Proc: |CłlMoveDemo
P r ivate S ub C11MoveDemo() | Select Case Motion Case 1
1 Move the graphic left and up by 20 twips using the Move method. picBall.Hove picBall.Left - 20, picBall.Top - 20
1 If the graphic reaches the left edge of the form, move it to the r If picBall.Left <= 0 Then Motion = 2
1 If the graphic reaches the top edge of the form, move it to the le Elself picBall.Top <= 0 Then Motion = 4 End If
Case 2
1 Move the graphic right and up by 20 twips. picBall.Hove picBall.Left + 20, picBall.Top - 20
1 If the graphic reaches the right edge of the form, move it to the 1 Routine deterrnines the right edge of the form by subtracting the ę 1 width front the form width.
If picBall.Left >= (DemoForm.Midth - picBall.Uidth) Then Motion = 1
1 If the graphic reaches the top edge of the form, move it to the ri Elself picBall.Top <= 0 Then Motion = 3 End If
Case 3
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