Provide the spelling of the following words.

  1. ˈeɪkə Answer

  2. ˌælɪˈgeɪʃənz Answer

  3. ˌɔːskəlˈteɪʃən Answer

  4. ˈkælɪbə Answer

  5. tʃɔː Answer

  6. klɪˈnɪʃən Answer

  7. ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs Answer

  8. kənˈteɪdʒəs Answer

  9. kreʃ Answer

  10. ˈkʌlɪnəri Answer

  11. ˈdaɪəfræm Answer

  12. ˌdaɪəˈtɪʃən Answer

  13. ɪˈrætɪkəli Answer

  14. feɪtl Answer

  15. ˈfɪgəz Answer

  16. ˈfræktʃəd Answer

  17. ˈheɪsən Answer 

  18. haɪˈpɒθəsaɪzd Answer

  19. ɪmˈpiːd Answer

  20. ˌaɪˈreɪt Answer

  21. ˈnʌkəlz Answer

  22. lɪmz Answer

  23. ˈmiːgə Answer

  24. ˈnɔːziə Answer

  25. ˈnɒkʃəs Answer

  26. fɪˈnɒmɪnəl Answer

  27. fɪˈziːk Answer

  28. prəˈsiːdʒə Answer

  29. ˈsaɪkɪk Answer

  30. pəˈsjuːt Answer

  31. ˈkwɪzd Answer

  32. ˌriːəˈses Answer

  33. ˌriːəmˈbɜːst Answer

  34. rɪˈspɪrətərɪ Answer

  35. skɜːdʒ Answer

  36. struːn Answer

  37. tekˈnɪʃən Answer

  38. θɔːd Answer

  39. ˌθerəˈpjuːtɪk Answer

  40. ˈθerəpiz Answer

  41. ˈθʌrəli Answer

  42. ˈtɪŋktʃə Answer

  43. ˈtɪʃuː Answer

  44. ˈtretʃərəs Answer

  45. traɪˈʌmfəl Answer

  46. ʌnhaɪˈdʒiːnik Answer

  47. ʌnˈjiːldɪŋ Answer

  48. ˈvæksiːn Answer

  49. ˈvɪə Answer

  50. wuːnd Answer

Provide the spelling of the words written in phonetic script.

1. Recently there has been another breakthrough in the /relm/ Answer of genetic engineering.

2. AIDS was /dʌbd/ Answer the scourge of the twentieth century.

3. It never /ˈsiːsɪz/ Answer to amaze me.

4. Such disorders can produce physical symptoms like acne, egzema and /aːˈθraɪtɪs/ Answer.

5. He was deported for the /ˈfrɔːdjələnt/ Answer practice of medicine.

6. Such operations are carried out using /maɪˈnjuːt/ Answer probes.

7. With the benefit of /ˈhaɪndsaɪt/ Answer we can avoid drawing erroneous conclusions.

8. I wonder why he keeps rubbing his /paːmz/ Answer together.

9. I have a /ˈsniːkiŋ/ Answer suspicion that my mother is right.

10. The latest invention should /ˈheisən/ Answer the discovery of cure for this disease.

Having completed exercise 11 from page 102, study the sentences below to see where the unused words can go (the words from the example are also included). You may have to change the form or function of these words.

Find the missing verbs to complete the phrasal verbs given below.

Find the missing adverbs in the phrasal verbs given below.

  1. A surgeon carries Answer an operation, and a GP carries Answer treatment.

  2. A doctor makes Answer a prescription and a pharmacist makes Answer his/her prescription.

  3. A terminally ill patient passes Answer, and some of the relatives might pass Answer on hearing the news.

  4. Should your hair fall Answer as a result of stress, you'd better fall Answer on old time remedies.

  5. The best way to work Answer your energy is to work Answer in a gym.

  6. When you come Answer with scarlet fever you usually come Answer in a rash.

  7. Although an illness pulls one Answer, one finally manages to pull Answer.

  8. The fact that she can't get Answer without a walking stick gets her Answer.

  9. I can't understand why so many specialist physicians look Answer on those members of medical staff whose job is to lookAnswer patients on a regular basis.

