Business documents Unit 5: A report
Our two major competitors have recently introduced animated sales reps to their web sites. This report examines the marketing, technical and financial issues involved, and outlines the benefits we could expect to gain from using this technology.
Studies show that conversational agents can increase sales by 30% by converting browsers to customers. Easytail, our application service provider, have made a proposal to design and install a conversational agent; the system could be operational in two months, and the cost represents an increase of approximately 12% over our current e-tailing overhead. Results from focus groups show that 20% of visitors to our site would appreciate the help of an animated sales rep, 55% are not sure of the benefits, and 25% would definitely not use the service.
Installing a conversational agent will ensure that we do not fall further behind the N. American market leaders. It will also give us a competitive advantage over our smaller, European competitors. Even without achieving the objective of a 30% increase in turnover, a small increase of 6 to 7% in sales will be sufficient to cover investment and running costs.
We should install the conversational agent as soon as possible. However, we should insist that Easytail ensure that interactive help is only offered to those customers who have expressed an interest in the service, in order not to intrude on our customers’ privacy.
Emily Hansen
E-sales manager
22 February 2007
Marketing Background
Our existing e-tailing business
The proposed new service, design & costs
Focus group results
Summary table
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