gimnazjum czytanie i słuchanie sprawdzian, GIMNAZJUM, sprawdziany

Odbiór tekstu czytanego

Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1

Zadanie z luką

Przeczytaj ogłoszenie i uzupełnij poniższą notatkę. Wpisz jedno słowo w każdą lukę (1-5).

New English Club

Class 7 is going to start an English Club next week. We would like students who like films to come to the club. We want to meet at the same time every week and there will be films in English twice a month. You don't have to pay for these. Mr Brown will let us use Room 12 near the library on Wednesday afternoons. Please speak to Joanna if you want to know more about the club. See you next Wednesday at 4.30!

The first meeting of the club is next week on

1_______________________.There will be meetings 2 _____________________ a week. Students who are interested in 3 ___________________ are invited. You will pay 4 _______________________ for watching films. You can get more information from 5 _______________________.

Odbiór tekstu czytanego

Zadanie egzaminacyjne 2

Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru

Przeczytaj list i zakreśl prawidłową odpowiedź: A, B lub C.

Dear Tom,

I'm back home again. The journey was awful because the train was late and I missed the bus home. I had to wait at the station for an hour. Anyway, I don't want to complain about it but to say how nice it was to be your guest. I had a wonderful time with you and your family. I enjoyed every minute of my stay. Thank you very much again. Best wishes, Mark

Mark writes the letter to:

A wish Tom all the best.

B complain about the journey.

C thank Tom for having him.

Odbiór tekstu czytanego

Zadanie egzaminacyjne 3

Zadanie z luką

Przeczytaj poniższy list, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Uzupełnij luki w tekście zdaniami podanymi

poniżej (A-E) tak, aby był on spójny i logiczny. Wstaw odpowiednie litery w luki 1-4. Jedno zdanie nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

Dear Mrs Grant,

Thank you very much for letting me stay with you in Oxford. 1 _____

Now my friends and I are on a camping holiday. 2_____ Every day we visit a different place. 3_____ We did some shopping there and had lunch in a fish restaurant. At night it rained but today it is sunny. 4_____ I hope we catch a lot of fish.

I will write again soon.

Yours, Tomek

A There are only eight tents on the camp-site.

B He loves a camping holidays.

C I had a lovely time.

D Tomorrow we are going to go fishing.

E Yesterday we walked to a small town.

Odbiór tekstu czytanego

Zadanie egzaminacyjne 4


Przyporządkuj napisom (1-4) odpowiednie miejsca (A-E). Jedno miejsce nie pasuje do żadnego napisu.

1 Fasten your seatbelts. _____

2 Don't drop litter. _____

3 The 7.30 race is cancelled because of bad weather. _____

4 Please do not disturb. _____

A street

B hotel

C plane

D classroom

E stadium

Odbiór tekstu czytanego

Zadanie egzaminacyjne 5


Przeczytaj tekst i dopasuj nagłówki (A-D) do akapitów. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w luki (1-3). Jeden nagłówek nie pasuje do żadnego akapitu.

1 _____

Thousands of years ago the people of Britain were pagans. In their religion, the sun, the moon, the winds, rain, animals and trees were all important, and they had festivals for them. When Christianity came to Britain, the people wanted to keep some of their old festivals, so many lived on, but as Christian festivals. Hallowe'en, Christmas, Saint Valentine's Day and Easter are all examples of this. Today, many people celebrate these festivals and also many other festivals which started in the church.

2 _____

Food, family and flowers are an important part of most celebrations. Most people have a big family dinner at Christmas; Canadians and Americans get together at Thanksgiving too. A lot of people give chocolate and other sweets as presents at Christmas, Valentine's Day and Easter, and some festivals have special food. Flower shops sell a lot of flowers on Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.

3 _____

People today often live far away from their families, so they send greetings cards at special times like Christmas, Mother's Day and Easter. The cards say things like: `Thinking of you across the miles'. Post offices and telephones are very busy too.

A Special food for festivals

B Keeping in touch

C Festivals in the past and nowadays

D Special things for special occasions

Odbiór tekstu czytanego

Zadanie egzaminacyjne 6

Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru

Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz tytuł, który najlepiej pasuje do jego treści. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

The Channel Islands are nearer to France than to England and have a long and interesting history. The first people to live on them were the Romans. In the 12th century the French built Castle Cornet on Guernsey, the second largest island in the group. The Channel Islands became part of the British Isles in 1204. In the 19th century several

A Famous people on the Channel Islands.

B Some geographical facts about the Channel Islands.

C Short history of the Channel Islands.

The Perfect Job?

Many students have dreams about what job they would like to do in the future. How about you? Would you like to be a doctor or a lawyer? Maybe an actor or a writer? Well, there is a job in Australia at the moment that people are calling `the perfect job!' It's on a tropical island with clear blue skies and golden beaches and for twelve hours work a month, for half a year, you can earn Ł70,000! In Australia, they are looking for someone to stay on Hamilton Island. This is a tropical island in the Great Barrier Reef. The person will live in a beautiful three bedroom villa with a swimming pool and the house is free! The job isn't very difficult. It's `caretaker' of the island. Usually a caretaker looks after buildings for the people who live there, but this caretaker will look after the island. There isn't a lot to do. He or she has to feed some fish and collect the letters from the people on the island - a bit like a postman! There is another part of the job too. The `caretaker' has to visit lots of little islands in the area and learn all about them. Then he has to write about them on a blog and make videos. The Australians want more tourists to visit the area. That is the really important part of the job. So, what are the qualifications for this wonderful job? Well, they want someone who likes living in warm temperatures. This person must sail, swim and like taking photographs! And he must like animals and exploring new places. It sounds perfect to me!

I Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 The job is in a hot place.

2 The working hours are very long.

3 The job is to look after a building.

4 You must study hard for this job.

5 It's a good job for people who like sports.

II Choose the correct answer.

1 The job is

A for twelve weeks.

B for six months.

C for a year.

2 The house on the island

A is near the beach.

B doesn't cost any money.

C is quite small.

3 Who lives on the island?

A only the caretaker

B lots of tourists

C the caretaker and some people who live there too

4 Part of the job is

A to explore different parts of the island.

B to talk to the tourists.

C to write information for tourists.

5 Where do you think this text is from?

A a job advertisement

B a book

C a magazine for a year


1 Listen to some people talking about a holiday.

Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 The family are on holiday now.

2 They went to Ireland.

3 They stayed in a hotel.

4 They didn't go to any towns.

5 Jenna is older than Jake.

2 Choose the correct answer.

1 What did Mike like?

A the countryside

B the city

C fi shing

2 Who thought the food was good?

A Mike

B Sue

C Jenna

3 Sam likes

A places with a lot of people.

B shopping.

C quiet places.

4 Jenna thinks

A she will return.

B the countryside was best.

C her friends would like Scotland.

5 While they were on holiday Jake

A learned to play an instrument.

B went for walks.

C went to a night club.


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