Chapter 2 Appendix 1 Rev 09

Masters/SSO Preparation Check list for Company Requirements for a Voyage in High Risk Area

2.2.1 – Check of Additional Security Measures in Good Time prior to arrival at High Risk Area

Nr Item Action taken Comments
Yes No
1 Razor wire to be checked, and purchase if necessary (see Annex B for ensuring sufficient amount of Razor wire)
2 Personnel protection equipment for deploying razor wire to be checked and purchased if necessary
3 Implement measures to prevent / delay pirates’ access to the accommodation including stowing of ladders, if possible, or by blocking all outside ladders leading to all deck´s, by means of steel grating or similar material. (See Annex B for examples)
4 Has there been implemented any other passive defense measures from the vessels side other than above.

2.2.2 – Check of Vessels Equipment in Good Time prior to arrival at High Risk Area

Nr Item Action taken Comments
Yes No

SSAS Test Call (if not test within the last month)

Deck light tested

Search light tested

Alarm bells

Communication equipment

Fire pumps

Fire hoses use for anti piracy measures to be fitted and tested on locations

Check locking device for all access doors / hatches

Firefighting equipment ready for use, inside the accommodations / engine room

2 Configure machinery for optimum speed speed and maneuvers.

2.2.3 – Appointment of Citadel & Preparation of Citadel.

Nr Item Action taken Comments
Yes No
1 Appointment of a Citadel “safe area according to Chapter 11 / 11.1

When the Citadel has been appointed access doors shall be properly secured,

see Annex B for examples

3 The CSO shall be informed about the locations of the Citadel

Preparations of Equipment in the Appointed Citadel.

Water and provision for 4 days

First Aid kit / Medicine


Equipment standby on the Bridge to bring in the Citadel:

Portable VHF radios (GMDSS Radios including spare batteries), shall be test form the Citadel to the forecastle area

Satellite telephone, if possible, the telephone shall be tested from the citadel to the CSO

List of emergency telephone numbers.

Entry password agreed between the Company and Master ( see Chapter 11.1.2)

2.2.4 – Crew Instruction & Training prior to arrival at High risk Area.

Nr Item Action taken Comments
Yes No
1 Crew instructions about the High Risk Area & Gulf of Aden, recorded in the logbook
2 Conduct additional safety meeting focused on piracy and and crew duties including evacuation to the Citadel and securing of the Citadel

Going through the company Contingency Plan with for the area, and the Contingency Plan in the SSP

With special focus on.

In the event of an attack

Recommendation to crew in the Citadel

If boarded by Pirates

In the Event of a Military Action.

4 Piracy muster alarm to be agreed.
5 Conduct Piracy Attack drills, (training on evacuation of crew to the citadel and communication between the bridge and the crew in the Citadel)
6 Information’s to crew lookout on the bridge (24 hours)
7 Crew instructed to keep to keep a tight lookout and inform the duty officer immediately if an suspicious is observed, (Introduction to Annex C)
8 Information’s to crew that additional lookout(s) can be called on the bridge
9 Informing the crew that work outside the superstructure is restricted upon Master decision

2.2.5 – Voyage Planning

Nr Item Action taken Comments
Yes No
1 Voyage Planning according to Chapter 6 and send to the Company

2.2.6 – Details for Vessels Registration of Vessels Movements at MSCHOA

Nr Item Action taken Comments
Yes No
1 MSCHOA Registration; Details necessary for registration of vessels movements within MSCHOA area shall be submitted to the CSO for registration at MSCHOA Vessels Movement Registrations Area, see Chapter 7

2.2.6 – Communications Planning.

Nr Item Action taken Comments
Yes No
1 List of emergency contact details to placed near the radio station, (Annex A can be used)
2 Prepare emergency e-mails ect fast communications to UKMTO / company in case of an potential incident or attack ( Reporting Format see Chapter 9)

Prepare emergency format for fast communications via VHF, nearby the VHF radio,

(Reporting Format See Chapter 9)

Name of Vessel Name of Master/SSO Date/Sign

Appendix 1 shall be send to Company Security Officer when completed*

Appendix 1 shall be filed in the record folder for High Risk Area documentations.

* If Annex 1 can’t be send to the Company Security Officer due limitations in the vessels communications equipment above implementations shall be confirmed to the

Company Security officer on e-mail; the e-mail send to the CSO shall be attached to this appendix, and the CSO reply shall also be attached to this appendix.


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