3 The stereotypical image of the Polish

3. The stereotypical image of the Polish- What are our weaknesses and strengths?

We have loads of weaknesses and strong point. Many people, especially foreigners believe in the stereotypical image of the Polish. They think, that we are bored, forever complaining nation. We are complaining almost everything, about work, life, the health service and our politicians. Although we complain, we do nothing in order change it.

Other nations think also that we are intolerant. We sometimes tell a racist comment about the Africans or the Jew. We often joke about these nationalities.

Add we are regarded as the thieves. We are famous for stolen cars. Amount of crimes in Poland is very high, so tourist are very suspicious of us.

At least, we are famous for drinking. We like drink so much, most vodka and we like also have a great time. So other nations think, that Poles are dismissive.

In spite of many wrong side, we have also many good side. For example we are famous for hospitality. Poles are good friends, who always help in need. Add, we are appreciated for respect for the family. In the work, we are people, who are well organized and people who are trying to become achievers.

I think, that we have many advantages and many disadvantages. Anyway, no nation is perfect.


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