Test kompetencji

B GRAMMAR (42 punkty)

B1 Podkreśl poprawną formę czasownika (18p).

  1. Tom is swimming/swims At the moment.

  2. Susan often wash up/washes up after dinner.

  3. We doesn`t like/don`t like coffee.

  4. There is/There are lots of books on the desk.

  5. Robert has got/have got three cousins.

  6. Are/Is they from Germany?

  7. How much/How many sugar is left?

  8. We was/were in London last year.

  9. Did you visited/visit Buckingham Palace?

  10. Sally writed/wrote an interesting story.

  11. This car is my/mine.

  12. Tom is tallest/taller than Mike.

  13. Adam is the most intelligent/more intelligent.

  14. Maths is enough/too difficult for me.

  15. I`m good at/in Biology but my friend is better/the best than me.

  16. The UK consists of 4/3 countries, -/the London is the/a capital city.

B2 Dopasuj zdania z kolumny A do odpowiednich zdań z kolumny B ( 8 p).










1) I`ve got a) to earn some extra money.

2) They`d like to b) it`s none of your business.

3) Why c) going for a walk?

4) Tara has to d) because he isn`t tall enough.

5) He can`t play for a basketball team e) take pils because she`s ill.

6) How about f) are you so upset today?

7) Is Kate your new girlfriend g) visit London next summer.

8) I`d like to be a babysitter h) a terrible headache.

B3 Ułóż pytania (16p).

  1. He is thirteen. How …………………………………………………………………...?

  2. She is wearing a red dress. What ……………………………………………………..?

  3. Go straight on and the school is on your left. Where ………………………………...?

  4. It`s quarter past six. What ……………………………………………………………?

  5. He comes from Poland, Where ……………………………………………………….?

  6. My mum was at the cinema yesterday. Where …………………………………….... ?

  7. My brother went to Warsaw last Monday. When …………………………………….?

  8. She is going to be a dentist. What …………………………………………………….?

C VOCABULARY (38 punktów).

C1 Wpisz brakujące wyrazy (4p).

January, ………….., March, ………….., May, June, ………….., August, September,……………., November,………………. .

Monday,……………, Wednesday,………………., Friday,……………, Sunday.

C2 Dopisz wyraz o znaczeniu przeciwnym (10p).















C3 Zakreśl wyraz , który nie pasuje do pozostałych (8p).

  1. Poland, Germany, American, England

  2. red, blue, heavy, Brown

  3. living room, hall, bedroom, class,

  4. swimming, handball, volleyball, football

  5. hamster, guinea pig, elephant, canary

  6. pasta, meat, cheese, cake, coffee

  7. comedy, horror story, news, newspaper

  8. bakery, church, newsagent`s, greengrocer

C4 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź (6p).

  1. My father learns/teaches me swimming.

  2. Can you lend/borrow me that book?

  3. My eyes are/is green and my hair are/is black.

  4. His foot/food is very big.

  5. Tom is a vegetarian he doesn`t eat meat/meet.

  6. I was late to school and the teacher was hungry/angry.

C5 Wpisz właściwy wyraz(6p).

  1. A ……………… is a person who works in hospital.

  2. A ……………… is a place where people pray.

  3. An ……………... is a person who acts in films.

  4. A ……………….. is a place where you can send letters.

  5. A ……………….. is a place where you can buy vegetables.

  6. A ………………...is a person who helps animals.

D READING: Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj, które zdania są prawdziwe, a które fałszywe (5 punktów).

Tom and Jane are going to get married. They have a lot of the plans for the future. They would like to travel around the world. They are gong to buy a new house and have a big family. They want to have three children. Their parents are going to give them a new car. It is going to be a present. Their friends bought them special equipment for traveling- it is going to be a surprise.

  1. They haven`t got any plans for the future-

  2. They traveled around the world last year-

  3. Their friend are going to buy them a new car-

  4. Their parents have got a present for them-

  5. Special travel equipment is waiting for them-

E WRITING: Napisz o swoich planach na przyszłość, kim chcesz zostać i dlaczego. Jakie są twoje mocne strony? W czym jesteś dobry? Użyj około 50 słów (15 punktów)



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