about researching topic ideas 6

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Easy Article Starters

Internet Marketing Pack #3

By Peggy Baron


© All Rights Reserved.


The purpose of this product is to educate and entertain. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this product is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions, or contradictory information herein.

The author and publisher assumes no liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this ebook. The reader assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations are unintentional.

Lastly, individual results may vary and are in no way guaranteed.


[NO] You cannot sell or give away this Easy Article Starter package.

[NO] You cannot use these Article Starters "as is". You must add to them to use them.

[Yes] You can do what you want with the articles you end up with after adding to these Article Starters. That means you can post your finished, awesome articles on your blog, bundle into a report to sell or give away, use for article marketing, sell as PLR, etc.

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Easy Article Starters

Internet Marketing Pack #3

Table of Contents

Introduction Page 4

Content Page 6

Copywriting Page 9

Facebook Page 12

Forum Marketing Page 15

Miscellaneous Page 19

Conclusion Page 23

Peggy Baron




© All Rights Reserved.


There are 5 Article Starters in each category. You will see they're all outlined - intro, body, and conclusion to give you some structure to work with. These are not finished articles - finishing them is what you're going to do.

On many of them I've adding instructions in [brackets] to give you an idea of where to head next with your article.

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Naturally there will be some Article Starters that you need to do a little research on, but it's focused research on specific things and it shouldn't take you too long. If it does, you're doing waaay more research than you need to!

With some of these you're going to read them and think "hmmm, something's missing". Yay! That's what's supposed to happen! They're incomplete so you can add more bullet points, tips, insights, thoughts, examples, or ideas. That's how your finished articles will come out original to you.

You will notice the Kick-Start Title section at the end of each 5 Article Starters. These are simply title ideas for more articles you might want to write that have to do with the topic at hand. They're to further help you with "I don't know what to write about."

These Article Starters and Kick-Start Titles may also give you additional ideas for articles you'd like to write so I've left spots for your inspired thoughts at the end of each category set.

At the very, very end you'll find information on where I do my research in hopes that it will benefit you.

Good luck and please let me know how it goes for you.

Peggy Baron




3 Ways To Get Content You Might Not Know About

Intro - If you don't like to write or don't have time to write your own content, then this article is for you.

Body - #1 Zerys - A slick site that has writers waiting for you to place an order. You tell them how much you want to pay and it's offered to the top-tier writers first. The more you pay, the better the writer you get. You can accept or reject the finished article.

#2 Need-An-Article - Also ghostwritten articles. You can pick your writer but you may have to try several before you find one you really like. There's a monthly fee of $9.95 and then charge of $6.27 per article. A good deal if you order a lot of articles each month and find a good writer there.

#3 InfoGoRound [go to infogoround.com to get your affiliate link] - a PLR membership with a twist. The PLR is written monthly by the members. It comes out to free for you if you submit one approved article each month. There is lots of fresh new PLR each month, plus you have access to everything from previous months/years.

Conclusion - Don't feel you have to write all your own content if you don't want to or don't have the time. Here are 3 options that won't break the bank.


Repurposing Your Content Like The Pros

Intro - Repurposing your content just makes good sense. Why start over from scratch? It takes too much time and effort, and while you're creating from scratch you're losing money. Start with repurposing in mind.

Body - Here's one path: Do a sequence of blog posts (like a month long) on a particular topic. Invite other experts to participate, and also encourage reader comments. Now take those posts and turn them into a report. Give the report away to people who subscribe to your list. Include your affiliate links to products. Allow them to rebrand it and spread it.

Another path: Do interviews and put them on your blog. Bundle together and turn into a product. Use that product for bonuses to a bigger product. Or put several of these types of bonuses altogether in a "Best of" and sell as a product.

Conclusion - Don't reinvent the wheel each time you create products. Use what you've already got at your fingertips.


Send Your Content Further Afield By Using Scribd

Intro - Scribd is a platform from which you share your published documents, pdfs, PowerPoint presentations. It's social media and a marketplace. Can be used by small businesses, individuals, large companies, not-for-profits, etc.

Body - Reasons to use Scribd: get more traffic, further establish yourself as an expert, boost your presence on the web, increase chances to go viral, sell your ebooks, and get powerful backlinks. Besides ebooks, PowerPoints and pdfs, you can upload recipes, white papers, manuals, articles, and essays.

