Business documents Unit 8: Formal letters
Dear Mr Black,
I am writing to remind you that your account with us is currently overdue. Please find enclosed a statement of your account, which shows a balance due of $1,750.
If there is some reason why you have not been able to send your payment, please call us to discuss the problem. If it would be more convenient, please feel free to reply by email to
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Hannah Koch
Sales Manager
A final reminder
Mr Black,
On January 14 we called your attention to the outstanding balance of $1,750 on your account. According to our records we have still not received payment nor have we received a reply to our letter.
We extended credit to you on your account in good faith and expected payment under our normal thirty day terms, which we feel are most reasonable. So that no further action on our part will be necessary, we would appreciate your immediate settlement or the courtesy of a reply explaining why payment is being withheld.
Yours sincerely,
Hannah Koch
Sales Manager
Dear Ms Koch,
Your letter arrived while my assistant was on vacation and I am afraid your invoice was mislaid. I enclose a cheque for $1,750 – please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Our customers are very pleased with your spare parts, and I look forward to placing another order with you in the near future.
Gilroy Black
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