Exam metodyka rok 3 testing

  1. What is proper weighting in testing? -

2. This test can be used to expose difficult gaps in their knowledge and

skill deficiencies during a course. - diagnostic tests

3. These tests give a general picture of ss's knowledge and ability. - proficiency tests

4. A good test should give approximately consistent results. - realiability

5. A good test should check what it's supposed to check. - validity

6. Difference between a subjective test and an objective test

Objective tests - there is a clear correct answer and every marker would give the same marks to the same question e.g multiple- choice whereas in subjective tests the marking depends on the personal decision of the marker, different markers might give different mark for the same question e.g. essays

7. What categories of tests fall into according to the criterion: content

checked? discrete point testing specific individual language points in isolation,

integrative testing a number of items or skills may be tested in the same question e.g. a test of communicative ability might be an interview or participation in a group problem solving task.

8. What kind of test should be used to put ss to groups at particular

level? Placement tests

9. What are other qualities of a good test apart from reliability and


  1. do-ability

  2. clarity

  3. scorability

  4. interest

  5. heterogenity

10. Give a nice definition of a pop quiz

A short quiz which is intended to check Ss knowledge. Pop quiz consists of small amount of material. Pop quiz is not told ahead to students so that they are not able to prepare.

11.Teacher made test:

- help to show students the progress they are making

- show the students each set of goals which they have reached

- increase motivation, yielding (to produce) good results

12. What is an action research?

Research carried out by the teacher on phenomena in their own classroom. Action research is carried out by the practitioner, action research involves the collection, analysis and reporting data. Action research is based on case, real situation.

13.Reasons for doing action research.

1. to test theory

2. To try to understand and deal with practical problems facing teachers and students

3. to improve practice rather than to produce knowledge

14. 3 main steps to do action research.

1. identify a problem

2. design a solution

3. evaluate the result

15. What tools can be used for observation in action research ?

16. point to some problems the T should take into consideration before

taking action research.

  1. Lack of time

  2. Lack of expeience

  3. Lack of ongoing support

  4. Fear of incompetent teacher, being exposed as an incompetent teacher

  5. Fear of producing a public account of your research


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