Business documents Unit 7: A summary
Sean presented the results of a strategic analysis he had carried out of Galway Software’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; he went on to recommend that Galway Software should take over Oranmore Video Games, and took questions from the audience.
Sean started the presentation by highlighting Galway’s reputation for innovation, quality, service and specialization. He added that careful financial management meant that the company had virtually no debt. He pointed out several areas of weakness, namely shortage of space, salary costs, recruitment and size. He stressed that a small company in a niche market was especially vulnerable.
The presentation focused next on the opportunities represented by new technologies and globalization. In particular, recruitment in E. Europe and outsourcing to India offered attractive solutions to some of the company’s problems. Sean emphasized the opportunities for external growth which he would develop in his recommendation.
The biggest threat facing the company was its suitability as a takeover target for a larger firm. In the final section of his presentation, Sean made the case for taking over Oranmore Video Games; he claimed that this strategy would not only make the company less vulnerable to takeover, but would provide opportunities for diversification, economies of scale and expansion. A handout was distributed giving details of the takeover strategy.
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