anymore any more

Anymore / Any more

Any more (two words) means "no more"; anymore (one word) means "now," "currently," "at this time."

Both are used with negative constructions.

> We do not have any more work = We have no more work.

> We are not working anymore = We are not working now/at this time.

> I can't give you any more love that I already have = I can give you no more love than I already have.

> I don't love you anymore = I don't love you now = I have stopped loving you.

efinition of any more adverb from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

any more


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(British English) (also anymore North American English, British English)


often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean `any longer'She doesn't live here any more.Why doesn't he speak to me any more?Now she won't have to go out to work any more.


 Do not use `no more' with this meaning: She doesn't live here no more.


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