Conclusion - Scribd gives you a central location to share your work. It allows for more people to learn about you and your brand, and can get you more traffic than you would otherwise have with just your website. Learn more about it and put it to work for you.


Analyzing Your Blog Content

Intro - Analyzing your blog content is one way to judge its effectiveness. Plus you can learn what to post more of.

Body - Before you begin, you need to know what it is you want your content to do for you. Is it to make affiliate sales? Grow your list? Gain more traffic? Sell your own product?

Next look at your blog posts and set up some classifications. For example, you could have Personal Story, Case Study, Guest Post, Pillar Post, Rant, Pure Pre-Sell Promo. [you can explain what each of these are]

Now judge based on traffic reports such as Google Analytics, the number of blog comments, traffic counts, and number of product sales.

Conclusion - Analyzing your blog content is how you find out what is the most successful for your blog. Take what you learn from your information and do more of the good stuff.


Coming Up With Your Blog Content Using Themes

Intro - Constantly coming up with content for your blog is a lot like trying to come up with a different hairstyle every day. You want your content to be fresh, not tired out sameness as every other blog. One way to come up with content is to have a monthly theme.

Body - Working with a theme of the month allows you to go several different ways within the theme. You can educate your viewers, promote several different products, get guest experts on board as guest posters and audio interviews, have a contest, and do a pillar post or create a PDF at the end that sums up everything in the theme. If you have a self-help blog one theme could be time management. For Internet marketing the theme could be affiliate marketing or Kindle publishing.

Conclusion - Coming up with a theme for the month not only gives you something to write about again and again, but it allows you to expand your expert brand and get on the radar of other marketers you ask to help out.


Content Kick-Start Titles:

Additional Title Ideas:





My Favorite Places To Learn Mad Copywriting Skills

Intro - Good copywriting means more sales, which means more income. I have my favorite sources to learn mad copywriting skills and I'm going to share what they are and why below:

Body - Sites - Copyblogger.com, MichelFortin.com, and Copywriting.com [add your whys and maybe some links to a few of their good posts]

Books - The Copywriter's Handbook by Robert Bly, Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy, Advertising Secrets of the Written Word by Joe Sugarman [add your whys]

Conclusion - You can never be too good at copywriting and there's always more to learn. Even if you hire a copywriter to do your product sales pages, you're still using copywriting skills in your emails, blog posts, articles, tweets, Facebook wall posts, etc. The above are sites and places I like to learn from.


Telling Stories In Your Copy

Intro - There are many elements to a good piece of copy and they're all important. Put all the pieces together in the right way and the result is sales copy that sells. One important and necessary element is your story.

Body - [explain these]

Why tell a story.

What kind of story.

Whose story.

Requirements of the story [what must it contain, how long should it be, etc.]

Conclusion - Writing good copy means including all the necessary elements and weaving them together in a way that makes for interesting reading and no reason not to buy. Your story is a big part of your copy.


Does Your Copy Have Social Proof?

Intro - You absolutely need social proof in your copy. If your potential buyer sees or hears from others who are just like them, then it naturally affects them and can influence whether they buy or not.

Body - What constitutes social proof? "Likes" on FB, tweets on Twitter, positive comments on your blog, feedback and reviews on Amazon for your book, testimonials for your sales page.

How to get it? First you have to have the product completed so that others can read it and test it out. They can't give you feedback if they've never seen it.

Where to get it? Ask! And make it easy for them to give it to you. Display your email, give them the link to your Fan Page or blog post, etc.

Which medium is best? Written word is not as persuasive as audio. Video is the best.

Conclusion - Social proof is another element to a good sales page. Ask for feedback and don't be shy about sharing those testimonials on your sales page.


Make The Offer Hard To Refuse

Intro - There are many elements that make great sales copy and if you get them to read your copy all the way to the offer then congrats! Now reel them in with an offer that's hard to refuse.

Body - [expand on all these]

Check the competition and make sure you're offering the best quality, and more unique valuable info than the other guy. You can't be absolutely sure of the best price until you test different price points.

Offer the solution they're looking for! Seems elementary to say but many get this wrong. Know what the problem is and offer the right fix for it.

