19 - Helath (moje), Różne Spr(1)(4)

Gymnázium F.X.Š.

Nováková Tereza




Skeleton, backbone, bone, joint, rib, skull, ligaments (vazivo)


- face, hair, eye, eye lid, ears, cheeks, chin, mouth, lips, tooth/teeth, tongue, neck/throat, forehead, eye brows, eye lashes, temple (skráň)


- back, bottom/backside/buttocks (spodek/zadek, zadnice/hýždě), waist, hips, belly/tummy, navel (pupek), chest, breast, abdomen (břicho)


- leg, thigh (stehno), knee, calf/calves (lýtka), shin (holeň), ankle, foot/feet, heel, sole (chodidlo), toe, big toe

- arm, shoulders, armpit (podpaží), elbow, forearm (předloktí), wrist, hand, palm (dlaň), fingers (thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger)

Internal organs

- nervous system, nerve, brain, spinal chord, circulation of blood, blood vessels (cévy), arteries, veins, blood, cell muscle, tendon (šlacha), ligament, gland, thyroid gland (štítná žláza) heart, lungs, bronchus, trachea, stomach, intestines (střeva), large and small intestine, appendix, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, bladder (močový měchýř), spleen (slezina), blood, urine, stool (stolice), saliva (slina), bile (žluč)

Children's diseases

- mumps (příušnice), measles (spalničky), rubella (zarděnky), chicken-pox (plané neštovice), scarlet fever, be a scarlet fever carrier (přenašeč), vaccination certificate, tuberculosis, tetanus, polio (obrna), smallpox, diphtheria (záškrt), whooping cough (černý kašel), rabies (vzteklina)

People's diseases

- have a cold, flu, cough, a sore throat, to cough, bronchitis, tonsillitis (zánět mandlí), pneumonia, be hoarse (ochraptělý), lack (nedostatek) of appetite, vomit (zvracet), have stomach ache, heartburn (pálení žáhy), nausea (zvedání žaludku), indigestion (porucha trávení), constipation (zácpa), diarrhoea, ulcer (vřed), bilious attack (žlůčníkový záchvat), appendicitis (zánět slepého střeva), jaundice (žloutenka), backache, slipped disc (ploténky), rheumatism, earache, encephalitis, be dizzy (mít závrať), venereal (pohlavní) disease, typhoid (břišní tyfus) fever, plague, cholera

Civilization's diseases

- mental disorders:

nervous breakdown (zhroucení), stress, depression, a headache, insomnia (nespavost), suffer from nerves

- diseases of the blood system:

high blood pressure, a heart attack, anaemia, leukaemia, varicose veins (křečové žíly)

- skin diseases:

rash (vyrážka), acne, eczema, itch (svrbět, svrab), scratch (škrábat), pimple, scurvy (kurděje)

- others:

backache, defective hearing, allergy, overweight, asthma, diabetes, malignant (zhoubný) tumours, cancer, drug addiction (závislost), drug addict, be addicted to alcohol, die of an overdose, break the habit, venereal diseases, AIDS (Acquired Immune Defiance Syndrome), hectic life style, lack of vitamins, polluted environment, unhealthy daily routine, insufficient (nedostatečný) sleep


- be injured, be wounded, hurt oneself, have/get a bruise (modřina), bruise one's arm, black eye (monokl), get a bump (bouchnout se), bumped head, bump one's head against a beam (úsměv), have/get a blister (puchýř), pinch (štípnout) one's finger, run/get a splinter (tříska) into a finger, cut one's finger on a knife, burn one's hand on a iron, a nasty (vážné) burn, be scalded (opařit se), swell (swelled, swollen = otékat), swollen ankle, inflamed (podebraný) finger, sprain (vyvrknout) an ankle, sprained ankle, dislocate a leg, stretch a ligament, tear a leg muscle, scrape (odřít) a knee, cramps, brain shake/concussion, be concussed, be bitten (pokousaný, štípnutý) by, blood poisoning, faint (omdlít), be airsick/seasick/carsick, sunstroke (úžeh, úpal), heatstroke, have/get frostbite (omrzliny), slip (uklouznout), fall over, fall off (svalit se, skácet se), stumble (zakoupnout) over sth., a fracture, break/fracture a bone, a rib, split bone

