Bonus1 FastAttackOffline EmailTemplate

Email Template - Re FastAttackOFFLINE

Subject Lines: [QUESTION] About Your Groupon Campaign

[IMPORTANT] Question About Your Groupon Campaign

Question About Your Groupon Campaign

Important Question About Your Groupon Campaign

Hello Mr. or Ms. [Enter business owner's name]

I have a very important question for you today: Are You Interested In Recovering Your Groupon Campaign Losses?

My name is (your name), a “Groupon Specialist.” I just came across your recent Groupon campaign about (describe campaign). I am not affiliated with Groupon in any fashion, however, I assist business owners who have had a recent Groupon campaign and may be less than satisfied with the results of the promotion.

Although I do not know if your campaign was successful, I have found that most businesses similar to yours did not fare well during or after the Groupon promotion. And, I know that you are a very busy businessperson, so let me get straight to the point.

It is obvious you understand the importance of leveraging resources in an effort to increase your business' bottom line. If I could show you a resource you already have at your disposal, but not currently used, that could potentially add thousands of dollars to your company's bottom line, would you be willing to discuss this with me for just a couple of minutes?

I specialize in assisting business owners to capitalize on existing, yet under-utilized resources they already have at their disposal. If you are interested in a free consultation, please call me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx (or email me at I will only need about 5-10 minutes of your time to tell you how I can increase your customer base, sales volume and bottom line.

You have nothing to lose, except potential new customers, increased sales and increased bottom line figures, if you do not contact me.


(Your Name)

(Your Phone Number)

(Your Website - ONLY if offline marketing related AND professional looking)


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