In the dock

In the dock – the place in the court where the accused person sits or stands during the trail; ława oskarżonych. (The company will find itself in the dock if it continues to ignore the pollution regulations.)

Daft – silly in a way that is amusement; głupi. (What a daft thing to say!)

out of action – of object: not working or cannot be used, of person: injured or ill.

I’m afraid the TV’s out of action. (Jackson’s torn ligaments will keep him out of action for the rest of the season.)

Have a go – to try, make an attempt

Pick up – an occasion when sb is collected; zabrać kogoś. (I have to pick up my grandma from airport.)

Swarm – a large group of insects especially bees moving together in the same direction; rój. (My grandfather has found a large swarm under the roof.)

A clip round the ear – a quick hit on the side of one’s head; pstryczek w ucho. (You do that again and you’ll get a clip round the ear, my lad.)

To be sacked – to be dismissed; zostać wyrzuconym. (Policeman was sacked after he had slapped a teenager.)

Spit – to force liquid or food out of your mouth; wypluć, pluć. (He spit the chewing gum before the classes.)

Grunt – to make a short low sound in your throut when you are in pain or annoyed; chrząkać.

(When I told her what had happened she just grunted.)

Slap – to hit sb with a flat part of your hand; klapnąć. (She slapped his face hard.)

Assault – the crime of attacking sb physically; atakować, napadać. (Both man were charged with assault.)

To give a bloody nose – to knocked sb out; uderzyć kogoś.

Clout – to hit sb hard with your hand; bić.

Swamp – an area that is very wet or covered with water; bagno, błoto. (Swamp is a natural habitant of this bird.)

Yob – a young man who behaves in a very rude, offensive or violent way; gbur. (A club entered a gang of loud-mouthed yobs.)

Foul-mouthed – sb who uses a lot of offensive language; plugawiec

Bobby – a police officer; policjant. (People liked seeing their friendly local bobby on his beat.)

Cuff – the thicken material at the end of a sleeve; mankiet.


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