Listening and speaking transport K Karczewska

Prepared by:

Katarzyna Karczewska

Date: 2.06.2012


5th grade primary school



Main aims
  • To practice listening (skimming and scanning)

  • To practice speaking

  • By the end of the lesson students will be able to

Materials Handouts adapted from the book: Family and friends 6 by Jenny Quintana, Oxford
Anticipated problems SS may not be familiar with vocabulary. Solution: T will try to elicit meanings of words from students.
Stage Activity/method Objective Procedure

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3




To practice skimming skill

To practice scanning skill

To practice speaking

Students are going to hear a man talking to some schoolchildren about his job. SS have listen and find out what Mr Jones’s job is. After the recording is played the teacher elicits the answer from the students (see Appendix 1).

Students listen to the recording once again and they must mark the sentences True or False (see Appendix 2). SS have time to read the sentences beforehand. The answers are checked together.

T starts by asking the questions (see Appendix 3) to SS. Then Ss will work in pairs. One student will ask the questions and the other will answer using prompts or his/her own ideas. Then they change. T monitors activity, check the pronunciation and helps if necessary.

Appendix 1


Teacher Good morning, children. This month’s special guest to our school is a helicopter pilot. Children, please welcome Mr Jones!

Mr Jones It’s nice to meet you all.

Teacher When did you first become a pilot, Mr Jones?

Mr Jones Well, I started flying planes when I was eighteen. Then, after two years, I trained to become a helicopter pilot.

Teacher What kind of jobs do you do?

Mr Jones I help the police and the ambulance services.

Teacher Why do you need helicopter to help?

Mr Jones Well, helicopters can get to most place quickly, so they can take people to hospital quickly too.

Teacher Do you do other jobs as well?

Mr Jones Yes, I take famous and important people to parties and meetings. I enjoy meeting them all.

Teacher How interesting. Now, children, do you have any questions?

Boy 1 Who’s the most interesting famous person you’ve met?

Mr Jones I once took an African prince to an important meeting in Scotland. He was a really interesting person.

Teacher Jessica?

Girl What’s the best bit about being a helicopter pilot?

Mr Jones I love being in the sky so high. On a clear day, it’s beautiful to look down at the Earth.

Teacher George?

Boy 2 What’s the worst bit?

Mr Jones I sometimes have to get up at five o’clock in the morning.

Teacher That’s very early. Are there any more questions? Ben….

Appendix 2

Listen and write True or False

  1. Mr Jones has been flying helicopters since he was 18.

  2. He sometimes takes people to hospital.

  3. He dislikes working with famous people.

  4. He took an African prince to his house.

  5. He hates being so high in the sky.

  6. Some of his work starts very early.

Answers: 1 False, 2 True, 3 False, 4 False, 5 False, 6 True

Appendix 3

Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own ideas.


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