Complete the phrases below.

Complete the sentences by translating the text in brackets into English. Use 1-2 words.

  1. This beer was [ pierwotnie warzone ] Answer for their health benefits.

  2. The stray [ kundel ] Answer turned tail and disappeared in the bushes.

  3. He denied having [ zdefraudował ] Answer the company's funds.

  4. [ Oskarżony ] Answer pleaded not guilty.

  5. Her [ siedzący tryb życia ] Answer has greatly contributed to her obesity.

  6. They had their house covered with a [ w kształcie kopuły ] Answer roof.

  7. He used a [ prowizoryczny ] Answer cylinder to auscultate his patients.

  8. In your condition, foods high in [ tłuszcze nasycone ] Answer should be avoided at all costs.

  9. In addition to dizziness, other symptoms of [ zawrotów głowy ] Answer include blurred vision and nausea.

  10. Here you will find a complete list of [ bieżące badania ] Answer projects.

  11. We stood gazing at an impressive collection of [ ziołowe nalewki ] Answer sitting on the kitchen worktop.

  12. It suddenly dawned on me that I was in the [ niewłaściwy pas ruchu ] Answer

Which part of your body:

Match the following parts of the body with words that they are associated with.

  1. ankle - Answer

  2. artery - Answer

  3. bone - Answer

  4. ear - Answer

  5. lungs - Answer

  6. muscles - Answer

  7. retina - Answer

  8. skin - Answer

  9. stomach - Answer

  10. tooth - Answer

Find the missing prepositions.

  1. I refrained Answer eating fish Answer fear of choking Answer a fishbone. 

  2. She is so petrified Answer dogs that she always keeps a stick close Answer hand. 

  3. Contrary Answer popular belief, disabled people are capable Answer extraordinary feats. 

  4. Her physiotherapist has been successful Answer making her walk again Answer less than two months. 

  5. Answer the benefit of hindsight we now know that lack of exercise has definitely contributed Answer his health problems. 

  6. You should be aware Answer the fact that too big an intake of carbohydrates in your daily diet is detrimental Answer health Answerthe long run. 

  7. They keep their children in baby walkers for hours Answer end Answer the hope that they will learn to walk sooner. 

  8. Doctors have traditionally taken Answer the role of father figure, making decisions Answer behalf of their patients. 

  9. We would like to publicly comment Answer people not being warned Answer possible recurrences of the epidemic. 

  10. Doing exercise Answer a regular basis is essential Answer maintaining good physical condition. 

  11. One of the nurses was asked to see Answer the newly admitted patients, making sure that they were entitled Answer free medical care. 

  12. Having passed the exam Answer an A made me want to sing Answer the top of my voice.


  1. I was losing Answer weight, so I turned to Answer homeopath who had Answer extensive knowledge of Answer natural cures. Now that I have regained all Answer weight I lost I have stopped shopping for Answer food at health food stores and started visiting Answer local marketplace more often. 

  2. Answer death toll following Answer recent earthquake has risen to over Answer thousand. 

  3. We need to replace Answer battery with Answer new one.

  4. I would like you to be aware of Answer fact that I attach Answer great importance to your opinions.

  5. When driving to Answer work, she had Answer severe cramp and, as Answer result, had Answer serious car crash.

  6. They were out in Answer full force this morning blocking Answer shopping district and temporarily halting Answer traffic in Answerdowntown area.

  7. Answer lab tests revealed that Answer iron deficiency was Answer cause of Answer problem. 

  8. With Answer benefit of Answer hindsight, the girl should have been treated for Answer pneumonia rather than Answer cold. 

  9. After Answer operation you will suffer Answer little discomfort, but you shouldn't stay in Answer bed for more than Answer couple of days.

  10. Answer amount of Answer paperwork I had to do those days proved to have Answer detrimental effect on my eyesight. 

  11. With Answer police in Answer hot pursuit, Answer thieves took to their heels.

Each of the paraphrased sentences needs to be completed using the passive voice.

1. They could have listened to him.

If only he Answer.

