Courage to Conquer

Courage to Conquer

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Early in the year the Lord began to speak to me from Joshua chapter 1.  In verses 6-9 God urges Joshua to receive the courage to go in and possess His inheritance.  Three times in four verses, He commands Joshua to be strong and of good courage.  The implication here is that he will encounter situations ahead that will take strength and courage.  This is how prophecy works.  It is like the “trailer” to the movie.  Just as the “trailer” doesn't tell you the cost involved in seeing the film your prophecy often times only implies the opposition that lies ahead.  Why is that?  I believe there are three reasons. 1) Just like a movie trailer, the prophecy is the motivator to get us to “buy the ticket” to see the movie.  2)  God sees the end from the beginning, so He sees the outcome and knows we win!  3)  He understands the prize is worth the pain.

God knew giants were in their promise land, but He also knew He had provided the victory for the Israelites.  You see this over and over throughout the book of Joshua, especially in chapter 10.  After five kings make an alliance to destroy , God stops heaven and earth to defeat their enemy - showing His commitment to their success.

God knew giants were in their promise land, but He also knew He had provided the victory for the Israelites.You see this over and over throughout the book of Joshua, especially in chapter 10.After five kings make an alliance to destroy , God stops heaven and earth to defeat their enemy - showing His commitment to their success.

After defeating the kings, Joshua calls the captains (chapter 10, vs. 25) and says, “Fear not, be strong and very courageous for thus shall the Lord do to ALL your enemies!”  Where have we heard that before?  God had said it in chapter 1.  Now Joshua is boldly declaring what God had said just a few chapters before.  There comes a time where God's word has to get out of His mouth and into OUR mouth!

After defeating the kings, Joshua calls the captains (chapter 10, vs. 25) and says, “Fear not, be strong and very courageous for thus shall the Lord do to ALL your enemies!”Where have we heard that before?God had said it in chapter 1.Now Joshua is boldly declaring what God had said just a few chapters before.There comes a time where God's word has to get out of His mouth and into OUR mouth!

It is interesting to me that Joshua (who represents Jesus) told the captains (vs. 24) to put their feet on the necks of their enemies.  Why put their foot on their necks?  I believe there are two reasons.  1)  It is prophetic statement.  Your neck attaches the head to the body; thus, he was declaring to everyone that these kings were defeated and cut off from their kingdom.  2)  The neck represents strength. I used to train horses.  You can take the wildest, meanest and craziest horse, and if he is on the ground and you can get on top of his neck - you can hold him down!  Even if he weighs ten times what you do, he can't get up without using his neck.

It is interesting to me that Joshua (who represents Jesus) told the captains (vs. 24) to put feet on the necks of their enemies.Why put their foot on their necks?I believe there are two reasons.1)It is prophetic statement.Your neck attaches the head to the body; thus, he was declaring to everyone that these kings were defeated and cut off from their kingdom.2)The neck represents strength. I used to train horses.You can take the wildest, meanest and craziest horse, and if he is on the ground and you can get on top of his neck - you can hold him down!Even if he weighs ten times what you do, he can't get up without using his neck.

It is interesting to me that Joshua (who represents Jesus) told the captains (vs. 24) to put feet on the necks of their enemies.Why put their foot on their necks?I believe there are two reasons.1)It is prophetic statement.Your neck attaches the head to the body; thus, he was declaring to everyone that these kings were defeated and cut off from their kingdom.2)The neck represents strength. I used to train horses.You can take the wildest, meanest and craziest horse, and if he is on the ground and you can get on top of his neck - you can hold him down!Even if he weighs ten times what you do, he can't get up without using his neck.

“There comes a time where God's word has to get out of His mouth and into OUR mouth”

This is all a picture of Christ's redemption of humanity.  Through His death, burial and resurrection, He “cut off” the head of the devil's kingdom - stripping his authority.  Ephesians 4:8-9 says before Christ ascended on high to sit down with the Father, He descended into the earth.  His mission there is revealed in Colossians 2:15 where it says He spoiled principalities and powers and making an open show (public spectacle) of them, conquering them “in Himself” (literary translation).  Add to that 1 Corinthians 2:14 which states that Christ leads us in one continual victory parade, and you begin to see a distinct picture.  In biblical days when a king would defeat another king he would cut off the bottom of his kingly robe - exposing him and making an open show of him.  He would then have victory parade through the conquered kingdom declaring that the defeated king was now his subject.  When Christ died on the cross, he went to hell and defeated the devil, parading him through downtown hell, declaring His victory over the enemy!  Every enemy you will ever face has been defeated “in Christ.”  Sin, sickness, depression, and poverty were ALL beaten at the cross!

