Description of business



Cafe and reading "Coffee book"


ul. Stary Rynek, 61-772 Poznań (4 rooms).


The company employs eight staff:

6 full-time jobs:

• 2 people to order goods

• 4 persons to serve customers - waitresses, waiters

2 półetaty:

• 1 computer scientist

• 1 conservator surfaces

Employees who have direct contact with customers are very knowledgeable about the products you sell. In addition, a good command of two foreign languages ​​in order to facilitate contact with overseas clients. An authority merchandise also is fluent in two languages, so that goods are imported from countries such as Asia or Africa. Computer administers a local area network and web site.

The general profile of the company:

"Coffee book" is a company seeking to while away your free time to their customers. Not only by a delicious cup of coffee or tea, but also because of home baked goods and a very large collection of books. Every customer visiting our cafe has the ability to borrow books on the site, for a deposit of 50 zł. It is possible to order and buy books from your home or debit card at the cafe. The customer can return the book within 7 days from the date of purchase by showing proof of purchase - invoice, receipt, and giving undamaged and intact book. Every two weeks, exhibited the latest bestsellers from all over the world. For all clients into the price reductions on the sets and books. For regular customers are discounts ranging from 10% to 50%. Coffee and tea is imported from Asia and Africa, because it contains the original taste and flavor. The company has a book of personal collections and buys them in Warehouse Books "Super Seven" Lucjan Wypych SJ ul. Opłotki 23, 60-012 Poznan.

Characteristics of the industry and the market:

The target market for the time being Poznan operate two companies running a cafe and reading room. They differ in the way of each other's activities, goods and services. Most of them adopted the tactic of offering specialty coffees and teas produced in Poland and Europe. In these caves you can not buy books but merely rent them at the time of being in a cafe. In the event of the destruction of books by the customer, the customer is forced to buy back their own damaged book or pay for the repair. Coffee does not offer their homemade cakes, catering companies only.

It is estimated that in all cafes and reading in a year is visited by about 20,000 customers of which approximately 75% of returns. In the last 2 years is noticeable óch significant increase in interest in visiting these cafes. Number of visitors each year to a small extent, but it is growing. Therefore, despite the competition decreases the ratio of coffee to the amount of people interested in visiting such places. Therefore, the fact that our company sees a chance to enter the market.

The target areas of operation:

Offer "coffee book" is primarily addressed to those who like to relax by reading the favorite book and drink a warm drink, coffee, or tea. We are aware that the combination of low prices, special offers and discounts makes our offer will go to that clientele. However, this group is the target point of our marketing strategy, we try not to neglect customers with other interests.


The company consists of two divisions:

• Chapter ordering goods

• Customer Service,

• Organizational Department,

Department of ordering goods:


Department employs two staff trained in customer relations. In this section there are two workstations equipped with:

• PC computer,

• Windows operating system with a license,

• Office 2000, along with the licenses,

• Laser Printer

• fax,

• landline phone,

• office supplies,

The duties of the employee's department include:

• receiving calls from customers interested in buying books. These reports shall be received by: verbal, electronic box, phone, or fax. After receipt of the notification department employee puts order in the database.

• providing information on the tender held by the company,

• draw up a contract with exporters and coffee making facilities, and products needed to homemade pastries

• approval of the sale of books

Customer Service:


Department employs four workers with experience in customer service and kelnerowaniu. These people are behind the bar, or serving customers at the tables. Bar is equipped with:

• cash register

• Coffee

• kettle

• fridge

• dishwasher and sink

• one mobile phone business

• Office supplies - pen, notepad

• glasses, cups, mugs

• plates and saucers

• spoons, forks

Organizational Unit:


Department employs two workers. In this section of the workstation equipped with:

• PC computer connected to the network and the Internet,

• Windows operating system with a license,

• Office 2000 with a license,

• Printer: Laser - Monochrome Laser - color.

• fax,

• one mobile phone uniforms,

• office supplies,

The duties of the department staff include:

• IT administers the computer network, computer maintenance, as well as the monitoring of the website. In addition to its responsibility to actively search listings, check whether they are still valid, and if the desire to express their inclusion also in the database. Disposal of used or obsolete entries from the database.

• conservator surfaces is responsible for maintaining law and order in the office, behind the bar, in the cafeteria and in front of the premises.


• the expected deposit for the loan book is 50 zł

• the cost of utilities (electricity, telephone, etc.) are about 1000 zł

• Monthly rent for the premises is 3500 zł

• Internet sales of books

The main objective of the company:

The main goal of business is to obtain the greatest interest in the market and among customers in order to expand their business.