Give a strong guarantee so they're more willing to try instead of sitting on the fence undecided.

Conclusion - Give the offer some long, serious thought and make it so the price is well worth it for the product, that the product/solution matches the need, and the guarantee is strong enough to get them hoping off the fence.


What's In Your P.S.?

Intro - The P.S., or post-script is the last thing on the sales page, right after the product creator's name. It's your spot to close as well as remind.

Body - Many people scroll all the way down, hitting a few bolded words, and end up at the P.S. Haven't you done this a time or two? Give your P.S.es punch as it might be the only thing they read.

In your P.S, remind them of any scarcity. Remind them WHY they need this product and what it can do for them. Give them another reason to click on the buy link. [Give examples of good P.S.es]

Conclusion - Your sales copy P.S.es have quite an important job. Not only are they your last chance to convince the reader to try your offer, they are also the only bit of copy that some people read. Don't take them lightly, or worse, leave them out altogether.


Copywriting Kick-Start Titles:

Additional Title Ideas:





Best Advice For Your FB Fan page

Intro - More and more businesses are getting social media-savvy and many have even gone as far as setting up a FB fan page. But that doesn't mean they're making the most of it. Make yours work for you.

Body - Tip #1 - Have a Welcome page where they have to "Like" your fan page before they can get to the info inside.

Tip #2 - Use video for How To's. Also offer valuable info that causes people to comment and build a sense of community.

Tip #3 - Team up with others (other businesses) to create a great experience for your fans. Keep them coming back.

Conclusion - Fan pages are not supposed to just stand there and look good. They're meant to be interactive, informative, fun, make money, and build brand.


Facebook Lingo

Intro - Whether you're new to Facebook or not, there are a lot of FB terms to become familiar with. To make it even more interesting, Facebook likes to make changes as they go.

Body - Terms -

Like (to like a comment) or Like (used to be 'friend' for fan pages)

fan gating

Facebook places

FB apps

photo strip

events tab

news feed



Conclusion - If you're using Facebook for business, the best thing you can do is get to know it inside and out.


Top Facebook Apps For Real People

Intro - It's impossible to put together a Top Facebook Apps article when it involves a lot of personal opinion as well as individual interests. So let me break it down into a few categories:

Body- [Give a brief explanation of what each app is]

For music-lovers - BandPage, Spotify, and YouTube.

For people who like to read - GoodReads and Visual Bookshelf.

For gamers - Angry Birds, Texas Holdem, and Farmville.

For networking - LinkedIn, Watercooler, and MyYearbook.

Conclusion - There you have my list of top Facebook apps based on individual interests. Now it's your turn. What are your favorite apps?


Making Money With Facebook

Intro - Facebook is not just fun and games, you can use Facebook to make money. The following are a few ideas. Some are direct ways while others are not.

Body - Create a Fan page and collect followers. Use it as another way to get traffic to your site. "Like" your own blog posts to draw visitors to your site.

Build relationships that lead to partnering with other marketers in ways that grow your business and positively affect your bottom line.

Create an app for Facebook - builds your brand, plus you can monetize it with ads.

Sell your products in the Facebook marketplace using a third party app.

Do affiliate marketing on Facebook.

Conclusion - Facebook is a lot of fun, but it can also be an avenue for income. Take the idea(s) that appeal to you, research them further, and give them a try.


Where To Go For Help With Facebook

Intro - We're not all Facebook experts and most of us have questions when we get started and problems that need addressing. You can get by with a little help from your friends, or you can find what you need from those who know. Let's explore some of the ways you can get your Facebook questions answered,

Body - #1 You probably know I'm going to say this, but start with the Help Center that you can access right from your account or at http://www.facebook.com/help/

#2 AllFacebook.com, the unofficial everything FB site has a number of tutorials that might have the answers you need.

#3 Popular-Facebook.com gives help but also goes to topics other than help so you can learn to have more success with FB. This blogger has just come out with an ebook too.

Conclusion - Sometimes you're stumped, even when it's supposed to be quite "user-friendly". Find out what you need to know and get help on the rest with these three options.


