Super Simple Songs Three Lyrics and¬tions

Super Simple Songs Three Lyrics and Actions

2. Hello Hello

Hello, hello. (Wave one hand, then the other hand)
Can you clap your hands? (Clap!)
Hello, hello. (Wave!)
Can you clap your hands? (Clap!)

Can you stretch up high? (Stretch!)
Can you touch your toes? (Bend down and touch your toes)
Can you turn around? (Turn around)
Can you say hello? (Wave, then say hello to as many people as you can!)

Hello, hello. (Wave!)
Can you stamp your feet? (Stamp your feet.)
Hello, hello. (Wave!)
Can you stamp your feet? (Stamp your feet.)

Can you stretch up high? (Stretch!)
Can you touch your toes? (Bend down and touch your toes)
Can you turn around? (Turn around)
Can you say hello? (Wave, then say hello to as many people as you can!)

Hello, hello. (Wave!)
Can you clap your hands? (Clap!)
Hello, hello. (Wave!)
Can you stamp your feet. (Stamp your feet!)

2. Open Shut Them (and Other Opposites)

Open shut them, open shut them. (Open and shut your hands.)
Give a little clap, clap, clap. (Clap.)
Open shut them, open shut them. (Open and shut your hands.)
Put them in your lap, lap, lap. (Pat your legs.)

Big and small. Big and small. (Spread your hands out wide, and then put them together close.)
Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.
Big and small. Big and small.
Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.

Please/No thank you. Please/No thank you. (Clasp your hands under your chin as if asking for something, then shake your head and wave your hand in front of your face as if saying, "No thank you.")
Please, please, please, please. No thank you.
Please/No thank you. Please/No thank you.
Please, please, please, please. No thank you.

Fast and slow. Fast and slow. (Move your hands round and round quickly, and then slowly.)
Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow
Fast and slow. Fast and slow.
Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow

Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet. (Cup your hands around your mouth and shout, and then put your finger in front of your mouth like you are saying, "shhhh.")
Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh! Quiet.
Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet.
Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh! Quiet.

Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo. (Place your hands in front of your face and then quickly move them away as you say, "boo!")
Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo!
Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo.
Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo!

3. BINGO (Learn It)

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

* = clap

4. BINGO (Play With It)

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.


There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
(* = clap)

Pat your legs!

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
(* = pat your legs)

Pat your tummy!

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
(* = pat your tummy!)

Pat your head!

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
(* = pat your head!)


There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
(* = jump!)

There was a farmer had a dog
and Bingo was his name-o.
B-I-N-G-O (jump, clap, and sing the letters)
And Bingo was his name-o.

6. We All Fall Down

(Make a big circle.)

Walk around the circle. (Walk in a circle.)
Walk around the circle.
Walking, walking. 
We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.)

(Everybody stands up.)
Gallop around the circle. (Gallop like a horse.)
Gallop around the circle.
Galloping, galloping.
We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.)

(Everybody stands up.)
Tiptoe around the circle. (Walk quietly on your toes and whisper.)
Tiptoe around the circle.
Tiptoe, tiptoe.
We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground, and stay there for the next verse.)

(yawn) I'm so sleepy! (Yawn and stretch.)

Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy. (Pretend to be falling asleep.)
I'm so sleepy.
(yawn) (snore) (Everybody pretends to sleep.)

(When the alarm clock goes off, say "Wake up!" Everybody "wakes up" and stands up.)

Hop around the circle. (Hop.)
Hop around the circle.
Hopping, hopping.
We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.)

Twirl around the circle. (Spin around and around in circles.)
Twirl around the circle.
Twirling, twirling.
We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.)

Hop around the circle. (Hop.)
Twirl around the circle. (Twirl.)
Hopping, twirling. (Hop and twirl.)
We all fall down. (Everybody falls to the ground.)

7. Rain Rain Go Away (Learn It)

Rain, Rain. (Move your fingers down like falling rain.) 
Go away. (Push your hands out, as if you were pushing the rain away.)
Come again another day. (Make a "come here" motion with your hands.)
Little Johnny wants to play. (Pretend to put on a baseball cap like a boy would wear, then move your arms like you are running.)
Rain, rain, go away. (Move your fingers down and then push away the rain.)

Rain, Rain. (Move your fingers down like falling rain.) 
Go away. (Push your hands out, as if you were pushing the rain away.)
Come again another day. (Make a "come here" motion with your hands.)
Little Johnny wants to play. (Pretend to put on a baseball cap like a boy would wear, then move your arms like you are running.)
Rain, rain, go away. (Move your fingers down and then push away the rain.)

8. Rain Rain Go Away (Play With It)

Rain, Rain. (Move your fingers down like falling rain.) 
Go away. (Push your hands out, as if you were pushing the rain away.)
Come again another day. (Make a "come here" motion with your hands.)
DADDY wants to play. (Hold up your hand showing all five fingers and point to your thumb.)
Rain, rain, go away. (Move your fingers down and then push away the rain.)