2. They couldn't do much to save his life.

Little Answer back to life.

3. They shouldn't take his proposal into consideration.

His proposal oughtn't Answer as an option.

4. They are likely to hold him responsible for the delay.

He will Answer for the delay.

5. They admitted him into the clinic without delay after they had diagnosed him with leukemia.

Having Answer he Answer the clinic without delay.

6. They should write to Professor Black.

It's high time Professor Black Answer.

7. I can't stand when people don't talk about me.

I hate Answer.

8. The teacher frog-marched them to the principal's office.

We saw Answer to the principal's office.

9. Everybody knows that somebody deceived her.

She Answer in.

10. They wouldn't stop making fun of me.

I kept Answer at.

11. Why hasn't the company updated the shareholders on the latest investments?

The shareholders should Answer the latest investments.

12. The police will start acting only if somebody has burgled your house.

Action Answer only if your house Answer into.

13. Let's put off dealing with the case until tomorrow.

The case Answer tomorrow.

14. They've just let us know about the cancellation of the trip.

We've just Answer that the trip Answer off.

15. People say that his business is looking up.

His business is Answer.

16. There are rumours that she had twenty operations.

She Answer twenty operations.

17. They expected that their children would pass the driving test first time.

Their children Answer the driving test first time.

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate idioms (they all contain parts of the body).
The number at the end of each sentence tells you how many words should be used.

1.As soon as they saw the soldiers coming, they Answer (= run away quickly). 4

2. There's only one secretary working for the whole accounts department and the poor woman is Answer (= overworked). 4

3.I do a bit of teaching now and then just to Answer (= remain good at it). 4

4. You can’t just let her do whatever she wants, you will have to Answer (= be firm with her). 4

5.The strikes Answer the economy Answer (= ruined). 4

6. I haven’t even got the receipt to prove where I bought it, so I don’t have Answer (= I can’t prove it). 5

7. Parents of young children have to Answer (= be very watchful and alert). 8

8.Business was good and we were making money Answer (= very quickly). 3

Fill in the gaps with one word.

1.Do you think the vaccine Answer cancer will ever be discovered?

2.Knowing that his daughter was in good hands gave her Answer of mind.

3.She acted Answer instinct when she hit the burglar and started running.

4. John did it Answer hope Answer becoming rich.

5.I attach a lot of importance Answer my mother’s opinion.

6. She got scared when she saw him panting Answer breath.

7. After the accident she became deaf Answer one ear.

8. With the rising tensions in the region, war seems to be close Answer hand

9. A scandal involving the president was Answer the headlines Answer several months.

10.The success of this surgery will hinge Answer the skills of the surgeon.

11.I feel like my kids grew Answer in front of me in the Answer of an eye.

12. The reporter's question caught the Senator Answer guard.

Choose the best option.

1.The nurse was with me when I came _______ after the operation.

Select one:

a. round

b. in

c. about

d. around

2.When Ella heard that she'd won a million dollars, she was so shocked that she passed ______.

Select one:

a. out

b. about

c. on

d. after

3.George won't be at the office today. He came ______ with the flu over the weekend.

Select one:

a. up

b. out

c. in

d. down

4. The speech was so boring that several people in the audience nodded _______ before it was finished.

Select one:

a. down

b. off

c. back

d. out

5.Katy was really upset when she failed the test. She thought she would never get _______ feeling so stupid.

Select one:

a. about

b. over

c. with

d. out

6.Amy's father got out of the hospital last week. The family is caring ___ him at home.

Select one:

a. for

b. with

c. about

d. off

7. When I told Gina that she'd won a million dollars, she fainted. When she came _______, I told her it was a joke and she almost hit me!

Select one:

a. in

b. out

c. round

d. over

8. She has put ______ a good few pounds since she started working in a bakery.

Select one:

a. off

b. on

c. down

d. up

9. Something important came _______ at work and I had to cancel my dentist appointment.

Select one:

a. in

b. down

c. up

d. out

10. They were finding it hard to keep ________ with the demand.

Select one:

a. after

b. on

c. up

d. in


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