Serious injures

- have a fracture, break one's leg, a fractured/broken arm, fix the leg in plaster, fix/put the finger in splints, have/put an arm in a sling (páska), an/to X-ray, walk on crutches, faint, be unconscious, regain (vrátit se, znovu nabýt) consciousness, bring/come round (přivést k vědomí), put a patient on a stretcher (nosítka), call an ambulance, operate on a patient for appendicitis, operating theatre, give/get an anaesthetic, breath a narcotic, to anaesthetize a patient, cleanse the wound, sew up (sešít) the wound, take out the stitches (stehy), scar (jizva), scar over, heal (zahojit), dress the wound, bandage, rebandage, blood transfusion, blood donor, give first aid, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, artificial (umělé) breathing, stop bleeding, fix a fracture, apply a plaster cast (sádra), be badly hurt, get injured, injure one's hand, hurt oneself, death by drowning, die of wounds, die of an overdose, moan (sténat), groan (zasténat), cry in a pain

Dentist and Oculist

- dental check up, have a toothache, a painful tooth, drill a rotten tooth, fill the tooth, crown a tooth, make/fix a denture (chrup), make/fix a brace (podpěra, svorka), uneven (křivé) teeth, wisdom tooth, the tooth comes loose, sound teeth, eyesight (zrak), be short-sighted, colour-blind, wear glasses, my eyes are sore (bolavé)/smart (pálí), strain one's sight, dust irritates my eyes, jab (udeřit) one's eye, have a sty

Healthy life - style

It is necessary to get as much energy as we burn during our daily routine. If we don't, we lose on weight. Extreme diets may cause lots of problems. That's why we should eat balanced food, including enough vitamins, saccharide, proteins and fats. We should avoid eating too much fatty and sweet food. It is not good for our stomach, neither figure and teeth. It is better to eat steamed, boiled or grilled meat than friend one and we should prefer poultry and fish or sea-food. It is good to eat a bit of all. It is also better to eat dark bread, as it contains more vitamins and is better for our digestive system. We should also drink enough - about 3 litres a day. The best drinks for us are spring or mineral water, tea, fresh-pressed juice and milk. Alcohol, coffee and sweetened drinks should be drank minimally. In addition, drinks containing caffeine are not considered drinks because they dry up our organism.

- have a regular daily routine, sufficient sleep, take a rest, overwork, avoid excitement, get excited, no smoking, no or little alcohol, healthy wholesome food, be on a diet, physical training, go in for sports, go for a walk, jogging, harden the body

- wholesome food

- enough vitamins, eat fruit and raw vegetables, drink good water

- eat slowly, take time to eat, eat more times a day in small amounts, eat at a nicely set table

- not eat smoked meat and sausages (or a little), not drink spirits, little salt and spices, little or no caffeine

- eat preferably lean meat, fish, poultry, cereals, fibrous food, dark bread instead of white flour pastries (rolls, buns, cakes), vegetable oil and butter

- avoid fat meat, animal fat and high calorie dishes

To seeing a doctor

When you feel ill, you go to the doctor but you must know surgery hours. There you wait in a waiting room. The nurse tells you to go into a surgery. The doctor asks to your troubles (if you have a temperature, head-ache, stomach ache and so on). The doctor tells you your diagnosis and prescribes you a prescription.

At the chemists

At the chemists there we buy medicaments, pills and medicines. We must have a medical prescription. We go into the chemists and give our prescription to the chemist. He/she gives us our medicaments. We must pay it. The insurance company pays some medicaments. If we do not have it, the chemist does not give us our medicaments.

At the hospital

Sometimes we must go to the hospital. There we lie in the bed and nurses take care of us. They bring us our medicaments, change bedclothes and give us food. Every day the doctor controls our health condition there and on every Monday the head doctor goes with him.


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