Angol Ściąga Matura

Dear Bob

hope you’re well. Guess what? I’m in England at the moment. I’m doing a six-week English course in oxford and I’m having a great time.

I’m staying with an English family near the language school. the parents are both teacher and there are two teenage boys and a little girl. One of the boys is my age. His name’s joe. They’re all realy friendly people.I go to the language school every morning, but in the afternoon I have free time. I sometime go on trips but other times I stay at home and study. I often go out in the evening with sam and see the oxford night- life.[

Oxford is a really nice town. It’s very historical but it’s lively too. There’s always lots of different things to do.

Say “hi” to everybody at home!


Dear Hannah.

I hope you don’t mind, but bobby smith gave me your name and address. I really want to write to people in America because I want to practice my English.

First, let me tell you about me. I’m eighteen years old. I’m quite tall and medium-built. I’ve got dark hair and brown eyes. I’m quite a sociable person so I like meeting new people and having fun.

I live in warsaw. Since it’s a big city, there’s always a lot to do. I enjoy going out with my friends. We usually go to each other’s houses because we don’t have a lot of money to spend. Sometime we go shopping or to the cinema.

I met bobby at a friend’s party about a month ago. He’s a really nice guy. He’s told me all about new york. I’d love to visit it one day.

Please write soon.


Dear sir or madam

I am writing to complain about a recent stay at your hotel. I was guest at your hotel for two weeks from 1st to 14th September this year. I was very disappointed about some of the things that happened.

Firstly, I stayed in a single room on the ground floor near the function room. My room was very small and it was not very clean. It was also very noisy at the weekend because there were parties going on each night.

I would also like to complain about the food. In general it was expensive ant there was little choise. In addition the service was slow and the staff were unfriendly.

I would like you to refund part of the cost of my stay because I feel that my holiday was ruined.

I look forward to hearing from you very soon.

Yours faithfully


Dear sir or madam

I saw an advert for your computing courses in my local paper and I am writing to request more information.

I would be grateful if you would send me some details information about your courses and also about accommodation in the area.

I am 18 years old and I am from Poland. however, I would like to spend some time in England studying. I have done several courses already. I also have a good command of English. I am interested in doing a course that involves using software related to accountancy at university next year.

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours faightfully.


Dear sir or madam

I saw your advert in my local paper for people to work on a children’s activity camp in wales and I am writing to apply for the position of camp organizer. I am 19 years old polish psychology student at university in London and I wish to specialize and work with children. I think working on children’s camps is a great way to going experience in a fun environment.

I am an active person and love all sports. I am particularly good at water sports and have done courses in sailing. I already have some experience with children as I have worked on children’s camps in Poland. I believe that I am a good candidate for the position because I am responsible and fun-loving person.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your reply.

Yours faightfully.


Dear editor

I Have just read your article titled ‘’multicultural london’’ which appeared in last Saturday’s paper. I am writing to congratulate you on including such an interesting piece. In my opinion this kind of article will help many people visiting Britain to understand what an interesting place it can be.

I am from Poland but I am studying in London. I could not agree more that London is a diverse and fascinating place to be. It’s great to meet people from other cultures and learn about their culture and let’s not forget their food . one of the best things about London is that you can find restaurants that serve food from almost every country in the world.

I hope you will publish more articles about this subject for example about life in another multicultural city such as Liverpool.

I hope you will publish my letter.

Yours sincerely


Dear sir or madam

While I was on holiday in London last week I bought a pair of black jeans in your shop. Unfortunately I did not have time to try them on and when I got home to Poland I discovered that they did not fit. They are too big. I was quiet upset because I like this particular style of jeans.

I am returning the jeans to you along with the receipt. I would be grateful if you sent me another pair of these jeans in size 12. I am sure if you have more of these jeans in black, so if you send me blue jeans instead that will be fine.

I look forward to hearing from you.

yours faithfully


Hi Lizzy

How are you? I’m in London and having a great time! Guess what? I went to Wimbledon yesterday! My favourite bit was watching the match between Nadal and Federer. They are amazing good players. Tomorrow I’m going to go on the London Eye. It’s quite hot here at the moment so I may go to the park as well.

See you soon!




Please come to a party to celebrate the end of our curse.

The party will take place at The Eagle Pub on Green street

The party will start at 8 pm on Friday 16th August.

There will be an international theme so please bring a traditional dish from your country if you can!

Contact Kasia to tell us if you can come.

Hope to see you there!


I’ve found us a furnished flat in green St. it’s on the 2nd floor and it’s quite big. There are three bedrooms a living room a kitchen a bathroom etc. it’s got central heating and small balcony . the rent isn’t too bad, i.e. it’s 800 pound a month. I think we should see it asap. I spoke to the landlord and he’s meeting us there tomorrow at 3 pm . Is that OK with you??

See you later


P.S. Sam wants to come too. She might rent the third bedroom.


We are planning a clean beach day at Brighton beach. We thik litter is a big problem because it pollutes our land and our sea. There is already a lot of pollution in our sea from ships.

People of all ages are welcome to help! It doesn’t matter how old or young you are.

It’s always fun to spend a day at the beach with your family. Come to the beach this Saturday and help fight pollution!

Everyone can help to look after the environment .

Hi Louise

I just wanted to let you know that Anna has gone into hospital. She fell down the stairs and hit her head this afternoon and the doctors want to check she’s OK .

I’m planning on going to see her this evening. Do you want to meet me there?

We could buy her some flowers or some chocolates.

Let me know if you can make it!

Bye for now,



We’re pleased to announce a MUSIC COMPETITION at the college.

To take part…

You need to EIGTER play a musical instrument OR sing.

You can enter on your own or as part of a group .

Prizes include: Tickets to MAJOR concert at WEMBLEY, CDS, T-shirts and badges.

If you’re interested , contact Jasmine in Music Department by Tuesday.


We are organized a day for local people to pick up litter on the beach.

Litter is a big problem on our beaches because it can injure wildlife.

We want volunteers of all ages to come and help us!

To take part you only need to turn up on the beach this Saturday


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