
  • Seldom

  • Never before

  • Not only

  • Hardly ever

  • Under any circumstances






we go out since the baby was born.

I seen such a beautiful woman.

they make a donation but they also promised to build a shelter for the homeless .

we have sweets when we were young.

You open this box.

So do I

Nor do I

So have we

Nor have we

So did she

Nor did she

So did they

Nor did they

So must she

Nor must she

She had no sooner fallen asleep than the telephone rang.


We not only got lost, but our car broke down .


Inwersja to przestawiony szyk zdania (zamiana miejscami podmiotu i orzeczenia), który pojawia się w języku angielskim bardzo często. Najczęstszym z użyć inwersji jest budowanie pytań z użyciem czasowników modalnych, "to be" lub "to have" oraz w tworzeniu zdań z "so", "neither", "nor", np:

What should I do?

Is he here?

Can you do this for me?

What would you like?

Is there a TV in here?

Must he complete this assignment for us?

So does she. / Nor do I. / Neither do I.

Oczywiście zastosowanie inwersji nie ogranicza się jedynie do tworzenia pytań. Inwersja występuje także w innych złożonych konstrukcjach.

W pisanym języku angielskim oraz w formalnym stylu, używamy inwersji w następujących przypadkach:

1. Inwersja po czasownikach wyrażających ruch oraz po wyrażeniach przysłówkowych odnoszących się do miejsca

In (Into the room) rushed the host with bad news.

Round the corner came the policeman.

2. Inwersja po negatywnych wyrażeniach przysłówkowych

Na przykład: not even once, in no way, under no circumstances, on no account (occasion), at no time, on no condition, not until, not only

In no way is Tom responsible for what has happened.

Under no circumstances can we free this man.

Not until she married him, did she realize what kind of person he was.

3. Inwersja po wyrażeniach przysłówkowych zaczynających się od "only"

Only after her speech did I realize how important the problem was.

Only after I completed (completing) the test did I realize how clever I was.

4. Inwersja po wykrzyknieniach z "here" oraz "there"

Here comes the hero!

There goes our little princess!

5. Inwersja po "seldom", "rarely", "never" w porównaniach

Seldom did I understand what they were saying

Never had I been so exhausted.

Rarely did she thank when complimented.

6. Inwersja po "hardly", "scarcely", "no sooner" kiedy jedna akcja następuje po drugiej

Hardly had I entered the room when the telephone rang.

Scarcely had I arrived when trouble started.

No sooner did I go out on my own than I realized that I needed more training.

  • Seldom

  • Rarely

  • Little

  • Barely

  • Nowhere (else)

  • Never (before)

  • Not (even) once

  • On no account

  • Only by

  • Only in this way

  • Only then

  • Hardly (ever)

  • No sooner

  • Not until/till

  • In no way

In/ Under no circumstances

Auxiliary Verb

Modal Verb

Rest sentence

  • Seldom

  • Never before

  • Not only

  • Hardly ever





we go out since the baby was born.

I seen such a beautiful woman.

they make a donation but they also

So do I

Nor do I

So have we

Nor have we

So did she

Nor did she

So did they

1)She had no sooner fallen asleep than the telephone rang.

No sooner had she fallen asleep than the telephone rang.

2) We not only got lost, but our car broke down .

Not only did we got lost but our car broke down.

So/ Nor

Modal verb

Auxiliary verb



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