Rain, Rain. 
Go away. 
Come again another day.
MOMMY wants to play. (Hold up your hand showing all five fingers and point to your index finger.)
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain. 
Go away. 
Come again another day.
BROTHER wants to play. (Hold up your hand showing all five fingers and point to your middle finger.)
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain. 
Go away. 
Come again another day.
SISTER wants to play. (Hold up your hand showing all five fingers and point to your ring finger.)
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain. 
Go away. 
Come again another day.
BABY wants to play. (Hold up your hand showing all five fingers and point to your pinky finger.)
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain. 
Go away. 
Come again another day.
ALL THE FAMILY wants to play. (Hold up your hand and wiggle all five fingers.)
Rain, rain, go away.

9. Old McDonald (Learn It)

What does a COW say? (Make the cow gesture.) Moo! (Everybody says, "Moo!" while making the cow gesture.)

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. (Make the farmer gesture.)
And on that farm he had a COW. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a cow gesture.)
With a moo moo here. (Continue making the cow gesture and "moo" to the left.) A moo moo there. ("Moo" to the right.)
Here a moo. (Moo to the left.) There a moo. ("Moo" to the right.) Everywhere a moo moo. ("Moo" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. (Make the farmer gesture.)

What does a HORSE say? (Make a horse gesture.) Neigh, neigh. (Everybody says, "Neigh" while making the horse gesture.)

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a HORSE. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a horse gesture.)
With a neigh neigh here. (Continue making the horse gesture and "neigh" to the left.) A neigh neigh there. ("Neigh" to the right.)
Here a neigh. ("Neigh" to the left.) There a neigh. ("Neigh" to the right.) Everywhere a neigh neigh. ("Neigh" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

What does a PIG say? (Make a pig gesture.) Oink, oink. (Everybody says, "Oink" while making the pig gesture.)

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a PIG. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a pig gesture.)
With an oink oink here. (Continue making the pig gesture and "oink" to the left.) An oink oink there. ("Oink" to the right.)
Here an oink. ("Oink" to the left.) There an oink. ("Oink" to the right.) Everywhere an oink oink. ("Oink" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

What does a SHEEP say? (Make a sheep gesture.) Baaa, baaa. (Everybody says, "Baaa" while making the sheep gesture.)

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a SHEEP. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a sheep gesture.)
With a baaa baaa here. (Continue making the sheep gesture and "baaa" to the left.) A baaa baaa there. ("Baaa" to the right.)
Here a baaa. ("Baaa" to the left.) There a baaa. ("Baaa" to the right.) Everywhere a baaa baaa. ("Baaa" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

What does a DUCK say? (Make a duck gesture.) Quack, quack. (Everybody says, "Quack" while making the duck gesture.)

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a DUCK. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a duck gesture.)
With a quack quack here. (Continue making the duck gesture and "quack" to the left.) A quack quack there. ("Quack" to the right.)
Here a quack. ("Quack" to the left.) There a quack. ("Quack" to the right.) Everywhere a quack quack. ("Quack" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

What does a ROOSTER say? (Make a rooster gesture.) Cock-a-doodle-doo! (Everybody says, "Cock-a-doodle-doo" while making the rooster gesture.)

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a ROOSTER. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a rooster gesture.)
With a cock-a-doodle-doo. (Continue making the rooster gesture and "cock-a-doodle-doo" to the left.) Cock-a-doodle-doo. ("Cock-a-doodle-doo" to the right.)
Cock-a-doodle-doodle-doodle-doodle-doodle-doo.("Cock-a-doodle-do" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

10. Old McDonald (Play With It)

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. (Pretend like you are a farmer holding on to your overall straps.)
And on that farm he had a COW. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a cow gesture.)

What does a COW say? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate asking a question.)
Meow? (Elicit "No!" answers by shaking your head no.)
Oink? (Elicit "No!" answers.)
Moo? (Elicit a big "YES!!!" answer by nodding your head up and down.)

With a moo moo here. (Continue making the cow gesture and "moo" to the left.) A moo moo there. ("Moo" to the right.)
Here a moo. ("Moo" to the left.) There a moo. ("Moo" to the right.) Everywhere a moo moo. ("Moo" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. (Pretend like you are a farmer holding on to your overall straps.)

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a HORSE. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a horse gesture.)

What does a HORSE say? (Shrug your shoulders.)
Woof woof? (Elicit "No!")
Moo? ("No!")
Neigh? ("YES!!!")

With a neigh neigh here. (Continue making the horse gesture and "neigh" to the left.) A neigh neigh there. ("Neigh" to the right.)
Here a neigh. ("Neigh" to the left.) There a neigh. ("Neigh" to the right.) Everywhere a neigh neigh. ("Neigh" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a PIG. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a pig gesture.)

