Meta Humans ChapterOne Peek a Boo

Chapter One

Note to self: Meta-humans love turkey enchiladas.

Well, at least Peek-a-boo, I mean Shawna, likes them. She ate the whole pan then told me to tell my mom thanks. I can see it now… “Yo Momma, this hot, teleporting thief that I am obsessed with loved your enchiladas.” Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that one. I’d like to live a little bit longer. At least until the new Star Wars.

So girls like food. Got it. Why haven’t I figured this out sooner?! This could have saved me so many lost comics.

I sat in Shawna’s transport cell for the first time today. The mirrors are pretty creepy, but totally necessary. She is definitely a flight risk. Usually, when I try to say hey and bring her food and stuff she just turns around. I get it, privacy is important. My brother and I had to share a room through all high school and it was the worst! But back to my convo with Shawna, she went on and on about that stupid Clay Parker guy that left her hanging. Of course she still loves him… he’s a jerk and he’s dumb and I am smart and awesome and hello Friend zone, so nice to visit again. I wonder if they’ll pass out shirts this time around?

Shawna’s powers are pretty sick. Apparently if she doesn’t teleport correctly there are some minor explosions. So obviously, I designed a gun based on that exact idea. I call it the Peek-a-BOOM! And it is my new favorite. Get this. A gun that when you shoot it directly at an object, say a teddy bear, it teleports the object to the next place you aim, and then causes an explosion! So, its not that practical, no biggie. I’ll keep the Boom for leisure time. If only rebuilding the molecular structure of the plush toys was easier. Oh well, RIP S.T.A.R. Labs teddy bears. You died for awesomeness and science.

Oh crap, I should stop exploding these bears and give her one, shouldn’t I?! Meh. I feel like she’s the type that would appreciate the Peek-a-Boom more. That’s it! I’ll tell her she’s my meta-muse, give her the gun and she’ll fall madly in love with me… Or shoot me, but it’s worth the gamble.

To be continued…


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