past simple, korepetycje - materiały

Czas Past Simple (przeszły prosty), jak sama nazwa wskazuje, opisuje wydarzenia z przeszłości i jest prosty w tworzeniu. Potrzebujemy tylko czasownika w II formie, który wstawiamy po podmiocie i zdanie gotowe.

W tym czasie także pojawia się pomocniczy operator, za pomocą którego tworzymy pytania i przeczenia - tym razem jest to słówko did. Operator jest identyczny we wszystkich osobach. Pytanie tworzymy wstawiając did przed podmiot zdania a czasownik... wraca do pierwszej formy!

Jak to zazwyczaj bywa - jest też wyjątek - czasownik to be tworzy pytanie przez zmianę szyku i obywa się bez operatora.


Tutaj także używamy operatora did w połączeniu z not.

to be, jak się można spodziewać zachowuje się inaczej.

Past Simple opisuje jedynie wydarzenia z przeszłości - nie ma związku z chwilą obecną.

Podajemy często określenia czasu

Make correct time preposition IN, ON, AT.

___ seven o'clock ___ the morning

___ Saturday ___ Saturday evening

___ night ___ September

___ 2002 ___ weekends

___ summer ___ the nineteenth century

I Change the sentences into the past simple tense.

It is a very nice morning.

John wakes up at 8:30.

She opens the window.

I live in a big city.

They listen to rock music.

II Put the verb in the correct form.

They ___________ (discover) this island in 1787.

There ___________ (be) nothing to worry about.

The accident ____________ (happen) three years ago.

We ______________ (want) to take a taxi, but John said it _____________ (not be) worth it.

The storm ______________ (be) near.

The doctors _____________ (do) their best to save her.

My new dress _______________ (cost) only £20.

They ______________ (write) a short message for their mother.

The girl _____________ (can) smell the flowers.

Why ________________ (you pick) the last rose?

____________ (be) it your idea to invite them?

I ________________ (not know) what to say to him.

She ____________ (have) a shower an hour ago.

___________________ (you do) any sightseeing in Rome?

III Correct mistakes.

He buyed some new shoes.

Where you went yesterday?

You see Jane last week?

Did she got the job?

I went out last evening.

He studyed French at school.

What had you for breakfast?

I was in New York the last week.

IV Ask about the underlined part of the sentence.

I went to the cinema.

She bought a new dress.

Yesterday I ate a cake.

They visited their aunt.

We left the room.

The book cost £10.

V Choose the verb and complete the text. Put the verbs in the correct form. There are 17 verbs but 19 gaps.

think live be ride snatch tear wake up feel

look write open go make take put can rise

It (1) _______ a fine summer morning. The school year (2) __________ over. Danny (3) _________ and (4) _________ at the clock. It (5) __________ 8:30. He (6) ___________ wonderful. He (7) _____________ and (8) ____________ the widow wide. Although he (9) ____________ in a big city, the boy (10) ______________ smell the fresh morning air. “Life isn't bad after all”, he (11) _______________ . Then he (12) _________________ on his jeans and favourite denim shirt, (13) ______________ a piece of toast from the kitchen, (14) ________________ a sheet from a memo pad on the sideboard, and (15) _______________ a short message for his mother. When he (16) _____________ out, brilliant sunshine (17) ________________ him close his eyes for a moment. He (18) _____________ his bike from the garden shed and (19) _________ off.

VI Write a story. Use time expressions.

One morning I...

I left home and ...

Then I saw...

After that...



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