The search for artificial intelligence, nkjo.leg.pobrane materiały, Czytanie

The search for artificial intelligence

  1. overused - used too much or too

often - nadmiernie używany

  1. imply - to make it seem likely that sth is true or exist = zasugerować, dawać do zrozumienia

  1. be evocative of - making you think of or remember a strong image or feeling, in a pleasant way = przywodzić na myśl

  1. lexicon - all the words and phrases used in a particular language or subject; all the words and phrases used and known by a particular person or group of people; a list of words on a particular subject or in a language in alphabetical order = słownictwo

  1. artificial intelligence - an area of study concerned with making computers copy intelligent human behaviour = sztuczna inteligencja

  1. conjure up - to make sth appear as a picture in your mind = wyczarować, wywołać

  1. all-too - used before adjectives and adverbs to say that sth is more than is good, necessary, possible, etc.: = o wiele za

  1. chatty - talking a lot in a friendly way = rozmowny

  1. batty - (informal, especially BrE) (of people or ideas) slightly crazy, in a harmless way = szalony, pomylony

  1. mathematician - a person who is an expert in mathematics = matematyk

  1. regard sb as - to think about sb/sth in a particular way = uważać kogoś za

  1. capable of (doing) sth - having the ability or qualities necessary for doing sth = zdolny do (zrobienia) czegoś

  1. special-purpose -

  1. war-time - the period during which a country is fighting a war = czas wojny

  1. code-breaking - the act of decoding = złamanie kodu lub szyfru

  1. mimic - to copy the way sb speaks, moves, behaves, etc., especially in order to make other people Lough; to look or behave like sth else = naśladować

  1. prediction - a statement that says what you think will happen; the act of making such a statement = przewidywanie

  1. fool - to trick sb into believing sth that is not true = oszukiwać, nabrać

  1. deadline - a point in time by which sth must be done = termin

  1. funding - money for a particular purpose; the act of providing money for such a purpose = środki finansowe

  1. earn your keep - to do useful or helpful things in return for being allowed to live or stay somewhere = zarabiać na utrzymanie

  1. misplaced - not appropriate or correct in the situation = źle ulokowany

  1. bitter - making you feel very unhappy; caused by great unhappiness = rozgoryczony- bolesny, przykry

  1. feud - a dispute, an argument = spór, kłótnia

  1. grant-grabbing - profitable = zyskowny, korzystny, opłacalny

  1. hype - advertisements and discussion on television, radio, etc. telling the public about a product and about how good or important it is = szum (intensywna promocja)

  1. camp - a group of people who have the same ideas about sth and oppose people with other ideas = obóz

  1. pragmatist - a person who think about solving problems in a practical and sensible way rather than by having fixed ideas and theories; a realist = pragmatyk

  1. physical labour - physical work = praca fizyczna

  1. take on -

  1. endless - very large in size or amount and seeming to have no end = niekończący się

  1. scour - to search a place or thing thoroughly in order to find sb/sth = przeszukiwać, przetrząsać

  1. heap (of sth) - an untidy pile of sth = stos, sterta, hałda

  1. pile - a number of things that have been placed on top of each other = stos, sterta

  1. visionary - a person who has the ability to think about or plan the future in a way that is intelligent or shows imagination = wizjoner

  1. wedded to sth - (formal) if you are wedded to sth, you like or support it so much that you are not willing to give it up; supporting strongly = mocno zaangażowany lub popierający, przywiązany do jakiejś idei

  1. sci-fi - science fiction - a type of book, film / movie, etc. that is based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future, and often deals with space travel and life on other planets = fantastyka naukowa


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