
“WJngj ofa Dream is a heartwarming story of an ordinary woman caught In the middlc of oxtraordinary events. Annę Matcer madę mc laugh, she mado mc ery, and—most of all—she mado mo caro dcoply about Robckah and hor friends and family."

-Amanda Cabot, aulhorof Paper Rcwsand Tomorroios Garden

f/^EBEKAH ^{ENDRICKSdreamsofa lifefarbcyond herfamily’sfarminOklahoma, and when dashing avialor Arthur Samson promisos advcnture in the big city, sho is qui<:k tobolicvchc's the man shesmcant tomarry.

While sho waits for the end of tho Groat War and Arthurs return, hor mother’s sister falls ill. Rebekah seizes the opportunity to travcl to Texas to carc for Aunt Adabelle, surę that hcrglamorousand exciting life is about to start.

But the Spanish Hu epidemie changes evcrything. Faced wllh her aunts sickness, Arthur’s lndecisiveness. and four children who havc no one else to care for them, Rebekah discovcrs she musi choose botwccn her desire to escapc the typo of life shes always led and the unexpected love that just might change the drcam of her heart.



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