Unit 2


1 Match the beginnings of the sentences in A to the endings in B.


1 This is my hometown. I have lived here all my life, in fact

2 I'm much older than him. I had finished university

3 I'm so fed-up and tired. I've been writing this essay non-stop

4 He had just started smoking

5 They have been trying to make up their minds about buying it

6 I haven't been on the computer that long -

7 I'd never even heard of iPods

8 He had only just got to the station

9 I've never met them, but I've heard their names

10 We've known one another most of our lives,


a) ever since they saw it.

b) before he was even born.

c) before he split up with his girl friend last month.

d) since we were at school.

e) since I was born.

f) for three whole days now.

g) when the train left.

h) many times.

i) only since breakfast.

j) until I went to Japan.

_____ / 10 points

2 Put the expressions into the correct column.

1994 a long time my birthday yesterday

before he moved to London several years he met his wife

ages 19 months just a day













_____ / 10 points

3 Complete the text with have, had or has.

Another storyteller

Bill Bryson is a fantastic writer. Most of his books are about travelling. He (1) _____ written books like The Lost Continent and Notes from a Small Island as well as many others. I have read a lot of his books, and I (2) _____ always found myself crying, but crying with laughter - they are so funny.

Bryson was born in the USA and lived there all his childhood. He decided to go back-packing round Europe after he (3) _________ graduated. He fell in love with the UK, and went to live and work there after he (4) _____ met and married his English wife. Bryson and his family eventually went back to the USA and stayed for18 years, until returning to the UK in 1995. He (5) _____ already written a few books, and with his writing experience he soon found a job in journalism. He stayed in the UK for eight years then went back to the States again. He and his wife returned to the UK in 2003 and they (6) _____ lived there since then.

Bryson's travel books are based on his own funny experiences as he wandered around new countries, getting to know them and their people. But he (7) _____ not just written travel books. He (8) _____ written books on the English language and on science too. In his science book, A Short History of Nearly Everything, he manages to be scientific, accurate and funny too - not easy!

Since 2005, Bryson (9) _____ been doing other things too: he's been made the head of Durham University, an old university in the North of England. Talent and laughter (10) _____ been good friends to him throughout his life. He has made so many people laugh.

_____ / 10 points


4 Read the words and complete the definitions.

Word Definition

1 plaster a material used to make w_ _ _ _ smooth

2 free of charge without p_ _ _ n _

3 ferry man someone who helps you cross a r_ _ _ _

4 entertain k _ _ _ people amused

5 a double a person who looks exactly l_ _ _ someone else

6 argument a serious d_ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ about something

7 delighted very, very p _ _ _ _ _ _

8 abroad in / to another c _ _ _ _ _ _

9 thunder a huge n _ _ _ _ that comes from the sky

10 concrete this material is used to make b_ _ _ d _ _ _ _

11 injure h _ _ _ badly

12 story teller someone who t _ _ _ _ stories

13 misunderstand not to understand something or someone in the c _ _ _ _ _ _ way

14 innocent n _ _ guilty

15 temporary that only lasts for a s _ _ _ _ time

16 childhood the period when you are a c _ _ _ _

17 amazement being a _ _ _ _ _

18 equipment the tools and things you u _ _ to do a job

19 grumble c _ _ _ l _ _ _ about something/someone in a cross way

20 wise making g _ _ _ judgements based on experience of life

_____ / 20 points


5 Read the text then choose True or False.

The mouse and the lion

Once there was a lion that lived in a big dark cave. The lion, who was the king of the jungle, went out hunting every night and brought back one animal to eat in the cave. After eating it he used to fall asleep.

But the lion didn't know that he wasn't living alone. A little mouse lived in the cave too, and every night after the lion had fallen asleep the mouse used to creep out of her hole and eat the leftovers from the lion's supper. She was a very happy mouse.

One night, the mouse came out as usual for her evening meal. She wasn't afraid of the lion any more, and this time instead of going back to her hole after eating, she thought she would take a good look at the lion. She crept slowly up to him and touched him … the lion didn't move. He felt so soft, so warm, and so comfortable. Without thinking, she climbed up on to him, and was soon fast asleep.

Some hours later the lion woke up. When he found the mouse sleeping on him he was very, very angry.

`How dare you sleep on me, the king of the jungle?' he roared, and was about to kill the mouse. The little mouse begged and pleaded: `oh, my lord, forgive me. I have made a terrible mistake. Please spare my life, and I promise I will help you whenever you need me'. This made the lion roar with laughter … ha, ha, ha, ha … a mouse helping a lion! He laughed so much that he decided to let her go: `But don't you make me laugh so much again' he commanded the mouse.

Not far from the cave some hunters were looking for the lion. They wanted to catch the king of the jungle and sell him to the circus. They laid their nets very carefully and waited for him to come hunting for his food. That night the lion stepped out of his cave and into their trap. He tried and tried to escape, but the nets were strong. He roared in anger and frustration.

The little mouse, which by now was very fat after so many good dinners, heard him roaring, and realised straight away that something was wrong.

Remembering her promise, she rushed to find him, even though she was very frightened. She quickly found the lion and saw how he was trapped in the net: `Oh, my lord', she said to the lion. `Let me help you. Now I can keep my promise to you and repay your kindness to me. I have a plan to save you, but please don't roar. The hunters will hear you and it frightens me.' Then she set to work. After so many comfortable months, she was fat and her teeth were not as sharp as before. But slowly she bit her way through the net until she had made a hole large enough for the lion to escape through.

The lion was sorry that he had laughed at the mouse. He said: `You are so small, but today you have saved my life. You are welcome to live in my cave, but don't ever sleep on my back again!' Then, the mouse and the lion made their way back to the cave. But before he went in, the lion roared. He roared so loud that he woke the animals and the hunters for miles around.

1 The lion and the mouse used to sleep at the same time. True / False

2 Living with the lion for so long stopped the mouse being afraid of him. True / False

3 The mouse felt very comfortable on the lion. True / False

4 The lion was especially upset that the mouse had slept on him because he was proud. True / False

5 The lion laughed at the idea that a mouse could help a lion. True / False

6 The hunters designed their trap well. True / False

7 The mouse went to help the lion because she was afraid of the hunters.

True / False

8 The mouse wanted the lion to roar and frighten the hunters away.

True / False

9 It was easy for the mouse to rescue the lion. True / False

10 In the end the lion recognised the power of the tiny mouse. True / False

_____ / 10 points


6 Listen to the story. Complete the summary with suitable words. The first letters have been given to you.

Once upon a time there was an old widow who lived by the sea. The widow was (1) p______ and lonely. On the beach one day she (2) h________ a hippocampus which had (3) h______ itself. In return for her kindness the hippocampus granted the old lady (4) t_________ wishes.

The widow's first two wishes were to help the villagers, and for her third wish she asked to (5) d_________ . The hippocampus led her into the (6) s_______ and down some steps to the (7) p_________ of the prince of the Land Beneath the Sea.

After he had (8) h_________ the story of the widow's wishes the prince asked to see the old lady. But the old lady had disappeared and in her place stood the beautiful young woman that the old lady had once (9) b_________ . The prince asked this beautiful lady with the wonderful kind heart to (10) m_________ him.

And they all lived happily ever after.

_____ / 10 points


7 Write a folk tale or children's story that you know.



















_____ / 10 points

Total : _____ / 80

Unit test Inspiration 4 unit 2

This page has been created for Inspiration 4 Tests. It is photocopiable. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007.


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