gerund infinitive ex

1) I can't imagine Peter (go) by bike.
2) He agreed (buy) a new car.
3) The question is easy (answer).
4) The man asked me how (get) to the airport.
5) I look forward to (see) you at the weekend.
6) Are you thinking of (visit) London?
7) We decided (run) through the forest.
8) The teacher expected Sarah (study) hard.
9) She doesn't mind (work) the night shift.
10) I learned (ride) the bike at the age of 5.
1) We decided (buy) a new car.
2) They've got some work (do).
3) Peter gave up (smoke) .
4) He'd like (fly) an aeroplane.
5) I enjoy (write) picture postcards.
6) Do you know what (do) if there's a fire in the shop?
7) Avoid (make) silly mistakes.
8) My parents wanted me (be) home at 11 o'clock.
9) I dream about (build) a big house.
10) I'm hoping (see) Lisa.

Początek formularza

1. I had to ask the boys (stop) (ride) their mini-scooters in the corridor.
2. Don't start (try) (learn) algebra before you have finished (learn) (do) simple things in arithmetic.
3. We can't think of (buy) a new house before (sell) the old one.
4. I'd love (have) the opportunity of (meet) you again.
5. Our teacher has promised (help) us (prepare) for next week's test.
6. I hate (get up) early in winter and (get ready) in the dark.

7. If you can't fix that old thing, try (hit) it with a hammer!
8. I saw her (sit) at the bus stop, and I heard her (tell) her friend not to wait for her.
9. Poor Charles! The police suspected him of (try) (sell) stolen bicycles.
10.Can you manage (finish) (pack) these parcels alone?

Dół formularza

Don't forget to put in a preposition if necessary!

1. I look forward (go) to London.
2. I don't mind (go) by boat.
3. At one stage I thought (become) a sailor, but I missed the opportunity (join) the Navy and am now accustomed (live) a quiet life.
4. Actually, it was my father who prevented me (work) on a ship and who sent me back to school.
5. John succeeded (solve) the puzzle.
6. Bill insisted (be) present.
7. I am used (get) up early.
8. Harry is interested (talk) to Julia.
9. I am tired (listen).
10. Jane is keen (dance).

1. I want you (apologize) for your bad behaviour.
2. I look forward (see) you.
3. You had better (go) home.
4. The general ordered his soldiers (attack) the town.
5. Excuse me for making you (write) these silly sentences.
6. I disapprove (you, watch) TV every night.
7. Woody Allen used (live) in this house.
8. I'm used (work) hard.
9. I dream (go) to San Francisco and (spend) some time in Fisherman's Wharf.
10. It's no use (apologize) now.

1. Nobody minds (they, sing) in the bath, but I'd prefer (they, not sing) in the classroom.
2. He prefers (read) letters ..... (write) them.
3. I'd hate (have to do) this exercise again.
4. My parents do not approve (I, be) out late at night.
5. They prevented (I, make) a stupid mistake.
6. I object (you, want) (help) my friend.
7. He used (mind) (go) to school.
8. I hate (must) (get up) early.
9. I am busy (try) (make) him (write) these sentences.
10. Busby was accused (be) a murderer.


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