“Chruse shows iliai iii ono wu\ or unnllier. we ;ill ex|M*rieihv sIummą. uihI tliiii fm-rlom is i»ever jóyoii lun nuisł Im* laken ai uli rosi. Ilu* lxK>k's opić yimoii is iloc|>l\ liiiman utul hninune.-
IHm llntiil.i. .Itilluir.ll UIiitittf f<" Ilir l«i»V mul Urtliwin/C 7 iw *
“Alan ('.lim***. (Nic of our most reispeciod mon of letiprs. Iia.s wriiien u «l.niiłii. pnmx*utive lunel. Sonie n-ailer* will Im* caplivated by his depielionof ihe horrorsof sJavory utul Jewisli iu\<vIy4>iih*iiI in ilu*pivnliar iiisiiiution. utul olliors will Im* inmhled and porliaps cycu ollcnded. for lite .suhjcot *»!’ race in \||n*i i«-.i i> always oontimersiul. lun no «nio w Im n*adsSon"of SiarvsinliteDcsert will emerjje from iis page* uiiaflcrićd.
-4 ll.lllf* IttllrituHl .lUllmr hIiIm- \ Ulrtill.il lituj, As^nUiniM IK^A-AmuW
w\ novelisl*s dn*am is 10 ciMijun* ti|> a wImiIt world. min* ilu* n*ader e.w liiiilhlt* riglil inni und inliahil. I leli inlo Mail (Jiense‘s Stni" of Slws in t!u‘Drsert liki* iliai. I eonfess I leli u Iwingc nfeiiv\ .11 < !Ih'ILSc’s sturess. his IiiIIn iniapiied song and ii> |Ht)ple. lim lin* em\ iimncdiatcly gavo wuy to gralitude for having had ihe elianee monter and ttoa&im* ilu* world he’s inude hen*.-
—JtMpIńni* lliiinf.liii'iiv miiUinil /l»wmirV.sŁvj<
“( Jieilse passimiuicly evnkis a \anislied world ol master and slave. Jew und (rent ile. uli hiinling Iow ani ihe iimiiilt und dcstnniUMi of war. Ihe nnvel is luli of the loss uml longing thal i*orne willi a world dhided foreYer, poople Iiimii iheir |ns>ple und Innu iheir past laseinaling.-
—I.sim I n*isl jnilmr «if Tto' Stmwif {faatlnt
9 i soutcebooks ' landmcfc