BEGINNER test klasyfikujący, testy

Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź:

1. What ... your name? A) are b) it c) is

2. Bob is ... brother. A) Wendys b) Wendy c) Wendy's

3. There is ... armchair a) an b) a c) it

4. The chair is ... the bedroom a) on b) in c) of

5. Is it in the kitchen? ... a) yes, it is b) yes, it isn't c) yes, they are

6. That is Susan and ... sister. A) her b) his c) our

7. How ... are you? A) nice b) do c) old

8. ... two caps. A) there is b) there are c) it is

9. This dress belongs to me. It's ... a) mine b) yours c) ours

10. ... you sing? A) are b) do c) can

11. ... green eyes? A) you b) have you got c) can you

12. Is there ... food in the fridge? A) no b) any c) some

13. What is the weather ... ? a) like b) from c) on

14. I am ... milk a) drinks b) drinking c) drink

15. ... you play football? Yes, I do a) do b) does c) are

16. She ... swimming every Saturday. a) goes b) is going c) go

17. I want ... cinema. a) to go to b) going to c) go to

18. How ... apples have you got? A) many b) more c) much

19. ... is your birthday? A) how b) where c) when

20. The car is ... the garage A) in b) on c) at

21. Do you know ... ? a) he b) his c) him

22. She comes from Spain. She is ... a) Spish b) Spanish c) Spanishen

23. There is a hotel ... Hill Street. A)in b) on c) at

24. “Otwórz okno!” po angielsku to: a) You open the window! b) Opening the window! c) Open the window!

25. Drugi września to: a) the first of September b) one of the September c) the second of the September

26. ... is Joan? She is Tony's aunt. A) who b) which c) whose

27. ... is a bottle of lemonade? It's 59 pence. A) how many b) how c) how much

28. Rick is ... than Susy. A) tall b) taller c) the tallest

29. Dennis is ... in my class a) smallest b) the smallest c) smaller

30. I ...a beautiful baby. A) were b) is c) was

31. I have got a cold! You ... have some soup! A) should b) shouldn't c) have

32. Was it a good film? Yes, ... a) it is b) it was c) it has

33. I ... my cousin yesterday. A) visits b) visit c) visited

34. Did you ... football yesterday? A) played b) play c) playing

35. 8:45 a) it's quarter to nine b) it's quarter to eight c) it's quarter past eight

Wybierz czasowniki i wstaw w odpowiedniej formie. HAVE GOT, TO BE, CAN

1. She ................... twenty years old.

2. He .................... swim.

3. You ..................... a book.

4. ........................ she got a friend?

5. What ..................... your address?

6. Those ..................... six cars.

7. Where .......................... your mother?

8. ........................ you fly? No, I .....................

Napisz słownie następujące liczebniki

1. 44

2. 55

3. 12

4. 13

5. 89

Wpisz poprawny zaimek

1. Where's your sister? ........................ `s in London.

2. I can dive. Look at ....................!

3. We can't do this exercise. Can you help ........................., please?

4. The children are in the sea. Look at .............!

5. Where's Richard? I can't see .....................

Utwórz pytania do podanych zdań.

1. You swim in the lake every Monday.

2. She does her homework every day.

3. We always go to church on Sunday.

4. I usually visit my grandparents every summer.

5. He sometimes watches TV in the morning.

Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi.

1. Does Jack like rats? No, ...............

2. Do the children walk to school? Yes, ..................

3. Does Helen play chess? Yes, ...............

4. Do you and your friends like Beverly Hills 90210?

Wybierz wyrażenia i wstaw je w odpowiednie miejsca.

today can we go tomorrow what time and you

A: Hello! How are you ..............?

B: I'm fine, thanks. ..........................?

A: Very well, thank you. ............................... to the restaurant?

B: That's very good idea. When can we go?

A: What about ............... evening?

B: That's fine. ................. can we go?

A: Can we go about 8pm?

B: Yes, we can.

A: See you. Bye!

Znajdź błędy w zdaniach.

1. My favorite place is New York.

2. He like animals.

3. Is there some oranges?

4. He has got five box.

5. I make my bed always.


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