history of britain Útes

Stonehenge completed - 1600BC

Julius Caesar's raids on Britain - 55,54 BC

Claudian conquest of Britain - 43 AD

Boudicca's revolt - 61

Hadrian Wall completed - 129

Roman rule ends in Britain - 409

Beginning of Anglo-Saxon invasions of Britain - 449

Christianization of Ireland by St. Patrick - 445

St. Augustine founds a monastery at Canterbury - 601

Synod of Whitby - 664

Venerable Bede completes the History of the English Church and People - 731

reign of Alfred the Great - 871-901

Treaty of Wedmore,878

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - 891-1154

Battle of Brunanburgh - 937

Battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings - 1066

Domesday Book - 1086

Magna Carta Libertatum - 1215

Simon de Montfort's parliament - 1265

Statute of Rhuddlan - 1284

Model Parliament - 1295

Battle of Bannockburn - 1314

Hundred Years' War - 1337-1453

Battle of Crecy - 1346

Black Death - 1348

Great Revolt of the Peasants - 1381

revolt of Owain Glyndwr - 1400-1415

Battle of Agincourt - 1415

Wars of the Roses - 1455-1485

Battle of Bosworth - 1485

Act of Supremacy - 1534

Wales legally incorporated by England - 1536,1542

Reign of Queen Elizabeth I - 1558-1603

Francis Drake circumnavigates the world - 1579-80

defeat of the Spanish Armada - 1588

personal union of England and Scotland - 1603

the Gunpowder Plot - 5 Nov 1605

the Authorized Version of the Bible - 1611

English Civil War - 1642-49

Execution of Charles I - 1649

the Commonwealth and the Protectorate - 1649-53/1653-60

Great Fire of London - 1666

Habeas Corpus Act - 1679

Glorious Revolution - 1688-89

English Bill of Rights - 1689

Battle of the Boyne - 1690

foundation of the Bank of England - 1694

Act of Settlement - 1701

Battle of Blenheim - 1704

Act of Union with Scotland, Great Britain comes in life - 1707

Jacobite Rebellion of Fifteen - 1715

Robert Walpole becomes the first Prime Minister - 1721

Battle of Culloden - 1746

Battle of Plassey - 1757

Captain Cook’s voyages - 1770-80

French Revolutionary War - 1792-1802

Battle of the Nile - 1798

Union of Great Britain and Ireland - 1801

Battle of Trafalgar - 1805

Battle of Waterloo - 1815

Catholic Emancipation Act - 1829

Great Reform Bill (First Reform Act) - 1832

abolition of slavery in all British dominions - 1833

Reign of Queen Victoria - 1837-1901

Chartist Movement - 1838-48

Crimean War - 1854-56

Indian Mutiny - 1857-58

British North America Act - 1868

The Boer War - 1880-81, 1899-1902

Labour Party first time in Parliament - 1905

Parliament Act - 1911

Gallipoli campaign - 1915

Battle of the Somme - 1916

Battle of Jutland - 1916

Easter Rising - 1916

George V changes the name of the Royal House to Windsor - 1917

Treaty of Versailles - 1919

Irish Free State established - 1921

Statute of Westminster - 1931

abdication of Edward VIII - 1936

Dunkirk evacuation - 26 V - 3 VI 1940

Battle of Britain - 10 VII - 31 X 1940

Battle of El Alamein and loss of Singapore - X 1942

Monte Cassino - 17 I - 18 V 1944

D-Day - 6 VI 1944

Operation Market Garden - 17-25 IX 1944


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