The objectives of the information system:

• Allow potential customers to register via the Internet, as well as allowing them to pay by bank transfer to the account of the company to get individual login and password giving access to all offers

• Increase database offers at least 10% per year,

• Creating a database of contractors with detailed information about each transaction,

• Data storage for at least 12 months,

• Increased security of data storage

• Administration database transaction

• Upgrade the process of buying books,

Aim of the project

The project will be implemented in the company kawiarskiej engaged in selling hot and cold drinks and books.

The main objectives of the project are:

• Accelerate customer service - system tools designed by us are intended to help workers use the database to quickly enlisted books for sale, and to facilitate customer purchases the company's website. The person who will be willing to post a book for sale will be able to do this by filling in a specially prepared form

• Facilitate data management - we want to create a data warehouse. There will be posted all finalized transactions, or on what date and time have been made. All the historical data will help us in determining the intensity of executed orders and thus adjust the number of working people in the relevant month. This system will also be filed in order for the publisher, author, title, year, etc.

• Effective marking the company's presence on the market - through the use of advertising in the media want to reach as many customers especially for people who like to relax with a book. Our goal is to also appear on the internet market through banners on frequently used pages.

Scope of the project:

Definition of constraints


Premises with an area of ​​64 m2 (not enough room), internet (too little bandwidth, reduce transfer), dated 333 MHz Pentium computers with Windows 95 (These limitations result from in-kind contribution of computer equipment by the owner).


The planned expansion of the premises in the future will involve the need to take a loan. Share capital (30 000 zł.) Can only occur for us on a given level of profitability, however, is not sufficient for the further development of the company.


It is planned to work with web services through the use of advertisements in the mass media. Moreover, cooperation with the suppliers of books, foreign productions tea and coffee. Business entities with which cooperation will be conducted subject to change.


A maximum of 3 working days to complete each assignment after the purchase of books by the customer.

Knowledge, skills and attitudes of people:

Different levels of education in the fields of public relations, computer, coffee maker.


Mainly young people just out of college or are still learning. Limited experience in the occupation. In the case of two employees work part-time and comprehensive availability.

Determine the feasibility of the project (proposals and solutions):


Fitting room previously used as Kanciapa to increase the usable office. Purchase of lease new computers with AMD Athlon 1.5 GHz with Windows XP Professional and Office XP additional software.


An analysis of the financial market. Finding the best option to raise capital. Mainly by taking out a loan.


Organisational constraints will be addressed on an ongoing basis by the owner who has extensive knowledge in the field.


By increasing the reputation of our company, increase the ability to search for new books, which in turn will result in faster wykonie order.

Knowledge, skills and attitudes of people:

Providing training and organizational meetings among staff in order to implement the principles of organic work. (Raising the morale of the employees).


Training of staff in dealing with customers, to use a computer, coffee machine.


• selected shipping company that FF Freight Sp. of o.o. ul. Highlander 30, 56-610 Wroclaw;

• Agreement signed in duplicate on two years of above-mentioned company, allowing the company to "coffee book" receives 20% discount;

• transport costs will be calculated prior to importing needed goods due to different amounts of the contract;

• selected transport is air transport - import coffee and tea from Asia and Africa;

• the goods transported in sealed cartons wide adhesive tape, placed on six cartons per pallet, which are wrapped in foil - a wide stretch and sealed with adhesive tape.

Import contract with a contractor in Asia:


concluded on .................. in Poznan between:

Coffee and tea Asia, based in Asia, registered in Asia, maintained by the Asian in Asia by calling (registration number), represented by Mr. Asian man

hereinafter referred to as "seller"


Cafe and reading "Coffee book", located at ul. Old Market, registered in the National Court Register kept by the District Court in Poznań at (number KRS), represented by

hereinafter referred to as "buyer"

hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Parties".

§ 1

1. Seller agrees to produce and sell the buyer during the term of this Agreement, the goods in a minimum of 6 boxes.

2. Buyer agrees to purchase the same period, the same minimum number of units of that product.

§ 2

1. Firm orders are placed by the buyer within 30 days before his proposed delivery date.

2. Each order referred to in the preceding paragraph, it must be confirmed in writing by the seller.

§ 3

1. The seller is obliged to produce goods according to the technology, approvals and certificates.

§ 4

1. The buyer is obliged to pay the price on the principles referred to in § 7, receiving goods from the warehouse specified in § 8 the time limit set under the terms of § 2, inspect the goods within 14 days of receipt referred to in § 8

§ 5

1. Complaints about the quality of the goods may be submitted in writing by the buyer no later than seven days after the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 1 the preceding paragraph.

