famous parents

Napisz wady i zalety bycia dzieckiem sławnych rodziców

Children whose parents are famous have not got simple life, because everybody recognizes their names and compares to mother or father. Nowadays being child of famous parents isn't easy. Despite of drawbacks, this situation has merits too. 40

The main advantage of having parents who are recognizable is easy way to reach a succes in the future, because they have contacts with other famous people. The second merit isn't as important as first. Fame is often connected with money. If some information about people appears in newspapers it means, that these people are important or have done something interesting. Often these people don't live in a poverty. 70

Although having famous parents have disadvantages too. Problem on the large scale is safety these children. For instance they often attend to private school or have an bodyguard. There is no denying that people think that if your mother or father achieve a succes you are really similar to them and you follow this way. It is annoying for children, who are completely diffrent and have other plans on life. 70

In conlusion, it seems that being children of famous people have as many drabacks as positive aspects. However children can not choose parents, who should make conditions to lead normal life and have a usual family.


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