgent, in his opinion, points :
*food and water
*health care
*industry (clothing, building etc.)
*waste disposal ( garbage, biological waste)
*system of election
They started talking about the last point first and they decide that:
Parliament and the leader are elected annually.
Parliament is elected in spring, the leader in a fall.
The leader is chosen among all the people including those in Parliament.
If someone from the Parliament is elected as a leader, there will have to be a re-election to choose a person who will replace the leader in Parliament.
Every month there will be a general meeting of everybody including children and youth. On this meeting everyone can share his or hers opinion with the Government and other citizens.