I htwe returned to life, but its to a sudden/y lonely world.
A lisa is a five-tkousand-year-old vampire, stronger and morę cunning tkań Ker adversaries. But now skes trapped in tke Kody of a newKorn vampire and at tKe mercy of a terriKle lliirsl. Worst of all, ske’s facing enemies wKose fierce desire for domination grows ever stronger.
I Ke immortai race tKe Telar is tKreatening to release a virus to decimate Kumanity. But Alisa and Ker friends can ’t taKe d own tlie lei ar on tlieir own, and tKey must turn to tKe mysterious organi-zation tKe ITC for Kelp. Buttlie 11C Kas secrets of its own and may Kave ulterior motives.
Witli two rivals and no one to trust, Alisa must rely on Ker dark side to defeat tKem. But it could cost Ker life, or Ker soul. . . .
«. bAAtpbrtW&t # ____________
Simon Scłiurtcr, New V>iT Covcr Jesi<jiiccl by C aro I:. Petrus
C ovcr pliolo£rapli copyritflil (£) 201 1 I >y Mieliael Lrosl 0811
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