Facebook Kick-Start Titles:

Additional Title Ideas:




Forum Marketing

Forum Etiquette For The Uninformed

Intro - Forums are like marketplaces with buyers just sitting there. There are specific do's and don'ts when it comes to forum marketing. Mainly, you cannot look like you're trying to market on the forum. Here are some of the don'ts:

Body - #1 Keep your language clean because even though you might think it's funny/cool, it's offensive to many people.

#2 Read the forum rules. Some don't allow affiliate links, others won't allow a link in your signature until a certain number of posts, some frown on any links within a post, etc. Know the rules.

#3 Don't spam people through the DM or PM feature.

#4 Don't hijack a thread. The OP (original poster) had a question and that's what the thread is about. It's not about YOUR unrelated question.

#5 No flame-throwing or trolling.

#6 Don't pimp your products unless you're doing it in the appropriate area of the forum.

[Add more and/or give examples of each]

Conclusion - While it's tempting to jump right in peddling your wares on forums, show some class and follow the written and unwritten rules.

Forum Marketing

Selling Successfully On The Warrior Forum

Intro - The Warrior Special Offers section of the Warrior Forum can have over 3000 people viewing it on any given day. It seems like a huge marketplace just waiting to buy your product. The problem is, it's not so easy to strike it rich there. Here are some strategies you can use to better your chances of success:

Body - Before you start selling anything, it's important to get your post count up AND leave valuable comments that showcase your knowledge and brand. It shouldn't matter, but people do think low post count means you're "new" and might not know what you're talking about.

Create a product that people are asking for. Look at what their problems are, what they keep asking questions about on the forum. There's your product.

Ask for feedback/comments. You can't bribe them but you can simply ask.

Have a way to capture email addresses so you can continue to market to your customers.

You don't always get a second chance so make sure you test your payment button all the way through.

Answer comments/questions promptly.

Keep 'bumping' your WSO as long as it's making you more money than it costs to bump it. Exposure not only gets you more sales, but helps people remember your name.

Conclusion - There's more to making money with a WSO on the Warrior Forum than just paying your fee and slapping your ad up there. Nurture it carefully like a little baby and follow these strategies.

Forum Marketing

5 Ways To Market Correctly On A Forum

Intro - Here's a secret... you don't always have to overtly 'sell' to make money on a forum. You don't have to be pushy or obnoxious, you just need to be helpful and smart about it.

Body - Build relationships with the other members. Be a friend.

Give freely of your time and information. Be an asset to the forum.

Give compliments and hit the "thanks" button often.

Post and comment on the forum often so people don't forget you. You want to become well-known. That makes you and your brand stand out.

Conclusion - The above tips are about building trust. If they trust you and trust you know what you're talking about because you give freely of what you know, they're much more likely to buy from you.

Forum Marketing

Should You Start Your Own Forum?

Intro - Have you ever thought about starting your own forum? There is software available that makes this easy to do, but it's not a decision to make lightly. Here are some of the pros and cons:

Body - Pros - Puts you up to expert status, which is not a bad place to be when you have products or services.

Gives you a platform for all kinds of things - your ideas, your beliefs, building a customer base, place to sell your products or services, etc.

Your forum could be a private customer-only forum as part of a product or service you've sold.

Cons - Lots of work maintaining on your part, unless you get some volunteer moderators.

Can be a huge pain if you have cranky flame-throwing members.

It's a long-term commitment.

Conclusion - It's not hard to set up a forum thanks to available software, but it is something you should think carefully about. It could be the best thing to happen to your business or it could be something that haunts your waking hours. Think carefully, then decide.

Forum Marketing

Becoming Part Of A Paid Forum - Or Not

Intro - Paid forums all have one thing in common - you have to pay to join. Otherwise, they can be very different from public forums and even other paid forums.

Body - Reasons why there are paid forums - might exist to further assist you implementing tasks you need to do after buying a product. It may be a bonus perk to buying a product.

It may be a monthly membership fee or a one-time fee. It seems that the people who pay to be in the forum are more serious and professional about their businesses. Generally the members can be more supportive of each other. Sometimes it takes on a family-type atmosphere.

Paid forums are private, which means you won't have trolls or fly-by spammers.

The quality of info should be better, and there should be fewer people who spout erroneous info.

