Corporate Customers

Corporate Customers- Corporate Banking- Obsługa Klientów Korporacyjnych

1. Current business activity: obsługa działalności bieżącej

2. Transaction banking: bankowość transakcyjna

3. On-line banking: działalność elektroniczna

4. Deposit and investment products: produkty depozytowe i inwestycyjne

5. Custodial services: usługi powiernicze

6. Financing business activity: finansowanie działalności

7. Foreign transactions: obsługa transakcji zagranicznych

8. Offer for internatonal clients: oferta dla klientów zagranicznych

9. Specialist services: usługi specjalistyczne

Current business activity

Running accounts (current, auxiliary, group, escrow)

These accounts serve the purpose of accumulating financial means and concluding domestic and foreign financial settlements.

Depending on the type of account  they are intended for entities conducting their business activity in Poland:

Current account - kept in PLN or in a foreign currency (EUR, USD, GBP, CHF).

Auxiliary account - kept in PLN, designed specifically for domestic corporate customers.

Escrow account - kept in PLN or in a foreign currency (EUR, USD, GBP, CHF), intended for corporate customers with the right to dispose of accumulated funds upon fulfillment of conditions set forth in a Power Of Attorney drawn up by an entity which makes inward payments into the account.

Group account - designed for corporate customers with a territorially dispersed-network of branch offices and a two- or multi-layer structure of subordinate organizational units.

Transaction banking

Cash Collection (inkaso gotówki)is a service that allows you to make inward cash payments in a closed-end form in every branch office of Bank.This service is intended for corporate customers who frequently take advantage of such payments.

Direct Debit (polecenie zapłaty) is a convenient way to settle non-cash payments with contractors. The service facilitates payments made for continuously provided services or for periodic deliveries of goods. Both individual and business entities take advantage of this service when settling periodic or regular payments.

Notional Cash Pool- NCP is a service in which the net balance is calculated at the end of a business day by adding up debit and credit balances of accounts that belong to a group of accounts that have this service available. This serves the purpose of calculating overall interest (without funds transfer between the accounts).

Consolidation (konsolidacja) is a modern service that improves management of company funds accumulated in Corporate Customer's accounts.

Automatic withdrawal (autowypłata) is a convenient way of managing mass cash liabilities of a Corporate Customer, such as allowances, scholarships and damages.

Transfers- przelewy:

Domestic transfer- przelew krajowy

Urgent transfer- przelew pilny

Payroll transfer- przelew płacowy

On-line banking

The service allows Corporate Customers to settle their payments on-line throughout the entire business day, as long as they have activated the system.

Electronic banking system designed for Corporate Customers enables effective account management, including executing domestic and foreign transfers, collecting bank statements, generating reports, as well as communicating with the Bank for the purpose of data transmission.

Deposit and investment products

Term deposits (in PLN, foreign currencies, overnight)- lokaty terminowe w złotych, lokaty terminowe z walutach, lokaty overnight)

Term deposit accounts serve the purpose of accumulating the company's available funds. It is the easiest and the most secure method to generate additional income for the company. Term deposits are designed for both domestic entities (residents) and foreign entities (non-residents).

Buy Sell Back / Repo is an investment product relying on purchasing a securities by the Customer and selling it back at a future date (Buy Sell Back) or blocking a securities on a Bank account with simultaneous promise of later assigning rights to it (Repo). Transactions of this type are executed mainly on treasury bills and treasury bonds. Tenor of Buy Sell Back / Repo varies from 1 day to 3 months, and the minimum amount required to conclude such a transaction is 1.000.000 PLN.

Treasury bills (bony skarbowe) are short-term securities issued by the State Treasury, being sold at a discounted price and maturing at the nominal value on the maturity date. The redemption term for the bills is up to 364 days.

Bonds (obligacje)

Treasury bonds (obligacje skarbowe) are state securities issued by the Ministry of Finance with the purpose of financing the budget deficit. The redemption term for the bonds is a up to 20 years.

Municipal bonds (obligacje municypalne) are securities issued by cities and local administrative units with the purpose of obtaining funds for financing their business activity. The redemption term for municipal bonds varies from 4 days up to 10 years.

Corporate bonds (obligacje korporacyjne) are securities issued by enterprises with the purpose of obtaining funds for financing their business activity. The redemption term for corporate bonds varies from 4 days up to 10 years.

Assets portfolio management (zarzadzanie aktywami na zlecenie): Managing a portfolio of securities means that the assets entrusted to the Bank by the Customer are allocated in financial instruments available in the capital and money market. The trusted assets may be in the form of cash or securities (stocks, treasury bonds, treasury bills, etc.).

Custodial services

Escrow account (rachunek zastrzeżony) is intended for storing funds or securities, deposited by one of the parties to a transaction, which are then transferred to the other party thereto, upon fulfillment of certain conditions by that party. It is the most common type of account used during enterprise mergers and acquisitions, as well as during privatization processes. The account is kept in a variety of convertible currencies.

Securities account (rachunek papierów wartościowych) The securities account allows you to store domestic and foreign securities for the benefit of financial institutions, as well as to settle transactions on the securities into which these institutions enter.