You might ask why then do I still battle so intensely with these issues?  The answer is simple. We are not an army trying to obtain a victory, but rather an army that is called to enforce the victory.  In the recent war, (no matter your political view, the analogy is still accurate) it took only a few weeks to topple a regime, but they are still trying to enforce the defeat of Saddam's army years later.  In fact, many more troops have been lost through enforcing the victory than by “obtaining the victory.”  You see this clearly in Psalm 110:1-2.  Speaking of Jesus, the psalmist says, “The Lord (Father God) said to my Lord (Jesus) sit down at my right hand UNTIL I make your enemies your footstool (place them under your feet).”  Think of Joshua 10 where the captains put their feet on the necks of the kings - that's making your enemy your footstool.  Jesus has done His part by defeating the devil.  Now he is waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool.  How will that happen?  You see the answer in vs. 2, “I will send the rod (authority) of my strength (power) out of Zion (the church).  Rule thou (the church) in the midst of your enemies.”  God has called the church to enforce Christ's victory.  Jesus' enemies are made His footstool when we rule in the midst of our enemies!  Most Christians are running from their enemies, rather than ruling over their enemies.

You might ask why then do I still battle so intensely with these issues?The answer is simple. We are not an army trying to , but rather an army that is called to In the recent war, (no matter your political view, the analogy is still accurate) it took only a few weeks to topple a regime, but they are still trying to enforce the defeat of Saddam's army years later.In fact, many more troops have been lost through enforcing the victory than by “obtaining the victory.”You see this clearly in Psalm 110:1-2.Speaking of Jesus, the psalmist says, Think of Joshua 10 where the captains put their feet on the necks of the kings - that's making your enemy your footstool.Jesus has done His part by defeating the devil.Now he is waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool.How will that happen?You see the answer in vs. 2, “I will send the rod (authority) of my strength (power) out of Zion (the church).Rule thou (the church) in the midst of your enemies.”God has called the church to enforce Christ's victory.Jesus' enemies are made His footstool when we rule in the midst of our enemies!Most Christians are running from their enemies, rather than ruling over their enemies.

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You might ask why then do I still battle so intensely with these issues?The answer is simple. We are not an army trying to , but rather an army that is called to In the recent war, (no matter your political view, the analogy is still accurate) it took only a few weeks to topple a regime, but they are still trying to enforce the defeat of Saddam's army years later.In fact, many more troops have been lost through enforcing the victory than by “obtaining the victory.”You see this clearly in Psalm 110:1-2.Speaking of Jesus, the psalmist says, Think of Joshua 10 where the captains put their feet on the necks of the kings - that's making your enemy your footstool.Jesus has done His part by defeating the devil.Now he is waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool.How will that happen?You see the answer in vs. 2, “I will send the rod (authority) of my strength (power) out of Zion (the church).Rule thou (the church) in the midst of your enemies.”God has called the church to enforce Christ's victory.Jesus' enemies are made His footstool when we rule in the midst of our enemies!Most Christians are running from their enemies, rather than ruling over their enemies.

Finally, remember the king's garment before His humiliating parade?  What happened to it?  Some time ago I was preaching along these lines and a history teacher explained to me that this robe (or “train” in King James English) was kept and sewed onto the end of the train of all his defeated armies.  That is what Isaiah meant when he said, “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord…and His train filled the temple.”  When you make Jesus' enemies His footstool - when you rule in the midst of your enemies - you cause His train to fill the earth.

Finally, remember the king's garment before His humiliating parade?What happened to it?Some time ago I was preaching along these lines and a history teacher explained to me that this robe (or “train” in King James English) was kept and sewed onto the end of the train of all his defeated armies.That is what Isaiah meant when he said, “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord…and His train filled the temple.”When you make Jesus' enemies His footstool - when you rule in the midst of your enemies - you cause His train to fill the earth.

Finally, remember the king's garment before His humiliating parade?What happened to it?Some time ago I was preaching along these lines and a history teacher explained to me that this robe (or “train” in King James English) was kept and sewed onto the end of the train of all his defeated armies.That is what Isaiah meant when he said, “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord…and His train filled the temple.”When you make Jesus enemies His footstool - when your rule in the midst of your enemies - you cause His train to fill the earth.

“Most Christians are running from their enemies, rather than ruling over their enemies.”

How do I enforce the victory Christ has already won at the cross?  By ruling over the spiritual enemies that Christ defeated.  When I overcome sin in my life - I am making His enemies His footstool.  When I am a giver and a blessing to others - I am making His enemy of poverty and greed His footstool.  When I am strong and courageous - I am making His enemy of fear His footstool.  When I exalt the truth of His word in my life - I am making His enemy of doubt His footstool. Are you ready to see His “train” fill the earth by enforcing the victory over those things the devil tries to use to defeat you?

Copyright 2007 Beyond These Shores
Beyond These Shores, P.O. Box 50808, Denton TX 76206, 940-387-1409

Courage to Conquer continued

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Copyright 2007 Beyond These Shores
Beyond These Shores, P.O. Box 50808, Denton TX 76206, 940-387-1409


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