Conclusion - Paid private forums can have a lot of good qualities. The members may be more supportive, more professional, and less spammy.


Forum Marketing Kick-Start Titles:

Additional Title Ideas:





Mentoring For The Budget-Conscious

Intro - Perhaps you're like most of us, you don't have deep pockets when you start out in internet marketing. You'd love to pay for a coach or mentor, but you just can't afford it right now. There's a way to have a mentor simply by watching carefully what they do.

Body - [expand on these]

Thoroughly check out their site - blog or static site, optin offer, theme used, pages on the site, amount of content, type of content (text vs. video vs. podcast), subject of content, plugins used, etc.

Get on their list, analyze their emails for content, length, number of promos, how often emails sent, etc.

Buy something to follow their funnel - OTO? What backend products are offered?

Watch their social media - tweets sent and what about, Facebook use and fan page, etc.

Conclusion - Be sure to thank your mentor by giving public thanks, backlinks to their sites, tweets, etc. They might not know how much they've helped you, but give back the best you can and be their #1 supporter.


Blog Commenting Rules To Prosper By

Intro - Blog commenting is one way to get to know marketers you admire or want to know. It's also a way to get traffic back to your site.

Body - Commenting on other blogs is about taking part in the conversation and building a relationship with the blog owner and other commenters.

Conclusion - Blog commenting can be a good way to get noticed, get traffic, and build relationships that can lead to JV deals, guest posts and more, but there are specific rules you need to follow or risk what you're trying to accomplish.


Well-Used Internet Marketing Words and Their Definitions

Intro - Internet marketing seems to have its own words and phrases that don't make a lot of sense.

Body - [here are some words/phrases, you write the definitions ]

article marketing

private label rights

sales funnel

double opt-in


email marketing



longtail keyword
RSS feed


one time offer



squeeze page

Conclusion - This list doesn't include all of them, but it should help you. So will diving in and getting started with your internet marketing.


Have You Done This Today?

Intro - Let's talk about the "B" word; backing up your computer. Or maybe you think the "B" word is boring? While discussing this subject may be boring to you, it's totally necessary. Just ask anyone who's had their computer crash and lost everything.

Body - Look at your back up options:

#1 On your internal hard drive

#2 On an external detachable hard drive

#3 On someone else's hard drive (like Carbonite.com).

[Explain the 3 different options - what they mean, what they cost, which is better, etc.]

Conclusion - Backing up your computer hard drive can be relatively painless once you choose an option and put a schedule in place.


Breathing Life Into Old Posts

Intro - Don't spend tons of time lovingly creating a post to have it read for a few days and then forgotten when the next post goes live. Ideas:

Body - #1 Periodically do a Best Of post linking to your best pillar posts with a few sentences in the current post about each post.

#2 Do a Topic post where you offer recommendations for reading all your posts on a certain topic.

#3 Use a Related-Posts plugin, use a plugin in the sidebar that shows your favored posts.

#4 Let new email readers know about a specific older post that could benefit them.

#5 Mention links to older posts on Twitter.

Conclusion - There's no reason to let your older posts go to waste. Proudly bring them out of mothballs and use the above techniques to leverage them.


Miscellaneous Kick-Start Titles:

Additional Title Ideas:





These Article Starters are only the beginning. With them, you're going to create real estate you can leverage over and over. Keep that in mind as you finish what's been started here and you go on to write more.

You might end up with something you can submit to EzineArticles, add to your blog as keyword-rich content, build into pillar posts, grow further into a report, submit as guest posts, and much more. Don't forget podcasts and PowerPoint presentations too.

I heart feedback and testimonials! If you feel inclined, please send me yours at peggy@allstarplr.com

If you'd like to be notified when I've written more PLR and/or Easy Article Starters (and the next several will be in popular niches outside the internet marketing niche), please sign up to my list at www.allstarplr.com

If you're already on my PLR list, rest assured you will be the first to know when I've got more Article Starters to offer you.

Lastly, if you didn't get my report on writing articles as a bonus to picking up all 4 EAS packs, I'm happy to offer it to you at a discount. It's basically important info I want to share with you about writing articles.

Table of Contents:

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Good luck with your articles!

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Peggy Baron




P.S. Be sure to read the PDF that came with this for my researching topics info!


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