The Securities account offer includes the following:

Financing business activity

Loan facilities (kredyty)

Overdraft protection: kredyt w rachunku bieżącym- This loan facility is intended for settling financial liabilities pertaining to the current business activity at times of temporary shortage of disposable means.

Revolving credit account: kredyt obrotowy- The loan facility is intended for covering liabilities resulting from financing the current business activity.

Cash credit account: kredyt kasowy- The credit is intended for financing current financial liabilities of the Customer.

Advance loan: kredyt `Zaliczka”- The loan is intended for financing liabilities pertaining to outstanding VAT invoices payable to domestic and foreign contractors and may be granted to Customers within the following limits:

Investment loan: kredyt inwestycyjny- The loan is intended for financing the borrower's current projects, the purpose of which is to increase the value of fixed assets.

Bridge loan: kredyt pomostowy- The loan is intended for temporary financing of expenses related to the current investment project, which is financed by a banking syndicate, until the syndicate grants an investment loan to the borrower.

Subsidized loan: kredyty preferencyjne- investment and revolving loans granted to relieve the outcomes of natural disasters, the so-called "disaster" loans

Syndicated loan: kredyty konsorcjalne- Syndicated loans are granted by several banks simultaneously to enable the Customer to obtain the expected amount for financing a single transaction. They can be used to finance even those large-scale transactions that exceed either the limits of credit of individual banks or the transaction risk profile, which limits the extent of potential involvement of an individual bank in the transaction. Syndicated transactions may involve amounts, which exceed 30,000,000 EUR. The largest ever syndicated loan organized in the Polish market amounted to the total of 900,000,000 EUR.    

Interest rate risk hedging (zabezpieczenie ryzyka stopy procentowej)

Transactions on bills of exchange (operacje wekslowe)

Discounting bills of exchange: dyskontowanie weksli- It is a service of purchasing bills of exchange by the Bank, before their time limit expires, at a price decreased by the discount interest rates

Honouring bills of exchange: akceptowanie weksli- When a bill of exchange is honored, the Bank undertakes to pay the bill within the bill's time limit. By honoring the bill of exchange, the Bank does not present funds for the bill, but only undertakes to pay the bill within its time limit

Debt instruments (instrumenty dłużne)

Issuing corporate bills and bonds: emisja bonów i obligacji korporacyjnych- Corporate bills and bonds are securities issued by enterprises with the purpose of obtaining funds for financing their business activity. The redemption term for corporate bonds covers the periods of 4 days up to 10 years.

Issuing municipal bonds: emisja bonów municipalnych- Municipal bonds are securities issued by cities and local administrative units with the purpose of obtaining funds for financing their business activity. The redemption term for municipal bonds covers the periods of 4 days up to 10 years.

Securing instruments (elementy zabezpieczające)

Bank guarantees in domestic trade: gwarancje w obrocie krajowym- a written obligation in which the Bank undertakes to pay a specific amount of money should the liabilities specified in the guarantee not be met or not be duly executed. A bank guarantee is granted upon request, and it secures contractual obligations strictly in accordance with the guarantee's contents.

Suretyship: poręczenia wg prawa cywilnego- Suretyship is a written obligation in which the Bank undertakes to pay a specific amount of money should the obligations specified in the surety not be met or not be duly executed. 

Aval: poręczenia wekslowe- an obligation in which the Bank undertakes to pay the full or partial amount of the bill of exchange, should the person for whom the Bank provided the aval fail to pay it.

Leasing services

Standart lease: leasing standardowy- Operating or financial lease services are intended for financing the purchase of chosen assets such as machinery and equipment, processing and assembly lines, computer and office equipment, etc.

Motor vehicle lease: leasing środków transportu

Real estate lease: leasing nieruchomości

Faktoring services

Foreign transactions

Payment instruments (instrumenty zapłaty)

Money order (remittance)

Money order in foreign trade means a transaction in which a foreign bank receives or sends a request to credit an account or to make payment of a particular amount of money for the benefit of a designated entity (beneficiary). 

 There are several types of money orders:

Payment order is an instruction received from a foreign bank (the ordering party's bank) to debit an account held in the receiving Bank and simultaneously to make payment (outgoing money order) for the benefit of a designated beneficiary/several beneficiaries.

Securing instruments (dokumenty zabezpieczające)

Financing transactions (finansowanie transakcji)

Purchase of receivables in foreign trade (skup wierzytelności w obrocie zagranicznym)- service based on a discount formula, which allows you to finance foreign trade transactions with a deferred term of payment.

Bills of exchange discount (dyskonto weksli)- It is a service of purchasing bills of exchange by the Bank, before their time limit expires, at a price decreased by the discount interest rates

Foreign exchange risk hedging (zabezpieczenie ryzyka walutowego)

Negotiated exchange transactions (negocjowane transakcje walutowe)- enable to adjust the current needs of foreign currencies buying / selling. The minimum amount allowing you to negotiate the exchange rate is 50.000 PLN or its equivalent in other currencies.


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