2. The seller is obliged to consider the complaint within 14 days from the date on which the complaint was served on him.

3. In the event of failure by the buyer of the period referred to in paragraph 1 seller will not be obliged to handle it.

§ 6

1. The Parties undertake to confidential treatment of all information and documents are familiar with in connection with the contract or acquired through mutual contacts.

2. The Parties shall not communicate the information referred to in the preceding paragraph, to any third party without the prior consent of the other parties to this agreement.

§ 7

1. Seller shall be entitled for each box of goods amount of 600 USD.

2. This price does not include customs duties, taxes and insurance.

3. Price referred to in the first subparagraph of charge Seller for producing the product and its transmission to the carrier designated by the buyer.

4. Prices in the annex to this agreement shall be valid for a period of 24 months from the date of signing the contract.

5. For four weeks before the expiry of that period the parties take the matter through negotiation adjusting prices.

6. The fact of the parties to the price of goods referred to in the preceding paragraph results in the termination of this contract after the expiry of the period referred to in section 4

§ 8

1. Receipt of the goods by the buyer shall be made from the store seller located in Asia.

2. Goods shall be designated by the buyer to the carrier and loaded at the expense of the seller to the means of transport carrier.

3. The buyer arranges transportation bears the costs and all the risks associated with transport from the loading of goods on a means of transport carrier.

4. Sales is considered to be realized by the seller after loading the goods agreement on a means of transport carrier.

§ 9

1. After the activities referred to in the previous paragraph, the seller issues an invoice.

2. The buyer is obliged to pay the invoice referred to in the preceding paragraph, within 14 days from the date of receipt on behalf of the vendor number (seller's bank account number), conducted in Asia.

3. Buyer delay in meeting the obligation referred to in the preceding paragraph authorizes the seller to suspend the implementation of further orders until the payment by the buyer of the obligation.

4. All bank charges related to payments referred to in this paragraph shall be paid by the buyer.

5. In the event of default by the buyer due date, the seller has the right to claim statutory interest for late payment.

6. Buyers making a contract referred to in § 2 paragraph 1 shall be paid to the given bank account Step 2 down payment of 30% of the amount due for the order. This amount is counted towards the amount due for the batch of goods. Point 3 and 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

§ 10

1. If the buyer does not receive the goods within the period determined in accordance with § 2, is obliged to pay the seller a penalty equal to 15% of the supply, which is the subject of the contract referred to in § 2, for every day of delay.

2. If not collected by the buyer of the goods within the period determined in accordance with § 2 it is required in addition to storage costs in the amount of $ 50 for each day of delay.

3. If the seller is their own fault does not meet established by § 2 of the term, is obliged to pay to the buyer penalty equal to 15% of the value, which is the subject of the contract referred to in § 2 for each day of delay.

§ 11

1. Scripture related to the implementation of this Agreement shall be delivered to the following addresses of the contracting parties:

Address for service seller: Asia,

Address for service buyer: Café and reading "Coffee book" ul. Old Market, 61-772 Poznan.

2. In the case of a change of address for service page whose address has changed, it shall immediately inform the other party thereof in writing.

3. In the implementation of this agreement, the parties shall use only the English language.

§ 12

1. If it turned out that some of the findings of this agreement are invalid, or if the gap occurred in this Agreement, the validity of the remaining provisions is not affected by it unless they are affected by the invalidity of material provisions of the contract or its content shows that no provisions had not been affected by the invalidity she concluded.

2. They will be replaced by such valid and effective provisions that the economic and financial impact and the intentions of the parties will be as close as possible to the provisions affected by the annulment.

§ 13

1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon its signing and the Annex mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

2. Any changes to this Agreement must be made in writing to be valid.

§ 14

1. Any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be settled by the courts of law in Poland.

2. Matters not provided for in this Agreement shall apply universally applicable Polish law.

3. Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the English language, one copy for each party.

Buyer Seller

Import contract with a contractor in Africa:


concluded on .................. in Poznan between:

Coffee and tea Africa, based in Africa, registered in Africa, maintained by the African in Africa under the number (registration number), represented by Mr. Africa

hereinafter referred to as "seller"


Cafe and reading "Coffee book", located at ul. Old Market, registered in the National Court Register kept by the District Court in Poznań at (number KRS), represented by

hereinafter referred to as "buyer"

hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Parties".

