ANG. 6 KLASA, sprawdziany, sprawdziany

Badanie wyników nauczania z języka angielskiego

w klasie VI

  1. Znajdź słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych:

np. table, soap, desk, bed, cupboard, wardrobe

odp. soap

  1. hand, ear, foot, head, mouth, south. ……..

  2. trousers, show, fork, tie, suit, blouse. ……..

  3. May, June, July, December, Friday, October. …….

  4. teacher, driver, farmer, cooker, dentist, doktor. ……

  5. cabbage, pear, banana, apple, orange, peach. …….

Suma pnkt …./5

  1. Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi zgodnie ze wzorem:

Np. Do you live here? Yes, I do.

  1. Have you got a computer? Yes, ………..

  2. Does your friend like football? No, ……..

  3. Are your parents going to buy a new car? Yes, ………

  4. Did you have a good time? No, ………………..

  5. Was the weather OK.? Yes, ………………..

suma pnkt …./5

  1. Ułóż pytanie do podanych odpowiedzi.

Np. I'm 23 years old. How old are you?

  1. I was born in Cracow. ………………………………………….

  2. Yes, I do. I love it.………………………………………………..

  3. My mother is a teacher. …………………………………………

  4. He went to London last week. ………………………………….

  5. I'm reading a book. ………………………………………………

suma pnkt …./5

  1. Podaj formę czasu przeszłego (2 formę) od podanych czasowników


np. can could

  1. buy ……..

  2. get ……...

  3. do ………

  4. met …….

  5. write ……

suma pnkt …./5

5. Wstaw odpowiedni przedimek at, in, on

np. At three o'clock

  1. ….. Friday

  2. ….. the afternoon

  3. ….. night

  4. ….. 23 June

  5. ….. 2003

suma pnkt …./5

6.Dopasuj do siebie wyrażenia, tak aby tworzyły mini dialogi:

np. How are you? I'm fine, thanks.

  1. Is there a bank near here? Yes, I'd love to.

  2. Do you fancy a game of tennis? Maybe he's in love.

  3. What's wrong with him? It's a pity.

  4. Did you like the concert? Go down this street and

turn left…..

  1. I can't go with you, I'm sorry. No, it was a bit boring.

Suma pnkt …./5

7. Przeczytaj uważnie tekst i napisz czy zdania poniżej są prawdziwe

czy fałszywe. T -prawda F- fałsz

The future is coming! All over the world there are new ideas for new places to live and work in. Some of them will be in the sea! They will be very big, and lots of people will live and work in them. The Americans are planning to build a town called Atlantis City. It will be in the sea, about five miles away from the land. But perhaps the most exciting idea comes from Japan. It is called Aeropolis. Aeropolis will be a huge sea city, with parks, schools, a hospital and an airport… and it will move! It will travel slowly around the world. There are just two problems. Aeropolis will cost a lot of money to make. And for the people who get seasick, it won't be much fun.

  1. Sea cities will be holiday towns. ……

  2. They will be very big. ……..

  3. There are already two sea cities. ……….

  4. Atlantis City will be near America. …….

  5. It will be five miles long. ………

  6. Aeropolis is another American sea city. ……..

  7. “Huge” means “very small”. ………..

  8. Aeropolis will not stay in the same place. ……..

  9. Aeroplanes will land on Aeropolis. …………..

  10. Aeropolis won't be very cheap to build. ………..

suma pnkt …./10

Badanie wyników nauczania z języka angielskiego

w klasie VI (test dla ucznia z obniżonymi wymaganiami)

1.Ułóż liczby we właściwej kolejnościi i zapisz je:

seven, three, five, one, ten, four, two, six, eight, eleven, nine, twelve


suma pnkt. …./10

2. Z rozsypanki ułóż zdania I zapisz:

a) old you How are? …………………………………………………………

b) name My Mark is. …………………………………………………………

c) have computer I got a. …………………………………………………….

d) mum's Lucy name My is. …………………………………………………

e) like football playing They. …………………………………………………

suma pnkt. …./10

3. Dopisz po jednym wyrazie do każdej kategorii:

a) pan, book, pencil-case ………………………..

b) tennis, volleyball, basketball………………………..

c) sister, mum, dad ……………………………….

d) blue, yellow, black ……………………………

e) one, two, three ……………………………….

suma pnkt. …./5

4.Dopasuj do siebie pytania I odpowiedzi:

a) How are you? Yes, it is.

b) What's your name? I'm fine, thank you.

c) Is this your book? No, I don't.

d) How many children are there? My name is Paul.

e) Do you like ice-cream? There are 24.

suma pnkt. …./5

5.Przeczytaj uważnie tekst i napisz czy zdania poniżej są prawdziwe.

T- prawda F - nieprawda

My name is Michael. I'm twelve years old. I live in a small town called Bristol. I have got a brother, Mark and two sisters Betty and Millie. I have a dog called Bruno. I like sport and music.

  1. Michael is sixteen. …..

  2. He hasn't got any brothers. …..

  3. He likes music. …..

  4. Michael lives in Bristol. …..

  5. Bristol is big. …..

  6. Michael has got a cat. …..

  7. His dog's name is Bruno. …..

  8. Michael doesn't like sport. …..

  9. Betty and Millie are Michael's sisters. …..

  10. Michael is a boy. …..

suma pnkt. …./10


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