Wprowadzenie zapis, 1.Poziom podstawowy


Zapis nagrania do przykładu 1.

Male: Oh, did I tell you? I saw Steven Bishop the other day. You remember him, don't you? He's the man I met while I was taking that course in business management. We all had dinner with him a few times. So, I was going to close the shop when he walks in. I couldn't believe it... I mean it's been what? Five years since I saw him. Well, apparently he's doing really well for himself. He's opened up a small cafe somewhere in the city... he told me the address but I can't remember where he said it was... Anyway, it's a bit like a French Bistro... you know, baguettes, cafe au lait, croissant, that sort of thing. And he said he's doing great. He's even considering turning it into a restaurant with traditional home-made dishes. His wife is French so she'll do all the cooking and he said something about his mother-in-law coming over to help out - she wants to be closer to her daughter and grandchildren anyhow so she's going to spend the summers here and the winters in Paris. Not bad, eh? I remember when we took the course together. I always thought of Steven as someone who would do well for himself. He had some of the best ideas about opening up a business! And look at him now. A success story! And why didn't we think of opening a restaurant instead of a bookshop!

Used by courtesy of Express Publishing

Zapis nagrania do przykładu 2.

Rozmowa 1.

Daughter-in-law: Hi, Maria, it's Lisa.

Mother-in-law: Oh, hello, dear. How are you? And how are my sweet little girls?

Daughter-in-law: We are all fine, thanks. I'm calling because I want to cook George

a special meal tonight but I have no idea what to make.

Mother-in-law: Well, why don't you make Moussaka! It's George's favourite.

I remember when he was a little boy, that's all he would eat!

Daughter-in-law: Really! Do you think you could give me the recipe?...

Rozmowa 2.

Man 1: Hello, Peter? It's Paul Ford.

Man 2: Oh, hello, Paul. How are you?

Man 1: I'm fine thanks. I was wondering. Have you heard from Albert? You know,

Albert Bams?

Man 2: No. I haven't heard from Albert in ages. The last time I spoke to him was

about, oh, 5,6, months ago.

Man 1:1 see. Well, if you should happen to hear from him, could you tell him that I'm

trying to get in touch with him?

Man 2: Sure.

Man 1: Thanks a lot.

Man 2: Okay. No problem. Bye...

Rozmowa 3.

Woman: Carl? It's Mary Blake. Do you happen to have file 443 by any chance?

Man: File 443... let me see... yes, it's right here on my desk.

Woman: Great. Have you finished with it?

Man: Yeah. Sorry, I should have returned it yesterday.

Woman: That's alright. I'll send my assistant down to get it. What are you doing for


Man: I don't know. I was thinking of getting a burger. You interested?

Woman: Why not? I'll meet you downstairs at noon. Don't work too hard!

Man: Don't worry. See you later...

Rozmowa 4.

Woman 1: So, tell me. How was it?

Woman 2: Fantastic! I had such a good time. The food was amazing, the hotel was

great and the people were really, really friendly. And the island! Paradise!

Woman 1: Well, I'm glad you had a good time.

Woman 2: What about you? Did you have a nice week?

Woman 1: Well, it was alright. It was pretty quiet with you gone but Peaches kept me


Woman 2: Yeah, thanks a million for taking care of him for me. I don't know what

I would have done without you!...

Rozmowa 5.

Doctor: Now, if you'll just roll up your sleeve... a bit more...that's it.

Patient: I can't look. I hate needles.

Doctor: Don't worry. It will be over in a second. How are the girls? By the way, they

need to come in next month for their vaccinations.

Patient: Yes I know. I've circled the date on my calendar.

Doctor: Okay. That's it. You can roll down your sleeve now.

Patient: What? Have you finished? I didn't really feel the needle!...

Used by courtesy of Express Publishing

Zapis nagrania do przykładu 3.

Speaker: Signing up for a credit card is something almost everyone thinks about at

some point in their lives. Before you take this step, however, it is important to know

how to manage a credit card properly.

Credit cards have advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages is

that credit cards are extremely convenient. If you want to buy an expensive item and

you do not have the money at that particular time, you can buy it on your credit card

and pay it off in instalments when you do have the money. Bear in mind, however, that

there will be a high rate of interest, so you will end up paying more for an item than if

you had paid for it in cash.

Some credit cards have many benefits. For example, when you buy a product with

your credit card, it may be automatically insured. If you pay for a trip with your credit

card, travel insurance may be an automatic benefit.

There are some things that you simply can't do without a credit card. Shopping online,

or over the telephone, for example, require customers to have a credit card. With

a credit card, you can book flights over the phone, shop on Internet websites and buy

products from mail order catalogues. In addition, credit cards are accepted almost

everywhere, so if you plan to travel abroad, taking a credit card with you means that

you don't have to carry cash or change a lot of money into a foreign currency.

In an emergency, a credit card is a very useful thing to have. If you have run out of

cash and desperately need money, you can withdraw cash on your credit card, as

long as you have not gone over your spending limit.

That brings me to my next point. If you are going to have a credit card, you must also

have self-control. Don't spend more than you can afford to pay off. Don't go over your

limit. If you can, pay your credit card bill in full every month. In this way, you will avoid

paying large amounts in interest. Keep track of what you spend. File receipts

somewhere safe so that you can refer back to them and make sure you know how

much you owe. That way, when the bill lands on your doormat, you will already know

how much it is and, if you are clever, you will have already put aside enough money to

pay it.

If you decide to apply for a credit card, make sure you get one with no annual fee.

There are plenty of free credit cards available. Once you have got your card, take care

to spend only as much as you can afford, keep your interest payments as low as

possible and enjoy the freedom of credit.

Used by courtesy of Express Publishing


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