What does a PIG say? (Shrug your shoulders.)
Quack? ("No!")
Tweet? ("No!")
Oink? ("YES!!!")

With an oink oink here. (Continue making the pig gesture and "oink" to the left.) An oink oink there. ("Oink" to the right.)
Here an oink. ("Oink" to the left.) There an oink. ("Oink" to the right.) Everywhere an oink oink. ("Oink" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a SHEEP. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a sheep gesture.)

What does a SHEEP say? (Shrug your shoulders.)
Cluck cluck? ("No!")
Oink? ("No!")
Baa? ("YES!!!")

With a baaa baaa here. (Continue making the sheep gesture and "baaa" to the left.) A baaa baaa there. ("Baaa" to the right.)
Here a baaa. ("Baaa" to the left.) There a baaa. ("Baaa" to the right.) Everywhere a baaa baaa. ("Baaa" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a DUCK. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a duck gesture.)

What does a DUCK say? (Shrug your shoulders.)
Meow? ("No!") 
Moo? ("No!")
Quack quack? ("YES!!!")

With a quack quack here. (Continue making the duck gesture and "quack" to the left.) A quack quack there. ("Quack" to the right.)
Here a quack. ("Quack" to the left.) There a quack. ("Quack" to the right.) Everywhere a quack quack. ("Quack" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. 
And on that farm he had a ROOSTER. E-I-E-I-O. (Make a rooster gesture.)

What does a ROOSTER say? (Shrug your shoulders.)
Ribbit? ("No!") 
Meow? ("No!")
Cock-a-doodle-doo? ("YES!!!")

With a cock-a-doodle-doo. (Continue making the rooster gesture and "cock-a-doodle-doo" to the left.) Cock-a-doodle-doo. ("Cock-a-doodle-doo" to the right.)
Cock-a-doodle-doodle-doodle-doodle-doodle-doo.("Cock-a-doodle-do" as you move your head in a circular motion.)
Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.

11. Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?

Do you like brocolli?
Yes, I do! (Thumbs up and nod your head "yes".)
Do you like ice cream? (Pretend to lick an ice cream cone.)
Yes, I do! (Thumbs up and nod your head "yes".)
Do you like brocolli ice cream? (Make a "yucky" face.)
No, I don't. Yucky! (Nod your head "no".)

Do you like donuts? (Pretend to hold and eat a donut.)
Yes, I do! (Thumbs up and nod your head "yes".)
Do you like juice? (Pretend to drink.)
Yes, I do! (Thumbs up and nod your head "yes".)
Do you like donut juice? (Make a "yucky" face.)
No, I don't. Yucky! (Nod your head "no".)

Do you like popcorn? (Pretend to eat popcorn one by one.)
Yes, I do! (Thumbs up and nod your head "yes".)
Do you like pizza? (Pretend to hold a piece of pizza and eat it.)
Yes, I do! (Thumbs up and nod your head "yes".)
Do you like popcorn pizza? (Make a "yucky" face.)
No, I don't. Yucky! (Nod your head "no".)

Do you like bananas? (Pretend to peel and eat a banana.)
Yes, I do! (Thumbs up and nod your head "yes".)
Do you like soup? (Pretend to eat soup from a bowl with spoon.)
Yes, I do! (Thumbs up and nod your head "yes".)
Do you like banana soup? (Make a "yucky" face.)
No, I don't. Yucky! (Nod your head "no".)

11. The Pincchio

(Make a big circle.)
Everybody in. (Move forward.) Everybody out. (Move back.)
Everybody turn around. (Turn around.) Everybody shout. Hey! (Jump up and shout "Hey!")
Everybody ready. Here we go. (Put your hands on your hips and sway side to side.)
Let's do the Pinocchio. (Make a Pinocchio nose by putting two fists in front of your nose, and then make it "grow" by moving one hand forward.)
Right arm! (Hold up your right arm as if it were a puppet's arm.)

(Keep your right arm up as you dance in and out.)
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout. Hey! 
Everybody ready. Here we go. 
Let's do the Pinocchio. 
Right arm! (Hold up your right arm.) 
Left arm! (Hold up your left arm.)

(Keep your right and left arm up as you dance in and out.)
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout. Hey! 
Everybody ready. Here we go. 
Let's do the Pinocchio. 
Right arm! (Hold up your right arm.) 
Left arm! (Hold up your left arm.) 
Right leg! (Hold up your right leg.)

(Keep your right and left arm up and kick your right leg as you dance in and out.)
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout. Hey! 
Everybody ready. Here we go. 
Let's do the Pinocchio. 
Right arm! (Hold up your right arm.) 
Left arm! (Hold up your left arm.) 
Right leg! (Kick your right leg.)
Left leg! (Kick your left leg.)

