speak say tell talk

Do you speak English?

The verbs `speak', `say', `tell' and `talk' have similar meanings in English but very distinct uses.

`Say' is used in both direct and indirect speech, and this does not have to be a reference to a person who is being addressed:

`I'm coming,' he said.

`I'm coming,' he said to her.

He said that he was coming.

`Tell' is used mainly with indirect speech. The person who is being addressed is always mentioned.

He told me he was coming.

It can also have a meaning of `narrate':

He told us (how) he had travelled the world in his youth.

Finally, it is used with the words `story', `tale', `lies' and `the truth':

She told stories to the children every night.

He never tells the truth.

The verb `talk' means to have power of speech:

Can your baby talk yet?

It can also have the meaning of `discuss':

I want to talk to you about this new project.

The verb `speak' is used with words such as `slowly' and `quickly' to convey the way people express themselves.

She speaks slowly and clearly.

It is used to indicate knowledge of a foreign language:

He speaks Italian, German and Spanish as well as Russian.

It is also used in relation to formal or official occasions:

The Prime Minister is going to speak in the Parliament this afternoon.

There are a lot of colloquial expressions using these words. Here are some of the most common ones.

Say can mean `supposing' in sentences such as: `Say you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do?' I say is used to attract someone's attention. If you have a say in something, it is obvious. You don't say! Expresses disbelief. Say no more or enough said means that you have understood perfectly what someone is hinting.

To tell someone off is to reprimand them, and to say I told you so means that I warned you about something before it happened. Tell me another means that I don't believe what you've just told me, and if a note of expenses is all told everything is included in it. You never can tell means you never know.

Small talk is polite conversation, and a talking point is something which stimulates discussion. To be talkative is to talk a lot, and to talk nineteen to the dozen is to talk quickly and without stopping. The talk of the town is the subject everyone is discussing, and to talk shop is to discuss one's job out of working hours. To talk down to someone is to talk in a way which suggests the listener is inferior. To talk someone into doing something is to persuade them to do it. But if someone is all talk he never actually achieves what he talks about.

Speak up! Means speak more loudly, and to speak up for someone is to speak in their defense. To speak highly of someone is to praise them and to be on speaking terms is to know someone well enough to talk to them. To speak for oneself is to express one's own opinion, and to speak your mind is to express it forcibly. Finally, nothing to speak of is nothing worth mentioning.

Now, can you complete these sentences with the right verb?

  1. She ________ three languages.

  2. We ________ about old times for hours last night.

  3. They ________ they would arrive at 2 o'clock.

  4. He has a very patronising manner and always ________ down to people.

  5. I'm not on ________ terms with my neighbours yet.

  6. The teacher ________ the naughty boy off.

  7. She doesn't always ________ the truth.

  8. I didn't want to change my job but my sister ________ me into it.

  9. She ________ me she was ill.

  10. The bill came to ₤20 all ________



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