§ 1

1. Seller agrees to produce and sell the buyer during the term of this Agreement, the goods in a minimum of 6 boxes.

2. Buyer agrees to purchase the same period, the same minimum number of units of that product.

§ 2

1. Firm orders are placed by the buyer within 30 days before his proposed delivery date.

2. Each order referred to in the preceding paragraph, it must be confirmed in writing by the seller.

§ 3

1. The seller is obliged to produce goods according to the technology, approvals and certificates.

§ 4

1. The buyer is obliged to pay the price on the principles referred to in § 7, receiving goods from the warehouse specified in § 8 the time limit set under the terms of § 2, inspect the goods within 14 days of receipt referred to in § 8

§ 5

1. Complaints about the quality of the goods may be submitted in writing by the buyer no later than seven days after the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 1 the preceding paragraph.

2. The seller is obliged to consider the complaint within 14 days from the date on which the complaint was served on him.

3. In the event of failure by the buyer of the period referred to in paragraph 1 seller will not be obliged to handle it.

§ 6

1. The Parties undertake to confidential treatment of all information and documents are familiar with in connection with the contract or acquired through mutual contacts.

2. The Parties shall not communicate the information referred to in the preceding paragraph, to any third party without the prior consent of the other parties to this agreement.

§ 7

1. Seller shall be entitled for each box of goods amount of 600 USD.

2. This price does not include customs duties, taxes and insurance.

3. Price referred to in the first subparagraph of charge Seller for producing the product and its transmission to the carrier designated by the buyer.

4. Prices in the annex to this agreement shall be valid for a period of 24 months from the date of signing the contract.

5. For four weeks before the expiry of that period the parties take the matter through negotiation adjusting prices.

6. The fact of the parties to the price of goods referred to in the preceding paragraph results in the termination of this contract after the expiry of the period referred to in section 4

§ 8

1. Receipt of the goods by the buyer shall be made from the store seller located in Africa.

2. Goods shall be designated by the buyer to the carrier and loaded at the expense of the seller to the means of transport carrier.

3. The buyer arranges transportation bears the costs and all the risks associated with transport from the loading of goods on a means of transport carrier.

4. Sales is considered to be realized by the seller after loading the goods agreement on a means of transport carrier.

§ 9

1. After the activities referred to in the previous paragraph, the seller issues an invoice.

2. The buyer is obliged to pay the invoice referred to in the preceding paragraph, within 14 days from the date of receipt on behalf of the vendor number (seller's bank account number), held in Africa.

3. Buyer delay in meeting the obligation referred to in the preceding paragraph authorizes the seller to suspend the implementation of further orders until the payment by the buyer of the obligation.

4. All bank charges related to payments referred to in this paragraph shall be paid by the buyer.

5. In the event of default by the buyer due date, the seller has the right to claim statutory interest for late payment.

6. Buyers making a contract referred to in § 2 paragraph 1 shall be paid to the given bank account Step 2 down payment of 30% of the amount due for the order. This amount is counted towards the amount due for the batch of goods. Point 3 and 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

§ 10

1. If the buyer does not receive the goods within the period determined in accordance with § 2, is obliged to pay the seller a penalty equal to 15% of the supply, which is the subject of the contract referred to in § 2, for every day of delay.

2. If not collected by the buyer of the goods within the period determined in accordance with § 2 it is required in addition to storage costs in the amount of $ 50 for each day of delay.

3. If the seller is their own fault does not meet established by § 2 of the term, is obliged to pay to the buyer penalty equal to 15% of the value, which is the subject of the contract referred to in § 2 for each day of delay.

§ 11

1. Scripture related to the implementation of this Agreement shall be delivered to the following addresses of the contracting parties:

Address for service seller: Africa,

Address for service buyer: Café and reading "Coffee book" ul. Old Market, 61-772 Poznan.

2. In the case of a change of address for service page whose address has changed, it shall immediately inform the other party thereof in writing.

3. In the implementation of this agreement, the parties shall use only the English language.

§ 12

1. If it turned out that some of the findings of this agreement are invalid, or if the gap occurred in this Agreement, the validity of the remaining provisions is not affected by it unless they are affected by the invalidity of material provisions of the contract or its content shows that no provisions had not been affected by the invalidity she concluded.

2. They will be replaced by such valid and effective provisions that the economic and financial impact and the intentions of the parties will be as close as possible to the provisions affected by the annulment.

§ 13

1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon its signing and the Annex mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

2. Any changes to this Agreement must be made in writing to be valid.

§ 14

1. Any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be settled by the courts of law in Poland.

2. Matters not provided for in this Agreement shall apply universally applicable Polish law.

3. Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the English language, one copy for each party.

Buyer Seller



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