(Keep your right and left arm up and kick your right leg and left leg as you dance in and out.)
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout. Hey! 
Everybody ready. Here we go. 
Let's do the Pinocchio. 
Right arm! (Hold up your right arm.) 
Left arm! (Hold up your left arm.) 
Right leg! (Kick your right leg.)
Left leg! (Kick your left leg.)
Chin up! (Nod your head up and down.)

(Keep your right and left arm up and kick your right leg and left leg as you dance in and out.)
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout. Hey! 
Everybody ready. Here we go. 
Let's do the Pinocchio. 
Right arm! (Hold up your right arm.) 
Left arm! (Hold up your left arm.) 
Right leg! (Kick your right leg.)
Left leg! (Kick your left leg.)
Chin up! (Nod your head up and down.)
Turn around! (Spin.)

(Keep your right and left arm up and kick your right leg and left leg as you dance in and out.)
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout. Hey! 
Everybody ready. Here we go. 
Let's do the Pinocchio. 
Right arm! (Hold up your right arm.) 
Left arm! (Hold up your left arm.) 
Right leg! (Kick your right leg.)
Left leg! (Kick your left leg.)
Chin up! (Nod your head up and down.)
Turn around! (Spin.)
Sit down! (Sit down.)

13. Five Little Pumpkins

One little pumpkin smiling, smiling. (Hold up one finger and then make a smiley face!)
One little pumpkin smiling, smiling. 
One little pumpkin smiling, smiling.
One little pumpkin is happy. (Smile and put your fingers on your cheeks.)

Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting. (Hold up two fingers and then frown and look down.)
Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting.
Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting.
Two little pumpkins are grumpy. (Cross your arms and frown.)

Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning. (Hold up three fingers and then cover your mouth with your hand as you yawn.)
Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning. 
Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning. 
Three little pumpkins are sleepy. (Stretch and yawn like you are falling asleep.)

Four little pumpkins crying, crying. (Hold up four fingers and then pretend to wipe a tear from your eye.)
Four little pumpkins crying, crying.
Four little pumpkins crying, crying.
Four little pumpkins are sad. (Wipe tears from both eyes with both hands.)

Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing. (Hold up five fingers and then hold your tummy as you pretend to laugh.)
Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing.
Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing.
Five little pumpkins are playing. (Run around the room!)

14. Skidamarink

Skidamarink a dinka dink. (Put your right elbow in your left hand and wiggle your fingers.) 
Skidamarink a doo. (Put your left elbow in your right hand and wiggle your fingers.) 
I love you. (Point to yourself, hug yourself, and point to the other people in your group.)

Skidamarink a dinka dink. (Repeat actions.)
Skidamarink a doo.
I love you.

I love you in the morning. (Make a big circle over your head with your arms, like the sun. Bend over to one side.)
And in the afternoon. (Stand up straight with your arms above you.)
I love you in the evening. (Bend over to the other side.)
And underneath the moon. (Release your arms and make another big circle, like the moon, over your head.)

Skidamarink a dinka dink.
Skidamarink a doo.
I love you.


15. Happy Birthday (How Old Are You Today?)

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday. Happy birthday. 
Happy birthday to you.

How old are you today?
How old are you today?
How old are you? How old are you?
How old are you today?

I'm __________ years old today.
I'm __________ years old today.
I'm __________ years old. I'm __________ years old.
I'm __________ years old today.

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday. Happy birthday. 
Happy birthday to you.

16. Say Cheese!

Let's take a picture, you and me. (Pretend to take a picture, then point to the others and then yourself.)
Look at the camera, 1 2 3. (Point to your pretend camera and then count to three with your fingers.)
Let's take a picture, you and me. (Pretend to take a picture, then point to the others and then yourself.)
Look at the camera, say cheese! (Point to your pretend camera and then make a big smiley face.)

Okay...let's make a happy face. Ready? Cheese! (Everybody moves in close together and pose with a happy face. Press the button on your pretend camera when you hear the camera noise.)

Let's take a picture, you and me.
Look at the camera, 1 2 3
Let's take a picture, you and me.
Look at the camera, say cheese!

Okay, okay. This time, let's make a funny face. Ready? (Everybody poses with a funny face.)

Let's take a picture, you and me.
Look at the camera, 1 2 3
Let's take a picture, you and me.
Look at the camera, say cheese!

Okay, okay. This time, let's make a scary monster face. Ready? Grrrrrr... Huh? (Everybody poses with a scary face.)

Let's a picture.
1 2 3.
You and me.
Say cheese!

19. Bye Bye Goodbye

Bye bye goodbye. Bye bye bye bye goodbye.

I can clap my hands. I can stamp my feet.

Bye bye goodbye. Bye bye bye bye goodbye. Good bye!


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